Chapter 189 Xuande Coin
Listening to what the two brothers said, Zhu Zhanji was also very happy in his heart.

Although he never thought of any rewards for doing these things to his family, he was even prepared to face some bad things.

When dealing with his family, he only wants a clear conscience.

But now, listening to the words of these two brothers, Zhu Zhanji naturally has a kind of surprise in his heart that exceeds expectations.

However, Zhu Zhanji didn't continue talking about this matter, but tried his best to persuade him to drink.

the other side.

Inside the farmyard outside Shanhaiguan.

It will be the Mid-Autumn Festival soon.

In this ancient time, the emphasis on these festivals was not comparable to that of later generations.

Now there is no one else in the farmyard except the old man Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi.

The rest are some guards and eunuchs from Dongchang.

Even Zhang Yan, the crown princess who had been here before, had already returned to the palace.

But in this way, seeing that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, the two people in this courtyard are really a little melancholy.

When I was in the palace in the past, no matter what happened, during these festivals, I was surrounded by those royal family members and courtiers.

Although it is superficial in many cases, the feeling of this kind of longing is much shallower.

But now.

Only their father and son are alone in this yard, and now they really feel this feeling of loneliness.

Especially this is a father and son, two big men, it is even more boring on this festival.

If the Crown Princess Zhang Yan, who is now the Empress Dowager, was here, the atmosphere of this festival might be better.

But now, there is almost no difference from ordinary life.

The old man Zhu Di was lucky to say that he had instigated this matter from the very beginning.

But Zhu Gaochi was a little wronged.

Originally, he was living a good life. Even if the emperor didn't let him do it, he would stop doing it if he didn't do it. Anyway, he had had enough of being an emperor.

If you don't become the emperor, can't you live a good life in his prince's mansion?
But there is no way, the old man sent a secret letter, insisting that he fake his death.

This is fine.

It was okay at the beginning, and it felt quite fresh.

From getting up in the morning until going to bed in the evening, nothing happened.

Leisurely tight.

But these days are enough now, and I feel panic all day long.

If there is nothing wrong, I wake up to eat, and sleep when it gets dark.

The only fun is that Dongchang can get some information from the capital and listen to it.

The point is, my family still has a big family in the capital.

His son, wife and granddaughter are all still in the capital.

Now I can't see myself alive, and I don't even know I'm dead when I'm dead.

Life like this is like going to jail.

Thinking that the Mid-Autumn Festival was about to come, Zhu Gaochi couldn't help it this time, so he took a chance and asked the old man, "Father, it's not a big deal for us to hide outside all this time. Could it be that your son and I Hiding outside for the rest of your life?"

"Now things are on the right track, I think, why don't we just go back honestly."

"If that brat Zhu Zhanji dares to talk to you, I'll whip him for you, my son, okay?"

Zhu Di never thought about what Zhu Gaochi said.

Although what he, the emperor, seemed to be heartless and ungrateful.

But in fact, he has no less thoughts about his own family than others.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, why doesn't he want to go back to the imperial palace in the capital, it doesn't matter if he doesn't care about government affairs, he also wants to have a lively gathering with his children and grandchildren.

Enjoy this family blessing.

But there is no way.

I can't let go of this face.

If he could let it go, he would have gone back long ago.

So after hearing what his son Zhu Gaochi said, the old man Zhu Di just used an excuse to say that the timing was not ripe.

Wait for a good opportunity to go back.

Regarding this, Zhu Gaochi was also full of helplessness.

Sometimes I think about it, no matter what the old man thinks, I just run back to the capital by myself.

But think about it, it doesn't work either.

Although this old man is stubborn, he is his father.

How can there be a son who left his father here and ran away.

After all, the old man did all these things for the country.

As a son, he can't make his father feel cold, right?

So now I can only continue to vomit with my father here.

But it's not the same thing to stay in this yard all the time, so Zhu Gaochi's second day as a son can only drag the old man Zhu Di to the city.

