Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 184 This is a great gift for your eldest brother's enthronement ceremony!

Facing Zhu Zhanqian's sharp eyes, this Dongying subject was speechless for a moment.

Especially feeling the murderous intent hidden under Zhu Zhanqian's smiling face.


Hearing what the subject said, Zhu Zhanqian continued to laugh, and then walked forward with a smile.

The soldiers of the Musketeer Battalion followed closely behind.

Behind them, the Dongying subject gritted his teeth in his heart, but he had no choice but to pass on the things here through his subordinates.

the other side.

After the Emperor Dongying received the news, due to the strength of the Ming Dynasty, he could only swallow his breath and swallowed the breath.

I only hope that one day this plague god can leave by himself.

But what none of them expected was that the grandson of the Fifth Emperor, who came here on behalf of the Ming Dynasty, stayed here for more than [-] days.

During these twenty days, the grandson of the emperor ate, drank and played.

The food with him was not enough, so he went to rob the surrounding Dongying people.

When they did this, it led to the resistance of countless Japanese people.

This is especially true for the princes on this land.


No matter how this lord fights against those people, the other lords turn a deaf ear to it, and no one wants to cause the disaster of the Ming Dynasty at this time.

Although the Ming Dynasty was separated from them by an ocean, they would not naively think that it was impossible for the troops of the Ming Dynasty to come here.

It's like the treasure ship that is stationed on the coast at the moment.

It's so high and so big, no one knows how many soldiers and horses are hidden there.

Facing the ignorance of those vassals, the vassals of Dongying who owned this land could not accept someone's involvement in his land in the end.

He chose to send troops to come.

Since everyone doesn't care about it, he will behead the grandson of the five emperors of the Ming Dynasty here.

When the time comes, the army of the Ming Dynasty will come, let's see if you still don't care.

At this time, Zhu Zhanqian, although on the bright side, is still the same as before, spending his days and drinking.

But secretly, they have already begun to remind the troops of the Musketeer Battalion to be vigilant against those Japanese troops.

Everything is just as Zhu Zhanqian guessed.

Just when the troops of the Dongying people came to attack them, according to Zhu Zhanqian's military order, any well-organized troops approached and killed them all.

After a big battle without any warning.

The result can be imagined.

In terms of weapons and equipment, they are completely behind the Ming Army's Musketeer Battalion, and even behind the Dongying army of the ordinary army of the Ming Dynasty.

Facing the musket battalion, which was fully armed and equipped with muskets, the musket battalion won the battle with almost no damage.

Even though all this happened quietly, it was just the willful action of that Dongying prince.

But all his actions behind the scenes are under the attention of everyone.

Just when all the princes of Japan were planning to watch a good show.

They were surprised to find out.

This battle with a large disparity in military strength finally came to an end with almost zero casualties for the Ming Dynasty army.

When such a result appeared in front of the Japanese princes, each of them showed an incredible expression.

Most of them have fought their whole lives.

Every day, I have to face the intrigues of the princes around me.

However, they have never encountered such a battle.

so horrible.

It surpassed twice the strength of the Ming army, but in the end, not even a single member of the Ming army was killed.

this moment.

These princes really realized the gap in strength between the two sides.

For a time, everyone was in danger.

If the army of the Ming Dynasty had such strength, they would be invincible throughout Japan.

No one can stop their steps.

If they were the grandsons of the five emperors, they would definitely use force to bring the whole of Japan into the territory of the Ming Dynasty because of this incident.

To the surprise of all of them.

The grandson of the fifth emperor acted as if nothing had happened.

Nothing was said, nothing was done.

I just spend my days and nights in that place with all my heart.

Except that he would rob some treasures and spend them when he had no money, he did not show any ambitions.

This made everyone very puzzled.

I don't understand what the grandson of the Ming Dynasty is up to.

Go and don't go, fight and don't fight.

Could it be that he really came to Dongpu to enjoy the beautiful scenery?
However, when everyone was still in doubt about the great grandson of the Ming Dynasty, some smart princes of Dongying had already started to make up their minds behind their backs.

Especially those princes of Dongying who had seen the land of abundance in the Ming Dynasty, they knew very well that for the Ming Dynasty, it was not just some land in Dongying.

Even the whole of Japan, how much is it worth in the eyes of the royal family of the Ming Dynasty.

