Chapter 193 Rise of the Navy!

But when he came back, he couldn't find the emperor.

This made him, Yang Shiqi, how could he not be in a hurry.

After searching around with great difficulty, Yang Shiqi rushed over immediately after getting the place where the emperor might be from Prince Yue.

When Yang Shiqi rushed here and saw the emperor, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After coming to Zhu Zhanji's side, Zhu Zhanji also discovered Yang Shiqi immediately.

"Why did you come back?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's inquiry, Yang Shiqi also hurriedly saluted and said: "I pay my respects to the emperor, and if I return to the emperor, I come back this time to ask the emperor to review the detailed list of this naval construction."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji didn't delay, and put down the things in his hands for the time being, and the servants on the side immediately handed over towels.

After wiping his hands clean, he took the brochure handed over by Yang Shiqi.

When he came to the side room, Zhu Zhanji sat on the chair and looked at the detailed list in his hand.

After reading all the brochures, Zhu Zhanji was very satisfied.

From the contents of this detailed list, Zhu Zhanji can see that Yang Shiqi is still very concerned and cautious about building the navy this time.

However, after reading it, Yang Shiqi was still worried about whether the emperor would allow such a large expenditure.

Zhu Zhanji said unexpectedly: "Are these enough?"

Yang Shiqi, who had already prepared a lot of explanations, had already thought about how to explain when Zhu Zhanji spoke, but when he heard these words, he was choked up.

After stabilizing his emotions for a while, Yang Shiqi didn't know what to say: "Your Majesty, these,, these are quite a lot, right?"

However, Zhu Zhanji immediately said: "No."

"not enough."

"Do you know how long the coastline of our Ming Dynasty was?"

"A total of more than [-] miles!"

"The warships of the navy alone are far from enough once a war breaks out. Not only that, the navy of the Ming Dynasty must not only have the ability to defend the land of the Ming Dynasty, but also have the ability to sail anywhere in the world."

"Remember the line I drew for you last time? According to that standard, I want our warships to be able to protect every merchant ship and every merchant on the road anywhere in this area!"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words and the goals he gave, Yang Shiqi was really intimidated by Zhu Zhanji's big hand.

If the emperor's request is followed, then the number of naval warships to be built this time will at least increase by more than ten times on the basis of the current list!
After alleviating the shock in his heart, Yang Shiqi still carefully asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, can you see if this works? Let's set the construction target at ten times, how about it?"

Zhu Zhanji thought about it carefully, and then said: "Ten times should not be enough, but let's do it for the time being, and leave some leeway to wait for the warship technology to be upgraded in the future."

"Okay, let's build ten times the number of your list. In addition, separate the armies of these warships into one, two, three, four, and five fleets."

"Each fleet must have its own special responsibilities. It cannot be like an ordinary army. It is not very meaningful to gather a large number of troops together."

Listening to Zhu Zhanji, Yang Shiqi hurriedly took orders.

After discussing these matters carefully, Yang Shiqi hurriedly got up and left.

When he was leaving, Yang Shiqi looked at the booklet in his hand, and for some reason, felt that the booklet seemed to be much heavier than usual.

After all, this notebook contains the navy of the entire Ming Dynasty.

It is a warship of as many as ten fleets.

Even though he was once the chief assistant of the cabinet, Yang Shiqi could also imagine that such a large number of troops would definitely put pressure on the court's finances.

But now he is no longer a member of the cabinet, but the Minister of the Ministry of War.

In addition, he also knew that the current imperial court would never be short of money in a short period of time, so when he accepted this offer, he became more courageous.

the other side.

After Zhu Zhanji watched Yang Shiqi leave, he suddenly realized one thing, and that was his current identity.

I came here on a whim before, and I forgot about the things in the court.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji immediately ordered someone to notify the officials at the court that if there is anything, they can come here to find him.

After Zhu Zhanji notified these officials, he began to invest in simple personal transportation such as bicycles and tricycles again.

But what I have to say is that although Zhu Zhanji himself is completely ignorant of the skills of the craftsmen.

But he couldn't stand the fact that he had witnessed the successful product with his own eyes.

Many things that were very complicated and incomprehensible to the craftsmen immediately found their way after Zhu Zhanji's guidance.

Of course, if Zhu Zhanji is allowed to do it himself, he will definitely not be able to do it.

But when the two are combined, one is experienced, and the other is experienced craftsmen.

The speed of this research and development has been greatly improved.

The whole process took less than five days, and a bicycle with rough workmanship and a patchwork appearance appeared in front of Zhu Zhanji.

Looking at the final result in front of him, although Zhu Zhanji understands that there is still a big gap with the bicycles of later generations, he is very satisfied to see such things in such an era.

Under Zhu Zhanji's personal attempt.

This bicycle made by themselves, although with the help of rubber tires, the speed of the bicycle itself has been greatly improved with the help of air pressure.

After manpower is converted into power, it also gets a part of the increase.

But it's a pity, because the weight of the bike itself is made entirely of iron.

Therefore, the weight of the bicycle itself plus the weight of the person on it does not increase too much in the process of converting the bicycle into manpower.

Although such a result is gratifying, it is far from enough for Zhu Zhanji.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji began to give these craftsmen the direction of the next research and development.

That is to reduce the weight of the body and optimize the transmission system.

That is, the transmission capacity of the chain.

However, in this process, Zhu Zhanji can give very little help.

After all, Zhu Zhanji has already told almost everything he knows about the success of this bicycle.

How to optimize it next is beyond his ability to help.

After all, he was not an engineer in his previous life.

They are also ignorant of these.

After explaining these, Zhu Zhanji also left here immediately and returned to the court.

After all, in today's Ming Dynasty, bicycles are not the only thing.

