Taoist night sword

Chapter 134 Chapter 133: The Only Newcomer

134 Chapter 133: The Only Newcomer
Lou Jinchen sat at the very edge, but he could still see the whole lecture hall at a glance.

The front end of the entire lecture hall is a big podium. The lecturers all sit on a half-moon-shaped platform. The side facing the students is recessed.

Among the many gazes, he immediately felt something strange, and then he saw that Xue Baoer.

He didn't pretend not to know him either, and nodded naturally.

Xue Baoer took a deep breath, her chest heaving, and Lin Daiqing looked sideways at Xue Baoer, and then at the weird Tao Ling.

In her eyes, this is a very young lecturer, young but giving off a restrained and sharp feeling. When his eyes looked over, it seemed that he had seen everything through himself, although he only paused for a moment, but In that short period of time, Lin Daiqing felt that the speaker sitting on the edge was different, but soon, she found that this person seemed to have disappeared from sight.

She was clearly sitting there, but people ignored her. If she hadn't been born with a keen sense of spirituality and was paying attention to him, she wouldn't have cared about him at all.

Lou Jinchen looked at the students in the hall, some of them had been studying here for several years, and some were new to the Imperial Academy. He knew that after these students left, except for those with good family backgrounds, they would practice self-cultivation or travel. , Many of them will be assigned to various parts of the country to hold some positions.

The king and the scholars share the world, and among these scholars, those who can be promoted the fastest are those who come out of the Imperial Academy.

Lou Jinchen was not only looking at the students, but also these lecturers. He had seen just now that some of them were highly respected by other lecturers, but Lou Jinchen didn't know what these lecturers were called.

The bodies of these speakers have different auras, some are fierce or thick, some are elegant, or are proud. Some people sit there as if they are sitting on clouds, and some people sit there, smoking dry tobacco, puffing clouds, and mist. Countless monsters are transformed.

Although these speeches are not loud, they all attract the students in a special way.

Not long after, the head of the mountain came, not only the head of the mountain, but also two people whom Lou Jinchen had never met before. One of them was a woman and the other was a middle-aged man.

The woman couldn't tell her age, she was dressed in palace attire, and every hairpin and clothes on her high bun had aura emanating from it, making her whole body shrouded in it, appearing mysterious and noble.

The other man was dressed in black, with his hands folded in his sleeves, and slowly walked in behind the woman, while the head of the mountain was the last to arrive. His steps were not fast, but his whole body seemed very energetic. It was completely different from what Lou Jinchen had seen before.

When they came in, all the lecturers stood up, and Lou Jinchen was no exception. When the students saw that the lecturer stood up, they also stood up.

"Everyone sit down, it's tiring to stand." The voice of the head of the mountain was unique to the old man.

Everyone sat down, and then heard him say: "A new student is admitted, today is a welcome and a celebration, so..."

Shan Chang took out a ruler from his sleeve, stretched out his hand and tapped it in the void, suddenly there seemed to be countless bubbles in the void of the lobby, these bubbles seemed to be produced by water due to high-frequency vibration, and the bubbles fell on everyone. on the table, exploded.

Portions of delicacies appeared on the table.

Lou Jinchen didn't look at others, but looked at the suddenly boiling water in front of him, the oscillating void, and the individual bubbles.

Mysterious brilliance piled up in his eyes, trying to see through the bubbles. In his eyes, the bubbles changed color and turned into a black whirlpool in an instant. In the whirlpool, a skinny hand grabbed towards his eyeballs, as if To buckle his eyeballs.

The sudden appearance of the hand in the vortex made people feel that there was no way to avoid it.

Lou Jinchen immediately closed his eyes and restrained his sense of prying. He understood that as long as he broke the connection with the spell, the spell would be broken.

Of course, he didn't close his eyes for a long time. In the eyes of others, he just blinked his eyes, and then delicious food appeared on the table.

There is a pot of tea, a cup, and a fragrant pastry.

He recalled the scene just now, and he clearly realized what is the magic of a cultivator in the state of transformation. The sense of mystery made Lou Jinchen feel like falling into a vortex, which he couldn't understand for a while.

"If you have delicious food, how can you not have fun." The man in black robe next to the head of the mountain said with a smile.

All the people were attracted by his words, looked over and saw that he picked up the teapot, poured tea into the cup, picked it up with his right hand, and began to shake the cup clockwise, while saying: "Too Learn to celebrate the new party tonight, and the fairies from the Jingu come to congratulate you!"

Lou Jinchen looked at his shaking teacup very seriously, only to see his shaking hands dangling in his eyes, there appeared many shadows, became hazy, and exuded mysterious light, the tea in it rotated along the cup But when he threw it out, the moment he saw the first wisp of tea thrown out, he found that it was actually a woman in a dancing dress wearing a white ribbon.

The woman is very small, but has a lifelike face, with black hair, bare feet, bright wrists, bare shoulders, and a pipa in her hand.She flew out of the water glass, grew rapidly, twisted her body, and appeared at the edge of the lecture hall, standing in the air against the wall.

