Chapter 171
"Dad, I only told my sister." Ye Tao said calmly.

Ye Xin walked over and asked lightly, "What happened?"

"The matter of the Ye family has nothing to do with you." Ye Zhan said indifferently, "Please come back."

Feng Lin and Sikong Jin were hanging out beside them.

Suddenly, Feng Lin bent down and found a handful of kunai from under a piece of shattered glass.

Sikong Jin took a closer look and said in a low voice, "It should be a ninja from an island country."

"Just seeing the weapon, not sure yet."

Feng Lin picked up Kuwu and weighed it a few times in his hand.

"That's right! It's a ninja, there are a dozen or so, and they seem to be looking for something to turn this place into a mess."

Ye Zhan said from a distance, he naturally knew that Feng Lin was the boss here.

Sikong asked, "It should be them, right?"

Feng Lin smiled and threw Kun Wu to the ground, nodded, "90.00% nine."

"Do you know who did it?" Ye Yan came over and asked.

"do not know."

Feng Lin spread out his hands with a smile, and left with Sikong.

The two stood on the edge of the cliff outside, looking into the distance.

Feng Lin said flatly: "It should be looking for Ye Dan to see if she is really dead..."

Just as he was talking, Feng Lin's expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Sikong asked.

"Tiaohu Lishan!"

Feng Lin said in a deep voice.

First come to Ye's house to find out if Ye Dan is here, and if he is not there, immediately evacuate and wait for Ye Xin to come.

As long as she comes, it is very likely that she will bring the master realm.

In this way, they can break into the Narcissus Club to find Ye Dan's whereabouts.

"I'll go back right away!" Sikong Jinxiang was about to leave.

"It's late, one, two..."

Just after Feng Lin counted twice, Ye Xin hurried out.

"Mr. Feng Lin is not good, a group of people broke into our club!"


Feng Lin smiled and spread his hands.

Sikong Jin also shook his head slightly.

"Mr. Feng Lin, my mother may be in danger!" Ye Xin reminded beside him.

Feng Lin calmly picked up the phone and called Yan Yibai.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

"Where are you now?" Feng Lin asked.

"I'm outside to buy paintbrushes."

"Don't buy it yet, go back to the Narcissus Club, something happened."

Feng Lin reminded.

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Yan Yibai replied.

Feng Lin hung up the phone and said with a smile, "Let's go back too."

"it is good!"

Ye Xin was extremely nervous, but she didn't expect that this was the other party's trick, and the purpose should be to target her mother.


Narcissus Club.

Meng Changsheng is playing chess with Ye Dan.

His face suddenly froze, and he said with a smile: "Don't move this game of chess, come with me quickly."

Meng Changsheng activated the electric wheelchair, came to the accommodation, and opened the door of his room.

"Sir, what happened?" Ye Dan asked after him.

"There should be danger, you are hiding in the cupboard in my room."

Meng Changsheng said calmly.

"How can this work, I hide, what do you do?"

Ye Xin grabbed Meng Changsheng's wheelchair and didn't plan to hide by herself.

"I'm not afraid. If those people dare to beat me, I'll lie on the ground and can't get up." Meng Changsheng said with a smile.


At this moment, Ye Dan heard the sound of glass breaking.

She immediately walked into Meng Changsheng's room and hid in the cabinet next to her.

Meng Changsheng was sitting at the door of the room.

These people want to come in, except for the windows, the doors.


With a loud noise, the window glass behind Meng Changsheng's room suddenly shattered.

A man in a black suit with a hood jumped into the room.

He glanced at the old man Meng Changsheng and ignored him.

Immediately lie on the ground, observe whether there is anyone under the bed, and then quickly rush to the bathroom.

Finally, he looked at the cabinet next to him.

"Don't! There's someone in the closet."

Meng Changsheng turned his wheelchair and blocked it in front of the cabinet.


This man mercilessly threw out a black kunai, facing Meng Changsheng's head.


With a sound like an electric current, Kuwu stood still in front of Meng Changsheng's eyebrows, unable to go any further.

Meng Changsheng smiled and grabbed Kuwu.

The ninja's eyes widened, and he immediately turned and ran away.

Kunai flew out in an instant, stabbed the man in the waist, moved his body, and was nailed to the wall.

"take it easy."

Meng Changsheng pushed the wheelchair and walked slowly towards him.


The ninja smashed the wall with one punch, and his body returned to freedom.

Just as he was about to escape from the window, his body suddenly shook, and with a bang, he hit the ground.

"How can it be repaired!"

His forehead was bulging with blue veins, and his body was shaking constantly, but it seemed that there were tons of stones on his body, and he couldn't get up at all.

"Second Master, are you alright?"

At this moment, Yan Yibai rushed into the room.

"Almost, where have you been? If something goes wrong with this old bone of mine, it will depend on you." Meng Changsheng said with a smile.

Yan Yibai stuck out her tongue, "I went shopping just now. The people below have already settled and ran away a few times."

Meng Changsheng pointed at the person on the ground, "Take this person away and keep it for interrogation."


Yan Yibai grabbed the man and left here.

Meng Changsheng said to the cabinet, "You can come out."

Ye Dan immediately opened the door of the cabinet and looked at the messy room, she was shocked.

Could it be that this old man is also a master?
"Let's continue playing chess, it's me, right?"

Meng Changsheng activated his wheelchair and hurried to the previous chessboard. He picked up the cigarette bag and pondered beside him.

Ye Dan became more and more shocked. She asked in a deep voice, "Sir, are you... not nervous when this happens?"

"I'm nervous, but I didn't show it. In fact, my legs are shaking." Meng Changsheng said with a smile.

"How can you old man have legs."

Ye Dan rolled her eyes and sat down. Suddenly, her face turned red inexplicably.


When Feng Lin and others arrived here, they found the clubhouse in a mess.

"Sir, Sister Ye, sorry for not being able to stop them!"

Liu Xiangnan came over with a kunai sticking in his stomach, and his face was very pale.

Feng Lin walked over, pulled out two silver needles from the belt, stabbed near Liu Xiangnan's wound, and then pulled out Kuwu.

Liu Xiangnan lowered his head in surprise, the wound did not bleed heavily.

Just because I was afraid of heavy bleeding, I didn't pull it out.

"Go get bandaged."

Feng Lin took out two silver needles and stabbed them into his belt again.

"Thank you sir."

Liu Xiangnan covered his wound and walked away quickly.

Feng Lin and the others came to the ninth floor, Yan Yibai winked at Feng Lin and pointed at the people on the ground, "Boss, it should be from the Black Sect, a few have run away, and one is still alive."

"Great, it's coming very fast."

Feng Lin smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Ye Xin looked at the corpse in front of her and felt a little uncomfortable. She quickened a few steps and went to see how her mother was doing.

"By the way, boss, the living one was caught by the second master." Yan Yibai explained.

Feng Lin nodded, took off the man's black hood, and asked in the island language, "Who asked you to come?"

"Kill me!"

The short-haired man said sharply.

"I'm a person who counts. You tell me everything, and I'll let you live." Feng Lin said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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