In the current Ming Dynasty, everyone is busy.

Although it is said that the imperial court is not short of money for the time being, Zhu Zhanji also knows that there is a limit in the middle.

If the country's power is consumed for a long time without improving the country's productivity, then there must be problems in the middle.

Therefore, in the process of reforming the Ming Dynasty, although Zhu Zhanji gave generous approval.

It even increased the consumption of the navy to ten times.

But it was precisely because of these that after Zhu Zhanji returned to the palace, he summoned the Minister of the Ministry of Industry as soon as possible, and began to inquire about the construction of reservoirs and grain production bases in various places in the Ming Dynasty.

The actual productivity of the people is fundamental, how could Zhu Zhanji not be clear about this.

The national power is only so small, even if a hundred gold mines are obtained through various means, it will not help.

But now the extravagant spending in all aspects consumes the most fundamental national power.

Therefore, Zhu Zhanji's plan from the beginning is to start from two aspects.

It has the means to control the economy and national power through financial currency.

Through real estate, navigation and other means, use the national strength of the Ming Dynasty to concentrate on one point and complete the infrastructure.

At the same time, create the age of sailing.

Stimulate the domestic industrial revolution.

But the process is long.

It takes countless hours to settle.

In this process, whether all this can be completed according to Zhu Zhanji's plan depends on whether the domestic productivity can persist.

But if you just rely on the productivity of the farming countries in the past, the collapse will happen sooner or later.

Therefore, in order for the national strength of the Ming Dynasty to be able to support all these completions, it is fundamental to effectively improve domestic real productivity.

In this regard, the role of the Ministry of Industry is very prominent.

Because the productivity of the farming society was almost at its peak in the Ming Dynasty.

Even if it is a little bit worse, it will not help the overall situation.

Therefore, innovation has become the most critical link.

The innovation of the agricultural foundation is also the key to this link.

The method is also very simple, which is to actually increase the area of ​​cultivated land according to the grain production area he built when he was in Nanjing.

Listening to the report of Zhang Ben, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, Zhu Zhanji is still very satisfied with the results he has completed.

In just over half a year, the Ministry of Industry has basically completed ten projects of the scale of grain production areas outside Nanjing.

And most of the fertile land has entered the hands of the common people through leasing and direct selling.

It can be regarded as a big shot in the arm for the agriculture of the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, considerable progress has been made in the promotion of high-yield crops.

Some people in remote areas do not have any security because they have no land in their hands.

Even if the imperial court helps them reclaim wasteland, this process will take time.

So, the easiest way is to grow grains like sweet potatoes.

Although pure sweet potatoes have serious disadvantages as food, all of these are nothing when you are full.

Therefore, the goal that Zhu Zhanji set for the Ministry of Industry and the entire imperial court is to use the high-yield crops and infrastructure construction capabilities we have today to increase the productivity of the people.

At the same time, within three years, local governments guaranteed that no one would starve to death within the territory.

This requirement seems to be very illusory in the farming era.

But with these capitals, the rigid conditions for doing all this have basically been met, especially after the imperial court's taxation reform.

Whether it can be completed depends on the work efficiency of the court during this period of time.

Of course, such a requirement would have been absolutely impossible to fulfill in the past.

After all, the imperial court doesn't even know how many people there are in the world.

However, after Zhu Zhanji's reform of the household registration system and the tax system, the imperial court has a clear understanding of the people in the world.

Therefore, now the imperial court can conduct targeted assessments and requirements on the local governments according to the household registration lists reported from various places.

If these requirements cannot be met, the imperial court will have doubts about its ability to govern, thus conducting censorship, unannounced visits, and so on.

All in all, through some political actions made by Zhu Zhanji when he was a grandson, the imperial court has now reached an unprecedented level of control over local governments.

Naturally, it will be manifested in all aspects.

Including the original five social insurance and one gold and other policies to benefit officials.

Although it guaranteed many of the life needs of the officials in the world, in other words, it also tied them firmly to the big ship of the imperial court.

After Zhu Zhanji began to exert his influence in the Ming Dynasty, many things he did seemed to be chaotic, as if he was just forced by the current situation, but these things are now looking back.

But suddenly I can find that everything is actually promoting the change of the Ming Dynasty in one direction.

All changes are made for the same goal.

Internally revise the administration of officials, reform the court system, taxation system, and household registration system.

So that the court system can meet the basic needs.

Financial, industrial, agricultural innovation, military innovation.

Everything is promoting the big ship of the Ming Dynasty to sail continuously on the sea.

And the direction is very clear.

Outside, Mobei's pacification, Nuer Gandusi's control increased, and Annan's continued stability.

They are also ensuring that the big ship of the Ming Dynasty will not withstand too much wind and waves.

And these are the fundamental reasons why Zhu Zhanji is now able to wield the Ming Dynasty like an arm.

If any point is not done well, or innovation is not carried out, there will be great disadvantages and unsolvable situations in the process of development.

The simplest is the official administration.

If there is no household registration reform, there will be no tax reform.

The imperial court has no way to ask the local governments, and there is no way to make an accurate assessment of their governance.

Naturally, the goal of improving the productivity of ordinary people cannot be achieved.

Of course, not only these.

The same is true of other aspects.

However, these Zhu Zhanji are clear in their hearts, but others look different.

They can only see that their own emperor has to make some changes to everything.

Although the results were all good, it was only regarded as Zhu Zhanji, the new emperor, who was very talented.

What they don't know is that everything Zhu Zhanji is doing today is actually standing on the shoulders of giants, and the experience of hundreds of years of history in modern times has finally gathered in today's Ming Dynasty.

Only Zhu Zhanji himself understands that there is a direction in his mind.

There is a flag.

This flag will lead Daming in the right direction.

Han Dynasty Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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