Taoist night sword

Chapter 105 104: Go Home

Chapter 105 104: Go Home

"Third brother, I see that you are clear and upright, so you should be fine. I have a letter from my palace to summon you, and I can't wait for you to wake up. I hope that you will forgive me. After third brother wakes up, if you are free, please come to the autumn palace. Cicada Academy, brother will walk backwards to greet you. ——Second master, Chen Jin."

"Third Brother, my younger brother practiced Qi and learned swords in Jianling Mountain since I was a child. I have been traveling down the mountain for several years. When I met Third Brother, I knew that there are heavens and humans beyond the sky. , There is a way to be brave after knowing shame. Brother, go back to the mountain gate and practice hard. In the future, you and I will see each other again, and I will let the third brother see the exquisite swordsmanship of my sword Lingshan. ——Four masters, Bai Yejian."

"Third brother, my younger brother was originally wandering the rivers and lakes to avoid the turmoil in the family, but a letter came from the family that grandpa's lifespan was nearing the end of his life, and my younger brother was worried and returned home anxiously. , Pei Zhiming!"

"Third brother, the grace of saving my life is unforgettable. I should have stayed by my side until my brother woke up. However, the master has a destiny, so it is hard to violate it. If my brother wakes up, he can go to Lingwu in Wuyin State in his free time." Temple, my sister is ready to drink. ——Seven masters, Shi Yiyun!"

Lou Jinchen looked at the letters one by one, and he felt a little sighed in his heart, but he was also happy. They are all practitioners, as long as they are alive, they will meet each other.

It's just a pity that the fifth master.

"Does the eldest master know the names and origins of the fifth master?" Lou Jinchen asked.

The head of the family immediately said: "The name of the fifth head is Mo Kongxiu. He is a casual cultivator and has only one daughter. She is married to a son of a wealthy family in Qianjing as a concubine. This time I came out to find some good things for my grandson's birthday. Grab a gift for the week."

Speaking of this, the head of the family choked up. He was originally a strong person. For the family feud, he endured humiliation in the cottage, and worked hard to practice martial arts and came back to take revenge. But after the revenge, in front of the heads of the family, he The whole person becomes emotional.

"The fifth family has a last wish, and I will fulfill it. It just so happens that among all the people, I am the only one who has nothing to do and is about to go to Ganjing to see the prosperity of Qianjing." Lou Jinchen said.

"I will also go with my third brother." The head said.

"What happened to the secret realm in Dadang's mansion?" Lou Jinchen didn't answer, but asked instead.

"Before the second brother and the others left, a Jiuquan League was established. The sects in the alliance share the secret realm. Qin Chenghuang is the president, and I am the guardian. I open the secret realm once a year. All the secret realm gains are shared. .”

"Very good." Lou Jinchen asked some more details, and said, "In this way, if there are no major changes, the Zhao family should coexist with the secret realm and Jiuquan City for a long time. I am enough to do things in Beijing."

Everyone in charge obviously knows that it is impossible for the big heads to enjoy this secret realm to themselves, so it is better to make an agreement while they are still there.

That night, the guests of the Zhao Mansion had a big banquet, and people from the nearby sects were present. Chenghuang even sat at the same table with Lou Jinchen, and the compliments surprised the guests. In their hearts, Qin Chenghuang was A rare great cultivator in the third realm, until Qin Chenghuang said that Lou Jinchen once killed the whole city with one sword on that rainy night, killing all the weird corpses in the alleys, and killing the Canglang swordsman to flee in panic.

Everyone looked upright, and they all respected Lou Jinchen, and stood up to toast one by one.

Lou Jinchen didn't like these things at first, but he wanted to leave, and the reputation of staying here was a kind of protection for the big boss, so he would not refuse anyone who came.

Everyone looked at Lou Jinchen, who was blindfolded with a thin white gauze, and felt that he was mysterious and powerful, and the gaze under the white gauze gave people a strong sense of oppression.

When the banquet was about to end, Lou Jinchen even practiced a set of sword skills. In the small room, he showed vigor and agility like a dragon swimming. In the middle, the sword left the room and went straight up to the sky. A silver light streaked across the night sky, and it was gone in a blink of an eye.

Lou Jinchen went to the valley three hundred miles away.

When Lou Jinchen found Bai Xiaoci, Bai Xiaoci was lying on a white stone. After seeing Lou Jinchen, she didn't speak. Butt facing Lou Jinchen.

"Bai Xiaoxia, look, your fellow clansmen are watching you." Lou Jinchen said.

"Lou Jinchen, you are a dishonest person, do you know how scared I am here alone?" Bai Xiaoci cried.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, I will definitely come back early next time." Lou Jinchen said.

"Hmph, next time, next time, everyone says that human beings lie endlessly, there are only zero and countless times." Bai Xiaoci accused and questioned.

Lou Jinchen said: "They are all talking nonsense. Look, they haven't seen a few humans. How do they know this? It's all rumors. Let's go, I'll take you to find something good to eat."

Bai Xiaoting snorted, so Lou Jinchen hugged her up and jumped into the sky.

Returning to the Zhao Mansion again, all the guests in the Zhao Mansion had dispersed, and Lou Jinchen came to get the relics of the fifth master.

In the entire secret realm, there are actually not many spiritual objects, because it has been too long, many spiritual objects have been eaten by those strange fish, and the spiritual objects in the secret spirit need to be cultivated by humans.

"These bottles of elixir are made from some 'spiritual objects' in the secret realm of the Seven Masters. They are said to be able to replenish qi and nourish the soul. Take it."

Lou Jinchen was not polite about this, so he just took a few bottles.

He asked the big head for some nuts to eat, and then left again.

This time, he really left and headed all the way to Qianguo.

Qianguo is considered a big country in Dongzhou. When the country was founded, the founding king of Qianguo said that he wanted to share the world with the monks.

It is also this political system that has allowed the state of Qian to last for more than [-] years.

Although it is inevitable that the counties and prefectures will be dominated by the local wealthy factions, the stability of the country is generally maintained.

The capital of a country must be prosperous, so Lou Jinchen wanted to visit it.

Some people say that no matter how wandering a wanderer is, there will be a day of homesickness.

Lou Jinchen couldn't go back to his real hometown, so he decided to go back to Huoling to have a look.

He walked all the way in the direction of Qianguo, moving his sword at an extremely fast speed. From the ground, it looked like a flash of shining light. Suddenly, he stopped.

On the towering mountain in front, there was a person standing there, she quietly stared at Lou Jinchen in the sky, but Lou Jinchen felt a strong pressure coming up.

It was a woman in a pale gold dress, tall and slender, wearing a magic crown, her eyes were cold and scrutinizing.

When Lou Jinchen saw her, he immediately recognized her.

This is none other than the woman Lou Jinchen saw when he passed by Quanfeng Kingdom.

"It's endless, and you won't even let people go home?" Lou Jinchen didn't retreat this time, and he decided to meet this person for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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