Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 192 An Epoch-making Change in Transportation!

Chapter 192 An Epoch-making Change in Transportation!
Hearing what the third child said, even Zhu Zhanji, who was the planner of everything, widened his eyes at this time.

"Again, are you talking about the rubber tires, or just an outline?"

Facing Zhu Zhanji's question, the youngest Zhu Zhanyong smiled and said, "It's all done!"

As the voice of the third child Zhu Zhanyong fell, Zhu Zhanji suddenly shouted happily: "Beautiful!"

"Nice job!"

"You kid has done so many things, this time is the most beautiful!"

After hearing the good news, Zhu Zhanji turned back and forth in the room excitedly.

Others don't know the function of tires, but Zhu Zhanji does.

With rubber tires, many of his plans can officially be on track.

The first intuitive change is reflected in land traffic.

For the emergence of all this, Zhu Zhanji had already begun to carry out road reconstruction within the Ming Dynasty more than half a year ago.

Although half a year is not too much for the entire Ming Dynasty and the large-scale straight roads leading to various places in the Ming Dynasty.

But I can't stand the crowd.

The nature of one hundred people's cultivation and one million people's cultivation is completely different.

At the very least, the first straight road from Beijing to Mobei has been basically completed.

As for the transformation of Mobei, Yu Qian has complained to him many times.

The biggest problem in the development of Mobei today is the scarcity of materials.

The land in Mobei is too vast and the area is too large.

If you want to develop it as much as possible on such a large piece of land, the materials consumed are simply astronomical.

Before that, Mobei didn't even have a city.

Not to mention any supplies.

Therefore, all they can rely on is transportation from the interior of the Ming Dynasty.

But transportation is costly.

And very large.

To put it simply, one hundred catties of grain transported from Beijing to Mobei is not enough for the soldiers transporting supplies to consume.

This invisibly increases the burden on all parties.

Although all the money was paid by the imperial court.

But Yu Qian was really anxious.

There is an urgent need for supplies there, and finally the court approved it, and it approved a lot.

But in his hands, it is thankful to have [-]% to [-]% of it.

Therefore, every time when Yu Qian handed over the papers to the court, he would complain about this matter.

Zhu Zhanji is even used to this.

But it's fine now.

The completion of rubber tires has absolutely disruptive changes in transportation.

Of course, the use of rubber is not only reflected in transportation.

These things are used in many places in life.

But everything is still in the development stage.

The success of rubber tires undoubtedly created a precedent for the use of rubber.

Even if there are no follow-up ones, the significance of the successful research and development of rubber tires this time is definitely epoch-making.

Because Zhu Zhanji is very clear that the level of national productivity is often due to traffic restrictions.

This is why later generations often say that if you want to get rich, build roads first.

Because transportation is the cornerstone of development.

Without good traffic conditions, industrialization will be difficult to develop.

it's good now.

Rubber tires done!
Although it cannot be said that it will be put into large-scale production immediately, it is only a successful research and development now, and the problems faced by large-scale production will be solved next, but as long as the technology is mature, large-scale production is only a matter of time.

Thinking of this, the smile on Zhu Zhanji's face never disappeared, and he continued to be happy.

Seeing that his elder brother has not been as happy and excited as he is today for a long time, Zhu Zhanyong is also happy to follow.

Zhu Zhanji, who was obsessed with lust in his own heart, immediately said to the youngest Zhu Zhanyong: "This time, youngest, you have done a great job, and you must reward it! Not only to reward you, but also to those who are responsible. All the craftsmen who participated in the research and development of rubber tires will be rewarded with five hundred Xuande coins!"

"A property in the city!"

"In addition, a medal, the first-class meritorious medal of the Ming Dynasty!"

"The main planners are R&D personnel, who are famous as monuments and will last forever!"

Although Zhu Zhanyong, the third child, knew that his elder brother valued this rubber tire very much, he really did not expect that his elder brother valued it so much!

It's all about rewarding money and housing.

Anyway, the Ming court is not short of money now.

Although the amount is not small, it is also very rich.

