Chapter 149
"It's not a man! A cheapskate, didn't I just wrong you? What are you running for?"

Xu Ruoying wiped her tears, turned around and left, preparing to find Feng Lin.

Xu Ruoying couldn't count the help he gave to himself.

The company's priceless prescription was also given to her by Feng Lin for free.

Zhou Ziying is the same, but Feng Lin saved her family.

Dad also said that he would never be able to pay it back for the rest of his life, and now he has run away with his anger, how can he explain it to Dad?

This is especially true for Xiao Mu. Grandma specially explained that Feng Lin is the foundation of saving the Xiao family.

If Feng Lin really did something wrong, it would be excusable.

The key people didn't do anything, and if she wronged them, she might not be able to sleep for the rest of her life.

"Where are you going?"

Meng Changsheng hurriedly asked, how could he let them go before he had time to tell the story behind him?

"Where else can we go? Find Feng Lin!"

Xu Ruoying turned around and said.

"What are you looking for? I'm his second master. If I call him here, will he agree?"

Meng Changsheng took out his cigarette pouch and said flatly.

"Yes! Second Master, please call Feng Lin."

Xu Ruoying hurriedly turned around, remembering what Feng Lin said personally, this person is his second master.

The other two also gathered around.

"Hey! Feng Lin is really sad this time, his original plan was to marry you." Meng Changsheng sighed deeply, "Just like this, you agree to marry him as a wife, I will persuade him again, maybe came back."

"Second Master, why are you so confused? We are three of us! You are crazy!"

Xu Ruoying glanced at the two people beside her and reminded.

"This kind of thing is simple. Wouldn't it be enough to change the nationality that can marry several wives? It's not that there is no such country, or if it becomes a stateless person, China's laws will not be bound."

Meng Changsheng smoked his cigarette pouch and said in a deep voice.

Three faces are stunned!
The three beauties in front of them are all dumbfounded, how can they still play like this?
Especially Xu Ruoying, she has a strong temperament, how can she share her man with others?
"No! No!" Xu Ruoying's head shook like a rattle.

"Hey! This kid Feng Lin is so pitiful."

Meng Changsheng sighed deeply again, "Think about it, I'll give him a call in a while, and I hope I can persuade him to come back."

"Then... Thank you first, Second Master!"

Xu Ruoying nodded, took Xiao Mu and Zhou Ziying's hands and left.

Meng Changsheng glanced at the three of them secretly, and returned to the elevator with a smile.


Feng Lin came to Qin's house and sneezed several times in a row.

With this appearance, he had already made the patron saint of the Qin family kneel last time, and the rest of the Qin family now treat each other with courtesy.

"Sir, Mr. Cui Qun is here."

Qin Wu said respectfully.

Behind Qin Wu, it was Cui Qun.

"Irrelevant people can go."

Feng Lin lowered his voice and said without emotion.


Qin Wu immediately retired.

"What's your order?"

Cui Qun respectfully prepares to kneel down.

"No need to kneel, I'm not as severe as Sir Si." Feng Lin waved his hand.

"Thank you sir!"

Cui Qun bowed his hands, but it was normal to think about it. Which of those people under the Holy Maiden is not a killing machine?

"have a look."

Feng Lin did not take out the photo, but took a photo of Ye Xin with his mobile phone.

Cui Qun looked at Ye Xin in the phone, and lowered his head again, "Sir, this is the picture given to me above, and let me kill her."


If Feng Lin guessed correctly, the person in front of him should be Cheng Yan's boss.

"Do you know who she is?"

"I don't know. If I knew her whereabouts, I would have killed her long ago."

Cui Qun shook his head slightly.

Feng Lin put away the phone and asked with a smile, "I want to know all the news about this woman."

"It's been a long time. I remember that seventeen or eighteen years ago, it gave me a photo and asked me to kill this girl. I was just about to start an investigation, but the mission was terminated."

Cui Qun recalled what had happened, and explained after a pause, "Two or three years ago, the above let this task go again."

Feng Lin also frowned strangely, this matter became more and more confusing.

Feng Lin asked, "Aren't there any new photos for you?"

Cui Qun shook his head, "No, it's still the photo of the child back then. I don't even know the name. There is only one news, that this woman is in Jiangbei."

"Okay, thank you."

Feng Lin nodded with a smile.

"Is there any other orders, sir, I..."

Cui Qun bowed his hands slightly, and suddenly found that Feng Lin in front of him had disappeared.

He was shocked in his heart, could it be that this person is also an earth evil?


Feng Lin returned to the Narcissus Club and went straight to the ninth floor.

Ye Xin and Ye Dan were still sitting together, Ye Xin was teaching her mother how to use a laptop.

If Ye Xin was ten years younger, she might cry with her mother in her arms.

But she is no longer young, and she is very happy to know that her mother is still alive.

"came back?"

Ye Xin raised her head and asked.


Feng Lin returned Ye Xin's photo to her.

"Have you found anything?" Ye Dan asked.

"He said that seventeen or eight years ago, he received the order to kill Ye Xin, and then it was suddenly stopped, and then it started again two or three years ago."

Feng Lin told them about the investigation in general.

"That means my daughter is safe now? They don't know what the girl in this photo looks like."

Ye Dan suddenly smiled.

"No! There is a master of the Nine Netherland hidden in the Wei family, and it has been investigated that Ye Xin is the person in the photo."

Feng Lin stood up, spread out his hands with a smile, and continued to say semi-threateningly, "I'll say it first, I might be able to help you with small troubles, and I will withdraw in the face of the big men in the Nine Serenities."

After finishing speaking, Feng Lin turned around and left, saying that it was a bit harsher, Ye Xin was just a pawn in Feng Lin's hand.

Her role is to attract people from the Nine Netherlands.

Feng Lin can completely let the fourth child go to Wei's house and kill anyone who knows the news about Ye Xin.

But, he won't do it.

He is now more interested in Ye Dan's past.


Meng Changsheng smoked his cigarette bag, activated his wheelchair, came to Feng Lin, and said with a smile, "The three little girls came to find you just now."

"Three? Are they here to apologize?"

Feng Lin thought for a while, it should be Xu Ruoying and the others, and found that he was wrong.

"That's right, a few girls are good looking. If you have a few more children, an old man like me can take them with you." Meng Changsheng said in a breathless voice.

"You don't come, go back."

Feng Lin rolled his eyes, took off the human skin mask, and went to clean it up.

He still needs to go to Xiao's house.

As a wealthy family, they should know more about the Ye family.


at the same time.

In Xu Ruoying's villa, the three of them sat on the sofa again.

"Haha! Xiao Mu, Second Master Feng Lin said so, are you still willing to marry Feng Lin?"

Xu Ruoying spoke in a joking tone, but she didn't want it anyway.

"I listen to my grandma, and if my grandma agrees, I agree."

Xiao Mu looked very openly, eating the fruit in front of him.

Xu Ruoying showed an incredible expression, could it be that this is the consciousness of the wealthy eldest lady?

"Yingying, how about you?"

Xu Ruoying asked again.

"Me?" Zhou Ziying swallowed the snack and said with a smile, "If you are here, I will agree, so that we can be together all day."

Xu Ruoying held her forehead, is there something wrong with these two women's brains?

"What about you?"

Xiao Mu suddenly looked at Xu Ruoying, "We are friends, if you choose to give up Feng Lin, I will be very happy."

"There are no two words to give up in my dictionary. Even if I marry him together, I will be a big wife!"

Xu Ruoying raised her chest proudly.

"Is Xiao Mu here?"

At this moment, Feng Lin's voice came from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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