Chapter 121 They fought themselves
The scarred man likes a fast pace. Since the other party looks down on him so much, what more should he say?
"Brothers! Stop talking nonsense! Kill them!"

The scarred man was the first to rush out, ready to beat Ye Kai first, but he was the one who talked a lot.

"Go! Go to Lao Tzu!"

Ye Kai saw those people rushing over, and roared at the side beside him.

The two groups collided and started fighting.

Feng Lin took the bowl and returned to the restaurant, sitting opposite Zhao Qingqing.

"Feng Lin, are you alright?"

Zhao Qingqing stood up nervously, just worried about Feng Lin, she didn't eat a piece of meat.

"I'm fine, eat it! I can't finish it all by myself."

Feng Lin gave Zhao Qingqing a few pieces.

Zhao Qingqing blushed, nodded slightly, and picked it up to eat.

Listening to the shouting outside, she couldn't help but ask, "Feng Lin, are you calling someone too?"

"No, I don't know what's going on, they started fighting." Feng Lin patted Zhao Qingqing's head with a smile, "Hurry up!"


Zhao Qingqing nodded and started stuffing meat into her mouth. Speaking of working in Yunshi during this time, she was reluctant to eat meat and vegetables.

Feng Lin observed the battle outside through the glass.

From punching and kicking at the very beginning, it has risen to weapons.

The man with scars kept chasing Ye Kai, and with three strikes and five divisions, he made Ye Kai's nose bruised and swollen.

"Made! Copy the guy!"

Ye Kai growled angrily.

Brush brush!
Everyone on Ye Kai's side took out their steel pipes, and they beat the people on the round-faced side.

Many people were beaten with broken arms and legs.

Seeing this, the people on the side of the scarred man took out daggers from their pockets one after another.

Work hard with Ye Kai's people.

Seeing this situation, Feng Lin took out his phone with a smile and made a call to Xiao Mu.

"Hey! What's the matter, Feng Lin?"

Xiao Mu asked strangely, it was the first time Feng Lin called her.

"At the intersection of Sunshine Road, there are a bunch of people fighting, and it looks like they will kill people." Feng Lin said to the phone, "I was eating at the restaurant here, and I was too scared to go out."

"What? I'll go right there!"

After Xiao Mu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The fighting outside continued, and there were already more than a dozen people lying on the ground.

Ye Kai began to regret it a long time ago. His arm was stabbed, it seemed to be broken, and he was unconscious.

If I knew it earlier, I would call it an ancient warrior, and slaughter these people directly.

The round face was lying on the ground, and his legs were unconscious, and he regretted it now.

I didn't expect that the boy just now, there is such a little brother, willing to sprinkle blood for him, as for that person, he is still eating with his sister.

"Go to Nima!"

The scarred man grabbed a steel rod and swiped at Ye Kai's head.

Ye Kai fell on the spot. He covered his head and wanted to stand up, but fell down with a plop.

The pain was like an electric current, hitting the whole body, and he couldn't help shouting, "Ah!"

At this moment, three police cars appeared at the intersection of the street in the distance.

It was Xiao Mu who was at the head. She brought ten people with her, and they all rushed over.

"Get down on me all! Throw away the weapon!"

"Hold your head in your hands and lie on the ground!"


These people found that the police station was coming, and they looked at the people who fell to the ground, and everyone calmed down.

Many people were lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

If someone really dies, it's a big crime.

Ye Kai naturally knew Xiao Mu, and he roared: "Xiao Mu! Help me, I'm so hurt, call the emergency number!"

He covered his head, and his hands were covered in blood. He was so frightened that his eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Xiao Mu found that Ye Kai was actually here, and immediately said to the person next to him: "Call the hospital immediately, and call for reinforcements by the way, there are not enough staff here!"

"Yes! Team Xiao!"

Several police officers started to get busy.

Feng Lin and Zhao Qingqing were well fed. When they came out, they found that the street was surrounded by police cars and ambulances.

Feng Lin was too lazy to look for Xiao Mu, so he got into the car and left with Zhao Qingqing.

After sending Zhao Qingqing to the apartment, Feng Lin said goodbye to her.

"When I get paid, I will invite you to dinner." Zhao Qingqing waved to Feng Lin with a smile.

Feng Lin nodded, "I'm not polite to you."



Ye Tao and Li Meihong hurried over.

Li Meihong looked at the lit emergency lights, grabbed a doctor's collar and shouted, "What the hell is going on with my son?"

"Madam, he has multiple bruises on his body, his arm was stabbed by a dagger, and the most serious one is his head. He has a slight concussion. Don't worry, it should not be life-threatening."

This doctor is the director here, and he just learned that the one who was injured this time turned out to be the son of the Ye family.

"Who is it? Who is it?"

Li Meihong roared.

At this moment, Ye Tao's cell phone rang, he took it out to take a look, and immediately connected, "What the hell happened?"

"Hands-free! Hands-free!"

Li Meihong grabbed Ye Tao's wrist and warned loudly.

Ye Tao nodded, pressed the speakerphone, and the voice inside came over.

"Mr. Ye, we have already investigated clearly. It was a group of criminal gangs who injured Ye Kai. They sold counterfeit banknotes. The den has been checked and everyone has been arrested."

"What was the cause? Why did those criminal gangs beat my son?"

Li Meihong yelled at the phone.

"The cause is still under investigation, so I can't answer right away, so let's do this for now." The other side hung up the phone.

At this time, Li Meihong's cell phone sent a message, she glanced at it, and said in a deep voice: "At dusk, Xiao Sun called a group of people and left the bar with his son."

"Xiao Sun?"

Ye Tao's face changed. He managed a lot of entertainment industries, so he cultivated some gangsters in private.

Sometimes, the security guards can not do things, let those people do.

Ye Kai called them away, obviously going to fight, according to his temper, it is likely to start first.

I heard that there are dead people on the criminal side too. It's not easy to handle this.


Feng Lin returned to the villa and found that Xu Ruoying was watching the news in the living room.

When she found Feng Lin back, she just glanced casually, puffed her mouth slightly, and ignored Feng Lin.

"What's wrong? You can hang your clothes with your mouth pouted."

Feng Lin sat beside Xu Ruoying and asked with a smile.

"Humph! Are you on good terms with Zhao Qingqing? She secretly greeted you at the party."

Xu Ruoying hugged the pillow unhappily, she knew that Feng Lin liked gentle women.

Lan Rou's tenderness is fake, she is still at ease.

But this Zhao Qingqing should be true, what if Feng Yilin ran away with her?
Feng Lin rolled his eyes, "Stop thinking about it."

"Humph! I'll resign her tomorrow!" Xu Ruoying puffed out her cheeks.

"Don't quit!"

Feng Lin put his arms around Xu Ruoying's arm and said seriously, "She has a very poor background. Trust me, she will definitely be worthy of your salary."


Xu Ruoying showed a faint smile, as if she had caught Feng Lin's weakness, "Then please beg me."

"I'm rubbing it! You bitch dare to go further?"

"I don't want to go further. Tomorrow, I will reduce her salary. The new employee's internship period is only 3000 yuan. I think I gave too much."

Xu Ruoying crossed Erlang's legs, folded his arms, and said expressionlessly.

Feng Lin took Xu Ruoying's jade hand and patted it gently, "Wife, we have a lot of adults, so why bother with a small employee?"

"When calling my wife again in the future, add an adult behind." Xu Ruoying said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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