Chapter 152
Lan Rou's face was a little unhappy, and she originally planned to reveal Feng Lin's identity.

But she promised her grandfather that Feng Lin's identity was a secret, and she could only bury it in her heart.

"Feng Lin, you're fine anyway, go and give them some pointers."

Lan He smiled at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin scratched his head helplessly, "I'm not interested in pointing these rookies."

"You! Boy, how are you talking?" Liu Jian pointed to the field in the distance and said coldly, "Come to practice?"

Fighting does not depend on brute force. Liu Jian is very confident in his fighting skills, and it is easy to deal with this kid who is a few years younger than himself.

Feng Lin didn't answer, and took the lead to walk to the venue over there.

After Liu Jian saw it, he followed with a cold face.

Lan Rou also walked over in a hurry, only Lan He squatted beside him and took out a cigarette from his pocket with a smile.

Feng Lin came to the bottom of the hillside and found that there were several regular hidden legions in black military uniforms.

These people are recording the performance of each trainee.

Feng Lin walked over and snatched the pen for recording things from a tall man in his 30s.

"what are you doing?"

This man shouted loudly. As an official member of the Hidden Legion, he had a certain arrogance in front of these novices.

Liu Jian, who was following behind, almost laughed out loud when he saw this.

You can offend other people, but you offend this captain.

They are the strongest here, the peak of Ming Jin's later stage.

"Don't get excited, use it."

Feng Lin turned the pen in his hand, pointed at the people around him, and said, "All of you, come together, let me see how your strength is."


Many people around laughed, where is this fool.

Do you know what people are here?

"Which department do you belong to?" the tall man pointed at Feng Lin and shouted, "Why don't you wear a military uniform?"

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Feng Lin, ready to teach him a lesson.

Here, those who do not obey the discipline will be punished.

Liu Jian folded his arms and smiled wickedly. It seemed that he could teach this kid a lesson without doing anything.

The other freshmen around also shook their heads and sighed. Yesterday, someone disobeyed the order and was knocked unconscious.

This kid should be the same.

The captain threw a punch at Feng Lin, but Feng Lin turned sideways to dodge.


Liu Jian stared at him in disbelief. This kid actually avoided the attack of the Ming Jin peak master.

"Okay, next one."

Feng Lin looked at the rest of the crowd.

"Stinky boy! Just dodged my attack once, what's the air?"

The captain behind him raised his fist again.

"No! I'm not dodging your attack." Feng Lin turned his head and gently turned the pen in his hand, "If this pen is a dagger, you are already dead."

"Why did you just die! Boy! How did you talk to the captain?"

Liu Jian came over, pointed at Feng Lin and shouted.

Lan Rou has been standing by to observe, because she believes in Feng Lin's strength.

As a member of the Dead Night, even if he is ranked sixth, his strength must enter the realm of darkness.

Dealing with this captain should be easy.

Suddenly, Lan Rou's eyes lit up, and she pointed at the captain's neck and said, "Captain, there is a thread on your neck!"

After Lan Rou's reminder, everyone around looked at it.

"Damn it! There is really a black line, which is on his strokes just now!"

"No, it was really said by this person. If he had a dagger in his hand, his trachea would be broken."


The people around were talking.

Liu Jian walked over in disbelief, observed it carefully, and found that there was indeed a straight black line.

He didn't even notice just now.

The captain also touched his neck with his hand, and was shocked. How could it be possible?

"Lan Rou, it seems that these people don't like letting me practice."

Feng Lin smiled and shrugged.

Lan Rou also laughed bitterly, this captain is almost invincible here.

Feng Lin's move was fatal, and the rest of the people naturally did not dare to do it.

"Don't you want to practice with me?" Feng Lin hooked his fingers at Liu Jian, "I'll give you some pointers."


Liu Jian's heart was pounding, but seeing Lan Rou here, if he didn't dare to fight, how would he behave in the future?

He clenched his fists and rushed out.

Feng Lin kicked Liu Jian in the stomach, and his body suddenly flew upside down and hit the big tree behind.

Large leaves fell from the tree.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, on the hilltop in the distance, a short-haired woman in a black military uniform with three stars on her shoulders appeared.

Her body was as straight as a sword, and her handsome face was full of fierceness.

She jumped and fell steadily from the top of the mountain.

"Who told you to stop training?"

Miao Qianxun looked around indifferently.

The position of the hidden legion is different from that of the army on the bright side. For ordinary players, the strongest is the black five-star.

As for the upper floors, there are dark red stars.

Starting from one red and four black, the top person is five dark red.

When Feng Lin was in the Hidden Legion, he did three reds and two blacks, and then he went out independently.

The woman in front of her has three black stars, and her strength has also entered the mid-term peak of dark energy, which is a good seedling.

"Report! Instructor, it was this man who broke the order!"

Liu Jian clutched his stomach and staggered over from a distance.

"who are you?"

Miao Qianxun glared at Feng Lin fiercely.

"Me? I just passed by to make soy sauce." Feng Lin spread his hands with a smile.

"Presumptuous! You laughed and laughed during training, what kind of manner?"

Miao Qianxun stepped on one foot, and the ground under her feet collapsed instantly.

The next moment, she appeared beside Feng Lin.


Lan He's voice suddenly came from a distance.

Miao Qianxun turned around and found that it was Lan He, she was surprised, "Mr. Lan, why are you here?"

"Hehe, I brought him." Lan He pointed at Feng Lin and smiled.

Feng Lin put the pen in the pocket of the tall man and followed with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Everyone around was shocked when they saw this scene.

"Did you see it? In an instant, our instructor appeared by his side, too fast!"

"Of course, our instructors are three-star team members, and they are also from the combat department."


Lan Rou's eyes were also full of envy, when would she have the fighting power of Miao Qianxun.

Obviously the age of the two is about a few years old.

Lan He also received the news and took Feng Lin and Miao Qianxun to the base together.

"Feng Lin, this is Miao Qianxun. The Legion's key training target will be unlimited in the future." Lan He explained beside him.

"It's really good." Feng Lin nodded.

"Not bad? What are you? If it wasn't for Mr. Lan just now, you would lie down."

Miao Qianxun glanced at Feng Lin coldly. She had just come to Feng Lin's side, but this kid still hasn't reacted.

Feng Lin smiled bitterly and didn't say much, after all, he was a retired person.

The base here is underground.

In a cave, there is a thick metal gate.

"Mr. Lan, wait a moment, the door here needs face recognition, and only one person can enter at a time. I'll go ahead and let the guards open the side door."

Miao Qianxun said to Lan He.

"Don't be so troublesome."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked towards the face recognition area.

"What's wrong with you kid..."

Just as Miao Qianxun finished speaking, she heard a "ding" sound.

Immediately afterwards, the steel doors here were all opened.

Miao Qianxun was stunned, what's the situation?
Ordinary face recognition will only open the side door.

Only her boss, a big man like Li Pocheng, would open the door and express her welcome.

Who is this kid?

(End of this chapter)

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