Chapter 196 Never sit still!

But a sigh is a sigh, but in fact, Zhao Quan was asked to welcome his two uncles in at the first time.

At this moment, it is outside the palace.

Zhu Gaoxu, king of Han, and Zhu Gaosui, king of Zhao, looked at each of them walking out of the hall with gloomy faces, and Zhu Gaosui couldn't help sniggering immediately.

After watching these people leave, King Zhao Zhu Gaosui smiled at his second son Zhu Gaoxu and said, "Second brother, have you seen that, all of them are important officials of the imperial court now, look at their faces, I don't know what kind of errand Zhu Zhanji wants them to do, and his face can look so ugly."

While Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui was snickering, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu looked very calm.

Not only did he not smile, but his face was also a bit stern.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Gaosui, the third child, only thought that the second child was in such a posture because he was about to meet his eldest nephew Xie En, and he was still gloating.

But after those ministers left, Zhu Gaoxu, the second child, said slowly: "Don't laugh, what's so funny, just after the appointment of you and me, these people appeared together in Qianqing Palace, you Do you think this is funny?"

As soon as Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's words fell, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, who was still smiling, was stunned.

Before, he always thought that these ministers must have been reprimanded by his nephew Zhu Zhanji, that's why he had such expressions one by one. Because of the complaints made by these people in the court, he was so gloating.

But he never thought that the appearance of these people was linked to his own affairs.

But now after hearing what the second child said, the third child Zhu Gaosui was not a fool, so he immediately realized it.

Then he stared at the second child Zhu Gaoxu with a pair of bull's eyes and said: "Second brother, what do you mean, these people came here because you and my brother were regained power?"

However, this time, Zhu Gaosui, the third child, did not get an answer to his question, and only got the second child's eyes as if looking at a fool.

Seeing this, the third child immediately understood.

He just didn't think in this direction before, but now that the second child said so, how could he not think of this timing? It's too coincidental.

"Wow! It turns out that these people are here to fight against us! These ministers thought that they didn't dare to speak ill of our brothers when the old man was here. Now that the old man is no longer the emperor, he dared to fight against us. !"


After figuring out the purpose of those ministers, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui suddenly became frustrated.

Who is he?

The emperor's own son, the current Prince Zhao!
Even if the old man is not the emperor now, he is still Prince Zhao!
The current emperor is also their own nephew.

Just relying on these old Gabas, they dare to confront them face to face!

Back then, when only the two brothers were against others, who would dare to be against them!

All of a sudden, the chest also rose and fell with qi.

But after being angry for a long time, he found that the second child next to him didn't react at all, and he couldn't help asking: "Second child, when did you get so angry? These bastards dare to fight us, and you didn't even react?"

However, after hearing what the third child said, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu just said coldly: "A prince who has lost power is not as good as a dog. Don't you understand the truth? Isn't that why we rebelled back then? Now it's all like this. What else do you want? Want the officials in the court to obey? Be respectful?"

Hearing the words of the second child Zhu Gaoxu, the third child who was still out of breath just now choked.

He really couldn't refute this.

Especially the person who said this is the second child.

But after a moment of silence, Zhu Gaosui became more and more angry thinking about what happened just now.

In the end, he couldn't help but asked: "Then let's forget about the things that these old bastards are against us?"

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu heard the words, facing the young man's straight gaze, he suddenly moved his steps.

"Don't worry, since these people have such expressions when they come out of this temple, it can be seen that someone has already taken this tone for us."

As he spoke, he walked up to Zhao Quan who had come out of the palace.

And behind him, Zhu Gaosui pondered over what the second child said carefully, and also recalled it.

The unhappiness on his face just now disappeared at this moment.

Follow the second child's footsteps and walk inside.

"King Han, King Zhao."

After Zhao Quan came to Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui brothers, he immediately saluted respectfully.

It has to be said that this Zhao Quan is still a man.

No matter when it was, he never neglected these two princes.

Even if he is still the emperor's neighbor.

But he still didn't have the slightest overstep in front of these two seemingly desolate princes.

Of course, the reason for this is not only that Zhao Quannai was a close friend of the old emperor back then, but also because he saw things very clearly, and he also understood the new emperor now.

Now the emperor is not someone who can be cruel to his own family.

Therefore, even though the situation of these two princes is not very good, as long as they are still alive, and the emperor is still alive, their status in the Ming Dynasty will not be shaken.

It's just a matter of time before it gets going.

Now, isn't this here?

"You two princes, please come in quickly, Your Majesty is already waiting for you two."

Hearing Zhao Quan's words, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui nodded respectfully in response.

"Excuse me."

After finishing speaking, the two walked towards the inner hall of the Qianqing Palace together.

Inside the hall.

Zhu Zhanji, who is now the emperor, did not put on an emperor's posture in front of outsiders. He knew that this kind of thing was the most unsightly thing for his two uncles, so he did not hesitate to condescend and personally put the inner hall in the inner hall. The tea set was set out.

Then, when he saw this uncle coming in to be greeted, he immediately waved and shouted: "Second Uncle and Third Uncle, come quickly, try the Longjing we just bought."

Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui, who hadn't yet said their greetings, heard Zhu Zhanji's call, and they didn't hold back any longer, and followed his words and came to the tea table.

But this time, before Zhu Zhanji took the initiative to break the deadlock and greeted the two to sit down, the Han king Zhu Gaoxu seemed to have guessed Zhu Zhanji's next move, and took the lead in shouting to Zhu Zhanji: "My lord, pay homage to the emperor!" !"