His hand didn't stop, and the other hand holding the teapot was still pouring tea into the cup, and the water in the cup kept circling and flying out.

Another woman flew out from the cup, wearing the same attire, but holding a jade-white stalk in her hand.

His cup kept shaking, and a ball of water swirled out. In the cup, he turned into a woman in brocade clothes, holding the qin, and flew to the left wall, standing with the woman with the flute.

The cup was still spinning, and a woman flew out again, and this woman was holding Se in her hand.

After the four women in white clothes and brocade belts stood still, they heard the man say, "Let's have fun!"

Immediately, music sounded from their instruments, and everyone saw it, but they couldn't tell whether it was real or imaginary.

Lou Jinchen analyzed the principle of this spell in his mind. He found that people who have transformed into gods, their spells have the ability to turn emptiness into reality, which may be called a construction ability, or a kind of The ability to temporarily change matter through mana, so this requires extremely powerful mana.

And a strong performance requires not only depth, but also toughness, and to be more precise, it is the combination of rigidity and softness.

This is when he saw the magic spell cast by the cultivator of transforming spirits, and he came up with an idea, and he didn't know if it was correct.

However, Lou Jinchen felt that this person's spells were somewhat similar to those of Evian, the Seventh Master, and even seemed to come from the same source.

All the people listened to vocal music and ate delicious food.

The woman in palace attire with a high bun over there sneered, and said, "The majestic Imperial College is a place where the Qing Dynasty cultivates the Tao. How can there be such a melodious voice. The God of Winter has something to say, practitioners should Jing Yisu, now use this cup as a shrine, and call you back."

After she finished speaking, the cup in her hand exuded a frosty white brilliance, and the faces of the women who were transformed from tea showed a trace of panic and bewilderment, as if there was a force in the dark summoning them, One by one, they turned into a gleam of water and poured into the cup.

Lou Jinchen probably guessed their identities from their words.

Earlier, the man in black said he had summoned the fairies from the shrine to congratulate him, but now the woman in palace attire was from the God of Winter. It was obvious that the man in black said that he called the women from the shrine to celebrate, which was a kind of blasphemy against the god of winter.

And the meaning of the spell cast by the woman in palace costume just happened to suppress the man in black. The man in black said that he summoned a fairy from the palace.

The woman in the palace costume said that the cup was the shrine and called everyone back.

He saw those women playing musical instruments escaped from the control of the man in black one by one, as if they had sneaked out of the shrine, and after being discovered, they were taken into the cup in a panic.

From this, he guessed that there is no difference between the two's spells, it can be said that one casts the spell first, and the other catches the spell and breaks the spell.

Lou Jinchen deduced according to the magic of the Seventh Master, the black-robed man was probably able to impart some simple consciousness to the water in the glass, and the consciousness that was imparted just happened to be caught by the woman in palace costume.

Since you said you were summoned by Jingu, then I will call you back in the name of Jingu.

After thinking this through, he felt relieved.

After all, it's not a good feeling if you can't understand other people's spells.

However, he saw that all the students and teaching assistants were shocked to see this scene. They were already extremely shocked when they saw that the man in black robe was able to continuously transform a person into a cup with a pot of tea, lifelike.

And seeing that the woman in palace attire can call these women into the cup with a single word, it is even more incomprehensible, because they feel that they can't follow what they say.

Lou Jinchen also found that quite a few lecturers were frowning, thinking about the principle of this spell.

Fighting skills is by no means a contest of strength. In his opinion, if mana is used as a kind of power source, you pour a bucket of oil on someone, which is a direct mana attack, and if you pour it on someone, you can ignite it again. , is a further magic evolution, and through the engine transformation, let a car speed, and then drive to hit it, it is another scene.

The spell is the wind, which can blow candles, and the spell is a wall or a mountain, which can block the wind. In his opinion, as long as the mana is not a real difference in realm, it all depends on the spell. The strong spell is the hurricane, and the weak spell is the breeze. There are great differences in the casting of the same spell by different people.

Fighting skills is to distinguish the opponent's magic logic in a short period of time, and then destroy the operation of his magic from it, or guide him away with the trend.

His thoughts diverged, and he actually thought a lot in this short period of time.

He lowered his head, took a bite out of the pastry with a spoon, and put it in his mouth. It was slightly sweet with a hint of rosin, which suited his taste and was delicious.

He poured another cup of tea, and when he was about to drink it, he felt his gaze, followed his gaze, Xue Baoer was peeking at him, he raised his glass slightly, the other party picked up the cup in a panic, didn't dare to look any more, just lowered his head and drank Tea.

Lou Jinchen can understand her current mood. She must be very grateful when he sent her home, but after knowing that he killed Jia Shun, she must not know how to deal with it.

Judging from her performance, Lou Jinchen knew that Jia's family must have decided that she was the murderer.

At this moment, the head of the mountain said: "You have also seen the performance of the two great teachings just now, and now let the lecturers perform it for everyone."

