Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 200 This time it's really Zhang Jing.

After Zhu Di and others left, the people who had chased them soon arrived at the gate of the city.

After some cross-examination, the soldiers guarding the city gate suddenly realized that what these people were chasing was the group of people who had just left the city gate.

After figuring this out, the soldier hurriedly said to the chasing officers: "I have just met those people you mentioned, and they just left before you just came. They don't have household registration certificates, and I didn't let them enter the city." , I also said why they dare not enter the city, it turns out that they are afraid that they will not be able to get out!"

Hearing this, the chaser hurriedly bowed his hands in thanks, and then immediately turned around and followed the direction pointed by the guarding soldier.

Although this group of people did not violate the laws of the Ming Dynasty, not only did these people not go to the government office in the city to register their household registration, they even fled overnight when they heard that the government office was coming.

With such a move, even if they did not do anything that violated the laws of the country, they, as government officials, must arrest them and find out.

You must know that the imperial court's requirement for local governments is the responsibility system.

No matter which city people have accidents or major security incidents, if they find out after the fact that these people came from their city, then their county magistrate will not be able to escape the responsibility.

Especially after learning that this group of people seems to be well-mannered and there are a lot of people, they are obviously not ordinary thieves who commit crimes. This incident is definitely a big case.

That's why their county grandpa values ​​it so much.

Once these people commit major crimes in other cities, their county magistrates will be unable to eat and walk around.

Not only the promotion of officials now depends on their achievements during the administration, but also during the assessment.

If these people can be caught in advance and what serious crimes they have committed behind their backs can be found out, then for their county magistrates, not only will they not be implicated, but they will also be promoted.

So, this time and again, even a pig knows what to do.

Otherwise, if this kind of thing is done in the usual way, the devil would be willing to take care of it, not to mention sending so many of their officers to go so far to arrest him before finding out what happened.

However, these things are known to the insiders of the government, and Zhu Di and others who are desperately fleeing ahead at the moment obviously don't know.

Inside the carriage.

After figuring out that this matter was not Huang Yan's fault, the old man Zhu Di obviously could no longer scold Huang Yan because of this matter.

But now being chased after her ass, the aggrieved heart always needs to be vented.

So they can only focus all their targets on the people who are chasing them behind them.

"These people have nothing to do when they are full? So many criminals are not arrested, why do they have to make trouble with us? I think their county government should rectify it. I don't know that kid Zhu Zhanji What the hell are you doing after you become the emperor? Don’t do business, just deal with it.”

Hearing the old man talking about his son, Zhu Gaochi was already used to losing his temper with the old man, and he was used to scolding others.

But now that it was about his son, he couldn't keep silent anymore. …

After hearing what the old man Zhu Di blamed, Zhu Gaochi immediately said: "Father, look at you, are you swearing at the wrong person again? Let me see my son. Not only did that kid in my family do nothing wrong, but he was quite ignorant. Effectiveness."

Hearing this, the old man Zhu Didang even sneered and said, "Yes, it was your son who scolded, of course you think I was wrong, old man. It was quite effective. Are we criminals? Are we thieves with evil intentions? After chasing this all the way, do you still think that kid did a good job and achieved results?"

Seeing that the old man didn't take it seriously, Zhu Gaochi didn't care either.

One is that the old man's temper is not a day or two, and the other is that the old man has never had much intersection with these government affairs in his life.

Most of the time, Zhu Gaochi was doing it.

So it's normal that the old man can't understand the truth of this.

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaochi also slowly explained: "Father, you don't know something. Let's just say that when you were the emperor in the past, when were the thieves and criminals arrested?"

"After doing eucalyptus!"

"According to the previous laws of our imperial court, only thieves who violated the laws of the country can be arrested and prosecuted. Governments everywhere also do this. Some eucalyptus can't be broken, and no one will pay attention to it after a few years That's why there are so many old eucalyptus."

"But now? Dad, think about it carefully, why did the government in the city insist on going with us?"

"Did we do it, or did we have the word "thief" written on top of our heads?"

"Apparently neither."

"Then why?"

Hearing Zhu Gaochi's doubts, the old man Zhu Di couldn't figure it out, but seeing his boss's stinky fart appearance, Zhu Di didn't give him any good looks at all, and said directly: "Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say, don't Play tricks on me here."

Seeing this, Zhu Gaochi smiled immediately, and then without further delay, he said directly: "Actually, judging from the fact that the government arrested us this time, it is clear that the government is treating such cases differently in the past and now. Attitude."

"In the past, the government would do it if it could, and no one would care if it couldn't."

"But now, before we commit a crime, the government has already started to investigate and investigate. As long as there is a suspicion, it will be investigated immediately."

"Only in terms of governance, it can make local governments, especially a small county government, achieve this level. Dad, I am really not a son. I am helping my son to speak. Even if you read the history books carefully, you will not be able to do this." Which dynasty can achieve this level?"

"Besides, you have been talking about why these people are chasing us along the way. In fact, it is not difficult to see if you think about it carefully. It must be that our group is not acting like ordinary people. Since we are not ordinary people, then we are Who is it? If they are high-ranking officials, it is naturally impossible for them to say that they will run away as soon as they hear the wrong news like us."

"It's neither ordinary people nor high-ranking officials. There are so many flatterers, so much gold and silver, and they don't worry about making a living at all. They also spend money lavishly. Dad, if you are, what do you think our group is? people?" …

Speaking, Zhu Gaochi also pointed to Huang Yan and others outside the carriage.

The meaning of this is also very clear. If you don't understand, just take a closer look at the group of people around us. They all look strong and well-trained.

Faced with such a situation, let alone the magistrate of that county, even Zhu Gaochi would find it strange to see it himself.

