Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 179 Liu Xiangnan's Blind Date

Chapter 179 Liu Xiangnan's Blind Date
Feng Lin called his father, but he didn't get through.

He sent the photo of the fire lotus he took before to Feng Chen, and he would definitely reply when he saw it.

After inquiries, Feng Lin learned that the group of ninjas did not continue to attack.

It should have been an order under the same month.

Now that she knew that everything this time was directed and acted by Liu Nian, she had no reason to continue to be fooled.

"I forgot one thing!"

Feng Lin suddenly slapped his forehead, "I'll go to Wei's house and arrest Liang Die and the others."

"Don't go to the boss. After you left, the second master asked me to watch them, but they left long ago."

Yan Yibai smiled and spread out her hands.

"It should be the second sect notified in the same month."

Feng Lin didn't care, anyway, they had already run away, and it was useless to tangle.

He bid farewell to a few people and was going to find Xu Ruoying. His plan was to get one for Xu Ruoying as well.

Feng Chen once said that he owed the Xu family a favor.

Send her a message first, and Feng Lin learned that Xu Ruoying was in the company, so she drove Wuling Hongguang over there.

Parking the car in front of the company gate, Feng Lin found that the number of people in the company gradually increased.

There are already many security guards presiding over the order, and some young people are lining up for interviews.

Feng Lin remembered that Xu Ruoying was about to reopen.

He came to the hall and found Tang Hong in the distance. He walked over with a smile, "Auntie, where's Xu Ruoying?"

"Mr. Xu is in the office."

Tang Hong found Feng Lin coming, and immediately greeted her with a smile. After what happened last time, she had been promoted by Xu Ruoying to be the manager of the hall.

Wages have doubled.

"it is good."

Feng Lin nodded and took the elevator to the top floor.

Anyway, Xu Ruoying was his own person, so he didn't knock on the door, he just pushed the door and walked in.

I found a man sitting in the office. He had broken hair and was wearing a suit. He looked at Xu Ruoying with a smile on his face, "Xiaoying, you better not make me angry."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that the door was pushed open by Feng Lin, his face was a little unhappy, "How dare you, the president's office, you came in without knocking on the door?"

Feng Lin just glanced at the young man at random, then he looked at Xu Ruoying, and it was the first time he saw her expression of nervousness and fear.

"what happened?"

Feng Lin was very uncomfortable seeing Xu Ruoying like this, maybe he really liked her.

"Boy, do you want to play a hero to save the beauty in front of the president?" The man with broken hair in front of him stood up with a smile, his eyes full of contempt.


Feng Lin slapped the man in the face.

"Stinky boy, you dare to hit me?"

Wang Weiyi stared in disbelief.

"What happened to you?" Feng Lin asked coldly.

"Feng Lin! Okay!"

Xu Ruoying immediately rushed over and stood in front of Feng Lin. She turned around and looked at Wang Weiyi, "He is my boyfriend, if you dare to touch him, you will never get Fang Zi!"

"Hehe, I'll give you two days."

Wang Weiyi covered his face, and before leaving, he glanced at Feng Lin coldly, and asked the recipe first.

After he left, Feng Lin closed the door and looked at Xu Ruoying, "What happened to you? Did he bully you?"

Xu Ruoying looked at Feng Lin's concern, and suddenly smiled happily, "Are you caring about me?"

Feng Lin pouted and nodded Xu Ruoying's forehead, "What happened?"

"Jiangbei Wang Family, have you heard of it?"

Xu Ruoying sat on the sofa and asked helplessly.

"I don't know." Feng Lin shook his head gently.

"If it was 20 years ago, you must have heard of it, because at that time, they were once a wealthy family in Jiangbei."

Xu Ruoying glanced at Fenglin and sighed deeply, "However, now they have become a hidden family."

"Hidden family?"

A surprise flashed across Feng Lin's expression, he naturally knew this kind of family.