I thought that staying in that yard is just staying in that day, why not go to the city to feel the festive atmosphere, maybe the old man will really change his mind.

Under Zhu Gaochi's hard pull, the old man Zhu Di could only reluctantly follow him to the nearby city.

The atmosphere in this city really can't compare with their farmyard.

There are lights and festoons everywhere in this house.

Even those who have no money will hang a lantern at the door, not extravagant, but also to make people lively.

Looking at the excitement in the city, although the old man Zhu Di was still complaining about Zhu Gaochi's enthusiasm for coming to the city, the joy on his face couldn't be stopped.

Even though the old man is old, he still likes the lively atmosphere.

Looking at the local snacks on both sides of the street, Zhu Gaochi has completely let go of his princely airs now, just like a child who can't grow up, dragging the old man Zhu Di to the hawker stall to eat point.

As for this food, Zhu Gaochi usually likes it the most.

The old man Zhu Di had no choice but to sit down with his boss.

As for Huang Yan who was following behind, in order not to appear so abrupt, he also called him over and sat aside.

Because this place is not far from the capital, many places are very similar to Beijing.

Especially the noodle stall where they are now, is making the authentic gourmet mixed sauce noodles in the capital.

After some preparations by the owner of the noodle stall, three bowls of hot and fragrant miscellaneous sauce noodles were served.

Although there is no shortage of food in the farm these days, the taste is different.

After eating for so many days, this taste is enough.

Now that I suddenly tasted some such pasta, several people have a big appetite.

Except that Huang Yan was always paying attention to the two people around him while eating, so he didn't dare to let go of eating, the old man Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi didn't care about their current demeanor at all, and they ate deliciously.

Not only is the taste of the miscellaneous sauce noodles quite authentic, but also because of the current environment, they don't need to worry about anything, and let go of their stomachs to eat, so the feeling is naturally different.

After eating a large bowl of mixed sauce noodles, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi were very satisfied.

After drinking another large bowl of hot noodle soup, he sat on the bench, waved to Huang Yan beside him, and signaled him to pay the bill.

After seeing the actions of these two, Huang Yan also got up knowingly, hurried to the front of the owner of the stall, then took out a few copper coins from his arms, and patted them on the table of the owner of the stall.

But after seeing the money that Huang Yan took out, the stall owner hurriedly stopped Huang Yan who was about to turn around and leave, and said, "This guest officer, this money is not right."

Hearing the voice from behind, Huang Yan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi are by his side now.

So he quickly took out a few more copper plates and handed them to the stall owner.

This time, with the copper plate given before, it is enough to pay for the three bowls of miscellaneous sauce noodles.

However, after seeing Huang Yan's actions, the noodle stall owner quickly stopped Huang Yan and said, "Guest officer, your money is not right."

Seeing that the owner of the stall was so dissatisfied that a dozen copper coins were not enough, Huang Yan couldn't help but frowned and said, "You boss is really greedy. Are these a dozen copper coins enough for three bowls of noodles?"

Hearing this, the boss was also an honest person, and immediately became anxious and said, "This is not enough!"


Just when Huang Yan, who was the supervisor of the East Factory, was about to say something, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi who were sitting on the bench beside him also came over.

Zhu Di first took a look at Huang Yan, and blamed him for his ineffectiveness in handling such a trivial matter.

Then he looked at the stall owner and said, "Shopkeeper, how much money do you want for these three bowls of noodles?"

Hearing that the man in front of him spoke softly, the owner of the noodle stall also lost his temper, and then he took over the signboard with the price on the side, and said, "A bowl of noodles is fifty cents, no one cheats."

Seeing the sign brought by the boss and what he just said, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi beside him were stunned.

"Fifty cents? How much silver is this fifty cents?"

Seeing that the two in front of me didn't even know this, the owner of the noodle stall woke up.

He said to these three: "Three guest officers, you should be people who have just entered the city?"

Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, and Huang Yan were stunned when they heard this, but they did not lie, but admitted it frankly.

