Taoist night sword

Chapter 106 105 : Inu God

Chapter 106 Chapter 105
The man standing on the top of the mountain did not make a sound.

And in the valley, someone opened up a cave, probably sensed the movement at this time, and came outside the cave to look at the sky and the mountain.

This is an old man with white hair, and a boy emerges from behind.

"Master, is there a fight? Is Master going to mediate this time?" the boy asked.

"Keep quiet, take a look first." The white-haired old man said.

Lou Jinchen's words, the woman on the top of the mountain did not respond, but Lou Jinchen continued: "Ever since I passed by Quanfengguo three years ago, you have smelled me and followed me all the time, really It's a dog."

Lou Jinchen could feel the obscure and mysterious magic charm on her body. Standing there, there seemed to be a faint barking sound in the void around her.

This barking sound seemed to come from the mountains, or from those dark caves, from the woods, or from the shadow behind this beautiful woman.

"You ruined your eyes." The beautiful woman raised her hand and pointed at Lou Jinchen. Her green fingers seemed to be pointed at by someone with a sword: "You are guilty of ruining a great career." .”

"Da Daoye?" Lou Jinchen was puzzled, he didn't know what she meant exactly, but he could vaguely guess something.

"Does your career have something to do with me?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"You have carried the will of Youxu, so you must walk for Youxu, but you have devoured the will of Youxu, your sin, you must die!"

Lou Jinchen only heard people talk about 'falseness', and they all said that the secret spirit came from 'falseness'.

It seems that people's titles are still somewhat different from what they call themselves.

"I don't care what great karma you have. For me, my body and my mind are all controlled by myself. If any outsiders try to enslave me, they must first ask my sword."

"Arrogance! You will see that your body becomes a dog, you will go in and out of people's crotches, and eat all over the toilet!" The woman's face was indifferent, but the words she said were dirty and vicious.

Lou Jinchen's gauze-covered eyes were slowly untied by him. In his eyes, the skin of this beautiful woman was shining like jade, but Lou Jinchen could faintly see that the void behind her was It was a blur, and even the faded rock standing under his feet seemed to be changing state.

"If this is the case, you will see a pile of ashes." Lou Jinchen said: "You who come from illusory existence, you will not understand what can be broken into pieces, but not complete. Of course, Lou also wants to learn from your Excellency."

His sword was slowly drawn out.

The old man in the cave in the mountain suddenly changed his face when he heard a dog barking in the mountains, and said, "Shenhua? Rooted in the ground, how can there be another cultivator who transforms the spirit to walk in the world?"

Then, he saw Lou Jinchen standing in the void again, and saw him undo the gauze blindfold, and the moment he drew out his sword, what he saw was a condensed brilliance.

Lou Jinchen raised his sword above his head, the sun's rays converged on the tip of the sword, and in a blink of an eye, the tip of the sword seemed to gather a small sun, the beautiful woman stood there without moving, but the barking of dogs in the forest was loud It surged up, like a group of dogs barking, if there were thousands of them, hidden in the mountains and forests, in the invisible place.

However, the artistic conception that seems to be ready to bite at any time is extremely strong.

The face of the old man in the mountain changed drastically. He looked back at his cave, and felt that there seemed to be a dog locked there in his cave, trying to rush out.

"Woof!" The boy next to the old man yelled twice, the old man's expression changed, and he immediately turned his head to see the boy yelling with his mouth open.

"Tong'er, what are you calling?" the old man asked.

"I, I don't know." The boy's face also changed, and he said with fear on his face: "I just want to follow along."

"Hurry up, go back to the cave." The old man pulled Tong'er and walked into the cave.

He dragged the boy into the cave, and the moment he entered the cave, he felt a strong light pouring down, and when he looked back, he seemed to see the sun set.

Back then, when Lou Jinchen was fighting with Wang Kun in Shuangji Town, he felt that Wang Kun's Dharma thoughts were so strong that when he flicked them down with his fingers, it was like the sun falling.

And when Wang Kun was like this in front of Lou Jinchen back then, the sword intent that Lou Jinchen swung down with his sword was like the scorching sun,

The sky was bright, but the valley was dark. A huge fierce dog rushed out. The dog used the valley as its mouth and rushed to the sky, like a ground dog swallowing the sun.

The big dog swallowed the sword intent sun in one gulp.

The sky is bright and dark.

The big dog's ears and eyes were filled with sunlight, and the black dog's body was agitating. It seemed that it had eaten something indigestible. There were rays of light in its ears, nose and eyes, and it seemed that it would burst open at any time. It was the same, and then the barking of the mountain dog continued to surge, but the phantom of this big black dog became more and more solid. It was not broken by the sun, but slowly suppressed the sun-like shadow in its body. Sword intent.