He also knew a lot.

The hidden family is very strong, and the high-class hidden family is equivalent to a sect.

Unlike sects, they let their servants take care of the company and make money.

As for the family itself, it is very low-key to hide.

Feng Lin asked strangely: "You mean that the person just now is a member of the Hidden Family?"

"That's right, but it can only be called a family separation." Xu Ruoying just heard from her mother, "My mother is the one who separated the family."

"Your mother? Wang Qin?"

Feng Lin jumped up in shock, but he didn't expect that woman to be a member of the Hidden Family.

But this is too different!

That kind of snobbish woman is completely incompatible with the hidden family.

"It's true, my mother is the one who split up."

After Xu Ruoying's explanation, Feng Lin probably knew about the Wang Qin family.

It turned out that Wang Qin's mother was one of several wives of the owner of the family, Wang Laojiao.

But the Wang family has a rule that only those who become ancient warriors can stay in the family.

Therefore, Wang Qin's mother's lineage, when she becomes an adult, must leave her family and establish her own business.

Wang Qin also has an older brother. When Wang Qin and his older brother became adults, they were kicked out of their family.

The Wang Wei just now was the son of Xu Ruoying's uncle.

"It's really a complicated relationship. The kid just now is also your relative. Your relationship doesn't seem to be good."

Feng Lin sighed.

"That's because back then, my mother insisted on marrying my father. Later, as long as she returned to her parents' home, she would be ridiculed and cut off contact with them in the end."

Xu Ruoying explained.

Feng Lin was extremely surprised. The woman Wang Qin had changed a little.

"Just now Wang Weiyi came over and said that my family issued an order to let me hand over the recipe you gave, otherwise I will bear the consequences."

Xu Ruoying glanced at Feng Lin, lowered her head and said.

Feng Lin nodded, no wonder Xu Ruoying was nervous and scared just now.

For ordinary people, the Hidden Family is a mountain, plus her mother's lineage.

It's natural to be afraid.

"Don't worry, I have everything."

Feng Lin smiled at Xu Ruoying.

"Hehe! Feng Lin, you don't like me, do you?" Xu Ruoying suddenly raised her brows.

Feng Lin nodded flatly, "A little bit, you have to keep working hard and try to catch up to me."

"Bah! Shameless."

Xu Ruoying's cheeks suddenly turned red, but her heart was full of joy.

She had said long ago that she would definitely not be able to escape from her hand if she made her own shot and closed the forest in a mere way.

Feng Lin felt that in the current situation, he should not give her the fire lotus seeds.

He said goodbye to Xu Ruoying first, and was going to talk to Ye Xin. With her joining, even if it was a hidden family, he would have to weigh it a little.

After leaving Xu Ruoying's company, Feng Lin found an acquaintance when he was about to get into the car.

Liu Xiangnan.

When he saw Feng Lin, he immediately ran over to say hello, "Sir, why are you here?"

"Find a friend, what are you doing here?" Feng Lin asked strangely.

"Well, my mother knew that I was coming to Yunshi, so she found me a blind date." Liu Xiangnan smiled bitterly, "I'll meet at the cafe in front."

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, I just happened to accompany you to take a look."

Feng Lin walked up with his hands in his trouser pockets.

When he came to the cafe in the distance, Liu Xiangnan walked towards the woman by the window. The woman was wearing heavy makeup and looked about 30 years old.

He had seen the photo before and walked over.

Feng Lin was sitting at the table next to them.

"Hello, I'm Liu Xiangnan. I'm sorry for being late. Remember your name is Liu Ting? You said that we were a coincidence. Maybe we were a family in our last life."

Liu Xiangnan smiled and sat opposite the woman.

"If you're late when you first meet, you'll lose points." Liu Ting held the vanity mirror with a cold expression on her face, ignoring his jokes, "Let's not waste each other's time, I'll go straight to the topic, do you have a room?"

(End of this chapter)

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