The head of the mountain seemed a little sleepy, and Lou Jinchen heard his urging.

And the black-robed great teacher said at the right time: "Shan Zhang, let the newcomers to the Taixue lecture on the performance of the method this year. The other lecturers have all practiced and are good at the method. Just go get it."

"Yes." The head of the mountain nodded after listening.

Lou Jinchen would like to see the spells of the lecturers, but now they have been cancelled, and can only watch the spells of the newly added lecturers.

When Lou Jinchen was looking at who was the new lecturer, he found that all the lecturers were looking at him, even the two great teachers above, and the head of the mountain smiled and said: "Someone is talking to you." I said, although Xiaolou was born in a remote small temple, his Qi Dao is pure, his swordsmanship is even more heroic. "

"Am I the only one here?" Lou Jinchen thought in his heart, just a moment ago he wanted to see other people's spells, but now everyone is looking at himself alone.

"Oh, I don't know who told the head of the mountain that the title of swordsman is the supreme glory of a swordsman. How can he bear this name at such a young age?" The big teacher in black robe said: "Is there anyone willing to share with you?" A small building show?"

This is to find someone to compete with.

Lou Jinchen sighed in his heart, this is too fast, he wanted to watch others, but in the end he became the object of others to watch.

However, at this moment, the woman in palace attire suddenly said: "Wait a minute, don't you have a famous name in Taixue to teach you?"

The woman in palace attire turned her head to look at Lou Jinchen, and asked, "What's your name?"

In that instant, Lou Jinchen understood that this woman was coming for him. She was a member of the Winter God Sect, maybe a certain priest, and she served as a great teacher here, so her purpose must be To drive oneself out of here, or directly condemn oneself, and then kill.

He saw the blue in the pupils of the other party, and that kind of indifference seemed to invade the depths of his heart and freeze him up.

Even if he closed his eyes, those blue pupils seemed to be imprinted in his heart, and they were about to fall into the sea of ​​air.

At this moment, he abandoned all distracting thoughts, raised his heart with a sword, sank into the sea of ​​energy, turned into a sword and slashed towards the pair of blue eyes.

People who can enter Taixue are not ordinary people, so it is natural to see that the atmosphere at this moment is not right.

All the lecturers also looked over, and saw that Lou Jinchen closed his eyes, and when he opened them, there was a gleam of fire in his eyes.

A look of surprise flashed across the face of the woman in palace attire. Her thought just now was broken by an extreme sharpness, and then it was quickly decomposed and burned.

Although there was a reason why she didn't try her best, it was considered pretty good for a third-level person to be able to break free from under her gaze.

"My surname is Lou!"

When Lou Jinchen said these words, Xue Baoer over there had already tightly twisted the clothes on her chest. She knew that if the name of Lou Jinchen was heard by her cousin, what would happen to her cousin? Know.

"My friends call me Xiaolou, but the big teacher calls me Xiaolou." Lou Jinchen said.

She seemed to think of something suddenly, and suddenly smiled: "Yes, the surname is Lou, of course it can be Xiaolou. You are very good, Mr. Shan. I think this Xiaolou is very good, so there is no need for acting."

The head of the mountain seemed to be dozing off. After hearing this, he immediately said: "You said no need, it must be very good. Now that the performance is over, I will go to rest first."

After finishing speaking, he actually took the lead and stood up, and walked outside, while the other speakers all stood up to express their congratulations.

The two great lecturers also left, but Lou Jinchen found that these lecturers were still here, and they seemed to be more excited.

Then he saw a real magic performance, and only then did he know that the presence of the head of the mountain and the two teaching staff must have put too much pressure on everyone. After all, they are all monks who transform themselves into gods. .

Lou Jinchen couldn't help but be eye-opening when he saw each of the lecturers performing wonderful and wonderful spells.

Someone wanted Lou Jinchen to perform one too. He thought about it and found that he hadn't thought of how to perform it for a while. After all, everyone's magic performances are gorgeous and seem to be very useful.

His spells are guaranteed to work, but they're not flashy or even intelligible.

In a popular saying, his sword skills are not for performance, but for killing.

Of course, if he is willing to pull out his sword and perform a set of sword skills, it must be extremely gorgeous, but he is not willing. If he can exhale the golden sword energy in his lungs, he will definitely take away the glory of this lecture hall, but he is not willing either.

In the end he just sat there drinking tea and watching everyone perform.

A speaker next to him said: "Brother Xiaolou, my intuition tells me that you are a person with great ability."

"How do you see it?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"As the saying goes, a dog that bites doesn't bark."

One word from the other party successfully made Lou Jinchen remember him.

"What's your name?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"My surname is Jane, and my name is Master Jian. My friends call me Master."

"A good name, simple, but it carries the expectations of the elders." Lou Jinchen said.

"It's a pity that my words are not as good as yours." Master Jian said.

Lou Jinchen smiled.

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(End of this chapter)

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