Chapter 194 Restructuring of the Army
Zhu Gaoxu sat in the lobby of his mansion, looking at the things on the tray in front of him, he fell into a daze.

He is too familiar with these two things.

The same is the finger pull that the old man wore back then, and the same is the belt that the old man gave Zhu Gaoxu when he was King of Han.

Although there is nothing special about these two things, and I dare not say how much value they have, but for him, Zhu Gaoxu, they have special meaning.

The finger puller was temporarily asked to wear by the old man once when he asked him to lead an army and gave him the power to control all the troops, the King of Han Dynasty Zhu Gaoxu. It was regarded as a token.

Although later when the military power was returned to his father, it was handed over to the old man again.

But the meaning is different.

And the other belt is the old man's approval of the King of Han.

Back then, the old man valued him, the King of Han, very much.

Everyone in the court knew that he, the king of Han, had a chance to wrestle with his elder brother Zhu Gaochi.

Even judging from the requirements of the emperors in the past dynasties, Zhu Gaoxu is more suitable to be the emperor than the boss Zhu Gaochi.

Because although Zhu Gaoxu dare not say he is as heroic as Zhu Zhanji, his appearance is definitely not bad.

In comparison, the boss is obese, and his physical fitness is far inferior to his Hanwang Zhu Gaoxu.

So to be on the safe side, his second child is the most suitable candidate.

Because no matter how suitable the boss is, if he dies within a few years, it will undoubtedly be harmful to the Ming Dynasty.

And this belt was also taken away from the old man after he made up his mind to pass on the throne to the eldest prince.

Although what he took away was only a finger and a belt, but for his second son Zhu Gaoxu, what the old man took away was the power of the King of Han.

But now.

When Zhu Gaoxu was at his worst, these two things came back again.

Moreover, Zhu Gaoxu is very clear that the reason why his eldest nephew Zhu Zhanji gave him these two things is absolutely impossible to just reward him casually like rewarding gold and silver.

There is a deep meaning here.

However, all this was not clearly stated between their uncles and nephews, including in the court.

It was only through such a method that the thoughts were conveyed to him.

Just when Zhu Gaoxu lost his mind watching these two lost and recovered things return to his hands, outside the lobby, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui also hurried over.


Hearing the shout at the door, Han Wang Zhu Gaosui slowly raised his head.

Also at this time, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui had come to him, and then shouted at the second brother Zhu Gaoxu: "Second brother, do you know what our elder nephew sent me just now?"

Seeing the shocked and surprised expression on the face of the third child Zhu Gaoxu, the second child Zhu Gaoxu roughly guessed something, but he didn't say it directly, but just shook his head.

Seeing this, the third brother Zhu Gaosui was about to take out something from his bosom and show it to the second child, but just as he was about to speak, he suddenly found two things on the tray in front of the second child.

For others, they may not think much after seeing these two things.

I also don't understand what it means.

But who is his third child, Zhu Gaosui, he knows best about his second child.

For a moment, his eyes widened, and then he raised his eyes slightly, looked at the second child behind the table, and said, "Second brother, did that kid Zhu Zhanji bring you these two things?"

Seeing that the youngest had already understood, Zhu Gaoxu didn't say anything more, nodded, and said, "Well, I just received it too."

"By the way, how about you? What did you receive?"

Listening to the second child's words, the third child was thinking about it, and then took out the badge of the Commander of Jinyiwei from his pocket.

"No, it's the badge of the commander of Jin Yiwei."

Looking at this waist card, the second child Zhu Gaoxu was not too surprised.

Since Zhu Zhanji was able to deliver these two things to Zhu Gaoxu, it is not incomprehensible to hand over the badge of the Commander of Jinyiwei to the third child.

Ever since the two brothers finished the various competitions and these newly-built yamen were on the right track, they didn't have much to do.

The ordinary trivial matters are basically dealt with by the people under him.

Just when they had nothing to do, the boy delivered these things to their hands.

