"Boss, tell me, should we tell that kid sometime to show off? Otherwise, your grandson and my great-grandson won't be able to hug your grandson and my great-grandson."

Hearing his father's words, Zhu Gaochi was taken aback for a moment.

How could Zhu Gaochi not talk about his own grandson.

It's just that he never liked to let his thoughts affect others, so he never talked about it with the old man.

Now that he was brought up in person by his old man, Zhu Gaochi no longer thought about it so much, and said, "Father, you wanted to fake your death at the beginning, other than to see what hidden dangers there are in this world. To be more straightforward, isn't it just to test whether my kid will treat his second uncle and third uncle well, will his second uncle and third uncle make trouble, and can that kid hold it down?"

"Now that everything is over, that kid has taken care of everything, and the world is peaceful. After he ascends the throne, he will definitely do no worse than our father and son. So what else do you have to worry about?"

"If you want me to say, don't look for another time, just now, let someone go back and pass the news, let that kid arrange a house for us in the suburbs of Beijing, let's not cause so much trouble, just secretly Just live in the suburbs of Beijing, and take care of the children every day, how wonderful."

Listening to Zhu Gaochi's words, the old man Zhu Di was obviously moved by such a life.

Anyway, I don't tell anyone outside, just let my family know.

That kid should be his emperor, and they won't go out to make trouble.

When the time comes, let your daughter-in-law take your great-grandson out for a stroll.

Thinking of this, the old man Zhu Di really wanted to just agree.

But when he wanted to speak, he couldn't say anything.

When he was thinking about this matter at the beginning, he never thought that the development of the matter would be like this.

At the beginning, he thought that either the kid couldn't bear these scourges, and his old man came forward to help him put down the rebellion, and did the last thing he could do with his old life.

Or, the kid held it, but he would attack his uncle.

His old man stepped forward, completely suppressed him, and then let him practice for a few more years. At most, his old man was really dying, and passed the throne to his boss.

In this way, when the boy succeeds to the throne, the second and third children will also be old.

Even if they are going to be slaughtered at that time, it doesn't matter if they are old.

What's more, the second and third children at that time didn't know if they were alive or not.

Or, that kid was successfully rebelled by the second and third.

His old man came forward, cleaned up the second and third children, and sent them to the frontier.

But now
His old man has no sense of existence.

It's just 'dead'.

There was no disturbance of any kind.

No one paid him any attention.

It seems that there is no difference between whether he, the emperor, is dead or not.

So much so that he doesn't even know what reason to use to 'live' again.

It's so strange, I faked my death, and then I came back to life?
Although they didn't plan to tell the world about this matter, he was the emperor after all.

It's that kid's grandfather.

It was as if he was disrespectful to the old man and used this kind of emperor's fake death to find a sense of existence.

If you don't say anything or do anything, just let that kid Zhu Zhanji know about it, how will you face that kid in the future.

The old man Zhu Di at this time is just like the second child Zhu Gaoxu back then.

No matter how I do it, I feel uncomfortable.

Think about the scene when the kid saw him after telling that kid Zhu Zhanji about it.

Just thinking about it, the old man Zhu Di felt goosebumps all over his body.

Embarrassing, so embarrassing.

But looking at the eyes of the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law in front of him, the old man couldn't say these words directly, he could only say: "Let me think about it first."

With that said, he turned and walked towards the other side.

Seeing the old man's appearance, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan suddenly looked up at her husband in doubt, and said, "Father, what's wrong with him? Didn't you just say it well?"

Listening to his wife's words, the prince Zhu Gaochi who was standing beside her sighed helplessly, and then said helplessly: "What else can happen, the old man's face can't be overcome, what else can it do. What I think is The old man came out to turn the tide on his own, but now it’s all right, our kid has done everything well, and now he doesn’t mention the black and white, and no one cares whether the old man is still alive.”

"Tell me, Dad, he is in such a situation, does he have the nerve to just stand up like this?"

Listening to her husband's explanation, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan understood the old man's thoughts, but she thought that if the old man disagreed, she, the Crown Princess, would have to go both ways.

Make an excuse every time you go out.

On the one hand was her husband, on the other was the daughter-in-law who was about to give birth, she gritted her teeth angrily and said, "I don't care, you should quickly find a way to tell the old man, I just run at both ends, how can I get here?" .”

"It's okay for me to be a princess now, but after a while I'll be the queen mother. There's no reason for the queen mother to run outside all day long."

But listening to his wife's request to him, Prince Zhu Gaochi's fat face was also full of helplessness.

"I said? How should I say, don't you know the old man's character? Is that what I said? He knows this truth better than anyone else, but as long as he doesn't want to understand, I just whisper in his ear every day, He won't answer me half a word."

However, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan didn't care about him at all, and said: "I don't care about your father and son's affairs, you can solve your own affairs, anyway, I will return to the capital soon, and I will be able to hug the eldest grandson when the time comes, Whether you can hug it, you can figure it out for yourself."

After saying that, she stopped talking nonsense with him, and just got up and followed the old man's footsteps and left together.

Looking at the two people walking in front, Prince Zhu Gaochi felt a headache from anxiety.

After scratching his head vigorously, he couldn't think of any other way, so he had to speed up his pace and follow.

East Ying.

Just as Zhu Zhanji guessed, at this time the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian and Na Ma Bao had already arrived in Dongpu and met the so-called emperor of Dongpu.

But the results don't seem to be ideal.

They are very resistant to allowing the power of the Ming Dynasty to exist in Dongying.

They think that the forces in Japan's mainland are intricate and complicated enough. If the forces of the Ming Dynasty exist on this land now, it will be a bad result for any force.

Therefore, even though Japan's mainland is currently in a chaotic era, it is only ostensibly ruled by the emperor.

