Now being reprimanded by the old emperor, he can only bite the bullet and listen.

When a group of people ran to the nearby county town in a carriage, before Zhu Di in the carriage calmed down, the soldiers on duty immediately began to question them as soon as they arrived at the gate of the city.

They were also asked to show the household registration certificate newly issued by the imperial court and to search the items in the carriage.

If it's just a search, as long as the old emperor Zhu Di is not angry, it doesn't matter if he swallows this breath and asks the other party to investigate.

But this domicile.
Huang Yan, who was standing at the gate of the city at this moment, looked helpless.

Proof of residence.

This is a new rule set by the imperial court, which requires every citizen of the Ming Dynasty to have a household registration certificate issued by the government.

If it was the ones from the imperial court in the past, he, Huang Yan, let alone get a few, even he can forge some.

But the key point is that after the new rules set by the imperial court, the workmanship of these household registration certificates does not know what technology is used, and the current folk technology cannot be completed at all.

Just the small picture on the household registration certificate, even if I searched all the painters in the Ming Dynasty, none of them could complete it.

Moreover, according to what the guard at the gate of the city said, the household registration certificate is not only for inspection, but also for registration.

After registration, you will go to the local area for verification.

There are household registration certificates within the province, and those outside the province have household registration certificates outside the province.

It turned out that the imperial court had not thought of using this method, but because of the inconvenient transportation and the flow of so many people, it was impossible to verify and verify it in a short time.

But it is different now. Under the current system of the imperial court, there are servants who come and go between provinces every day, and they travel through various means of transportation that Huang Yan has never seen before.

The time has been greatly shortened.

The most important thing is to improve the process.

According to the rules of the imperial court today, every time a commoner passes through a city, they must have a seal from the local government.

In other words, if the people from the frontier came to the south.

According to the methods of the past, it is definitely impossible to verify and verify.

But now it is simple, you only need to go to the previous city to verify.

The last city is responsible for the previous information verification.

In this way, the time for verifying information is greatly reduced.

In addition, there are special channels between cities to do these things every day, and the cost is also reduced a lot.

In short, even if they can forge such household registration certificates now, their information will be verified as fake within a day or two.

Even if they go to bribe the officials of the local government, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is completely impossible.

Because the imperial court has set responsibilities for every government.

If the information on these household registration certificates is falsified and the local government is found to be a problem, the imperial court will be held accountable.

This is in every government office in the city, and there are special people to supervise it every day.

I don't know if there will be a problem of concealment in the future, but so far, no official has dared to gamble on his black hat to do such a thing.

At this time, Huang Yan, who was standing at the gate of the city, knew that it was impossible to get a household registration certificate, so he could only explain to the soldiers on duty: "Mr. Jun, I'm really sorry, we are all from the countryside. People, we don’t know about the new policy of the imperial court, and now we only have the previous household registration, can you accommodate me?” …

Facing Huang Yan's smiling face, the soldier didn't care, and said: "If you have the previous household registration, you can enter the city, but all your whereabouts after entering the city need to be registered by the government, and the government will verify the information. You can't leave the city until you come back."

"But you don't have to worry, the speed of verifying the news is faster now, at most two days, and you can leave the city after two days."

Hearing this, Huang Yan really did not expect that the rules for entering and leaving the city are so strict.

When that Huang Yan looked sad, Zhu Di standing behind him had a gloomy expression.

Especially when he saw that Huang Yan couldn't handle such a few things well, and the so-called household registration certificate was not obtained, and he ran here with a group of them, how could he not be angry.

Seemingly feeling the anger of Zhu Di behind him, Huang Yan glanced quietly from the corner of his eye, and suddenly became nervous. After thinking about it, he still said to the soldier guarding the city: "According to the itinerary we set before, If you enter the city today, you will leave the city tomorrow, military lord, can't you be more flexible?"

As he spoke, he secretly took the soldier's hand and stuffed him with some new coins.

But after seeing Huang Yan's actions, the soldier turned black on the spot and said, "Don't do this to me. You need a household registration certificate issued by the government to enter the city, and you need to verify it when you leave the city. This is the rule set by the court. Today If I take the money from you, I will have to go into that cell tomorrow and take it with me."

"Hurry up and take your money away, go back and discuss with yours, whether you want to go to the city or not."

Seeing that the soldiers guarding the city were not allowed to enter, Huang Yan had no choice but to go back and discuss it with a smile, and then came to the old emperor Zhu Di's side, and explained the situation in a low voice.

After hearing Huang Yan's words, Zhu Di, who had been holding back for a long time, finally broke out at this moment.

"Huang Yan, your job is getting better and better now."

Regarding Zhu Di's words, Huang Yan obviously understood that this was an irony and was deliberately trying to squeeze him out, but he also understood that he really did not do a good job in this matter, so Zhu Di could only say in a low voice: "My lord, it's the little one who didn't do a good job." .”

Seeing that Huang Yan admitted his mistake, Zhu Di did not get angry at this place, but asked again: "What is this household registration certificate, and how is it different from the previous household registration? Didn't you think of these things when you came here this time? "

Listening to Zhu Di's question, Huang Yan no longer responded blindly, but followed Zhu Di's words, and told Zhu Di about the difficulties he had encountered now and the new household registration system.

After hearing that there is no possibility of imitating the current household registration certificate in a short period of time, and that the imperial court has set a lifelong responsibility system for all officials in this regard, Zhu Di understood why Huang Yan, as the factory supervisor of Dongchang, I can't even handle such a small thing.

At the same time, by Zhu Di's side, Zhu Gaochi also heard of this brand new household registration system for the first time.

After figuring out the reason, Zhu Gaochi could only act as an intermediary to excuse Huang Yan.

