Chapter 120 A Big Misunderstanding
Feng Lin was looking at his phone just now and didn't notice Zhao Qingqing.

So when Zhao Qingqing apologized, he did not stop him, but Feng Lin felt that something was wrong with the other party's request to exchange money.

When the money is wet, it can be dried, and the boss is here to watch it. Just give it to the boss directly.

Why do you need to change money?

"Feng Lin, what's wrong?"

Zhao Qingqing put away the wallet again and asked strangely.

Feng Lin took the banknote in his hand, observed it carefully, and handed it to the round face, "Your money is fake."

"Boy! What nonsense are you talking about! Believe it or not, I beat you? This is just taken from the bank!"

The round-faced man pointed at Feng Lin and scolded him angrily.

The three people in his group also patted the table and stood up and stared at Feng Lin.

"What? Scare me?"

Feng Lin directly kneaded the money into a ball and threw it on his round face.

"Stinky boy! You are courting death!"

The round face grabbed the chair next to him and smashed it on Feng Lin's head.

Feng Lin immediately grabbed his accomplice and blocked him in front of him.

The round-faced chair just hit his friend's head.

After blocking the blow, Feng Lin lifted his friend with one hand and smashed it hard on the round face.


A weight of more than 100 kilograms fell, and the round face fell to the ground on the spot.

The remaining two opened their mouths wide in fright, and this person lifted a person weighing more than 100 kilograms with one hand.

This strength is definitely not ordinary people.

"Stinky boy! Do you know who we are hanging out with? You wait for me!"

The remaining two fled immediately.

The two people lying on the ground also swayed and got up from the ground.

The round-faced man was smashed on the nose just now and was already bleeding. He pointed at Feng Lin and shouted, "You are so finished!"

"Stop! Hand over the money after dinner."

Feng Lin stood in front of the round face and said indifferently.


The round-faced man also knew that he couldn't beat Feng Lin single-handedly, so he took out another 100 yuan from his body and slapped it on the table, "Don't look for it anymore!"

Feng Lin picked up the money and looked carefully, this time it was real money.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Qingqing hurriedly said to the boss: "Boss, our big chicken is packed and taken away."

"No! Just eat here."

Feng Lin pulled Zhao Qingqing and asked her to sit down.

The boss nodded, took the money, and picked up the crumpled money on the ground.

I checked it with a machine and it turned out to be counterfeit.

"Qingqing, don't be too obedient sometimes." Feng Linyu said earnestly, "As long as you're right, don't be shy."

"I...I know."

Zhao Qingqing nodded.

"Learn to resist, you will be bullied like this."

Feng Lin shook his head slightly, Zhao Qingqing's character is like this, unless something irritating the soul leads to blackening.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to become a confident woman like Xu Ruoying.


At the same time, Ye Kai sneaked out of an alley.

He looked at the strong man beside him and asked, "Are you sure Feng Lin is here?"

"Young Master Ye! I'm very sure, look at that Wuling Hongguang, I know the license plate by heart."

The bearded man next to him pointed to the car on the side of the road.

"it is good!"

Ye Kai turned his head, there are more than 20 people here, he specially found them.

Ye Xin was protected by a master, but this kid didn't. He specially called a group of people to break Feng Lin's legs.

Then he knocked his teeth out.

Let him know and offend himself.

"You all stay here and wait for my order!"

After Ye Kai gave the order, he walked into the restaurant with the bearded strong man beside him.

Let's see if Feng Lin is there.

The two just walked in and found that there were only two people here.

It was Feng Lin and Zhao Qingqing.

The two were sitting opposite each other at the dining table, eating a large plate of chicken.

"Hehe, boy, we meet again."

Ye Kai stood in front of Feng Lin and smiled coldly.

Feng Lin raised his brows in surprise. He thought it was the group of people from before, but he didn't expect it to be Ye Kai.

Holding the rice, he said while eating, "Is Young Master Ye here for a treat?"

"What kind of shit are you!" Ye Kai patted the table, glanced at Zhao Qingqing, and said with a smile, "Feng Lin, come out with Lao Tzu first, and Lao Tzu will have a few words with you."

Zhao Qingqing's face was pale, but he didn't expect Feng Lin to provoke so many people.

The owner of the restaurant was also scared to hide in the back of the kitchen and did not dare to come out.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was kicked open, and the round face before appeared.

Just as he was about to shout, Feng Lin asked first, "Here you come?"

The round-faced man looked at the strong bearded man beside Feng Lin, and sneered in his heart, it turns out that this kid is also called a person.

But he is not afraid, just two people, counting as wool, he called more than 20 people this time, and all of them were desperate.

"That's right!"

The round-faced man nodded disdainfully.

Ye Kai's face also became solemn. It turned out that this kid Feng Lin had already called someone and was waiting here.

But there are more than 20 people on his side, and he is not afraid of Feng Lin at all.

Feng Lin held the rice, put a few pieces of meat into the bowl, and stood up indifferently, "Come out."

Zhao Qingqing was also about to stand up, but was stopped by Feng Lin's look.

He took the rice and went out.

Ye Kai and the round-faced man looked at each other with disdainful expressions.

"What are you looking at? Do you know who I am?"

Ye Kai is also the young master of a wealthy family, and immediately pointed at his round face and scolded.

"What kind of shit are you? I'll kill you first in a while!"

The round face also shouted, this group of people are fake banknotes, all of them are doing illegal activities, and they are still afraid of this little white face?

However, they didn't do anything here, they all followed Feng Lin out.

By the street in front of the hotel, there were more than 20 people squatting, smoking cigarettes.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a scar on his head.

The round face immediately came over and whispered a few words in the middle-aged man's ear, "Boss, that's them."

Feng Lin looked around while eating the meat, as expected.

If it is an ancient warrior, forget it, the bearded beard beside Ye Kai is not an ancient warrior.

So he must have others.

In the corner not far away, he found that there were still a group of people hiding, which should have been brought by Ye Kai.

"Come out!"

Feng Lin shouted loudly.

Ye Kai snorted coldly, Feng Lin really knew that he had brought people here, so he told these people to wait a long time ago.

Now that he found out, he didn't bother to hide anymore, and said, "Come out!"

From a far corner, more than 20 people came out.

Ye Kai and Beard, all walked over.

The round face was shocked. Originally, he thought that the other party only had these few, but he didn't expect to call so many people and was waiting for him.

At this moment, Feng Lin was standing in the middle, and to his left were more than 20 people called by the round face.

On the right are more than 20 people called by Ye Kai.

They were all staring at each other at the moment, mistakenly thinking that the other was Feng Lin's person.

Feng Lin looked at the two sides separately, lowered his head and ate the chicken, and said indifferently: "Get out now! I just pretend that nothing happened, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"A bunch of rubbish, still want to fight with Lao Tzu?" Ye Kaike couldn't hold his breath, and pointed at the crowd on the other side of the round face, "Kneel down and call your ancestors, or Lao Tzu will ruin you!"

The man with the scar on the round face threw the cigarette to the ground. He originally planned to let it go.

After all, the other side is not easy to provoke, and if they really fight, they will definitely lose both.

But this kid actually mocked himself. As the boss, if he didn't fight back, how would the younger brother see himself in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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