But the meaning of this monument, which will last forever, is different.

This thing, his third child is clear, in order to improve the standard of this monument, Zhu Zhanji is very strict with those who can climb this monument.

Even in the entire Ming Dynasty, except for those generals who recovered China during the time of Taizu, there were only three or five people who could go to this monument even from the time of my father's dynasty to the present.

But now, my elder brother directly asked all the main personnel who planned and developed this time to go to the monument.

His youngest Zhu Zhanyong really didn't think of this point.

I even had some doubts myself. ,

"Brother, is this a bit too much reward? After all, it was developed according to your method, big brother. It's fine to reward some money and real estate. This is a monument. I'm afraid that someone will gossip about big brother in the future."

However, Zhu Zhanji didn't care about what the third child said.

He even said very firmly: "People in the world don't know the value of this rubber tire, but I know that if they want to scold and gossip, let them go. They will understand the importance of this rubber tire by then."

"Furthermore, my move is precisely to create a drama of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars."

"Tell the people in the world, tell all the craftsmen in the court, the honors that officials and generals can have, I can get them here!"

"As long as they are meritorious, I, Zhu Zhanji, will never be stingy with rewards!"

"Let's not say it's a monument, even if it's a marquis in the future, it's not impossible!"

Seeing what his elder brother said, Zhu Zhanyong, the third child, just chose to nod.

As far as he is concerned, he is naturally happy that those under his command can be rewarded.

The reason why he took the initiative to say that just now is entirely because he was thinking about the problem from the perspective of his elder brother Zhu Zhanji.

I am afraid that the world will question whether there is moisture in his monument.

After all, the person who can ascend the monument is not a strange person who has been famous for thousands of years.

But since his elder brother has his own considerations, then this matter is not something Zhu Zhanyong needs to consider.

"to make!"

"Since you have figured it out, brother, I won't say much about the third child."

"However, big brother, you have clearly rewarded these people under me, but you don't mention how to reward me in this half sentence?"

Hearing what the third child said, Zhu Zhanji was also overjoyed at the moment, and suddenly laughed and said: "I said it just now, rewards, and rewards, tell me, what reward do you want?"

Facing his elder brother's words, Zhu Zhanyong really didn't know what to order.

In the past few days, my elder brother has been pestering me with various errands.

Now all his thoughts are devoted to his errands, and he doesn't have the time to think about it at all.

So when asked by Zhu Zhanji, he really didn't know what he wanted.

After thinking for a long time, he finally said: "Well, my house is short of money recently. If you think it's okay, big brother, you can give me some money. As for the others, I can't think of anything for the time being. Let's write it down for now and talk about it later. ,how?"

At this time, Zhu Zhanji didn't talk nonsense with him, and said immediately: "Just do as you say!"

"Zhao Quan!"


"Go, pass on my order, and order Xia Yuanji to take a reward of ten thousand qian from the household department first, and don't let others say that I, the eldest brother, treated my younger brother badly."

Zhao Quan, who heard Zhu Zhanji's order, quickly took the errand and ran towards Xia Yuanji.

And Zhu Zhanyong immediately thanked Zhu Zhanji.

If the ten thousand money is calculated according to the previous amount, it is really not worth much.

But the problem is that the Xuande coins after the reform are now a lot of [-] yuan.

One taels of silver is equal to one taels, ten thousand taels of silver, which is 10,000 taels of silver.

A reward at random is 10,000 taels of silver, which is one thousandth of the imperial court's annual finances in the past. This reward is definitely not a lot.

After talking about this matter, Zhu Zhanji also immediately explained to the third child, saying: "Although this rubber tire is settled, it will be scaled up in the future. You should also grasp this matter, and it must be done in the shortest possible time." The conditions for large-scale production can be reached within a short period of time."

"In addition, the number of rubber trees must be increased as soon as possible, at least to meet the consumption of large-scale production."

"Also, the tires are done. The manufacture of bicycles, tricycles, steam cars, and steam trains that I told you before should be perfected as soon as possible, especially steam trains. The technology has been mature for a long time. When I was in Nanjing, I already There is a model, but there has been no progress, this matter must not be delayed."