"Father, since the kid in my family made it, I think it's not so easy to make, otherwise the kid wouldn't be able to say that he spent a lot of time to make these things." …

"Since that's the case, then it really can't be blamed on Huang Yan's head."

Listening to Zhu Gaochi's persuasion, Zhu Di, who originally understood that it was wrong to blame Huang Yan after hearing the reason, now also followed his son's words and reluctantly accepted this reality.

However, after avoiding the punishment of Huang Yan, Zhu Di still frowned and said: "Punishment is not necessary, but what should we do now?"

"I haven't entered the city for three consecutive days. The food I brought with me is not enough, and I can't enter the city. Is it possible that you want my old man to stay outside and hunt wild animals for the rest of his life? "

Faced with Zhu Di's question, Huang Yan also frowned.

But Zhu Gaochi on the side seemed indifferent, and said, "Father, you are joking, even if we can't get in this city, it's not like relying on hunting wild animals to make a living."

"We can't get in, but it doesn't mean that no one can bring out the food in that city."

Listening to Zhu Gaochi's convoluted words, the old man Zhu Di understood the boss's mind immediately.

After thinking of the method he was thinking of, the sadness on Zhu Di's face also eased a lot.

At least they don't have to worry about eating for the time being.

However, the problem of eating has been solved, but what about the problem of living here?
If you can't enter the city, where will you spend the rest of your life?

Thinking of himself as the former emperor, but now worrying about these bad things, Zhu Di felt extremely depressed in his heart.

At this time, Zhu Gaochi, who was standing beside Zhu Di, looked at the expression on his father's face, and he knew very well what his father was thinking.

However, this time he didn't say anything.

It's not that he couldn't think of a suitable solution, but that he didn't want to talk about it at all.

In Zhu Gaochi's mind, he was always thinking about going back to see his granddaughter.

He hadn't looked at the baby since it was born.

If the old man thought of this method, would it be possible to follow his father around for the rest of his life?
As for the problem of eating, there is no other way.

After all, rations are running out, and this matter is imminent.

But when everyone was silent and the scene was silent, Huang Yan suddenly bowed slightly to Zhu Di and said, "My lord, although the household registration system established by the imperial court is very strict, it is actually not impeccable."

"This system is dead, but people are alive. It is impossible to have no flaws."

"Speaking of which, I can get someone to settle this matter right now, but this must be done in the name of Dongchang. The current situation of Dongchang is also clear to the master, and I don't know how many people are watching in secret. "

"If at this time, in the name of Dongchang, the city's government is notified to issue the household registration certificate, although they should not lose face, but in this way, we will be targeted here."

Speaking of this, Huang Yan didn't say much.

What will happen next, if you want to come to Zhu Di's mind, you can definitely guess it.

What he said was just to give the old emperor a choice.

Of course, there are also his little thoughts here.

Back to the capital, back to the palace, not only Prince Zhu Gaochi wanted to see. …

The same is true of Huang Yan.

If this incident can be passed this time to expose the news that the old emperor is still alive, then everything will be easy.

The most important thing is that the old emperor will not have the slightest dissatisfaction with Huang Yan because of this incident.

After all, he has already said the consequences of doing this.

How to choose depends on the old emperor himself.

Although he could reveal it secretly, there is no impenetrable wall in this world, and with the temper of the old emperor, does he need conclusive evidence for these things?
As long as he suspects that he has other thoughts, then everything will be over.

Now what Huang Yan has left, what he can rely on, is the trust of these old emperors.

If these things are gone, even if he returns to the palace in the future, his situation will not change in the slightest.

Just as Huang Yan guessed, after hearing what Huang Yan said, the old man Zhu Di immediately frowned.

Do you want to do this?
I took advantage of this opportunity, this step, went down by myself, and honestly returned to the imperial palace.

Or should I continue wandering outside?
In fact, as far as Zhu Di is concerned, at this time, he has long since lost his original intention of retiring.

He used to think that such a life should be pretty good, but now he has had enough of this kind of idle life.

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Every day that passes is torture for him.

So the old man Zhu Di himself was wondering whether he should take the initiative to expose.

But this level in my heart can never pass.

Just when Zhu Di was struggling with how to choose, in their direction, a group of people was galloping towards here.

At this moment, the spies and guards of the Dongchang around the carriage behind Zhu Di discovered the situation immediately, and hurriedly came to Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi and said solemnly: "Old man, our chasers have come again."

Hearing what the guard said, Zhu Di immediately turned his head to look in the direction he came from.

Seeing that there was a group of familiar people chasing here in the distance, Zhu Di couldn't care less about thinking too much. As the emperor, if he was really arrested by these people, he would have to ask his own brat to come. If he saves himself, then his face as a grandfather will be completely lost.

Not daring to think too much, Dang even said to Zhu Gaochi and others beside him, "Let's go."

After all, the crowd hurried into the carriage again.

As the carriage moved forward, Zhu Gaochi in the carriage also sighed helplessly.

Come early or late, come at this time.

Zhu Gaochi knew very well that the old man just now had obviously shaken his mind.

If these people came later, maybe the old man would have agreed to Huang Yan's method.

At that time, when their existence is discovered by the court, they will be able to return to the capital smoothly.

In this way, he not only saved his face, but also returned to the capital to see his granddaughter.

But there is no way, luck is something like this sometimes, and it is just so close.

But Zhu Gaochi can only think about it in his own heart.

If you tell the old man this, even if it is to save face in front of Zhu Gaochi, the old man will never have such thoughts in the future.

Whether he can return to the capital smoothly and live a good life, now he can only rely on the old man to figure it out.

But although it is a pity, the old man's attitude has changed a lot now, and he may be able to go back soon.

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaochi couldn't help being happy in his heart.

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