Chapter 142 Sensational Events

Ye Zhan's fist just came to Yan Yibai, and it seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier.

Followed by a sound similar to electric current.

His fist was instantly bloody, even revealing bones.


Ye Zhan let out a low growl, and took a few steps back with his fists covered.

Grandmaster... without a doubt!
The reason why this state is called resonance, not resonance, is because the two forces of light and dark alternate with each other, and there will be a chirping sound.

This sound is not magical, it is the sound of air vibrating.

Ordinary people can hold thin bamboo poles and wave them out of thin air.

However, people in the master realm rely on their own Qi to blow the air out.

The faces of the Ye family were ashen.

Everything in front of them was beyond their imagination.

This is the master!

Ye Tao finally understands that what Ye Zhan said before, Ye Xin is like her mother, there is no absolute certainty, and it will definitely not appear.

It turns out that this is the absolute certainty.


"Ye Zhan! Don't force me anymore, hand over my mother! I'll leave right away!" Ye Xin couldn't help shedding tears, "Otherwise! I'll step on the Ye family now!"

Ye Zhan clutched his bloody right hand and sighed deeply, feeling as if he had aged ten years.

He stood up, his throat trembling slightly, and finally sighed, "Follow me!"

Ye Xin clenched her fists, wiped away her tears, and followed.

Yan Yibai also put his hands in his trouser pockets and left with Ye Xin.

After the few people left, the originally silent surroundings immediately began to talk incessantly.

The happiest among them was Wang Qin. She grabbed Xu Chuan excitedly, "Husband! This kid Feng Lin is too accurate! I'll say Ye Xin is a very powerful woman!"

Xu Chuan rolled his eyes helplessly, but the relationship between Feng Lin and Ye Xin seemed to be real.

It can be said that Feng Lin, who has no background, has a background that belongs to him.

That is Ye Xin.

Feng Lin felt that the matter had come to an end, he suddenly remembered that there were other things to do, and walked to Xu Ruoying, "What did you forget to do? Give me something!"


Xu Ruoying reacted immediately and took out a vacuum bag from her pocket.

After Feng Lin caught it, he lifted it up and glanced around, "Beautiful sisters, look at all of them, our skin care products, Master Grandmaster said that they are good!"

If someone else shouted like this, it would have caused public anger long ago.

But Feng Lin did talk to Ye Xin and that grandmaster just now, proving that they knew each other.

Before I knew it, many people gathered around.

"Sisters, let me first introduce our skin care products. They are all natural and do not contain any additives. In just one day, you will be ten years younger and your acne will disappear..."

"Stop! Feng Lin, what nonsense are you talking about? The acne will disappear in a day, and there must be a recovery period for cosmetic surgery."

Qin Peng's yin and yang scolding, even if Ye Xin has the backing of his grandmaster, it has nothing to do with Feng Lin.

According to Wang Boqi, Feng Lin was just Ye Xin's thug.

In front of Ye Xin, he may not dare, but he can still get Feng Lin in private.

"It's true. It's the boss of the Starlight Group. He bought the ancient recipe at a high price. You can ask Master Grandmaster in a while. Yesterday, she had acne on her face, but it's gone today!"

Feng Lin held up the package and continued, "A little guy like me can't dare to make a joke about Master Grandmaster."

The people around thought carefully, and what they said made sense. A middle-aged woman came out of the crowd.

She looked about 50 years old, and the skin on her face was very rough and sallow.

"Little brother, can you see how my face can be treated?"

she asked incredulously.

A lady like her, who accompanied her husband back then, worked hard little by little.

When I was young, I had no money to maintain, but now I am rich, but I am old.

"Sister! Your skin doesn't have acne, it's just rough. It'll be fine in half an hour."

Feng Lin gave Xu Ruoying a wink.

Xu Ruoying understood and immediately opened the packaging bag and took out a small high-end brush from it.

"Stop! Feng Lin, who knows what your stuff is? Maybe it's something chemically synthesized!" Qin Peng said sharply.

Wang Boqi also hurriedly agreed, "Yes, many chemical things look good on the same day, and they start to burn the skin the next day."

When the lady heard this, she covered her face in fright and backed away.

Xu Ruoying couldn't help but look at Feng Lin. Feng Lin said before that this kind of thing will become solid when exposed to the air for a long time.

There is no way to heat it here.

"I can testify! This is a legendary ancient recipe. I heard that it was passed down by an ancient martial artist family."

Zhou Tian walked over with a calm expression.

"An aristocratic family of ancient martial arts? Haha, with Mr. Zhou Tian's testimony, I naturally believe it!"

The lady just now came over again, Zhou Tian is a big man, there is no need to lie.

Xu Ruoying showed a grateful smile to Zhou Tian, ​​and smeared the medicine here on the lady's face.

After a while, the green liquid gradually solidified and became a black mask.

The other women around also gathered around, waiting quietly, wanting to see the effect.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed.

Feng Lin nodded to Xu Ruoying.

Xu Ruoying stepped forward, learned the way Feng Lin did before, and peeled off the black substance.

A miracle happened, and the skin below was like new life.

I dare not say that it is as delicate as a baby, at least one or 20 years younger.

Wrinkles and large pores are all gone.

"how can that be?"

"Fuck! Wife,'re getting younger!"


The original people around didn't hold out much hope, at best they were similar to masks.

Didn't expect it to work so well.

It's like a different person.

Qin Peng and Wang Boqi were both shocked, especially Wang Boqi. He touched the acne on his face and couldn't help but want to buy it.

"Little brother! Do you have any more? Give me one! Look at the pimples on my face."

"Brother! Give me one, my wife didn't come today."


All the people around came up, and most of them were asked by men for their wives.

In fact, most successful businessmen cherish their wives who share weal and woe.

Because his wife did not dislike him for lack of money, she chose to endure hardship with him.

However, in the usual business gatherings, they rarely bring their wives, and to put it bluntly, they still feel ashamed.

If their wife is very beautiful, they would like to take it with them every day.

With this amazing skincare product, it's simply a boon.

"Everyone, you also heard from Mr. Zhou Tian just now that there are some rare essences in this ancient recipe. We only have [-] copies in total this time."

Feng Lin smiled and photographed Xu Ruoying, "At present we only have one copy left."

"Little brother, I want this [-] yuan. Give it to my sister. Look at the acne on my face. I usually don't have the face."

"20! I want it, little brother, you haven't seen my wife, she's as old as my mother."

"50 million!"


These businessmen are not bad money owners. They usually buy luxury cars for their sons, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars without blinking an eye.

The point is that it doesn't work for them.

This time, they can improve their wife's appearance. They don't care about this small amount of money.

Xu Ruoying and Xiao Mu looked at each other and smiled, their hearts were ecstatic, they knew that they would be hot.

Just as Feng Lin was about to speak, he frowned when he found that Ye Xin had sent him a message.

"It's over to you."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he glanced at Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian understood and left with Feng Lin.

Feng Lin pushed Meng Changsheng's wheelchair and walked quickly to the top of the mountain.

Zhou Tian asked in a low voice, "Sir, who is this?"

Feng Lin explained with a smile: "My second master, Meng Changsheng, is my own."

"It turned out to be the old gentleman." Zhou Tian nodded and asked, "What happened?"

"A sensational event!"

Feng Lin quickened his pace and saw the location of the top of the mountain from a distance, where Yan Yibai was waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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