Hearing his second uncle's words, Zhu Zhanji, who didn't have time to stop him this time, could only be helpless, and was about to say something, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui also seized the opportunity and shouted: "My lord, I pay my respects to the emperor. "

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji stopped pretending, looked helplessly at the two around him and said, "You two uncles, why bother?"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu immediately said: "The king is the king, and the minister is the minister. They cannot be surpassed. This is an ancient ritual."

Seeing that his second uncle also said the words of Gu Li one day, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's not talk between uncles and nephews if it's superfluous. Second uncle and third uncle, you should have received the imperial decree for you this time. Although you have promised such things as second uncle and third uncle before, but this time There is a reason why it is so urgent."

With that said, Zhu Zhanji handed over the excerpts that he had investigated before and handed them over to his second and third uncles.

"Second Uncle and Third Uncle, let's see."

Hearing this, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui didn't delay either, and after looking at each other, they picked up the booklet and looked at it.

As the problems in the army appeared one by one in the eyes of the two brothers, even if they had heard about these things, they were a little shocked now.

The army of the Ming Dynasty, from top to bottom, had so much filth.

Not to mention it is now, even when the old man led the army to attack Mobei, the shortage of personnel has reached the level of eight to one.

You know, this is an army of hundreds of thousands, and it is also the army that the old man Zhu Di values ​​most.

It is the three elite battalions of the Ming Dynasty.

Even the three battalions have an eight-to-one ratio, let alone other armies.

Moreover, this was when the old man was there.

Now that the old man is gone, as for the army, there is no one in the imperial court who is really in charge of the overall situation, and the number of people who are on empty pay is even more frightening.

How much combat power can such an army have.

On the battlefield, how many crises will arise because of these unrevealed problems?

Even Zhu Gaoxu, who used to be paid for nothing, really couldn't imagine it.

He knows about the empty pay in the army.

He is also aware of some dirty deeds in the army.

But he never thought that he had reached this level.

All of a sudden, even Zhu Gaoxu's expression turned extremely ugly,
Because the army used to be his power. In Zhu Gaoxu's heart, although it is not now, the army once belonged to him.

But now.

When someone brought out these dirty things about the army, he immediately felt ashamed.

No one could have imagined that the army of the Ming Dynasty had reached such a level.

As for Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui beside him, although he used to be the head of Jin Yiwei, he also knew some things in the army, but what he knew was not as clear as Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu.

They never imagined that the army they regarded as their own had done so many nasty things behind their backs.

Following the changes in the expressions of the two uncles, Zhu Zhanji also spoke at this time.

He first sighed, and then asked: "Uncles, do you think that such an army of the Ming Dynasty can still protect the safety of our common people in the Ming Dynasty?"

Of course, Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui knew that what Zhu Zhanji asked was not about the combat effectiveness of the Ming Dynasty army, but about this kind of issue that festered from the inside out. For a while, both of them were speechless.

At this moment, Zhu Zhanji spoke again.

"In the past, I don't want to ask about it, and I don't want to care about it. However, my nephew thinks that such an army of the Ming Dynasty is not acceptable. Therefore, it must be managed and resolved."

"Of course, I also know that there are extremely difficulties here, and there are many unsolvable problems, but now that the Ming Dynasty has household registration, the number of people in the Ming Dynasty has reached a very high level of understanding."

"So, taking advantage of the convenience of the user registration system, can we take action inside the army? At the very least, it shouldn't be very difficult to solve this problem of empty pay, right?"

"However, if you want to do this, you must have someone who can stand in the army and grasp the situation."

"After much deliberation, I can't believe that I can do it. I can't do it if I can. Now, you are the only one, my nephew, who I can trust and can do."

"So, my nephew would like to ask my second uncle to come forward to reform the army and wipe out all the dirty activities in the army. This is not only for my nephew and my throne, but also for my old Zhu. The country of the family is for the common people of the Ming Dynasty."

As Zhu Zhanji elevates the righteousness behind this incident, the two princes sitting in front of Zhu Zhanji at this moment also feel a little ups and downs in their hearts.

Of course, the reason why Zhu Zhanji's words can be recognized by the two uncles in their hearts is naturally impossible because of just one or two sentences.

But in the past, Zhu Zhanji has been consistent with his words and deeds.

In this way, after speaking out now, I can gain the sincere trust of these two uncles.

After a moment of silence between each other, this time Zhu Gaoxu didn't get entangled, nor did he delay in any way, but said directly: "Since the emperor trusts me, I will accept this job."

Today's King of Han, after experiencing so many things in the middle, is no longer the King of Han in the past who messed around as he wanted.

Especially after experiencing things for the well-being of the people, the king of Han now seems to have seen another way of life in this world.

So now when faced with such a choice, Zhu Gaoxu did not hesitate too much.

Hearing his second uncle's words, Zhu Zhanji was also relieved.

He understands, and his second uncle understands even more.

This job seemed good, and it allowed the second uncle to regain control of the army.

However, they all knew it in their hearts.

Let's just leave it alone.Once he did it, he would be cutting off all the foundations of his second uncle in the army.

If the current King of Han still has such a slight influence in the army, after this errand is done, those direct descendants who followed him will completely cut off all ties with the King of Han.

But in the face of such a result, my second uncle didn't hesitate too much.

Changes can be seen.

After finishing the matter of his second uncle, Zhu Zhanji looked at the third uncle next to him again, and said, "Third uncle."

"The current Jinyiwei is under my reform, and their responsibility has been transferred from domestic to foreign. After all, the old saying is good, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle. There are many countries around my Ming Dynasty, and no one knows what At that time, these countries will bring great disasters to our dynasty, so we can't just sit back and wait for this day to come."

(End of this chapter)

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