Thinking back to the promises that kid made in front of them back then, they have all been fulfilled now.

When the second child Zhu Gaoxu had mixed feelings in his heart, the third child on the side was more accepting, but he was very curious: "Tell me, what does that kid Zhu Zhanji mean? He is really willing to give this Jin Yiwei Give me the command right? And you, the second child, this kid, are you planning to hand over the military power to you?"

"No way? He's not afraid of us rebelling again?"

"Or, he just rewarded us with these things as waste?"

This third child is like this, he used to be Jin Yiwei, he would think too much about many things.

But often I don't think much of it.

For example, in the current situation, if you really don't take you seriously, you are not the same.

Who would have the time to talk to you and reward you like a waste, who would humiliate someone in such a way?

An ant scolded the elephant, thinking that the elephant raised its foot because it was angry.

In fact, the elephant just wants to pet you.

But today's Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu no longer has the mind to secretly guess with the youngest.

The idea of ​​rebellion in his heart has already been smoothed out by Zhu Zhanji's successive methods after the original rebellion.

Especially the one-knife soft knife.

It even completely wiped out the last bit of his thoughts.

So at this moment, the scene in the lobby has become a little weird.

The second child was silent and did not speak, only the third child stood there murmuring with all his might.

Qianqing Palace.

After Zhao Quan, who was ordered by Zhu Zhanji to deliver things, returned here, Zhu Zhanji slowly raised his head to look at Zhao Quan, and asked, "Have the things been delivered?"

Zhao Quan nodded.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji also continued: "Since everything has been sent over, let's send an order to Yang Shiqi, and send all the orders I just made to all the troops."

"As ordered!"

After replying, Zhao Quan hurriedly got up and walked to the outer hall, and then personally wrote some of the decrees Zhu Zhanji just mentioned on the imperial decree.

Finally, with the consent of Zhu Zhanji, after the seal of the jade seal was affixed, it was passed to the Ministry of War and the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies.

In fact, this edict seems to have a lot of content, but the general meaning is very simple.

Zhu Gaoxu, king of the Han Dynasty, served as the left governor of the Chinese army's governor's mansion.

Zhu Gaosui, king of Zhao, served as the commander of Jinyiwei.

In addition, the responsibilities of the two after taking office are also divided.

They are required to start preparing the army immediately and carry out large-scale restructuring of the original army of the Ming Dynasty.

As for how to reform the system and where to start the reform, the imperial decree did not say, but even if it did not say, just look at the previous restructuring of the imperial court, local governments, taxation, and household registration.

This time, the restructuring of the original army of the Ming Dynasty is obviously another thorough optimization.

Of course, there are many reasons why such an important institution as the army has not really taken action until now, but the most important and fundamental one is that the army is the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

After so many years of rule, the network of interests has already become intricate.

Just like the reform of taxation at the beginning.

In the process of restructuring, the interests of some people will definitely be touched.

At the beginning, the taxation and household registration system were reformed because the old man was still alive. With him, the foundation of the Ming Dynasty would not be messed up.

But after the old man passed away, the situation was different.

Coupled with some chaos in the early days, once the most fundamental army of the Ming Dynasty had problems, it would be a big mess.

Therefore, Zhu Zhanji can only do it until now.

At the same time, the fact that he didn't do anything in the past six months is also because he hasn't found a suitable candidate to do it.

Although in his plan, the fifth Zhu Zhanqian will be a representative of the Ming Dynasty army in the future.

But the fifth child is still too young, asking him to lead the new army is the best he can do.

If all the troops are handed over to him, he simply does not have the background and ability to properly solve all the problems in this regard.

His qualifications can't hold the field at all.

But the fifth Zhu Zhanqian can't do it, but his old Zhu's family is not without people who can hold the field.

Hanwang Zhu Gaoxu is such a character.

The entire Ming Dynasty could not choose a second more suitable character than Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu.

But I have to say that Zhu Zhanji really didn't dare to take this risk before.

