Taoist night sword

Chapter 135 134: The Truth

Chapter 135 134: The Truth

The orientation ceremony is over.

After Lou Jinchen handed in his syllabus, he realized that there is an actual supervisor in the Taixue who arranges the entire teaching affairs of the Taixue.

The supervisor's name is Yu Xuanbian, a very strange name.

He has a pair of long mustaches, but his chin is extremely clean, his face is also like a large murloc, and he wears a member's cap. The whole person's temperament is like a combination of a member and a local rich man.

After Lou Jinchen handed in his syllabus, he frowned and looked at it again and again, and said, "You write so briefly, but your words are exaggerated. I'm afraid no students will come to your class."

"Why is this?"

"Look, it says that you have passed down the art of wielding a sword. With a sword in hand, you can kill ghosts and gods inside and outside. This statement is sensational, how can people believe it?" Yu Xuanbian said.

"With a sword in hand, how can we not kill ghosts and gods?" Lou Jinchen said.

The inspector was taken aback, looked at Lou Jinchen's serious expression, and said, "Even if you really have the ability, you can't say that here. Do you know that one of the two great teachings is the God of Winter?" A high-ranking priest, she is equivalent to a deity."

Lou Jinchen instantly understood what he meant. There are gods here. If you say you can kill ghosts, you can kill ghosts, but you say you can kill gods. Isn't that a slap in the face!

Lou Jinchen didn't want to change it, but the inspector had already picked up a pen and scratched the word "God" and changed it to the word "weird", and said: "I heard people say that whether it's a god or a ghost, it's just my own weird thoughts. define it."

"Hey, there is some truth in this." Lou Jinchen said.

"I also changed one word for you. If you feel that you don't need to enrich your syllabus, I will post it for you." The inspector said.

"Okay, then trouble the supervisor." Lou Jinchen said.

"Those of you who are willing to come here to teach your own arts are worthy of gratitude. I am just helping you arrange classes." The inspector turned around while talking, and said, "However, you must be prepared in your heart. What is popular now is the technique of turning Yuyinwan into a sword, also known as the technique of Jianwan. Your method of wielding a sword requires you to rush into the cover of the opponent's magic, which is inevitably dangerous, so students must not choose it. .”

"Yuyinwan's Sword Transformation Technique, I also know it, but I think that if they want to learn, it's best to start with the sword technique. If they don't dare to learn it because they think it's dangerous to be close, they give up the opportunity to learn from me , then this will be their biggest regret in this academy and even in their entire life." Lou Jinchen said.

The inspector glanced at Lou Jinchen again, and said, "No wonder the head of the mountain said that there is a swordsman coming. I have never seen your swordsmanship, but this tone is really big, and you have a bit of a hero."

"The inspector doesn't know something. In my opinion, if a swordsman has no heart to sacrifice himself, how can he kill the enemy? Only when his life is on the verge of death can he witness himself. I think I have practiced swords for more than ten years, and I have never been injured. A person, in a desperate situation, uses a mortal body to kill a person who is out of control. I don't know myself, and I don't know the enemy. At the moment when I meet the enemy, the only thing I can rely on is the sword in my hand. If I advance, there is hope. Back off or die."

"The waiting process is the most anxious and flustered. The torment while waiting for the arrival of the life and death line is like burning a sword in the fire. The moment you meet the enemy is the tempering."

"Practice the sword first and practice the mind. Whether it's the skill of wielding the sword or the skill of flying sword, if you don't have a fearless and brave heart, you can't kill the enemy." Lou Jinchen elaborated.

The inspector looked at Lou Jinchen, his little black eyes were dignified, and said, "I believe in you, you must be a great swordsman."

Lou Jinchen laughed, and said, "Don't dare to be the supervisor, is your library open now?"

"Of course." The inspector turned around and took out a silver badge from a box. The badge was only the size of a thumb and shaped like an open book. He held it in his hand and said, "This is the badge for entering and leaving the library. You now You can go in at any time. I know that most lecturers come here to teach, they are all for the library of Taixue, but I still want to remind you, if any students choose to listen to your swordsmanship class, they must Teach them well."

"Of course, my generation's preaching, teaching and dispelling doubts is to teach, and we should bear this responsibility." Lou Jinchen said.

