Chapter 190 The East Factory was banned.

"The imperial courts of all dynasties have minted coins, as well as the Ming Dynasty's treasured banknotes from the Taizu period. But later, these treasured banknotes have become worthless. Isn't it the same as stealing money by the court now?"

At this time, Zhu Di stood on the standpoint of the common people and asked deliberately.

Regarding Zhu Di's words, not only was the store owner not surprised, but he was able to understand his feelings very well.

He smiled and said: "In the past, those coins were indeed worthless later, but this time the court has made a good policy, saying that Xuande coins can be exchanged for gold and silver at any time in Yamen and banks. As for the specific amount, it is It depends on the number of Xuande coins that come to exchange. I don’t understand the old man who speaks official language, but I heard from the scholar in the village that the imperial court guaranteed that as long as the Ming Dynasty survived, the Xuande coins could be exchanged for Xuande coins at any time. Gold and silver."

"How much can be exchanged depends on how many people exchange Xuande coins. If there are fewer people who exchange, then the Xuande coins can be exchanged for more gold and silver. If there are more people, the Xuande coins can be exchanged for gold and silver. few."

"He also said that according to the current method of the imperial court, let us exchange it with confidence, and there will be no mistakes."

"Old man, I thought about it, not to mention that other scholars are more sensible than me. If according to the court's method, if there are fewer people to exchange and no one uses such coins, then it's just right, according to the court's method, not only can exchange If you pay out the original value of gold and silver, maybe you can exchange it for more, and you can earn more for nothing.”

"If there are more people who exchange money, although the amount of gold and silver that can be exchanged is less, there is no difference when you think about it. How can we ordinary people really expect to make money, as long as we don't lose money according to the court's method? .”

"At that time, there will be more people exchanging money. If everyone really uses the new money according to the court's method, it won't affect us at all."

The shopkeeper at this stall was very interested in talking about this matter, and Zuo Zuo didn't have much business now, so he talked a little more with the three people in front of him.

And after Zhu Di heard the explanation from the noodle stall owner, he had a thorough understanding of how that kid Zhu Zhanji gained the trust of the people.

It's just that, because it's the first contact with this method that the imperial court is promoting now, it suddenly sounds quite confusing.

Fortunately, with the explanation from the shopkeeper, it was only then that I figured out what these methods meant.

If you think about it carefully, if you are an ordinary person, if the court can really implement this method, it would be really good.

In general, no matter what happens in the end, it will not be a loss for the common people.

With more people using it, there is no need to worry that those Xuande coins will not be wanted, and they will not be spent like the former Daming banknotes, or their value will decrease very quickly.

On the contrary, if there are fewer people to exchange, the gold and silver that can be exchanged for these precious banknotes will be much more.

However, he understands the truth, but he still has doubts in his heart: "Then can the Xuande coins be spent in this city?"

The shopkeeper smiled, then pointed to the price sign on his side of the stall and said, "You will know if you look at it yourself. I don't know about the old man in other places nowadays, but in our city, all the shops are using this kind of price tag." New money. No one will deny it. On the contrary, if you give copper plates and gold and silver, you will not be willing."

"According to the current exchange rate given by the imperial court, the new money can be very valuable. When you exchange it at the bank, you can exchange it for more. Now everyone only accepts new money, just thinking about earning more."

Listening to what the shopkeeper told him, Zhu Di pondered for a while, but he was still a little uncertain.

It always feels like doing this sounds okay, but when it goes wrong, it's a big problem.

But the doubts in my heart couldn't figure out what was wrong.

While Zhu Di was thinking suspiciously, Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Di's eldest son, spoke up.

"Shopkeeper, according to what you said, if everyone uses these Xuande coins to exchange for gold and silver, and the exchange rate is still so good, wouldn't the court lose money?"

"Besides, even if it is the imperial court, there will not be so much gold and silver that can be exchanged, right?"

Although Zhu Gaochi didn't think that the old man could explain his deeper questions clearly, he still couldn't help asking them.

But after hearing Zhu Gaochi's words, the old man looked around cautiously, and seeing that there was no one around, he lowered his voice and said, "Guest officer, you don't know something."

"Because our city is closer to the capital, some gossip from the capital has also spread, but these words can't be said casually, just take it as a joke after you hear it, and don't mention it to others. Not good, it will make some adults unhappy."

"Just a few days ago, the old man, I also heard from a grocery store owner on the street that someone in his family lived in the capital, and he said that he had something to do with some dignitaries in the capital. He told me that it is best to accept Xuande recently. Coins. It is said that now the imperial court has obtained piles of mountains of gold and silver from nowhere, and sea ships as high as mountains, and they just pull them back one by one."

"Nowadays, the imperial court has too much gold and silver to put it down, so the imperial court dared to do this."

"Think about it, if the imperial court really brought back so much gold and silver, it would be fine if the gold and silver stayed in the palace, but if it was really spent by our new emperor, wouldn't it be too much in the market?" Lots of gold and silver?"

"As soon as there is more gold and silver, the price of food and goods will rise. If you don't take this opportunity to earn more Xuande coins, you will be really blind if you keep those gold and silver at home."

After all, this old man is a businessman walking around the streets.

Some ideas in his mind are really different from ordinary people.

For example, the quantity and value of this gold and silver, he will naturally be linked to the value of food and goods.

Most of the ordinary people farming the fields would not have thought of this level.

Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi, who were listening to the old man talking about these things, did not expect that the old man really knew what they were wondering about.

"Shopkeeper, is your news convincing? Don't just talk about it, it will be a big loss at that time."

For such news, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi naturally couldn't believe it.

A boat of gold and silver like a hill pulls back
They know that their kid is capable.