Seeing this, the stall owner finally understood something, and said: "You may not know, but the money spent in this city is no longer silver."

"It's not silver anymore?"

As soon as the owner of the stall here said such a sentence, the old man Zhu Di couldn't help asking back.

The owner of the stall over there is also Shicheng, Dang even nodded, and then said with a smile: "Yes, the silver and copper plates that were used in the city in the past are no longer used."

"Although some people are still using copper and silver to spend, the price is not right anymore."

"According to the exchange rate given by the yamen and the bank, the exchange rate between today's copper plates and the Xuande coins issued by the imperial court is one to five. Now five copper plates can be exchanged for a dime of Xuande coins."

Listening to the noodle stall owner's words, Zhu Di and Huang Yan at the side reacted.

No wonder the shopkeeper said that the money for the dozen or so copper plates was wrong.

If we look at it according to such an exchange method, these dozen or so copper plates are equivalent to the price of two or three copper plates in the past.

Surely this is not enough.

If it is just an ordinary person, after hearing what the noodle stall owner said, he will naturally understand.

Either give more copper plates, or pay Xuande coins directly.

However, Zhu Di is obviously not an ordinary citizen.

He must have thought more than the noodle stall owner thought.

For example, the so-called exchange rate in the bank and Yamen.

One to five.

The five copper coins in the past can only be spent as one copper plate now. Will the common people be willing?

Isn't this just shrinking and shrinking one's own wealth?
Not to mention that it is impossible for the people to be willing, if this is done in this way, it will be good for the people of the world not to rebel.

Thinking of this, Zhu Di couldn't help but looked at the owner of the noodle stall, and asked, "Shopkeeper, we have just entered the city, and we don't know how much it is. I will make up for the money that is missing. .But, shopkeeper, there's one thing I still don't understand."

"If we go on like this, wouldn't it mean that the money in our hands will be reduced by five times?"

"Isn't there any objection to the court doing this?"

Hearing Zhu Di's question, the shopkeeper just smiled and said: "Guest officer, you don't know, the imperial court has expressly stipulated that all the copper coins, gold and silver of this dynasty can be exchanged directly at the bank or yamen. A decree was given to everyone that those who exchange silver coins into Xuande coins within three months can be exchanged at their original value."

"The reason why the exchange rate is now [-]:[-] is because several months have passed since the time required by the court."

"But don't worry, guest officer. Whether it's the copper plates or silver in your home, as long as they are old and not newly minted, you can go directly to the yamen and show the local government's household registration and the yamen's certificate. You can also follow the 1 : 1 exchange rate to exchange."

"But it has to be the people in remote villages. If it's in the city, it won't work."

Listening to the noodle stall owner's words, although Zhu Di still had a lot of incomprehension about these decrees of the imperial court, he could probably hear some signs.

According to the shopkeeper, the imperial court had obviously considered many things and had decrees corresponding to various situations.

As long as things are done according to the government's decree, there will be no big deficit.

On the contrary, blindly resisting the imperial government's decrees will naturally cause no one to control the losses.

However, Zhu Di understood what he heard, but the curiosity in his heart was even stronger.

When the imperial court issued such a decree, Zhu Di also knew about it.

The spies of the East Factory have reported back about these things.

At the beginning, he didn't take it seriously, launching new coins, this kind of thing has happened in all dynasties, so he just regarded it as an ordinary thing.

I don't think that kid Zhu Zhanji can change the difficulties faced by all dynasties.

I don't think Xuande coins will be supported by the common people.

However, from today's matter of the noodle stall owner, he suddenly discovered that the people in these cities did not seem to have any objection to such a decree.

On the contrary, the words are quite supportive.

This made him incomprehensible.

The people of all dynasties have relied on and valued silver and gold, but it has changed when it comes to that kid Zhu Zhanji?
The people have changed their temper?

Obviously this is impossible, so Zhu Di immediately asked out his curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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