Chapter 153 Crazy, Crazy
Feng Lin smiled and touched his face, then looked back at Lan He, "You guys are really interesting, you didn't delete me."

"Hehe, no one dares to delete you."

Lan He chuckled and walked inside.

Feng Lin followed suit, leaving Miao Qianxun alone with a dull expression.

"Humph! There must be something wrong with the gate system!"

In order to confirm her conjecture, she did not go in immediately, but waited until the door was closed again.

Then Miao Qianxun came to the identification area.

The side door opened.

The door remained motionless.

She was extremely shocked in her heart, and muttered, "Maybe the guard knew that Mr. Lan was outside and opened the door on purpose."

Thinking of this, she accelerated to follow.

This base is inside the mountain, the entire mountain has been hollowed out, and all around are steel facilities.

There are lights at intervals, so the inside of the cave is not dark.

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked around, both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Mr. Lan, I'm going to pick you up."

In the distance, came a middle-aged man in a black uniform and thick glasses.

"I happened to meet Xiaomiao, so I came here together." Lan He asked with a smile, "Have you received the news?"

"Received, the order has been issued to allow you to access the supercomputer."

The middle-aged man pushed down his glasses.

Feng Lin was very familiar with supercomputers.

This is the Hidden Corps, the machine that stores the highest-level data.

At the beginning, Liu Nian used the permission given by Feng Lin to steal the information of one of the supercomputers.

Feng Lin was also very surprised. He didn't expect this base to have such a thing, so it must be protected by experts.

"Mr. Lan, I won't go there. I'm an outsider after all."

Feng Lin had already informed Lan He of the news and let him investigate.

Miao Qianxun, who was next to him, pouted and said disdainfully, "Che, it's the same as if you can go in."

"Okay, then I'll go in. When I find out the information, I'll come out and tell you."

Lan He nodded with a smile and left with the middle-aged man.

Miao Qianxun is getting more and more strange, who is this kid?

"Hey! Did you once belong to the Hidden Legion?" Miao Qianxun asked.

Feng Lin nodded, "That's right."

Miao Qianxun's face suddenly showed a hint of arrogance, "Then have you heard of Li Pocheng?"

"That kid, of course I've heard of it."

Feng Lin nodded, the current Li Pocheng was packaged as a hero on the bright side by the country.

I still remember back then, when he was a big man, crying and shouting that he wanted to enter Fenglin's death night.

However, being rejected by Feng Lin on the spot, he responded with a high emotional intelligence.

You are too famous for dead night.

"That kid? Brat! How dare you insult my boss?"

Miao Qianxun was instantly angry. In the Hidden Corps, except for an old man like Lan He who used to be a decision maker, he dared to call Li Pocheng a kid.

Who else dares?
The key point is that Feng Lin is still a little kid, and he doesn't seem to be that old yet.

Miao Qianxun smashed Feng Lin with a punch. Li Pocheng was her idol, and her previous mission even saved her life.

Feng Lin turned slightly and avoided Miao Qianxun's fist, "How could I insult him?"

"You dare to call my boss a brat! Isn't this an insult? If the other subordinates of my boss heard it, would they dare to kill you?"

Miao Qianxun snarled angrily and punched Feng Lin again.

Feng Lin grabbed Miao Qianxun's fist with one hand, "Then what should I call him?"

"Of course it's the general!" Miao Qianxun said coldly.

"Understood, I will respect others when others are here, anyway, that kid can't hear it."

Feng Lin smiled and let go of Miao Qianxun.

"How dare you say that? I have to teach you a lesson today!"

Miao Qianxun's face darkened, and he clenched his fists.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the sound of the steel door in the distance, and couldn't help turning her head.

I found a middle-aged man in a suit walking towards the gate, with short hair, his whole person was like an edged sword, domineering.

This person is Li Pocheng.

A surprise flashed in Miao Qianxun's eyes, and she ran over immediately, "Boss!"

"Haha! Xiaomiao, it's a shame to let you train these new recruits."

Li Pocheng smiled and patted Miao Qianxun on the shoulder.

Miao Qianxun asked excitedly, "Boss, why are you here? We haven't seen each other for half a year..."

Before she could finish her words, she found that Li Pocheng ran towards Feng Lin.

Miao Qianxun secretly thought that it was not good, his boss was violent, could it be that he heard Feng Lin speak ill of him just now?

She was going to step forward to stop her. Although Feng Lin made a rude remark, he was brought by Mr. Lan, so he couldn't do too much.

But the next scene made Miao Qianxun completely bewildered.

I saw Li Pocheng's movements and expressions were exactly the same as hers just now.

Pidianpidian ran to Feng Lin and shouted excitedly, "Boss!"

Miao Qianxun couldn't believe her eyes and ears.

This is Li Pocheng!

China's god of war, general, made those ancient warriors who threatened China's safety terrified.

But this kind of person actually calls a young boss?

Miao Qianxun seriously suspected that she was dreaming.

"Go away! Who is your boss?"

Feng Lin rolled his eyes.

"You are my boss!" Li Pocheng grabbed Feng Lin's arm, "I learned from Mr. Lan that you are coming over, so I can't wait to see you."

Miao Qianxun in the distance didn't even know what expression to use.

It turned out that the boss came here simply to see this young man.

Feng Lin leaned against the railing behind him, shook his head with a smile, "You kid is getting better and better, and your strength is not bad. It seems that you haven't been wasted in the past few years."

Li Pocheng patted his chest hard, "It's not that the boss has taught me well. I once said that I won't let you down."

"Crazy crazy."

Miao Qianxun shook his head vigorously, who is this young man?

The legendary God of War turned out to be like a child in front of him.

Feng Lin also noticed Miao Qianxun in the distance and shook his head with a smile. There were many things she would never know.

For example, when Feng Lin came to the Hidden Army as an instructor at the age of ten, Li Pocheng was one of his team members.

I remember that at that time, Li Pocheng was still a passionate young man in his 20s, and before he knew it, he also became an uncle in his 30s.

"Boss, are you coming back again? Then I'll be your team member?" Li Pocheng grabbed Feng Lin's arm.

Miao Qianxun was used to being surprised, and now she is very calm, even if her boss said that this kid is his father, Miao Qianxun would not make waves.

"I don't plan to come back, but at present, my purpose is exactly the same as that of the country, just to investigate something."

Feng Lin grabbed Li Pocheng's shoulder, "I have always seen your efforts, and I will let you help sooner or later."

In fact, Li Pocheng's current strength has surpassed the fifth, sixth and seventh.

However, he has his own career, and Feng Lin must not disturb his life.

"Boss! Don't worry, I will continue to work hard!"

Li Pocheng nodded vigorously.

The two chatted here for a long time,

Finally, Lan He came up from the lower level. This base became more and more strict as it went down.

"Mr. Lan, long time no see."

Li Pocheng said hello to Lan He.

Lan He nodded with a smile, "Haha! Pocheng, the fame is getting bigger and bigger recently."

"Where, compared to the boss, it's a drop in the bucket."

Li Pocheng also respected Lan He very much.

"Okay, you don't have to send it. I'm currently on a mission and need to keep a low profile."

Feng Lin waved to Li Pocheng and left with Lan He, hoping to get some news.

(End of this chapter)

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