Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 195 This emperor is really hard to be.

Chapter 195 This emperor is really hard to be.

In desperation, Zhu Gaoxu could only explain clearly to the third child.

After hearing the words of the second child Zhu Gaoxu, the third child suddenly realized.

He slapped his forehead and said: "Look at my brain, why didn't I think of this level. No matter what that kid Zhu Zhanji wants to do, he has to convey his will through the court. If this is the case, then our brothers are here Just wait for Hou Zhi."

Seeing that the third child finally understood, the second child Zhu Gaoxu sighed again.

I don't know what I was thinking before, thinking about rebelling against a bastard like the third child all day long.

With this brain, what kind of reaction can you create?
Maybe the reason why I failed in the rebellion before was because the kid revealed the news unintentionally, so the old man beat him to death.

After the two brothers sat in this room again and remained silent for a while, the third child said: "In this case, the second child, you can stay at the mansion, and I will also go to the mansion to receive orders. The decree came."

Regarding the words of the third child, Zhu Gaoxu naturally didn't say anything.

Although what the third child said on the surface was very calm and nonchalant, but he, Zhu Gaoxu, could understand it.

This kid, after seeing the badge of the Commander of Jinyiwei, he may not know how happy he is.

Let him stay here now, I don't know how anxious I am.

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaoxu got up and sent the third child out.

Not long after the third child left, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, who had been honed by the mess and was able to drink tea at such a time and not think about it for the time being, suddenly came running over from the servants of the house.

"My lord! There is a decree in the palace!"

Hearing the servant's words, Zhu Gaoxu was taken aback for a moment, although he thought that the order from the palace would come soon, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

But in an instant, he hurriedly said, "Hurry up and come in."


Not long after the servant left, Zhu Gaoxu, as a prince, and Zhu Zhanji's uncle, naturally did not do the thing of running out to meet Hou Zhi in person, but sat in the lobby and waited.

Following the eunuchs in the palace, he walked slowly into the hall.

Zhu Gaoxu didn't do anything, but the eunuchs first came to Zhu Gaoxu, and after paying respects, they said, "Hanwangye, the emperor has a will."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu got up to listen to the order.

Accompanied by the eunuch who delivered the decree, Zhu Gaoxu knelt on the ground for a long time after conveying all Zhu Zhanji's decree.

After seeing what Zhu Zhanji ordered someone to send, he guessed some possibilities, but he couldn't believe it.

But now.

The result came out.

Just as he thought, Zhu Gaoxu regained his military power.

Not only that.

This time, the old man has more power than when he was alive!

At least on the surface.

Of course, in terms of actual power, it is definitely not as good as it was at the beginning.

After all, the emperor was his father back then, but now, the emperor is his nephew.

At the beginning, although Zhu Gaoxu's military power seemed small, he actually controlled [-] battalions of the three main battalions of the entire Ming Dynasty army.

Even in the entire Ming Dynasty, no one would dare to challenge him except the old man in terms of the army.

He is a veritable number one in the army.

Any general in the army must give him face.

It's just that the power on the surface is not that much.

But even so, the behavior of his eldest nephew Zhu Zhanji this time really caught him by surprise.

The Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies is the center of the entire Ming Dynasty army.

It is the top building of the army.

But now, he directly became the governor of the five armies and the left governor of the governor of the Chinese army.

what does this mean?
This means that one-fifth of the military force of the entire Ming Dynasty is under his control.

This one-fifth is not one-fifth of the three major battalions, but the whole country!

It includes troops stationed in various guards across the country.

Just when Zhu Gaoxu still couldn't believe that all this had really come, the eunuch passing the decree on the opposite side suddenly said at this moment: "Lord Han, accept the decree?"

Hearing the eunuch's words, Zhu Gaoxu came back to his senses. Thinking that there are outsiders around him now, he temporarily put away the complicated emotions in his heart, stood up slowly, and took the imperial decree.

After Zhu Gaoxu received the order, without waiting for Zhu Gaoxu to say anything, the eunuch on the opposite side took the lead in congratulating: "Han Prince, congratulations, you are really blessed to be in charge of the Chinese Army's Governor's Mansion."