However, no matter how capable they are, it is not enough to say that these gold and silver are conjured up in piles like a dream, right?
But after hearing Zhu Gaochi's doubts, the shop owner of this noodle stall was a little unhappy: "Guest officer, I am not a nonsense person, old man. If the news is not eighty-nine percent true, I dare not, old man." As I told others, if I lose money, I will lose money, and I won’t drag others down.”

"Besides, if this news is not true, do you think that all the mansions with names and surnames in the whole city will all go to the yamen and the bank to exchange money?"

"Their noses are smarter than dogs."

Hearing what the old man said became more and more mysterious, Zhu Di couldn't help but frowned, and then turned to look at Huang Yan who was beside him.

Almost all the sources of news that his old man Zhu Di can get now are from the spies in the East Factory.

Now that such a big thing has happened and so many tricks have been played, the old man doesn't even know it.

Although he knew about those Xuande coins before, he just didn't care.

However, he didn't hear any news about the piles of gold and silver being pulled back.

Huang Yan, who was standing behind Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi at the moment, felt Zhu Di's gaze, and he knew exactly what it meant.

This is asking himself why the common people know the news, why he doesn't know it, and why Dongchang didn't find out.

Of course, there is also a possibility that there is no such thing at all, so it is naturally impossible for Dongchang to receive such news.

However, according to the words of the noodle stall owner, this matter probably will not be groundless.

After all, Zhu Di, who used to be the emperor, knew very well the habits of the dignitaries in the cities of the world.

With their relentless temperament, if the news hadn't been 90.00% confirmed, then they would never have done it so desperately.

After all, they are all masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles.

To make them suffer is worse than killing them.

How could they say that they were so active in catering to the orders issued by the imperial court.

However, Huang Yan, who is the factory supervisor of the East Factory, now has a face full of shame.

It's good that he didn't show such an expression, if Huang Yan didn't know about it, then there must be something hidden in it.

But seeing the look on his face now, Zhu Di suddenly felt that there must be some accident in the middle that he didn't know about.

Thinking of this, because he is still at the noodle stall now, Zhu Di didn't say much, but temporarily suppressed his doubts in his heart, turned to look at the noodle stall owner and said, "I see, listen to the noodle stall owner. Having said that, it’s worth the trouble.”

"But now that everything is clear, we don't dare to delay any longer. We hurried back and took out all the money at home and exchanged it for new coins, otherwise the loss would be huge."

Listening to Zhu Di's words, the shopkeeper at the other stall also took it for granted, and said: "Yes, yes, hurry up and change it, no matter how late, there may be some changes, in case the government no longer follows the 1:1 ratio." Exchange, that would be a real loss."

"Yes, thanks to the shopkeeper."

"You are welcome, sir."


After the old man Zhu Di had a few more polite words with the shopkeeper at the stall, Zhu Di left with Zhu Gaochi and Huang Yan.

After leaving the noodle stall and walking to a place with few people, Zhu Di had time to turn his back to Huang Yan and said, "Huang Yan, what happened? Is there something you didn't tell me? "

Listening to Zhu Di's question, Huang Yan, who was behind Zhu Di at this time, also immediately showed a embarrassed look, and then dared not hesitate any longer, and said: "Master, you don't know something. In the past six months, the son of the family I have been trying every means to reduce the authority of the East Factory, although the establishment of the East Factory has not been formally abolished, but now the authority of the East Factory has been reduced a lot.”

"That's why the little one hasn't sent you any news for so many days."

"Today's Dongchang is not to say that it is as good as it used to be able to know the world's information, even the news of the 'fufu', now it is not spread at all. The young master has almost cut off all sources of news from the mansion and the outside world. "

"Most of the younger subordinates have now been dismissed to their hometowns for the elderly, and most of the people in the house are newcomers."

Listening to what Huang Yan said, Zhu Di didn't understand what happened in the middle until now.

It just made him even more angry.

"Since you already know this, why didn't you report it earlier?"

Faced with Zhu Di's questioning, Huang Yan showed shame, and said, "Master, the one who does these things is a son after all. There are some things that you can only say a few more words when you ask the master. How dare you say something small?" Son's gossip."

After Huang Yan finished speaking, the tense expression on Zhu Di's face also relaxed a little.

Think carefully too.

For myself, perhaps many things do not need to be taboo.

But for Huang Yan and the courtiers around him, it is the current emperor, Zhu Di's grandson, who is doing these things now.

Everything he did represented imperial power.

If Huang Yan really took the initiative to complain to him, not to mention whether he would help him solve it, even Zhu Di himself would doubt whether Huang Yan had any crooked intentions.

However, now that Huang Yan said that, Zhu Di felt a little guilty instead.

This Huang Yan has been by his side for so many years, and in the end his old man is no longer the emperor, not to mention what kind of result Huang Yan will have in the end, and now he can't even keep Dongchang.

But what Zhu Di didn't know was that Huang Yan, as the factory supervisor of the East Factory, said all this at this juncture, not simply because of the reasons he said.

It was because Huang Yan knew Zhu Di too well.

So such a thing, he can't take the initiative to say.

I can only wait for Zhu Di to ask.

In this way, maybe the old emperor will have an explanation no matter whether it is for future sources of information or for Huang Yan's consideration.


After Huang Yan made this matter clear to the old man Zhu Di, Zhu Di did not give up on it, but continued to ask, "What about Jin Yiwei?"

When Zhu Di established the East Factory, the reason why he added another East Factory with almost the same powers after owning Jinyiwei was because in his opinion, Jinyiwei could no longer be fully trusted.

These Jin Yiwei dealt with the ministers all day long, and their relatives in the house were all in the capital, so they must have contact with the ministers.

After a long time, it is inevitable that there will be collusion with officials.

Now that he heard that the authority of the East Factory was gradually banned, the old man Zhu Di naturally thought of this immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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