Chapter 170 Ye Family Crisis
"Don't kill me! Senior, I have a lot of money and a lot of women, and I'll give them all to you! Please!"

The soul of Wang Fu was trembling, and he was regretting why he would provoke such a terrifying existence.

Sikong Jin's expression did not change, he stepped forward and grabbed Wang Fu's head.

Wang Fu's body shook violently, his eyes remained terrified, and he lost his breath.

"Oh, this kind of dirty and tiring work, I can only do it, obviously I'm the boss."

Feng Lin smiled bitterly, carried Wang Fu's body on his shoulders, and walked out.

Sikong followed behind Feng Lin and left with him.

Not far away, Xu Ruoying and others were relieved when they saw that Feng Lin was safe and sound.

Several people looked at Wang Fu on Feng Lin's shoulder, all pale.

"Feng Lin, did you kill someone?"

Xu Ruoying covered her mouth and asked.

"Yes, how do you say that sentence? No matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, let alone hot weapons."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he carried his body and left.

Looking at the back of Feng Lin's departure, Xu Ruoying's face could not be calm for a long time, what if Feng Lin was caught?
"I'll go to the police station to explain, you guys should be busy first."

Feng Lin walked outside the gate, waved to the three of them, and put the body in the back of the car.

"I'm going back."

Sikong opened the Volkswagen door next to him.


Feng Lin nodded lightly and drove to the police station by himself.

He sent a message to Li Jun, the boss of the police station, in advance. Just when he got here, Li Jun was waiting in front of the gate.

"This man was going to kill me, but I killed him. Find out who he is."

Feng Lin opened the car door and asked Li Jun.

"it is good!"

Li Jun took pictures with his mobile phone and took Feng Lin to the computer to compare his identity information.

Suddenly, a picture of a person flashed on the screen.

"The person on the wanted list, how did he enter our country!"

Li Jun looked at the above information and was shocked.

"He is an ancient warrior, and it is very easy to enter the border from a dangerous place." Feng Lin took out the previous firearm from his body again, "Get me some bullets of this type."

"it is good!"

Li Jun nodded. Those with red passports must cooperate fully.

"By the way, my identity is rather special. This person's death is the credit of your police station."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he left here. If it was in the wilderness, he would just bury it.

But this time he died in Xu Ruoying's company, so he must come over and explain, otherwise it would be easy to have an accident.

When Feng Lin came out, the three of Xu Ruoying were waiting outside.

Seeing that Feng Lin came out safe and sound, Xu Ruoying asked concernedly, "Are you all right?"

"It's alright, this killer is a wanted criminal, and they're going to reward money."

Feng Lin smiled at the three of them, signaling them to feel at ease.

"Feng Lin, then your gun..."

Xu Ruoying has always been brooding about this matter. After all, it is illegal to have such a thing.

"Look what this is? They just gave it."

Feng Lin took out the bullet with the police station number on it, "Did you forget, what did I do when I said I came to Yunshi?"

Xu Ruoying recalled that when she was just about to come to Yunshi, she had invited her.

However, Feng Lin refused.

Later, Feng Lin took the initiative to ask to come, remembering that he said there was a task on it.

"Oh! Are you on a mission for the country?" Xu Ruoying exclaimed.

"Shh, be quiet."

Feng Lin put his finger to his mouth and said to several people, "Go back."

Both Tang Hong and Zhao Qingqing knew that Feng Lin had been a soldier before, and after Xu Ruoying's advice, they also understood.

Feng Lin has not retired yet and is still helping the country.

The stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground, now not only are they not afraid, but they are also honored.

"Cough cough! This matter is over, I will have a meeting next!"

A few people got into the car, Xu Ruoying coughed lightly, and glanced at Zhao Qingqing beside him, "Tell me! What's the matter with you? Why are you kissing my man?"


Zhao Qingqing's face immediately turned red, she really felt that Feng Lin would die.

So her idea is very simple, be brave once before dying, and speak out what is in her heart.

Unexpectedly, everyone lived well.

Tang Hong, who was sitting in the back row, frowned. She felt that she had to make it clear that she had the right to seek happiness for her daughter.

"Mr. Xu, Qingqing, you may not know, in fact, Feng Lin and my daughter have already been engaged." Tang Hong said to the two of them, "Our families have agreed."

Xu Ruoying and Zhao Qingqing turned their heads at the same time, and the whole car seemed to be at a standstill.


Feng Lin returned to the Narcissus Club, took a bottle of Coke, and came to Sikongjin's room.

Just as he sat down, Ye Xin hurried in, and Ye Dan was with her.

"Mr. Feng Lin, something happened, something happened to the Ye family." Ye Xin came over and said to Feng Lin.

"My dad was seriously injured, and it was Ye Tao who called and told me!" Ye Dan also said, "I want to go and see."

"We are currently in a cooperative relationship. I have no right to ask what you want to do, but I kindly remind you that as long as you show up, both you and Ye Xin will be in crisis."

Feng Lin took a sip of Coke, crossed Erlang's legs, and looked at the two in front of him.

Ye Dan's face was heavy, and he lowered his head and did not speak.

"Sir, do you mean we don't care?" Ye Xin asked.

Feng Lin asked strangely, "Don't you have nothing to do with the Ye family?"

"I'm for..." When Ye Xin spoke, she glanced at Ye Dan beside her.

"You are for your mother, but your mother is not for you. She has been hiding secrets and won't tell them." Feng Lin stretched his waist and glanced at Sikong Jin, "Where is the fourth and seventh?"

"Go out to play."

Sikong answered.

"Come on, let's go over there." Feng Lin stood up.


Ye family.

Feng Lin drove Ye Xin and Sikong Jin and got out of the car together.

Ye Dan still stayed in the Narcissus Club, under the protection of the second master.

Sikong Jin wore a cap and sunglasses and followed Feng Lin.

Ye Xin walked at the front. She had a suspicion in her heart that this attack on the Ye family had something to do with her mother.

So you have to come here.

Several people came to the gate, and before Ye Xin spoke, several security personnel here opened the gate very respectfully.

They all remember what Ye Xin had done in the Ye family before.

That is the master realm.

"Miss please."

The security guard here bowed his head.

Ye Xin was also a little surprised, but thinking about it carefully, everything in the world is respected by strength.

She looked at the person beside her and asked, "Someone attacked the Ye family?"

"Yes, just in the morning, we don't know the specific situation, please go up and ask the lady in person."

The security guard answered with his head down.

mountain top.

The glass around the villa was still shattered and had not been repaired in time.

As soon as Ye Xin walked in, she saw several members of the Ye family, all in the living room.

Ye Zhan was sitting on the sofa with a bandage in front of him.

Ye Ming and Ye Tao were sitting on the sofa next to them.

Ye Yan and Ye Kai stood not far away, chatting in a low voice.

When Ye Xin appeared, everyone here looked different.

But no one dared to be sarcastic anymore.

"Didn't you say confidentiality?" Ye Zhan said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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