Facing the flattering words of the eunuch who delivered the decree, Zhu Gaoxu was much calmer than before, his face remained calm, but he just waved his hand and said to the housekeeper on the other side: "Take the father-in-law to receive the reward."

Hearing Zhu Gaoxu's words, the butler hurriedly responded, and at the same time came to those father-in-laws to lead the way.

And the eunuch who passed the decree also thanked Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu immediately.

Although there are many rules in the imperial court, there is no need to take into account such rewards from the royal family, so the eunuch didn't refuse anything at all.

After the eunuchs left, Zhu Gaoxu took the imperial decree and came to the table where he was sitting just now, looking at the things in the tray and the imperial decree, silently making a decision in his heart.

Zhao Wangfu on the other side.

It is similar to Hanwangfu.

Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, who had just left the Hanwang's mansion and returned to his own mansion, happened to bump into the eunuchs who came to deliver the decree.

Seeing them, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui didn't have the posture of Han Wang, and the joy was instantly expressed on his face.

After ordering people to welcome the eunuchs who delivered the decree to the door, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui began to receive the decree even more impatiently.

When he saw that the decree in the decree really wanted Zhu Gaosui to regain control of Jinyiwei, the joy on Zhu Gaosui's face was even more vividly expressed.

And after receiving the decree, he was not as calm as the king of Han, but kindly took the eunuchs who passed the decree to the lobby of the mansion to drink tea in person, and also rewarded a lot of things.

Although what the king of Zhao did was similar to that of the king of Han, the final results were quite different.

As the majestic king of Zhao, he kindly dragged an eunuch in the palace, which caused him to lose his figure and dignity for no reason.

Compared with those little eunuchs' goodwill, it's a big loss.

And human nature is the same.

If you are strong, if you give him a little favor, he will feel really good about you.

You are weak, even if you give him your life, he will think you have a brain problem.

This strength is not only in terms of status and power, but also in terms of conversation, momentum, and character.

Therefore, people with a flattering personality do good things most of the time, but they don't get much respect.

From this point of view, people all over the world are the same.

It's just that quality education makes a difference.

Compared with the second child, the third child seems to be more shrewd, and the relationship between the two parties has been shortened in an instant, but this is also the difference between his third child Zhu Gaosui and the second child Zhu Gaoxu.

Although one was mischievous, daring, and extremely arrogant, he got on the stage.

As for the other one, he could only do some secret things, listen to some information, and engage in some shady methods.

Of course, the difference between the two may also be caused by the errands they were engaged in at the beginning.

After all, as the head of Jin Yiwei on the bright side, many skills and experiences have been engraved in Zhu Gaosui's bones.

Just like treating the eunuch who passed the decree, in terms of obtaining information, the actions of the youngest Zhu Gaosui are obviously more advantageous.

But the second child can't do it.

But in terms of controlling subordinates, the behavior of the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, naturally needs to be controlled better.

Therefore, there is no difference.

What is needed is different.

As the current emperor and the supreme ruler of the Ming Dynasty, what Zhu Zhanji has to do is to arrange these people to play their skills in their respective fields according to their characteristics.

However, although there was nothing wrong with the arrangement this time, following the news, soon there were many opposing opinions in the court.

Even Yang Shiqi and other Zhu Zhanji's confidant ministers, as long as they could be there, basically came to the Qianqing Palace where Zhu Zhanji was, and wanted to persuade Zhu Zhanji to withdraw his order.

Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Zhanjian sat on the dragon chair, listening to the earnest persuasion of the court officials below, keeping his expressions calm.

"Your Majesty! I understand the relationship between your Majesty, the uncle and nephew between you and the King of Han and Zhao Wang, and also understand the expectations of the late emperor for you, but the King of Han and the King of Zhao, you participated in the rebellion. Although this matter did not end It's not too much trouble, but after all, there is a precedent, if such an important position is handed over to them again, I fear that the situation that has been achieved so hard will change again!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, the Commander's Mansion and Jinyiwei of the Chinese Army now have too much power. If they are controlled by King Han and King Zhao again, it's hard to guarantee that they won't have differences in the future!"