Lou Jinchen stood in the air, pointing his sword at the phantom of the giant dog, he could feel a wisp of his thoughts fading away in it.

Before the Fa thoughts dissipated, he moved violently, like a fish hanging in the water suddenly moved, and the clouds and mist around him suddenly rose up, like still water being excited.

A sword chant sounded, and the sword pierced the void.

"Hey!" The sword groaned harshly.

A golden radiance pierced down from the sky, and instantly pierced into the phantom of the giant dog. The black dog's body was cut by a golden thread, and then exploded silently. A ray of light followed Lou Jinchen's sword stabbing. Down.

The woman on the top of the mountain squinted her eyes, and saw Lou Jinchen falling down with the scorching sun in the sky, the rays of the scorching sun had already pierced, like the light of a sword.

His swordsmanship was actually integrated into the artistic conception of the sky.

The woman's body didn't move, but moved again. In the void in front of her, phantoms of women suddenly appeared, flying straight towards the sky.

The scorching sun-like sword light fell on the woman's face. The woman's indifferent face was blackened in the fire like jade white porcelain, and then shattered.

Under the shattered figure, another person appeared, still the figure of the woman. It was obvious at a glance that this was not a real person, but she gave off an incomparably real feeling. Lou Jinchen's eyes looked at her, He actually found that he couldn't avoid her, and the whole world seemed to be occupied by that face of hers.

The scorching sun's sword light still pierced the woman's second shadow, but she rushed towards the sword light like a nesting doll.

The third figure, the fourth figure, and the fifth figure were pierced layer by layer by the sword light, and they got closer and closer to the building, but her real body still stood motionless on the top of the mountain.

Lou Jinchen's heart trembled.

The so-called power is inexhaustible, but now the layers of doll-like figures have greatly consumed Lou Jinchen's sword power, and he already has a feeling of exhaustion.

Lou Jinchen immediately understood in his heart that this person was extremely capable of fighting skills, and this was the first time Lou Jinchen met an opponent who could restrain his own swordsmanship from the top.

With a vertical thrust of the sword, after Xie Yang's fall from the sky was broken, the sword in Lou Jinchen's hand immediately changed.

The sword in his hand is slashing and slashing, the sword technique can have the sword energy to break through the air and strike long distances, and also has the sword technique that can be stretched within three feet, his sword technique has changed, a sword slashes down, and the sword chants Shocking the valley, it is actually a way of accumulating thousands of miles, forming a wave of swords.

Each sword shattered a phantom, and every time a phantom was shattered, Jianlang gained an extra level of sword intent.

I saw that the scorching sun and sword light in the sky changed again, turning into waves of golden sword shadows slashing, as if there were thousands of swords trying to chop this mountain into mud.

The woman's face remained unchanged, and the phantom that kept rushing out of her body suddenly disappeared.

There was no obstacle between the sword and her, the sword completely covered her, and just when the sword was about to touch her, she suddenly moved.

It is as quiet as a virgin, and moves like a rabbit.

A finger that was as white as jade was already pointing towards Lou Jinchen's brow.

Her hand seemed to have pierced through Lou Jinchen's sword shadow to form a wave of swords.

Before the finger was touched, Lou Jinchen already felt that his consciousness, like water blown by a strong wind, was collapsing inward and was in chaos.

Her fingers suddenly became unreal, as if there were many phantoms, which people couldn't catch.

Although Lou Jinchen was not panicked, he stared at this finger,
In his eyes, the heavy phantom quickly dissipated, a piece of white light was stripped away, the white light was collapsing, and quickly disappeared, revealing the real finger, which returned to its original nature, and the finger on it The strands seem to be able to penetrate all meanings, but they are even more intense.

But after Lou Jinchen's sword slashed on that finger with a golden sword wave, Lou Jinchen only felt that his sword wave fell on the cliff.

The flesh of the fingertips was torn open, exposing the bones inside, the sword cut on the bones, but it was impossible to break the phalanx.

She pointed out with her other hand again, the target remained the same, it was still Lou Jinchen's brow.

Her attacking method is extremely blunt, arrogant, but it seems extremely correct. With this clumsy method, it breaks Lou Jinchen's swordsmanship.

If Lou Jinchen's swordsmanship is a skill of great skill, then she is a skill of clumsiness, and clumsiness breaks skill.

Lou Jinchen changed his sword move again, and when the wave of the sword stopped, two golden sword lights split into two points, which hit her fingers respectively, while Lou Jinchen's whole body floated upwards.

This is Taiyi's light-splitting sword technique, the two points of sword light are clear and quiet, but the sword's momentum is ethereal. In just a split second, his sword's momentum changed from accumulating skillful heavy strikes to splitting and ethereal, and it also contained penetration and sharpness.