So much fertile land in the Ming Dynasty has not been used yet, so why come to them across an ocean.

Of course, they also knew that since the other party came, they must have something to ask for.

But as long as the other party doesn't want the whole of Japan, then everything can be discussed.

Therefore, on the surface, all the princes of Japan are eyeing Zhu Zhanqian, but secretly, some people have begun to contact Zhu Zhanqian secretly, wanting to use their existence to help him achieve some goals that he could not accomplish in the past.

At this time, Zhu Zhanqian, after seeing the intention of the alliance of the Eastern princes.

There was a real smile on his face this time.

Everything is developing according to his plan.

Now the pool of water in Dongying has been really muddied by him.

Regarding the alliance letters on his desk, Zhu Zhanqian did not hesitate at all. Regarding the intentions of these people, he did not accept any of them, and all of them showed willingness.

His original intention was never to form an alliance with anyone, what he wanted was Shi Jian!
A month later.

A letter rushed towards the city of Beijing in a hurry.

Galloped along the way.

When he came to the capital, he even shouted: "It's urgent!"

Along the way, no one dared to stop him.

It wasn't until Zhu Zhanji received him at the gate of Qianqing Palace that the information finally reached Zhu Zhanji's hands.

Looking at the letter from Dongpu in his hand at this time, Zhu Zhanji, who was wearing a dragon robe and supported by the surrounding maids, patted the table happily, regardless of the many people around him.

"Good job!"

At this time, Zhu Zhanji was all smiles.

Today is the day of his enthronement.

Originally, he thought that he would ascend the throne after that kid Zhu Zhanqian came back, but according to those courtiers, this matter has been delayed for too long.

If you wait any longer, something unexpected may happen.

In desperation, Zhu Zhanji could only agree to their request.

It's just a pity that the grand ceremony for my big wedding and canonization grandson didn't arrive.

Now, because of his own affairs, that kid couldn't be there.

There are still some regrets in my heart.

However, although the boy didn't arrive, the gift did.

According to what that kid Zhu Zhanqian said in his letter.

It is estimated that the enthronement ceremony is also in these days. He, the younger brother, cannot come, but the ceremony is coming.

Therefore, the boy took the entire Ishijian that he had knocked down, and the countless silver mines in that Ishijian as a big gift for his brother's congratulations.

It has to be said that Zhu Zhanji was so happy that he received such a big gift early in the morning of the enthronement ceremony, which was beyond words.

Shi Jian, here we go!

While Zhu Zhanji was thinking happily, the maids on the side were still wearing dragon robes for him.

But at this time, Zhu Zhanji still has such thoughts.

For Zhu Zhanji himself, a mere enthronement ceremony is actually useless at all.

Could it be that without this enthronement ceremony, would he still be the emperor?

Compared with the enthronement ceremony, what he valued more at this time was the news that Iwami had obtained the silver mine.

Thinking about what happened after seeing the stone, Zhu Zhanji immediately shouted: "Go, call Yang Shiqi and others to me!"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, the eunuch Zhao Quan beside him didn't hesitate at all, and immediately turned around and followed Zhu Zhanji's order to call someone.

All the court ladies around were dismissed by Zhu Zhanji.

Among the six on the other side.

The six ministers who were on business in their respective yamen were all called over by Zhao Quan.

On the way to Qianqing Palace, when they saw the figures of the ministers around them, everyone couldn't help but gathered together and discussed: "This early in the morning, why did the emperor call us? Could it be because of the grand ceremony, we have to ask again some time?"

Among the six people, Yang Shiqi, who knew Zhu Zhanji best, shook his head immediately and said: "Our emperor's temperament is different from the past, and he will never be so anxious about this matter. If you want me to say, definitely It's because something extraordinary happened again, that's why the emperor called us in such a hurry."

Listening to Yang Shiqi's guess, everyone also knew that Yang Shiqi was the person who knew the emperor best, and they agreed with this guess a little more in their hearts.

That being the case, the speed of their feet hastened to be faster.

Accompanied by the six of them came to Zhu Zhanji's Qianqing Palace together, Zhu Zhanji did not give them too much time to do these superficial etiquette things, but said directly: "Yang Shiqi, I order you to dispatch immediately All the sea-going ships that can be used by the entire Ming Dynasty are gathered at the port leading to Dongying, and when the news of the fifth child arrives, they will immediately set sail."