"That's a good point. Preach the word and teach the karma to clear up doubts. I want to print your words as a maxim of teaching and learning." The inspector said.

Lou Jinchen smiled slightly, of course he had no objection.

After receiving the badge, he bid farewell to the inspector and left.

All the way to the library.

The location of the library is very special, it is a big black stone, the stone is as high as a house, and there is a mural on the stone, which shows a library, like a floor plan, and there is a red door on the front , in the center of the door, there is a brand.

Lou Jinchen's thoughts aroused the aura of the badge in his hand, and pressed it on the brand. In an instant, a strange light gushed out from the crack in the carved door, just like he entered this Taixue. Already standing in front of a huge book hall, a door slowly opened, and a strange light gushed out from inside, engulfing it instantly.

At this moment, he especially wanted to know what kind of 'mysterious spirit' was imprisoned in this Taixue.

The secret realm established here is to imprison the clone of the 'mysterious spirit' and use its 'ability' to achieve this. It must be some kind of mysterious spirit with space attributes to be able to do this.

This is obviously the biggest secret in Taixue. He has no intention of exploring it. Like most lecturers, his purpose is to read the rich collection of books here. It is said that it collects the various explorations left by those people at the beginning of their practice. Notes, and throughout the ages, there have been people who have left the methods they have obtained.

There are many taboos, and there are also many inexplicable ideas. It can be said that it is the richest collection of books in the Dagan Kingdom.

At this moment, a space unfolded in his eyes, a huge study room, with rows of cabinets, from bottom to top, the bookcase did not look like a bookcase, but rather seemed to be carved out of a stone wall.

There are all kinds of books on the bookshelves, and there are signs on each bookcase, and there are people scattered in twos and threes.

But these are not important at this moment, because Lou Jinchen feels that the whole person has become heavy inside.

He found that it was not easy to cast spells here, as if he had put shackles on his body. It took him a while to get used to it. It felt very strange, as if he was buried in the soil, and the more he moved The more you can feel the bondage from the void when you spread your thoughts outside your body.

His eyes began to pile up with rhinoceros, and he began to look at the library. In his eyes, the library immediately changed. Countless dust appeared in the original void, and it was this yellowish dust that was like a seal. Thoughts cannot be extended here.

His eyes looked deeper. These books and those people seemed to have disappeared in his eyes. He looked into the depths of the library, and there was a dense darkness. He looked hard towards the darkness, and then looked There was a mysterious light shining in the darkness, and when he was about to see it clearly, two skinny fingers suddenly appeared in the darkness.

The finger appeared quietly and silently. He, who has always been extremely sensitive, realized it when the finger was about to press on the eyelid. Before it was too late, he clearly felt two fingers on his eyelids, and they would go away with one touch.

At the same time, I heard a voice: "Such a pair of wonderful eyes, how can you do the thing of spying on the secret, you don't want to keep it?"

Lou Jinchen could hear that it was the voice of the head of the mountain, but the emotion in the voice was completely different from the face of the head of the mountain in his heart.

But soon, he figured it out again, and understood that if the head of the mountain didn't have such a side, how could he be able to control such a master.

This Taixue is well-known in the entire Dongzhou, and judging from the current situation, the National Teacher's Mansion and the God of Winter are both wrestling in this Taixue.

He restrained the ability of his eyes, rubbed his eyes lightly, his eyes hurt a little, the touch just now made the depths of his eyes hurt a little.

However, it didn't affect his eyesight, and everything in his eyes returned to normal, but he found that everyone was looking at him.

One of them said with a smile: "It turns out that the Great Swordsman Lou came. I was wondering who would be so arrogant and dare to peek into the depths of the library here. The head of the mountain still likes you very much." , You left a pair of eyes."

The person who spoke was Master Jian.

"The head of the mountain is kind, so naturally he won't casually hurt the lecturers in his academy." Lou Jinchen said.

"It seems that you have misunderstood the head of the mountain, anyway, it's always good to meet for the first time." After Master Jian finished speaking, he started to look for a book to read.

And Lou Jinchen also started to look for books to read. He didn't look for books about the practice of magic, but for books about the origin of the world, which he had never seen anywhere else.

