Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 150 These 3 Women Are Still Useful

Chapter 150 These three women are still useful

"Feng Lin?"

All three showed surprised expressions.

Unexpectedly, Feng Lin's second master, who was so in-charge, really called him here.

The three ran out together and found a familiar Wuling Hongguang parked outside the villa.

Feng Lin stuck his head out and shouted, "Xiao Mu, I have something to do with you!"

Xu Ruoying ran over first, stood by the window, and said in a low voice, "Feng Lin, I... I blame you, I'm sorry."

"Don't! Don't you want to see me again? Look back, I'm not looking for you this time."

Feng Lin waved at Xu Ruoying.

"I'm sorry, can't I be wrong?" Xu Ruoying pouted slightly, with a slightly aggrieved expression.

Zhou Ziying also followed: "Yes, Feng Lin, we have all apologized, why are you not a big man at all?"

"Aiyo, wronged me, scolded me, and dared to bite me, you want me to forgive you if you're sorry?"

Feng Lin pouted and waved at them, "Where are you going to stay cool!"

"Then what do you want us to do before you forgive?"

Xu Ruoying also knew that Feng Lin had been hurt a lot this time, so he raised his head and asked.

Feng Lin opened the car door, looked at the people in front of him, and said with a smile, "I want to relax."


Xu Ruoying pointed at Feng Lin, then took a deep breath and nodded quietly, "Okay, come with me!"

Feng Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise, Xu Ruoying was a little wrong, did she really dare to agree?
Under the leadership of Xu Ruoying, Feng Lin returned to the living room.

"sit down!"

Xu Ruoying took Feng Lin's hand and let him sit on the sofa.

She came behind the sofa and squeezed Feng Lin's shoulders.

Seeing this, Xiao Mu and Zhou Ziying understood that they could do this kind of relaxation too.

The two sat on either side of Feng Lin, beating Feng Lin's legs.

Feng Lin closed his eyes, feeling pretty good.

He took out his phone and glanced at the time. It was still early anyway, so just enjoy it.

"Okay, Xu Ruoying sits in front."

Feng Lin beckoned very domineeringly.

Xu Ruoying blushed slightly, but since it was her own fault, she still listened to him.

In the end, Feng Lin put her pillow on Xu Ruoying's legs, and Zhou Ziying beat her legs hard.

Xiao Mu took the cut fruits and stuffed them into Feng Lin's mouth one by one.

"Ah! Not bad."

Feng Lin exhaled and suddenly realized that these women were still useful, not so unbearable.


"I'm not playing anymore!"

Half an hour later, Zhou Ziying suddenly stood up, shook her hand, and muttered, "Why are Xiaoying and Xiao Mu sitting all the time, and I want to massage you all the time? My hands are sore!"

"You're the only one here! You don't have the right to say anything!" Feng Lin pointed at Zhou Ziying and said.

"You... hum!"

Zhou Ziying looked down at herself, where is she so small?This is clearly average.

She angrily ran upstairs.

"Feng Lin, you are going too far!"

Xu Ruoying said beside him.

"Forget it, take a break and get back to work."

Feng Lin got up from the sofa, stretched out, and glanced at Xiao Mu, "Follow me back to Xiao's house, I have something to do with your grandma."

"it is good!"

Xiao Mu nodded.

For the first time, Xu Ruoying did not ask the reason, but walked upstairs, ready to comfort Zhou Ziying.

Feng Lin did not drive either, and took Xiao Mu's car to the mountain of Xiao's family.


The two just came here, and they saw Wei Kangyong at the gate.

He noticed the car and asked with a look of surprise: "Xiao Mu, I went to find you just now and learned that you are not at home."

Xiao Mu opened the car window and said calmly to Wei Kangyong, "I have something urgent, so go back first."

Wei Kangyong saw Feng Lin sitting in the co-pilot through the window, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

The last time he sent someone to kill him, but it didn't work out, Wei Kangyong was going to send a master of Anjin.

But it was stopped by his grandfather.

His grandfather said that there was a major incident in Yun City recently, and he asked him to keep a low profile.

Sure enough, the Qin family also successfully entered the wealthy family.

Wei Kangyong originally thought that the big event was over, but he didn't expect that something happened to the Ye family again.

So it has been delayed until now.

It seems that he will act immediately, otherwise Feng Lin will slap his nose and face, and he really dares to marry Xiao Mu.

Feng Lin in the car held his chin and asked, "You don't like this kid? I think he treats you well."

"I thought he was pretty good at first, until grandma put his information in front of me, you don't know how disgusting he is."

Xiao Mu pouted coldly, if it wasn't for him having a scapegoat every time, Xiao Mu wouldn't know how many times he had been arrested.

Feng Lin looked at the scenery outside the window, his expression froze.

Wait for the people from Jiuyou Land to come over and catch him, and then deal with the Wei family by the way.

The mountain behind the Xiao family.

Xiao Mu brought Feng Lin to a courtyard here.

The area is not very large.

Zhao Cheng, the old man, was lying on the reclining chair outside the door, listening to the novel.

He sensed the movement, opened his eyes immediately, and stood up from the reclining chair.

"Mr. Zhao, please let me know, Feng Lin wants to see grandma."

Xiao Mu is very respectful to Zhao Cheng, and some of her combat skills are also learned from Zhao Cheng.

"I am coming."

Zhao Xiu turned the wheelchair and appeared from the yard far away.

Feng Lin patted Xiao Mu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's nothing to do with you."

"What are you going to tell my grandma? I can't even be there?" Xiao Mu was a little unhappy.

Zhao Xiu replied: "Of course it's a private matter of marrying you. If you want to listen to me, I won't stop you."


Xiao Mu's pretty face suddenly turned red, and he secretly glanced at Feng Lin, then turned and ran away.

Zhao Xiu leaned on the wheelchair, propped her chin and asked, "Zhao Cheng is his own, so don't avoid him."

"Grandma, I'm here to find out something about the Ye family."

Feng Lin walked over with a smile and sat on a stone.

"Ye family? What do you want to know?" Zhao Xiu smiled kindly.

"About 30 years ago, when Ye Dan was pregnant and returned to Ye's house, I wanted to inquire about everything you know about Ye Dan."

"Ye Dan? She's a very smart girl. Speaking of which, my son used to have a crush on her, and I like her a lot too."

Zhao Xiu looked into the distance and fell into deep thought, "But my son is too cowardly, so the Wei family took the lead."

"Wei family? Didn't the Wei family have a grudge against the Ye family?" Feng Lin asked in surprise.

"There is a grudge, but there was none 30 years ago. Back then, the eldest of the Wei family, Wei Zhong, had a son who also liked Ye Dan, so the Wei family proposed marriage."

Zhao Xiu paused and continued, "The Ye family agreed, but Ye Dan, this girl, refused to accept the discipline and took the opportunity to escape."

"I understand, it turns out that the two are so hostile." Feng Lin nodded.

"No! It's just escaping from the marriage, not so much." Zhao Xiu shook her head slightly and explained, "Later Wei Zhong's son said he was going to find Ye Xin, and half a year later, the police brought his body."

Feng Lin frowned, Wei Zhong's son was actually dead.

"In the beginning, the Wei family did not suspect the Ye family, and even the Ye family was helping to find the murderer. Until a year later, Ye Dan appeared with a big belly."

Zhao Xiu said with a smile.

Feng Lin thought for a while and understood what was going on.

One year after Wei Zhong's son died, Ye Dan had not given birth to a child, which proved that this child was definitely not from the Wei family.

Nine times out of ten, Wei Zhong's son was killed by Ye Dan or the child's father.

(End of this chapter)

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