Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 175 Do You Know Who My Dad Is?

Chapter 175 Do You Know Who My Dad Is?

"What are you looking at? The old lady has a lot of blood, what's wrong with spitting it out?" The woman kicked the big tree, "Come down!"

Feng Lin grabbed the trunk and carefully slid down from it.

He carefully observed this woman, giving people a feeling of being coquettish and willful, and it seemed that it should not be easy to get along with.

"Beauty, I didn't provoke you."

Feng Lin sat by the fire and said lightly.

"Why are you here?"

Su Yi looked around carefully and found that there was no one else, sitting opposite Feng Lin.

"Me? I ran away from home and had a conflict with my family." Feng Lin made up a random reason.

"Get out as soon as the sun rises, it's very dangerous here."

Su Yi glanced at Feng Lin coldly and took off the black jacket he was wearing.

She had white short sleeves on the inside, and the blood had dyed the white a lot of red.

"You're injured? Are there beasts here?"

Feng Lin asked strangely.

"There's a lot of nonsense, it's right to leave, or else you won't know how to die."

Su Yi took out the dagger, dug directly into the wound, and took out a sharp branch from it.


She gritted her teeth and sighed deeply. She took out the ointment from her pocket, smeared the wound, and put on her clothes again.

Feng Lin raised his brows, this person is not an ordinary person.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distant mountain forest. Seeing this, Su Yi immediately raised the soil on the ground with a dagger and covered the flames.

In a moment, the burning flame was extinguished.

Feng Lin didn't say anything, anyway, his beggar chicken was already cooked.

"Don't light the fire tonight, be careful to be discovered."

Su Yi looked at Feng Lin coldly.

"Why? I have chicken here. Since everyone is here, I will invite them to eat."

Feng Lin took out his beggar chicken, smashed the surrounding soil with a stone on the side, and uncovered the wrapped leaves.

The scent spreads out immediately.

"They don't eat your chicken, they want your life."

Su Yi leaned against the tree and gradually closed his eyes, but the smell of chicken was clearly transmitted to his nostrils.

She covered her stomach and swallowed, "Boy! Get me some."

"I won't give it." Feng Lin pouted and said to himself, "It would be better if there was salt and cumin."

"Stinky boy! Believe it or not I killed you! Bring it!"

Su Yi gave a cold drink and pointed at Feng Lin with a dagger.

"My name is Feng Lin, what's your name?"

Feng Lin stood up and walked towards Su Yi.

"My name is Su Yi, don't ask about the rest, it's good for you." Su Yi said coldly.

Feng ripped off a chicken leg, walked over and handed it to Su Yi.

Su Yi caught it, without saying thank you, and nibbled directly.

"I haven't asked you why you came here, and you have a conflict with your family?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"Sit down and don't talk nonsense."

Su Yi said hesitantly while eating the meat.

Feng Lin was about to continue his questioning when his eyes suddenly looked into the distance, and another person came, the mid-term peak of the Transformation Realm.

Unable to help, Feng Lin frowned.

This woman's injury was not caused by a savage blow.

It's normal to think about it. If it is the eighteenth place, it is impossible to escape.

"Wow Kaka! It's so fragrant!"

A sharp voice was heard in the distance, it sounded like a eunuch.

Su Yi's expression changed, he threw the chicken leg to the ground, and stood up abruptly with his dagger clenched.

With the help of the faint moonlight, I found a thin old man standing on a branch in the distance.

"Su Yi, I finally found you."

The old man jumped off the branch, noticed Feng Lin beside Su Yi, and grinned, "I didn't expect there was a helper!"

While speaking, he threw out a flying knife, targeting Feng Lin.


Su Yi suddenly slashed sideways, the dagger just slashed on the flying knife, causing the flying knife to deviate from its trajectory and land on the ground.

She stood in front of Feng Lin and said coldly, "Run!"

"Yo, it turned out to be Xiao Bailian!" The old man laughed sarcastically, "Isn't it the younger brother of your White Sword Sect?"

White Sword Sect?
Feng Lin's expression was a little surprised. Feng Lin had heard of this sect, and he was very close to the country.

Although it's not a clear partnership, they will help if anything happens.

Unexpectedly, this woman is from the White Sword Sect.

"You dead onmyoji! If you have the ability, come to duel!" Su Yi said coldly.

"Hehe, even though I'm stronger than you, I'm also injured, so I'm sure I won't take any chances." The old man quickly ran towards Feng Lin, "I'm afraid I can't solve you with a hostage in hand?"

"Run! What are you doing standing stupidly?"

Su Yi glared at Feng Lin, and clenched the dagger to meet the old man.

"What kind of shit are you? Do you know who I am?" Feng Lin looked at the old man proudly with his hands in his trouser pockets.

The two people who were about to attack, all stopped.

"who are you?"

The old man asked in a deep voice, could it be that the sons of other sects are also here?
The more people there are, the less chance of getting a baby.

"My name is Feng Lin! Do you know who my father is?" Feng Lin shouted coldly.

The old man swallowed and waited quietly for the next sentence.

"My dad is the runner-up in the Yunshi Championship!" Feng Lin said proudly.

"I'm so... I killed you!"

The old man suddenly rushed towards Feng Lin, and was actually frightened by this kid just now.

Su Yi was also stunned for the first time. When she reacted, she found that the old man had come to Feng Lin.

She secretly thought that something was wrong, and threw the dagger out.

The old man who was about to attack Feng Lin suddenly widened his eyes, filled with fear.

He felt his body, unable to move.


Before he finished speaking, Su Yi's dagger hit the back of his neck, and the old man fell on the spot.


Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, walked over, pulled out the dagger, and sat on the ground again.

Feng Lin stepped forward and touched the other's body, and found a smartphone inside.

Using the other person's fingers to unlock the fingerprints, Feng Lin also sat down.

"Strange, aren't you afraid?"

Su Yi asked in surprise.

"My dad is a boxing runner-up, and he sent me to be a soldier."

Feng Lin flipped through the information on the other party's mobile phone to see if he could find something useful.

"Do you know the situation now? Leave early tomorrow morning and stay here in the way."

Su Yi leaned against the tree and closed her eyes, but her ears paid attention to the movements around her.

"It's my credit that you can kill him. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have succeeded in the sneak attack." Feng Lin looked solemn, "I want to know, what happened here?"

Su Yi asked flatly, "Do you think I'll tell you?"

Feng Lin nodded, "Yes, you will leave anyway. If I read it right, your left arm and shoulder have a broken bone. If it wasn't for me tonight, you would have died here."

"Who said I was leaving?"

Su Yi's voice rose a few decibels, and then she said calmly, "You don't understand, in this forest, there are treasures."

"Treasures from heaven and earth?"

Feng Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and everything was revealed.

If nothing else, the purpose of the Eighteen Earth Demons coming to the Cloud City is for the treasures of heaven and earth.

"Look, I'll say you don't understand. A simple understanding is the magic medicine. After taking it, you can practice less than ten years."

Su Yi paused and continued, "Our sect discovered it ten years ago, but this kind of heaven and earth treasure can only be effective when it is mature, and it has been until now."

"ten years?"

Feng Lin's pupils shrank suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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