Listening to the persuasion of the people below, Zhu Zhanji didn't say a word.

It wasn't until they finished what they wanted to say one by one and knelt in front of Zhu Zhanji that Zhu Zhanji slowly put down the book in his hand, then got up and came in front of everyone, and said slowly: "I think what you said is very reasonable."

"But you must have heard about the internal problems of the imperial army today, right? No salary, no training, and lazy soldiers. Let me ask you, is such an army useful? Such an army will appear when it is critical. What kind of question?"

"I sent 60,000 troops to attack foreign countries, but when the war started, I realized that there were only [-] people? Ten thousand farmers made up the numbers, ten thousand relatives and nephews? Ten thousand lacked training, and ten thousand never went to war?"

"Since you all have so many dissatisfaction and opinions on my will, well, I ask you, this time the army is governed, this time the army is restructured, who will go? Who will?"

As Zhu Zhanji's voice fell, the entire inner hall of Qianqing Palace became completely silent.

All the ministers looked at me and I looked at you, and none of them dared to speak.

It's not that none of these ministers can run the army.

It's that they all know how to govern the army too well, so they are more aware that this is a small matter in governing the military, but there are big things behind it!

With the skills of these civil servants, it's not a big deal to deal with a few generals, but they want to do it in the entire army.

Who would dare to wipe out the interests of almost all the senior generals in the army?who can?who will go?

Not to mention them, even the British Duke Zhang Fu at the time could have this confidence in those under him, but he was required to deal with the entire Ming Dynasty army, and he was required to kill those who were still alive after the founding of the Ming Dynasty. The places where the most powerful clan nobles gather the most are cleared up in one go.

How many heads do they have?
Even if they dared to do so, they would kill them. At that time, these brave soldiers would blow up the camp. No matter how he did the right thing, the court would have to bear with such a situation.

In the end, they might not be able to eat and walk around.

think carefully.

Who can deal with them in such a place that is unreasonable, and even in some aspects and sometimes unlawful?

If it is said that the army is all gangsters and bandits, it is nonsense to talk to them about the court's laws.

To deal with gangsters and bandits, to deal with a group that has formed its own internal culture, only those who know this best among them can deal with it.

To deal with rogue bandits, let the leader of the rogue bandits deal with them!

Thinking about the performance of their Highness the King of Han in the tax reform, such behavior is certainly not suitable for politics, but he is suitable for the army!
Don't you move your knives to your guns at every turn?
Well, let this prince, who always calculates credit by head, deal with you.

In the end, let's see if it's your temperament, or the prince's sharpness!
As for dealing with those clan nobles, I might ask, is there anyone more noble than the royal prince in this world?
After trying to understand this level, although the officials still felt that something was wrong in their hearts, they couldn't say anything one by one.

All were stopped by Zhu Zhanji's question of "who will go", "who dares" and "who can".

It's good to ask questions, but to solve them.

Now I've given you a chance, I know I was wrong, and I admit it, so tell me, who will let it go?
If I can say it, I will change it.

If you can’t say it, you can’t blame me for not changing it, right?

In the end, Zhu Zhanji walked around the inner hall of Qianqing Palace three or four times. Seeing that no one dared to make a sound during this period of time, Zhu Zhanji stopped embarrassing them. He just raised his hand and said softly: get out."

All the courtiers kneeling below also knew that the emperor was letting them go down the steps. If they didn't go down at this time, the steps might not be there after a while.

Thinking of this, these officials retreated obediently one by one in silence.

After getting rid of these people, Zhu Zhanji just wanted to go back and continue to deal with politics, but was told by Zhao Quan at the door that King Han and King Zhao asked to see him.

Although Zhu Zhanji knew that his two uncles would definitely come after receiving the order, but he had just dealt with a group of people, and he wanted to continue to deal with these two uncles, Zhu Zhanji also sighed tiredly.

It's really hard to be the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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