"If you have merit, you must be rewarded, but if you have done something wrong, you must punish it!"

"No matter how much money the court has, it will never support any idlers. You must remember this clearly."

Hearing another lesson from his elder brother's babbling, the youngest Zhu Zhanyong suddenly had a face full of helplessness and lovelessness.

have to.

I thought I would make my elder brother happy by coming over in person.

But I never thought that my eldest brother was happy.

But this joy, began to send him errands again.

There were already a lot of errands on hand, but now they have increased.

Of course, Zhu Zhanji is also clear about this.

After thinking about it, he said to the third child again: "By the way, some of the errands in your hand actually overlap with the Ministry of Industry. Coordinate."

"But I only have one request, no matter how coordinated, none of these things can be delayed."

"When things get delayed, even if it's your kid's fault, I'll still be held accountable!"

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Zhanyong sighed again, and said, "Your brother has orders!"

Although he chatted with Zhu Zhanji a lot on weekdays, he was laughing and joking on the surface.

But whether it is Zhu Zhanji or the youngest Zhu Zhanyong himself, in fact, they all have a sense of proportion in their hearts.

For Zhu Zhanji, business is business, and feelings are feelings.

It cannot be said that business was delayed because of feelings.

If so, you might as well just do nothing.

And the third child, Zhu Zhanyong, is also aware of this point. It doesn't matter how much he or she plays with his elder brother on weekdays, but when it comes to business, his third child has never really messed around.

Although they are brothers, they are also monarchs and ministers.

Then Zhu Zhanji and the youngest Zhu Zhanyong made some detailed explanations about the next things, and the youngest left in a hurry.

After the third child left, Zhu Zhanji's mind was full of those rubber tires.

This matter is too important, even after hearing the news from the mouth of the third child, he still couldn't help but made another trip in person.

Until he saw that the rubber tire had reached the point where it could be inflated and deflated according to the direction he had given before, Zhu Zhanji's hanging heart finally fell.

With these, it is not too difficult to make some simple human-powered tricycles and bicycles.

Although these things are unable to meet the needs of long-distance traffic.

But it can also drive regional traffic in a short period of time, including the daily transportation needs of the people in the city.

Especially tricycles are still very practical things for some traders.

It's very convenient to pack a cargo or something.

Zhu Zhanji, who was on a whim, was not in a hurry to leave.

After all, these things are completely innovative research and development from zero to one for others.

But for Zhu Zhanji, it was copying.

Therefore, in order to be able to ride the first bicycle of the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible, Zhu Zhanji stayed here in person and began to develop these together with the craftsmen.

But now that Zhu Zhanji, who is the emperor, suddenly disappeared, the officials in the court were all anxious.

Especially that Yang Shiqi.

He was originally the Minister of the Ministry of War, but now he is ordered by Zhu Zhanji to form a new type of navy.

These days are also very busy.

Because the construction of naval warships must be more convenient to manufacture on seaside docks.

And the capital is an inland city.

So Yang Shiqi often runs between the capital city and the seaside.

It's been a long time, and I'm exhausted physically and mentally.

After all, the passage in ancient times was not an easy matter for people.

Even more tiring than doing some physical work.

Recently, with the technical help of the Firearms Research Yamen, Yang Shiqi finally finalized the shape of the final battleship artillery.

According to the possible future naval battles, corresponding arrangements and assumptions have been made.

Such as the type of warship, the size of the warship, and the size of the warship fleet.

However, although he, Yang Shiqi, has thought about these things, everything needs to be approved by the emperor Zhu Zhanji before it can officially start.

Therefore, this time, Yang Shiqi, who came back from the beach in a hurry, wanted to be able to explain clearly to Zhu Zhanji face to face, and then issue the order as soon as possible, so that he could officially start construction.

You know, countless sailors are still waiting for the warship to go to sea.

Without warships, their so-called navies are just landlubbers on land.

(End of this chapter)

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