But none of the forces below who are similar to the princes of the Middle Earth would agree.

Under such circumstances, the emperor did not have any substantive decision-making power over such matters, and it is even more impossible to agree to Zhu Zhanqian's conditions now.

But this time, the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian, who was sent by his elder brother to perform an errand, had already set a goal for himself before coming.

No matter what, he couldn't run in vain this trip.

This time and again, he, Zhu Zhanqian, has personally experienced how many things he has experienced on the sea.

He didn't have the time, and he didn't have so much energy to run back and forth.

Therefore, after being rejected by Emperor Dongying's words, Zhu Zhanqian had already started to make his own ideas in his heart.

According to his elder brother's words, he didn't care at all whether he wanted the land in Dongying or not. What they wanted was Shi Jian.

To be more precise, what they want is the silver mine in Iwami!

But now, when faced with the existence of the Ming Dynasty, the attitudes of the powerful princes on the mainland of Dongpu are unprecedentedly consistent.

That is rejection.

In this case, the only way to change the status quo is to mobilize troops.

But Dongpu was separated by an ocean from the mainland of the Ming Dynasty, and they had no way to send heavy troops to fight against them.

Although his elder brother never directly gave up the idea of ​​an all-out attack from the beginning, he, Zhu Zhanqian, also knew that it was a forced situation.

But they obviously couldn't do it if there was even the slightest possibility.

Not to mention mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people, it will waste more time.

Therefore, at this time, Zhu Zhanqian was thinking about how to change the current situation.

I have to say that Zhu Zhanqian is really smart. Although he hasn't experienced much time and is not very old, some people in this world seem to be born geniuses.

Although his fifth son did not have a clear understanding of the forces in Japan, he also keenly felt that if he wanted to achieve his goal, the first thing he had to do was to drain the water from Japan. chaos!

If everyone is against him, then this matter must be out of the question.

But if he changes this status quo, even if he doesn't get anyone's support, as long as not everyone opposes him, then the possibility of what he wants to achieve will increase countless times.

But how to disrupt the current situation?

After coming here for so many days, although Zhu Zhanqian really doesn't know much about Dongpu.

But even if he only saw the Emperor and the scene of the meeting, he knew that the current Emperor Dongying was just a puppet.

A mascot that is supported by someone.

In this case, it doesn't seem too difficult to change the situation where everyone is against him.
At this time, Zhu Zhanqian was thinking carefully about the next plan while touching his chin.

As time passed day by day, it soon came to the time that the Emperor of Japan gave them to leave Japan.

Although the Emperor of Japan did not drive them away immediately, he still gave them a specified time limit to leave Japan.

After all, they are envoys and cannot stay indefinitely.

Of course, on the surface, it didn't say when they would leave, but all their itineraries in Dongpu were in accordance with the emperor's arrangement.

And under the arrangement of the emperor, today is the time for them to leave.

Just when Zhu Zhanqian led his musketeer battalion, packed up everything, and was about to leave from the city of Dongpu.

Zhu Zhanqian, who has been very strong in front of Dongying people these days, suddenly saw a Dongying woman on the street.

Seeing this woman's pretty good looks, Zhu Zhanqian suddenly thought of a way.

He left the queue on his own, came to the Dongying woman's side, and then dragged her to his side.

Then he said to the Japanese vassal who was by his side: "Since your emperor didn't agree to my request, then I can't come here in vain. This woman, follow me back to Middle Earth."

As he spoke, he ordered his subordinates to take the woman under custody.

Seeing this scene, the Japanese subject wanted to refuse, but when he saw Zhu Zhanqian's firm and unquestionable gaze, the Japanese subject seemed to think of what the emperor said to him before he came.

What he wanted to say, he finally swallowed hard.

And Zhu Zhanqian has been observing the expression of that Dongying subject from the beginning to the end, seeing that this kid can accept such things with humility, Zhu Zhanqian is also very helpless in his heart.

These Dongying people are really good-tempered.
If it was changed to their Daming, someone would dare to do such a thing in front of him, let alone the grandson of the emperor, even the emperor, he would dare to kill him with a single knife.

But since this Japanese vassal accepted this matter, his goal of Zhu Zhanqian would not be achieved.

what can we do about it?

When he was thinking about how to complete the errand assigned to him by his elder brother, Zhu Zhanqian had already figured out a way.

That is to deliberately cause conflicts with the people from Dongpu.

Then show their strength by activating contradictions.

In this way, it may be possible to let some ambitious people in Japan see their strength in this way.

Use their power to achieve your goals.

Of course, he, Zhu Zhanqian, would not really be used by others.

What he wants is to disrupt the current situation in Japan.

so as to achieve your purpose.

However, he has always been knowledgeable and courteous, but now he can't think of a good way to find a job.

But Zhu Zhanqian is not in a hurry, there is still a long time on the way, and he still has a lot of time to find trouble for the other party.

Accompanied by them a group of people walked out of the city.

Follow the way you came before and head towards the coast.

The old fifth Zhu Zhanqian suddenly saw a pretty good scenery, and immediately shouted to the people around him in surprise: "Look there, the scenery is really good."

"Come, come, we're not in a hurry to leave, just come here and have a drink or two before talking. I don't know if there will be a chance to come here again in the future, so let's have fun first."

Listening to Zhu Zhanqian's words, those under him naturally wouldn't have any opinions.

But the subject who represented the Emperor Dongying and was in charge of escorting the Ming envoy this time had a difficult time.

"His Highness, Emperor and Sun of the Ming Dynasty, is this not very good? According to our emperor's request, I will escort you to the place as soon as possible."

However, Zhu Zhanqian didn't care about him at all, he just said: "I'm going to see it now, is it possible?"

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