Chapter 176 Fire Lotus
Feng Lin is no stranger to the treasures of heaven and earth. When he was a child, his father let Feng Lin eat this stuff.

It is fried and eaten. When eating noodles, it is boiled and eaten, and porridge is also added.

Anyway, Feng Lin's childhood was to eat grass, and the toilets were all green.

Later, with the second master, it gradually became meaty.

Feng Chen told Feng Lin that there are high and low treasures in heaven and earth.

What they eat often can grow into one to five years, and they are the most rubbish among the treasures of heaven and earth.

For more than ten years, it belongs to the best, and it is impossible to find.

How many decades can a person's life have?

The corners of Feng Lin's mouth twitched slightly, this baby, he wants it!
"Su Yi, do you know where that address is?"

Feng Lin came over and sat beside Su Yi and asked.

"Of course I know, but this group of Yin Yangmen people also found out." Su Yi gritted his teeth angrily, "Their people are guarding that area, and I can't get close at all."

Feng Lin looked back at the corpse over there, it turned out that he belonged to Yin Yangmen.

This group of people are all scum, but the personnel are very scattered, and they can't kill them all.

The death night led by Feng Lin destroyed several of their strongholds.

"Why didn't you hire a sect master?" Feng Lin asked.

"You don't understand, our White Sword Sect is intricate and complicated. The forces led by the sect master and the sect elders will restrict each other. As long as the sect master dispatches a master, the elders will definitely be aware of it."

Su Yi shook her head slightly, only if a young master like her was dispatched, the Council of Elders would not pay attention.

Feng Lin agreed, not surprisingly, the Eighteen Earth Sha was able to be dispatched, which should also be the reason.

Liu Nian has been planning for so long with only one purpose, that is, to let the Eighteen Earth Demons be dispatched logically.

The top [-] Earth Demons in Jiuyou Land can act as the sect masters of ordinary sects, and their strength is very terrifying.

Only by letting such people take action can accidents be avoided.

As for why the Ninth Earth Sha was not dispatched, the reason was very simple. It was too overkill to deal with a mere Ye family.

Instead, it makes others suspicious.

Feng Lin looked at Su Yi and asked with a smile, "What are your plans? Will you inform the masters of the sect?"

"No, it's too late. It will take at least a day and a half for our sect to get here. The treasures of heaven and earth should mature tomorrow morning."

Su Yi shook his head, "So I didn't plan to leave. Tomorrow morning, I have one last chance."

Feng Lin smiled and hugged the back of his head, so he could feel at ease. He would follow her tomorrow and snatch the baby.

Let's first see what type of treasures it is and how many are there in total.

If there are enough, I will give her one, as it is to tell myself the news.


In the early morning of the second day, the sky gradually turned white.

Su Yi put the dagger in her pocket and stood up quietly. She glanced at Feng Lin, then turned and walked into the depths of the wood.

Feng Lin opened his eyes, stretched his waist, shook his neck gently, and followed behind him.

at the same time.

Inside the mouth of an extinct volcano, there were dozens of people vigilantly surrounding a red lotus flower.

Everyone stared at the lotus with all their attention, not daring to blink.

One of the bald old men looked up at the high hole and said in a low voice, "Brother, it's about to dawn."


Next to the lotus, a one-eyed old man sat cross-legged, staring at the lotus in front of him.

"Big brother, Su Yi from the younger generation of Baijianzong, should go to the rescue, should we be earlier..."

As the bald old man spoke, he stretched out his hand.

"You know shit!"

The one-eyed old man snorted coldly, "When the fire lotus is turned into ashes, all the essence of the fire lotus will be injected into the inside of the fire lotus seeds. If you pick it now, the loss of [-]% of the medicinal effect is small."

"Hey, I'm joking. There are fifteen fire lotus seeds here. If the master of the White Sword Sect comes over, we will give him half."

The bald old man said with a smile.

"Think beautifully!"

The one-eyed old man's voice just fell.

From the heights of the crater, jump off a person.

This person is none other than Jiuyou Land, Eighteen Earth Demons, Liuhu.

Liu Hu's strong body fell into the ground, causing a burst of dust.

"Give you a chance, get out now, don't get out, die!"

Liu Hu folded his arms and looked indifferently at the surrounding people.

The one-eyed old man didn't speak, just waved his hand gently.

Many experts around him rushed towards Liu Hu.

Liu Hu raised the corner of his mouth contemptuously, and his figure flashed, like a tiger descending the mountain.

Brush Lala!
All the people around were turned into pieces.

"A group of ants, do you know who I am?"

Liu Hu folded his arms in disdain and looked at the one-eyed old man in the distance, "I am from the Nine Serenities! Don't force me to kill!"

The one-eyed old man's expression changed suddenly. He didn't expect it to be the legendary place of Nine Serenities. No wonder he was so cruel.

"What about the land of nine secluded places? I am the second master of Yinyangmen!"

The bald old man took a step forward and released all his Qi.

The sound of resonance sounded here.

"Hahaha! Ants!"

Liu Hu laughed contemptuously, he stepped on the ground, and the entire volcano was shaking violently.

His eyes flashed brownish-yellow light.

"Divine Aperture!"

Seeing the light in his eyes, the bald man turned pale with fright, and took a step back involuntarily.

outside the volcano.

Su Yi, who was moving slowly, suddenly felt a shock, and her face changed. Could it be that those people are fighting infighting?

She immediately quickened her pace, came to the edge of the crater, and quietly stuck her head out to observe the interior.

Found dead bodies all over the place, as well as those glowing eyes.

"Divine Aperture! It's over!"

Su Yi sighed in his heart, feeling a little powerless.

Now there is only one chance left, which is to hope that both of them can fight to the death and lose both.

However, Su Yi also knew in his heart that the two masters of Yin Yang Gate were definitely not opponents.


The one-eyed old man's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he was currently in the late stage of resonance.

Facing the Divine Aperture Realm, he couldn't beat it at all.

"Say it for the last time, get out now." Liu Hu said coldly.

"Mr. Jiuyou Land, we are indeed ashamed of your strength, but we have been waiting for fire lotus seeds for ten years, can we share two of our brothers?"

The one-eyed old man said very respectfully.

"Yeah, sir, you should be able to see that there are [-] fire lotuses in total, we took two, and there are thirteen." Another bald old man followed suit.

In the grass on the other side of the crater, Feng Lin listened carefully.

At such a long distance, only those with a sense of hearing above the Divine Aperture realm could know what they were talking about.

"Ten years? We've been waiting for almost 30 years! Get out now!" Liu Hu sneered.

"Hey, 30-year-old fire lotus seeds?"

Feng Lin was amazed in his heart, and now he is ready to continue, he has never heard of Huolian for 30 years.

There are a full fifteen, in this case, in addition to the members of the dead night beside me, I can also give my father one, so that he can have a taste.

However, Feng Lin, who was about to go down, was suddenly startled by a sentence.

"Sir, don't scare me, I may accidentally destroy the fire lotus."

The hand of the one-eyed old man fell on the fire lotus.

"you dare!"

Liu Hu said proudly, "If I destroy the fire lotus, you will be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces by me. Now get out, you still have a chance to survive, think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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