"Xia Yuanji."

"The minister is here."

"I order you to immediately transfer money from the treasury to the Ministry of Industry to build ships."

"Also, Zhang Ben!"

"The minister is here."

"I order you to abandon all affairs immediately, and use all your strength to gather craftsmen to build sea-going ships. The silver will be allocated by the household department, and you will be given as much as you want. I have only one request. Within two months, build a sea-going ship that can go to sea. ship!"

As Zhu Zhanji uttered his request, everyone present was shocked.

One hundred ships!

oh my god.

What if this is done.

But before those senior officials asked Zhu Zhanji what he wanted so many sea-going ships, that book was the first one to pop out and said, "Your Majesty, one hundred ships! The incident happened suddenly, and there were only two ships. In a month's time, even if it is too late to recruit craftsmen from all over the country to build sea ships, let alone build a hundred sea ships."

"Your Majesty, you don't know that the construction of sea ships is not as good as that of river ships. It has to withstand the beating of strong winds and waves. The construction process is far more complicated than that of river ships."

But before the book was finished, Zhu Zhanji immediately interrupted him and said: "I don't care so much, I just have this one request now, I don't care what method you use, even if you don't eat or sleep, you have to stay One hundred ships will be built within two months."

"Of course, what I want for these sea ships is not warships. You can save a lot of craftsmanship for attacking. What I want is sea ships that can load cargo."

Looking at the book, I wanted to say something, but Zhu Zhanji immediately said: "Zhang Ben, this is the first major task entrusted to you after you became the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. If you do it well, there will be no reward, but if you do it, you will be rewarded." Not good, take off this official robe and go back there!"

As a direct descendant of Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Zhanji was much more direct when he asked for this book to do business.

It is also very clear.

You Zhang Ben didn't have any substantial contributions, but now you are the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, if the first major task entrusted to you fails, what face do you have to sit in the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

How could the courtiers in this world agree.

After hearing and understanding Zhu Zhanji's determination this time, although Zhang Ben doesn't have the slightest confidence in his mind now, but in the face of such a situation, he can only bite the bullet and take over the job.

After Zhang Ben agreed, Zhu Zhanji looked at Yang Shiqi, Xia Yuanji and other ministers around him again, and said: "The construction of the sea-going ship this time is my top priority now. I don't care what the reason is, whatever the reason, I will not affect the construction period of the sea-going ship, and I must cooperate with all my strength."

"If this matter is in the hands of any of you, it will be difficult for me, Zhu Zhanji. At that time, don't say that I, Zhu Zhanji, disregard the face of all the veterans, understand!"

The threatening meaning revealed by Zhu Zhanji's words is very clear.

Zhu Zhanji is very clear.

Among the courtiers under him now, there must be a distinction between the direct line and the prince's old party.

If it was normal, Zhu Zhanji would just turn a blind eye.

But now, if anyone has trouble with the matter of shipping silver to the country, it is with Zhu Zhanji.

At that time, Zhu Zhanji will never care about any face.

At the same time, it is also a warning to these six ministers, take good care of your respective subordinates, as long as it is about building ships, it is the top priority of the Ming Dynasty.

In your respective yamen, even if the process is delayed for more than 1 minutes, it will not do.

It was the first time for the courtiers present to see such a solemn warning from Zhu Zhanji, and each of them understood Zhu Zhanji's thoughts in their hearts, and they dared not have any delay or hesitation. Life!"

Just when Zhu Zhanji had arranged some things in detail, they were asked to leave to run errands.

It was only at this time that Yang Shiqi dared to speak up and said, "Your Majesty, I have a question and I don't know whether I should ask it or not."

Listening to Yang Shiqi's words, how could Zhu Zhanji not know what he was thinking in his heart, and without waiting for him to ask, he said directly: "After these sea-going ships are built, they will be transported back to the imperial court in a steady stream. The gold and silver of ships."

"How much can be transported back depends on how big and how many ships you build, understand?"

Accompanied by Zhu Zhanji's voice fell.

The six ministers present all showed shocked expressions.

His face was full of disbelief.

At the same time, I finally understood why their emperor said such serious things this time.

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