Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 178 Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 178 Multiple Choice Questions

Feng Lin's left eye suddenly flashed red, and he said with a smile, "I am not a merciful Virgin, the life of an ordinary person cannot stop me."

Feng Lin's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he mercilessly killed Liu Hu.

Liu Hu's eyes showed a fierce look, he grabbed Su Yi's neck with one hand and blocked her in front of him.

Su Yi closed her eyes tightly, tears welling up in her eyes: "Feng Lin, remember your words!"

"Feng Lin? Are you Feng Lin?"

Liu Hu grabbed Su Yi's neck and flew back, "You have such a young voice, I should have thought it was you!"

"Hehe, have you decided to die?"

Feng Lin tore the black short sleeves off his head, revealing his original appearance.

Liu Hu kept retreating, Liu Nian said that as long as he sees Feng Lin, he must avoid fighting him.

At first Liu Hu was not convinced, but now he finally knows how powerful Feng Lin is.

This realm should enter the level of the top ten earth evil spirits.

Liu Hu took a deep breath, there is only one way to retreat now.

Liu Hu broke Su Yi's arms.

Su Yi bit her lip in pain, even so, tears still flowed out.

"Feng Lin! Multiple choice question, who do you choose?"

Liu Hu threw Su Yi to the left with one hand, and the next moment, he threw three flying knives from his body, targeting Su Yi's head.

He ran to the right.

Feng Lin had two options.

First, go kill Liu Hu, in this case, Su Yi will be killed by the flying knife.

Second, by saving Su Yi, Liu Hu will be able to escape smoothly.

Feng Lin didn't have time to hesitate. If he hesitated for too long, Liu Hu would run away and Su Yi would also die.

Feng Lin appeared in front of Su Yi and slapped three flying knives with one palm. When he looked to the right, Liu Hu had disappeared.


Feng Lin grabbed Su Yi's arm and said coldly, "I saved your life again."

Su Yi lowered his head, not knowing what to say, his eyes were a little dull.

Feng Lin grabbed her arms separately and lifted them up with force, only to hear a "click", Su Yi's eyes widened, and he sucked in a breath of cold air.

He picked up the black short-sleeved sleeves that had just been thrown on the ground, tore them into strips of cloth, and fixed Su Yi's two arms.

"Okay, you can rest like this now. It's best not to move. If you leave sequelae, you will be useless in the future."

Feng Lin said coldly.

"Thank you for saving me." Su Yi said in a deep voice. She thought she was going to die before, but she didn't expect to survive.

This is really thankful.

Feng Lin didn't speak any more, he looked at the sky, the sun had already shone on the earth, and all things recovered.

He decided to take the other party out. As for the fire lotus seed in his hand, he also planned to give her one as a thank you gift.

"Come on, I'll take you out of this place."

Feng Lin first hugged the opponent's body, hurried up to the high mountain, landed outside, and then put the opponent down.

"Let's go out together, what I promised you before, I will now fulfill."

Feng Lin took out a fiery red fire lotus seed from his body and put it in Su Yi's pocket.

After that, he picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Lan He, telling him that the matter was over.

No more satellites.

After sending the message, Feng Lin took the other party and left this primitive forest.

Because with one person, Feng Lin's speed was much slower. It took about two or three hours before they finally came out of the forest.

"Can you go back by yourself? Do you need me to send you?" Feng Lin asked.

"No, hehe, I can go back by myself. I really thank you this time, thank you."

Su Yi's feelings towards Feng Lin are very complicated.

There is gratitude, but also fear.

Because the way Feng Lin fought before was really terrifying.

"Okay, then I won't send you off, be careful on the road."

Feng Lin didn't worry too much. This woman is a master. Although her arms are temporarily unable to move, she can defeat a lot of people simply by relying on her feet.

"It's amazing that I survived and got the baby."

Su Yi turned to look at the back of Feng Lin's departure, and shook his head slightly.

Feng Lin took a taxi to the Narcissus Club.

Arriving at the Narcissus Club, Feng Lin looked around with a smile, "Guess what gift I brought you this time."

All of them looked strange.

Feng Lin said with a smile: "Fire lotus seeds are treasures of heaven and earth."

"Fire Lotus? Quick! Let me see."

Meng Changsheng's face suddenly changed, he had heard of this treasure, it was not an ordinary thing.

Feng Lin took out the thing with a smile and handed it to Meng Changsheng, "Second Master, is this thing real or fake?"

Meng Changsheng observed it carefully, put it in front of his nose, and sniffed it gently, the smile on his face could not be concealed at all.

"Okay! This is really a fire lotus seed. This is not an ordinary thing. This is a real treasure! It will take at least 30 years to mature! Your fire lotus seed is obviously mature."

Meng Changsheng pursed his lips, "Boy, I'd better leave such a precious thing to you. I'm an old man. I don't dare to ask for it, and I can't afford it."

"Hey, I said Erye, do you think I told you with such a big fanfare that I got a baby, is it only one?"

Feng Lin put his hand into his pocket, took out all the fire lotus seeds, and put them in the palm of his hand.

The people around looked at Feng Lin's palm, and they were all too shocked to speak.

There are so many,
"It should be a complete fire lotus, you got it all?" Meng Changsheng's eyes widened.

"Yes, come, one for each."

Feng Lin gave one to Yan Yibai and Sikong Jin, one for each. As for the one in Meng Changsheng's hands, he did not take it.

"Just eat it directly. Fire lotus seeds have the effect of consolidating meridians and permanently enhancing physical fitness."

After Meng Changsheng finished speaking, he stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it like he was eating jelly beans.

Sikong Jin and Yan Yibai also ate them all.

Feng Lin took one himself, sat on the sofa, and ate one.

Originally fifteen, one was given to Su Yi, the four of them ate four, and there are still ten left.

Two of them belong to Feng Chen and Lao Wu, and the remaining eight are to be discussed.


In a black car, Liu Hu was holding a video on his mobile phone.

The person inside is Liu Nian.

"Xiao Nian, Uncle Hu, I'm sorry for you, I didn't expect things to arrive soon, but I met Feng Lin!"

Liu Hu punched his leg.

"What? How did he know?"

Unbelievable flashed in Liu Nian's eyes, she took a deep breath, covered her face, and didn't speak for a long time.

There are fifteen fire lotus seeds in total, and she has already contacted fifteen people here.

As long as you take it, the strength will definitely be able to enter the level of the earth within three years.

At that time, her Liu family will be able to master the second sect again.

But now...

"Xiao Nian! What should we do? What should we do?"

Liu Hu's face was full of remorse.

"Hey! Feng Lin, Feng Lin..." Liu Nian paused and said, "Uncle Hu, come back first. I'm going to tell the nine sect masters of the Nine Serenity Land about the faces of everyone in the dead night."


(End of this chapter)

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