Everyone will doubt what the purpose of their group is.

Following Zhu Gaochi's words, Zhu Di thought about it carefully, let alone, this is really the case.

Although they behaved very normally on weekdays, after hearing that the government wanted to verify the information in detail, they slipped away immediately.

Under such circumstances, if he was the magistrate of that county, he probably wouldn't think that they were such good people, would he?

Seeing the old man Zhu Di's thoughtful appearance, Zhu Gaochi knew that the old man could figure it out, so he went on to say: "If my guess is correct, then let's talk about what we just said. After becoming the emperor, to be able to achieve this level, so that a small county magistrate can take the initiative to do some things, and manage the county under him well, it shows that the kid still has some means."

"Including our entry into the city this time, if our group is really a thief, then we really won't even be able to enter the city."

"Once you enter the city, you will be a turtle in an urn."

"Just talking about this method, I don't know how many disasters have been avoided for the entire Ming Dynasty."

Faced with the words and reasons his son Zhu Gaochi said, Zhu Di also understood that this matter was really different from what he thought.

Zhu Di is very experienced in managing people, after all, he has been an emperor for decades.

He knew very well how difficult and helpless it was to deal with the officials below when he was in power.

Not to mention letting them take the initiative to manage politics, it is already very difficult to let them not do evil by themselves.

If those officials in the past were faced with today's situation, the ghost would be willing to take care of these trivial matters.

So it seems that Zhu Zhanji really has two brushes.

However, although he knew in his heart that his eldest son Zhu Gaochi was right, Zhu Di still said stubbornly: "You can help your own son speak, and someday that kid will pierce the sky. No matter how hard you talk."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi laughed out loud.

He knew very well that his father was being stubborn now, but it was fine for him to be stubborn, but he also said that others were being stubborn, which immediately made Zhu Gaochi couldn't help laughing.

However, after talking about these gossips, Zhu Gaochi still took the initiative to mention the current situation, and said: "Father, although we hid this time, if we follow the current imperial court's decree, we may not be able to enter the city in a short time." .”

"Even if we find a way to enter the city in the future, with the current strict control of household registration in various places by the imperial court, I'm afraid we won't be able to stay long before we are caught out again."

Listening to Zhu Gaochi's words, the old man Zhu Di also frowned.

"Then according to what you mean, how should we do it?"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi didn't answer directly, but said: "There are only a few ways, and it's not that you don't know what to do. In the end, don't you have to make up your mind?" …

Seeing that the boss tactfully avoided the question, and then threw the question to him again, Zhu Di immediately gave him a hard look.

But in the face of the current situation, the group of them really didn't even have a place to stay in this short period of time.

It's not a thing to scare away everywhere.

After thinking about it, the old man Zhu Di felt a little irritable in his heart.

I'm tired of life like this now.

Thinking of this, the old man Zhu Di finally let go, and said, "Why don't we just pull it off like this and order someone to send a letter to that kid?"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhu Gaochi was not to mention how happy he was, but he still kept a steady face and said: "It all depends on Dad's will."

Zhu Gaochi is familiar with his father, but how could Zhu Di not understand his son? Seeing his appearance and attitude, Zhu Di knew exactly what this kid was thinking, but now he doesn't have the heart to talk nonsense with him. Competing.

After sighing, he said, "Forget it, since you don't want to live the life of a countryman like this, then let's just go back."

Seeing that his father had finally made a decision, Zhu Gaochi finally felt relieved, and then asked tentatively: "Then, my son, I will explain this to Huang Yan?"

In this regard, the old man did not say anything but nodded slightly.

After seeing the old man nodding, Zhu Gaochi stopped pretending, and even said to Huang Yan who was driving the carriage, "Stop!"

As the carriage stopped, Zhu Gaochi also slowly walked out of the carriage.

When he came outside the carriage, he called Huang Yan over, and gave him some careful instructions.

Hearing Zhu Gaochi's words, Huang Yan's eyes flashed with surprise.

But on the surface, he still showed an appearance of obedience. After listening to Zhu Gaochi's explanation of the matter respectfully, he agreed, and then called the people behind him, and began to explain the matter. thing.

But before they could order this matter to be done, a group of people came galloping on horseback on the road behind them.

Not only that, but in front of them, there are also four or five riders blocking the front.

"Run? Let me see where you can go!"

Along with this shout, those chasing Zhu Di and others had already come close.

The moment they got off their horses, everyone drew out the long knives from their waists.

Seeing this scene, the guards responsible for protecting Zhu Di also drew their long knives at the same time.

Seeing the actions of Zhu Di's guards, the leader of the chasing guard also showed such an expression.

At this time, he also understood why the magistrate wanted him to arrest these people even if he went to the ends of the earth.

Big fish!

Definitely a big fish!
But just when the leader was about to give the order to act, Zhu Gaochi, who had just returned to the carriage, stepped down again.

Now the only ones who can have the final say in this game are Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Di.

But as the old man Zhu Di, obviously he couldn't show his face.

At least in front of this person who didn't know whether he was a yamen servant or a policeman, the other party was not qualified enough.

Although Huang Yan's identity is enough to come forward, Huang Yan has nothing to say now, and he dare not make this decision. His identity has already destined him to either obey orders or do something in this situation.

Therefore, Zhu Gaochi had to get out of the carriage again.

"Slow down, everyone."

Accompanied by Zhu Gaochi's voice, the people who were already tense turned their eyes to Zhu Gaochi at this moment.

Facing everyone's staring eyes, Zhu Gaochi not only did not panic at all, but appeared very calm.

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Seeing Zhu Gaochi's posture, the leader of the pursuers immediately saw that this person was by no means a simple person.

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