The moment Lou Jinchen touched the opponent's fingers, he actually heard the barking of a dog in his ears, as if rushing into his heart from between the fingers.

This kind of dog barking seems to be able to twist the mind, and he wants to become a dog and enjoy being stroked by her hands.

Lou Jinchen's body kept flying, if he hadn't practiced swimming and vertical swordsmanship in the deep water before, he would definitely not be able to escape under her fingers at this time.

At this time, his swimming swordsmanship, under the suppression of her divine will, is still able to move the sword back and forth freely.

He circled around the woman's body, and the sword light swiped like a stream of light. When stabbing the sword, the sword light split up, like dots of golden flowers blooming, and the woman was in the middle. The sword is broken.

The old man in the mountain looked up at the sky, very surprised.

"This person can actually fight against a person in the God Transformation Realm?"

In his eyes, the sky was getting darker and deeper, and the sword light on Lou Jinchen's sword was no longer the same as before. There is a little light, which seems to be his sword intent is introverted, but the old man feels that it is that the swordsman has been cut off from the sun and is being woven into a big net.

In the stormy sky, suddenly, a thin-waisted black dog sprang out, Lou Jinchen actually avoided it, he didn't notice at all.

The black dog bit his neck, and he felt the danger when the dog was about to pounce on him. He was startled, and his body jumped forward, but the black dog bit his foot with one bite. On the ground, the sword in his hand swung across the body of the black dog, and the body of the black dog was broken,

At the same time, he discovered that there were many black dogs in the void. They rushed out of the void. Lou Jinchen felt a strong danger at this moment. Go, but the black dogs rushed forward like the wind.

Lou Jinchen's figure flashed and flew among these black dogs. Every swing of his sword seemed to pass through the gap of the wind. He didn't think too much about killing these black dogs born from nothingness. , because he knew that if he had this kind of thought, he would definitely fall into this dog tide.

The people below saw Lou Jinchen surrounded by black dogs entwined like dark clouds and surging like the wind, and they couldn't help thinking: "Such a powerful swordsman is probably about to perish here today. Isn't the God Transformation Realm something that people in the third realm can challenge?"

However, he stood there and watched for a long time, and he could still see the sword light shining out continuously, and it seemed to keep coming towards the periphery. Suddenly, the sword light flashed fiercely, and cut in one direction, killing that A black dog in the direction was cut off, and a black dog rolled over quickly like the wind, filling the gap. However, Jian Guang suddenly made a turning point, twisted and twisted, and got out of the encirclement.

Then I saw this swordsman with a vertical sword, the sword flew like a meteor, he was more than ten miles away in a blink of an eye, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

There was a faint voice in the wind: "Your Excellency, Lou has learned the magic method, see you next time."

The old man saw the woman standing in the void and didn't pursue him. He didn't dare to look any further, and retreated silently into the cave, closing the cave door tightly. He thought of a possibility.

As a casual cultivator, although he has reached the third level, he has only heard rumors about many things.

There are rumors that there are already many avatars of mysterious spirits walking in this world, and this woman who can act without scruples in the realm of "transforming gods" is very likely to be an avatar of a mysterious spirit.

There is no reason for this kind of existence, and one more glance may lead to death.


The place where Lou Jinchen was bitten by a dog has been very painful. He landed in a valley, looked at his calf, there were deep tooth marks there, as if he was really bitten by a dog.

After taking a elixir refined by the Seven Masters to replenish the energy in his body, he stretched out his hand and slowly wiped the wound. The wisp of black energy wrapped around the wound disintegrated under his hands and then flew away.

This is the ability brought by the 'octopus' secret spirit, which can make one's own consciousness split into many strands, and at the same time allow others to split into strands.

"Lou Jinchen, why did you provoke such a woman again?" Bai Xiaoci poked his head out of his pocket and said.

"This is not the one I provoked newly, but the one who has ruled the country. I, Lou Jinchen, are not good at women." Lou Jinchen said seriously.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, but in the Temple of Fire Spirit, you just had an affair with a woman." Bai Xiaoci said.

"It's not over, is it? Let me bring up the old story again. Let me tell you, women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword." Lou Jinchen said.

"Why, would a woman hold your hand?" Bai Xiaoci asked curiously.

"There are so many reasons, let's go home." After Lou Jinchen finished speaking, he didn't linger too long, and he shot his sword up to the sky, breaking through the mountain mist and clouds, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Although Lou Jinchen had a big fight with that woman and suffered a little loss, he was still in a good mood. You must know that he didn't even dare to move when he saw her three years ago. Like a knife on the neck.


 That's all for today.

(End of this chapter)

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