Chapter 151 Hidden Legion Base
However, this was just Feng Lin's own guess. He continued to look at Zhao Xiu, waiting for her explanation.

"You must have guessed it. The Wei family is the same. They went to the Ye family to question Ye Dan, but Ye Dan said that he deserved his death."

Zhao Xiu asked with a smile, "If you were Wei Zhong, what would you think? Since then, the two families have been fighting openly and secretly."

"And then? What happened next?"

Feng Lin continued to ask.

"Later, Ye Dan was imprisoned by Ye Zhan, and she has lost news since then. However, my son still missed Ye Dan at that time. He visited Ye's house a few times and knew that Ye Dan had given birth to a daughter."

When Zhao Xiu said this, if he looked at Feng Lin meaningfully, "I remember that you and Ye Xin have a good relationship. Many people know what happened to the Ye family."

"Hehe, grandma might as well push back the time by ten years. Think about it carefully. Ye Xin was around ten years old. What happened to the Ye family?"

Feng Lin continued to ask.

"Ten? That was about 20 years ago."

Zhao Xiu rubbed his chin and frowned strangely.

Zhao Cheng next to him moved his eyes suddenly, but he closed them immediately.

"Zhao Cheng, just say what you have, Feng Lin is one of our own." Zhao Xiu said with a smile.

"Yes, ma'am."

Zhao Cheng nodded and said, "Miss should have forgotten that around 20 years ago, a master in the transformation realm once held a photo of a child."

"That's right! I remembered. I said I hadn't seen it before, but I found out afterwards that the girl in the photo is Ye Xin."

Zhao Xiu looked at Feng Lin and said.

Feng Lin nodded with a smile, and the matter gradually became clear, "Grandma, did the Ye family behave strangely during that time?"

"During that time... the Ye family."

Zhao Xiu thought about it carefully, and suddenly clapped his hands, "A few days ago, someone attacked Ye's house, but they were repelled in the end."

"Someone attacked Ye's house, and afterward, some experts asked about Ye Xin's whereabouts."

Feng Lin closed his eyes, and things became more and more mysterious.

However, Feng Lin had been guessing from the beginning that this incident must have something to do with the Nine Nether Lands.

Ye Dan's man must have something to do with the Nine Nether Lands.

Could it be that the Land of the Netherworld has the ability to make people live forever?

Also, why didn't the Land of the Netherworld kill Ye Dan, only her daughter, and then didn't kill him again.

In recent years and ready to kill.

Feng Lin couldn't figure it out, since Zhao Xiu had nothing to do here, Feng Lin could only ask the Hidden Legion.

He was also going to tell about Ye Dan's matter.

With him around, people in the country dare not take Ye Dan away by force.

"Grandma, thank you very much." Feng Lin stood up and cupped his hands, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

"it is good."

Zhao Xiu smiled and nodded.


When Feng Lin went back, he called Lan He and told him everything that happened in Yunshi recently.

Lan He felt that the matter was too important, and planned to take Feng Lin to the intelligence branch of the Hidden Legion.

Reflect on the above.

Feng Lin also agreed, but because things were rushed, Lan He specially called the helicopter of the Hidden Legion.

Feng Lin took a taxi and came to the road outside the suburbs. He jumped off the road, found an open space, and sent coordinates to Lanhe.

About half an hour later, the sound of a helicopter came from the sky.

The helicopter slowly landed on the ground, and after Feng Lin sat on it, it immediately took off into the sky.

In the cabin of the helicopter, Feng Lin saw Lanhe.

"Hehe, as expected of you, you can find this kind of information in just a few days after coming to Yunshi."

Lan He smiled at Feng Lin and said.

"Hey! Stop talking nonsense, I always feel like I've fallen into a pit." Feng Lin put his hands on the back of his head and asked, "Have you found another undercover agent?"

"No, we are currently using the average method and are screening out. I hope we can find them."

The average method Lan He mentioned is often used to find undercover agents, and usually divides everyone into two parts.

Tell them different trends, if one of them leaks information, it proves that the undercover is in this part.

After that, continue to average, and eventually a certain person will be locked.

Of course, this is just a simple logic, and the actual operation will be more precise.


Somewhere in the wilds of the north.

The helicopter descended slowly from a height.

"A new base?"

Feng Lin looked out the window and asked, he hasn't been to this place yet.

"Well, it was established not long after you quit, and Xiao Rou is here too." Lan He said with a smile.

Feng Lin's expression didn't change, I hope she can master Qi as soon as possible.

The two got out of the car together and walked far away.

From a distance, a group of people were found to be training desperately in the woods, and the sound resounded through the sky.

Seeing this, Feng Lin remembered his own past. He did not receive novice training. When he first arrived at the Hidden Legion, his position was the officer.

I was about ten years old that year, and I brought a group of old men with me.

Lan He took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

"Let's go over there and have a look. Xiaorou should be training right now, and someone will pick us up later."

Lan He smiled at Feng Lin, and walked towards the distant hillside.

Feng Lin followed Lan He all the way to the top of the hill.

In the woods, a group of five is fighting as a team.

They are still wearing ordinary military uniforms, and only those who become ancient warriors are eligible to wear pure black military uniforms.

Feng Lin knew this kind of competition, and only by knocking down all five opponents, or admitting defeat, would it be considered a victory.

Even in this simplest game, there are casualties.

Feng Lin scanned the distance and noticed Lan Rou at a glance.

Her glasses had been taken off, and there was still blood at the corner of her mouth, but she was controlling a man's neck with increasing force.

Until the man slapped the ground to admit defeat.

"Is Xiao Rou not bad?"

Lan He asked with a smile.


Feng Lin nodded. Lan Rou's physical fitness is very good. After being taught by the country's professionals, she should soon be able to enter the ranks of ancient warriors.

"Grandpa! Feng Lin!"

Lan Rou suddenly raised her head, found two people in the distance, smiled and waved, and ran over quickly.

"Why are you here?"

Lan Rou wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and asked in surprise.

"I'm here to do something, and I'll see you by the way." Lan He wiped the dust off Lan Rou's face, and said with a smile, "Girl, it's still too late to quit now."

"I won't quit!" Lan Rou's eyes were firm.

"Master Lan!"

At this moment, a young man with a cut head came from a distance and nodded slightly to Lan He.

"Haha! Feng Lin, let me introduce you, this is the first person among our freshmen who has mastered Qi, Liu Jian."

Lan He explained with a smile.

"Hi, my name is Liu Jian."

The inch-cut man grinned at Feng Lin and offered his hand.

Feng Lin followed suit and gave a symbolic shake.

But Liu Jian suddenly began to use force.

Feng Lin slightly raised his brows, what does this mean?
Want to show yourself off?
With a little force, his hands were like pliers, and Liu Jian's eyes were instantly rounded.

Liu Jian was so painful that he wanted to break free, but he couldn't do it, and his face turned red.

"Haha! Feng Lin, you are so enthusiastic."

Lan He smiled and patted Feng Lin on the shoulder.

Feng Lin then let go.

Liu Jian immediately put this hand into his trouser pocket, feeling as if he lost consciousness.

"Feng Lin! Since you're here, can you give us some pointers?"

Lan Rou grabbed Feng Lin's arm and invited.

"Xiaorou, how can this work? We have professional guidance, how can we let outsiders make trouble? You can't bear this responsibility!"

Liu Jian said sternly from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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