He found that there were very few such books, not only few, but the contents were all kinds of imaginary words.

One of them said in a book about the Age of Mists.

"The world was originally surrounded by mist, but when the scorching sun came, it dispelled the mist and burned countless spirits to death. Since then, all spirits have withered."

"People started thinking about how to get spells."

Seeing this, Lou Jinchen couldn't help thinking, could it be that in the beginning, it was easy for everyone to obtain spells, and there was no need to think about it at all.

"After a long period of time, someone gained the Tao by refining the sun and the moon, and started a new path of practice."

Lou Jinchen felt that he had stayed here for too long, and wanted to take two books back to read, but found that he couldn't take them with him at all, so he could only read them here.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, leaning against the bookshelf, watching quietly, almost no one made a sound.


Xue Baoer followed her cousin and Miss Cousin to a single-family house, and she saw the great teacher who was sitting on the podium with the head of the mountain before.

She knew that this was the priest of the Winter God.

Once at the ferry of Sanjiangkou, there was a man from the National Teacher's Mansion, who should have died at the hands of the priest of the God of Winter.

"Do you know who killed your father?"

What Xue Baoer was worried about and struggled with finally happened, and my cousin wanted to know the truth.

Jia Yu shook his head in doubt. He rarely left home for such a long time. Since he was a child, he was raised like a woman in a deep house compound. In this short period of time, he has already given birth to wanting to go home several times. He is very uncomfortable with the idea of ​​this, there are not so many people around him, not so many people playing with him, and there are no nice words anytime and anywhere.

At yesterday's Orientation Ceremony, he felt awkward sitting there with so many strangers. If he was at home, he would throw things at him and drive them away. What made him even more depressed was that he asked When he saw the two delicate girls, he thought that they would be the same as himself, that they would hate the aura emanating from those men, and would hate those gazes, but he found that they were not as disgusted as he imagined.

Xue Bao'er didn't care, and he didn't find it strange at all. The key point was that his beloved sister Lin was not as disgusted as he was, and she didn't say she wanted to go back.

And persuaded himself, saying: "Since you are here, you should practice hard. You are the heir of the Jia family, so you should practice hard and revive the reputation of the family."

He has heard this kind of advice too much recently. Since his father's death, everyone seems to feel that the whole Jia's mansion is in turmoil, but he really wants to say that Jia's mansion is still the same Jia's mansion and has not wavered.

"The person who killed your father was in Taiyuan College, you have met him." Gong Yao looked at the three people, and the expressions of the three people were in her heart.

"Who?" Jia Yu asked hurriedly, his breathing was heavy.

"Speaking, Xiaolou." Gong Yao said with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, "So I asked his name yesterday, but Liu Hanfeng is quite protective of him, so I don't want to expose it forcefully. In the academy, if you insist on exposing it, it will make the head of the mountain look bad, but your father is the elder of the Winter God Church and the chief priest, so I feel that I have the responsibility to tell you the truth."

Jia Yu was stunned. He still clearly remembered the "Xiaolou" lecturer he had seen at the Fa conference yesterday. Although the lecturer only showed his face for a short time, he still left a deep impression on him.

Not only because this 'Xiaolou' is young, and not only because his hair is very short, but because of his overall demeanor, he has a kind of envy from the bottom of his heart.

However, when he heard that he actually killed his father, he felt an unstoppable sense of humiliation, which turned from pain to bewilderment.

"What, him, is he Lou Jinchen?" Jia Yu asked in disbelief.

"You can ask the little girl next to you." Gong Yao pointed to Xue Bao'er and said.

Xue Baoer's face was already red, when Jia Yu and Lin Daiqing turned to look at her, she was speechless.

"So you have known each other for a long time, yes, he sent you back, he is your benefactor, do you think I will never know if you don't tell me?" Jia Yu roared loudly.

Xue Bao'er couldn't say a word, she was ashamed and also at a loss.

"You are a foodie, get out, get out now, the Jia family doesn't want people like you!" Jia Yu pointed at Xue Bao'er angrily, and cursed.

 The average order has already reached [-], and I will write another chapter today, but it may be late.

(End of this chapter)

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