With my second uncle's past temperament, if he was really allowed to control the power of all the troops, there might be some troubles.

Even if Zhu Zhanji is not afraid, he doesn't have the intention to continue to toss with him.

But now it's different.

First of all, through the initial methods of replacing generals, he has already replaced most of the generals in the Ming Dynasty army.

To a large extent, these people can only be loyal to the court in a short period of time.

In this way, even if my second uncle wants to do something, no one will listen to him.

After all, being able to hold the field and leading these people to rebel are two completely different concepts.

To lead them to rebel, that must be done by subordinates who are completely loyal to you and have worked under your command for more than ten years.

Besides, what he is asked to do now is an errand that offends others.

Now that everything is ready, and the person in charge is sent to take up the post, then everything will go smoothly.

According to Zhu Zhanji's vision, this time, it is necessary to rely on the advantages of the imperial court's household registration reform to completely curb and eliminate the corruption of the entire army.

Compared with the corruption of court officials, Zhu Zhanji is more angry that such things happen in the army.

And the most intolerable.

But there is no way.

As a special existence, the army has its special features.

So Zhu Zhanji can only start to do it until now.

But since it has been done, it must be thoroughly cleared and completely eliminated.

At least eliminate it fundamentally.

In terms of the system, there is no environment and nutrients for corruption to grow.

It's like the reform of officials in the imperial court and among the officials.

The first thing to solve is the treatment of soldiers and officers in the army, because if the treatment of soldiers cannot meet the needs of life, or cannot meet the needs of life, it is largely impossible to guarantee their high integrity.

Therefore, the first thing to solve is the treatment issue.

Secondly, from the system, it is guaranteed that there is no possibility of empty pay in the army.

Within the army, a picket department must be established.

Specialized in picketing various issues within the army.

At the same time, after having a higher salary, the requirements for the quality of the soldiers should be further improved.

The army must not be allowed to become a place where all the filth is hidden in the entire Ming Dynasty.

It cannot be a helpless choice for the people after they can't eat.

At the same time, give soldiers a certain social status and promote the professionalization of soldiers and officers.

And the final effect must be that the combat effectiveness of the army is getting stronger and stronger, and the combat capability and combat quality are constantly improving.

Of course, such requirements are also necessary after the continuous improvement and strengthening of the army.

Because the future army needs more than just those who rely on individual bravery to fight.

Of course, the characteristic of bravery is definitely an advantage, but with changes in combat methods and changes in the combat environment, the requirements for individual soldiers also change.

The battle in the era of cold weapons relies on the bloodiness of soldiers and soldiers.

It is the bravery that is not afraid of death on the battlefield.

But if it comes to combat in the age of firearms, these are also needed, but more are required.

Han Dynasty Palace.

Since the third Zhu Gaosui came here and talked about today's incident with the second Zhu Gaoxu, the third Zhu Gaosui also talked a lot, and his mouth was dry.

Up to now, the two of them have stopped talking, just sitting like this, both of them are thinking.

It wasn't until the third brother Zhu Gaoxu couldn't hold back anymore that he took the initiative to ask the second brother Zhu Gaoxu: "Second brother, let's not talk about what we just said, but say that our eldest nephew is giving us things now." Come here, tell me, do we have to go and express our feelings?"

"It's good to find out when we are in front of you, and see whether we are asked to do something or just rewarded with such a little thing."

Facing the question from the third child, the second child Zhu Gaoxu was silent for a moment, and said: "It is time to go, but don't worry, we should know what the emperor's nephew means, and we will soon know. Wait When the results come out, we’ll know what to say when we go.”

The second child's words made Zhu Gaosui a little puzzled.

"Second, what do you mean by that?"

Seeing that the third child was not enlightened, the second child Zhu Gaoxu was also helpless. He could only sigh and said, "Think about it for yourself, no matter what the kid means by giving us these things, the imperial court will definitely respond accordingly."

(End of this chapter)

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