Chapter 141 Grandmaster
Ye Xin didn't have the scruples of Ye Zhan, so he ran away if he couldn't beat him, leaving Qingshan without worrying about no firewood.

Two transformation realms, unable to defeat Ye Zhan, escape is always possible.

Thinking of this, she was about to give Feng Lin a wink.

However, he found that Feng Lin had grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the dining table and sat on the armrest of Meng Changsheng's wheelchair, nibbling on melon seeds.

There was no tension at all.

Ye Xin's brain was running fast, what was Feng Lin's intention in doing this?

"Zhou Tian, ​​kneel down and apologize!"

Ye Zhan stared at Zhou Tian expressionlessly and continued.

"Kneel down! Kneel down for Lao Tzu!"

Ye Kai also gradually regained consciousness, and he sneered.

After speaking, he did not forget to glance at Qin Peng and Wang Boqi in the distance.

Both of them looked away in horror.

In this situation, Ye Kai is very cool.

What about the Qin family?
Even in the realm of transformation, it was not a slap in the face by his grandfather.

Qin Peng was still a little confident, Wang Boqi was really confused, he knew that he was still with Ye Kai back then.

At this moment, Feng Lin, who was eating melon seeds, felt his phone vibrate.

He took out his eyes and saw that Ye Yan had already found Ye Dan's whereabouts.


Feng Lin shouted and ran towards Ye Xin, "Everyone, stop, give me time for a poem."

All the people around were stunned. At such a critical moment, where the atmosphere was frozen, where did this kid come from?
Wang Qin hurriedly pulled Xu Chuan back, for fear of being implicated by Feng Lin.

Feng Lin gave Ye Xin a look at the phone message, and then blinked at Yan Yibai.

"Okay! Everyone continue!"

Feng Lin put away his phone and backed out.

"Made! First give me the abolition of this kid!"

Ye Kai scolded, obviously wanting to solve Feng Lin, but he is still alive and kicking, Ye Kai feels that he has been insulted.

Ye Kai's head slammed to the ground, blood poured out, and he fainted on the spot.

Looking closely, there was a foot on the back of his head.

Looking up, it was a woman with black-rimmed glasses.

"What's the situation? When did that woman appear?"

"No! I kept looking at Ye Kai just now, how come there are more people in the blink of an eye?"


Not only the melon-eating audience around, but even Ye Zhan stared in horror.

He didn't notice either.

"Ye Xin, have you forgotten my partner?"

Yan Yibai pushed down his glasses and showed a faint smile.

Seeing this, Li Meihong was about to push Yan Yibai, "You are courting death! Let go of my son!"

Before her hand could touch Yan Yibai, her body suddenly shook, a mouthful of blood flowed out, and she fell to the ground.

Another metamorphosis realm!
Everyone around felt like they were going crazy.

It is understandable for a middle-aged person like Zhou Tian, ​​but this time, it is a young woman.

Does changing shape really need money?
Ye Xin's eyes fell on Feng Lin again. He and Meng Changsheng were two people who were eating melons.

She finally understood why Feng Lin was so calm from beginning to end.

"Ye Zhan! Hand over my mother!" Ye Xin took a few steps forward and shouted loudly, "Otherwise, step down the Ye family!"

"Hahaha! Laugh your teeth! Today, let me, the elder, put out your arrogance!"

Ye Zhan laughed in anger. He jumped at Ye Xin, and every step made cracks appear on the ground.

Suddenly, Ye Zhan turned around quickly and punched out.

Yan Yibai dodged easily, she patted Ye Zhan's waist with the back of her hand.

Ye Zhan thought he had suffered heavy damage and retreated.

He looked down at his body and found that there was nothing wrong, so he sneered, took a good posture, and prepared to continue to attack.

Yan Yibai smiled and snapped his fingers, saying, "Crack!"

Ye Zhan, who had just taken a step forward, was suddenly stunned, and with a puff, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

His body bent suddenly, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

This is……

All the people watching around held their breaths, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

what happened?
Could Ye Zhan's old injury recur?

It's okay to vomit blood.

"Is it possible... This is! Light and dark resonance! The realm of resonance!"

Zhou Tian in the distance, his throat trembled and his voice trembled.

Because now all around are silent, Zhou Tian's words are clearly heard in everyone's ears.


What the hell?
An old businessman had contacted Zhou Tian several times and asked respectfully, "Mr. Zhou Tian, ​​what is the resonance of light and dark?"

"This is the professional term of ancient warriors. For those of you, the resonance realm, above the transformation, is also called the master."

After Zhou Tian's explanation, everyone was shocked.

Grandmaster Realm!

This is the group at the top.

If it is a transformation and can claim to be a wealthy family in the province, then the master is the pride of the entire China.

It is rumored that Li Pocheng is the realm of the master.

It has made great contributions to the establishment of China.

"I'm dreaming! I was fortunate enough to see a master realm! Still so young!"

"Who is this woman? In the realm of a master, she is by no means unknown!"


Ye Xin trembled in her heart, she never dared to think about the master state.

She couldn't help but set her eyes on Feng Lin in the distance. Who was he?

Yan Yibai was already in the master realm, Ye Xin simply imagined unrealistically.

Yan Yibai is called Sikong Jin's fourth brother, does that mean Sikong Jin is stronger?
Sikong Jin and Yan Yibai were Feng Lin's bodyguards and called him the boss.

But Feng Lin, the eldest brother, would also be called Second Master Meng Changsheng.

Does it prove that Meng Changsheng is more powerful?

Ye Xin shook her head, she didn't dare to think about it, because in her cognition, the Grandmaster was the pinnacle of the legend.

The corners of Zhou Tian's mouth were slightly raised. Judging from Ye Xin's expression, she herself did not know the strength of this woman with glasses.

That proves that this woman is from Feng Lin.

From a small incident before, Zhou Tian guessed that Feng Lin was definitely not easy.

I remember when Wei Yanzi went to his house, Feng Lin mentioned the land of Jiuyou.

In Feng Lin's mouth, this Tongtian organization, which made the grandmasters shy away, was bland.

The current master state once again proved his conjecture.

Unable to help, Zhou Tian grabbed Zhou Ziying's arm and must find a way to get Feng Lin to take his daughter.

In this case, he has the capital for revenge.

"Hahaha! Zhou Tian, ​​who are you scaring? This is not resonance at all!"

Ye Zhan sneered, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and stood up from the ground, "This should be a practice."

"Why do you deceive yourself? I think you know better than me." Zhou Tian replied.

Light and dark resonance, you can hit two kinds of strength, that is, bright energy and dark energy.

The two forces will maintain a temporary balance, and then burst.

From the outside, the most intuitive is the delayed attack.

Of course, the power of the Grandmaster realm does not stop there.

"I do not believe!!"

Ye Zhan roared angrily and rushed towards Yan Yibai again, how could a little girl be in the master realm!
He will never believe it!
Yan Yibai gently pushed down his glasses, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The Grandmaster Realm has a unique ability.


(End of this chapter)

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