Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 184 This fiancee is the Wang family!

Chapter 184 This fiancee is the Wang family!
Even though Xu Chuan knew it in his heart, the kung fu on his face was very good, "Brother, it's okay."

"Come in and sit."

Wang Dahai glanced at a few people, and finally settled on Feng Lin, "This is Xiaoying's fiancé, he really is a talent."

Feng Lin smiled and said, "You're welcome."

During the conversation, a young man in a suit walked over from a distance.

He stared at Feng Lin from a distance with a cold expression on his face.

This person is Wang Weiyi.

Feng Lin probably guessed why Wang Dahai deliberately left them here. If nothing else, it was because he slapped his son.

"Come in quickly."

Wang Dahai smiled and took the initiative to invite.

Xu Chuan and Feng Lin looked at each other and walked inside together.

Wang Qin took Xu Ruoying's hand.

Several people walked all the way to the villa in the center of the manor, and led by Wang Dahai, came to the living room.

Wang Dahai motioned for everyone to sit down and set his eyes on Feng Lin, "I still don't know what your name is?"

"My name is Feng Lin."

"Oh, Feng Lin, I have sent the prescription you gave to my family for appraisal. It does have a certain effect, but it needs to be taken for a long time. They are very curious about your essence."

Wang Dahai sat on the sofa and asked with Erlang's legs crossed.

"This essence was obtained by my dad from an expert, and it has now been used up."

Feng Lin said indifferently, this was the reason he had long thought of.

Because the original essence doesn't exist, you can't stay here all the time and refine the essence for them.

"What? Running out? What about this master?" Wang Dahai asked.

"This master went back to the village to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year, but he couldn't find it at all." Feng Lin explained with a smile.

Wang Dahai's face became more and more ugly, "Feng Lin, what do you mean, our Wang family can't make money with recipes?"

"Sorry, unavailable."

Feng Lin shook his head.

"Presumptuous! In that case, why didn't you say it earlier?" Wang Dahai clapped his hand on the sofa, "I have already explained it to my family, leave the matter to me, you can't help me?"

"I told Xiaoying at the time that they asked you to find me. I thought you asked me to come today to discuss this matter. I didn't expect you to promise in advance."

Feng Lin had an innocent expression on his face.

"Wang Qin! What do you think about this matter? I have already told my mother, if this matter is not completed, what kind of land will my mother fall into, I think you should understand!"

Wang Dahai shouted angrily.

"I... What can I do? Who asked you to promise so quickly?"

Wang Qin did not expect that things would develop like this.

"Dad, I think I can make up for it." Wang Weiyi, who was standing at the door, walked in and said with a smile, "Look at the appearance of my sister, there can be earth-shaking changes."

After Wang Weiyi's reminder, Wang Dahai's eyes suddenly lit up.

I remember when I was a child, Xu Ruoying was a tomboy with short hair, and he couldn't tell that he was a beauty.

After that, Wang Qin broke up with the family and never saw each other again.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ruoying now has such beauty, she is more beautiful than Wang Linger, the little princess of the Wang family.

In any case, Xu Ruoying is considered to have the blood of the Wang family, so she can be used to marry her.

In this case, the exchange for something is immeasurable.

"Not bad!"

Wang Dahai touched his chin and nodded, "Sister, anyway, Xiaoying is not married yet. Let's retire Feng Lin's marriage. I will find a better family for her."

The original Xu Ruoying planned to sit here and wait until the end without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, this Wang Weiyi would use Feng Lin to open the knife.

She couldn't stand it.


Xu Ruoying scolded angrily, "Feng Lin and I are already married!"

"You can leave when you're married, but maybe your wife won't work. You can be sent to a hidden family as a concubine."

Wang Dahai touched his chin and looked at Xu Ruoying, maybe those people are still rushing for this look.

Wang Weiyi also showed a contemptuous smile, this Feng Lin dared to slap himself.

After driving him out, teach him a good lesson.

"Feng Lin, let's go!"

Xu Ruoying angrily pulled Feng Lin and walked outside.

"Stop! Xu Ruoying, I'm doing this for your own good. Do you know how many benefits there are in marrying a hidden family or even a sect?"

Wang Dahai asked with a serious expression.

"I have no idea!"

Xu Ruoying took Feng Lin and walked out.

"Stop them!"

Wang Dahai waved his hand gently.

Several men in suits suddenly appeared and stood in front of them.

At this moment, a voice of laughter came from a distance, "Uncle, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Wang Dahai and Wang Weiyi immediately stood up and walked out.

Walking from a distance came a slender young man, about 27 years old.

"Xiao Kai, why are you here?"

Wang Dahai immediately went out to meet him.

"elder brother."

Wang Weiyi also shouted enthusiastically.

Wang Kai, the direct heir to the Wang family.

His father is the son of Mr. Wang's wife, the standard next head of the Wang family.

Not only that, Wang Kai is also a genius, he became an ancient martial artist early and mastered Qi.

It is now a master of the dark level.

However, in comparison, his younger sister Wang Linger has a more enchanting talent.

"The third grandmother asked me to ask about the medicine. The female elders in the family all want to fix the wrinkles on their faces."

Wang Kai walked over with a smile and said.

When Wang Dahai heard this, his face changed suddenly, and he didn't know what to do.

"There is no way to do that medicine. Essence was obtained by a master in our village. He has a weird temper, and he only returns to the village during Chinese New Year."

Feng Lin stepped forward and explained calmly.

"Really? It seems that several members of the family are going to be sad."

Wang Kai's expression was a little helpless.

"However, I once inquired about how to make the essence."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and said plainly.

In fact, this is what I thought about before, but just now Wang Dahai was too disgusting, and before Feng Lin could say anything, Xu Ruoying pulled him out.

"Oh? Do you know how to make essence?"

Wang Kai said in surprise.

Behind him, Wang Dawang, the only one, and Xu Chuan and others, are incredible.

"I know, I asked the expert grandfather when I was a child, and he seemed to say that extracting the essence has to be done by a god."

This was Feng Lin's plan before he came.

"Divine Aperture? Divine Aperture Realm?" Wang Kai exclaimed.

"Yes, it seems to be this." Feng Lin nodded.

Wang Kai was very solemn, the person in front of him actually knew the master of the realm of divine aperture.

If their Wang family can have such a master, it will definitely be different from what it used to be, and it will leap into the sky.

"Brother, wait a minute, I'll go call home."

Wang Kai picked up the phone and walked to the lawn in the distance.

At this time, Feng Lin's phone vibrated, and he thought that the other party had dialed his phone.

He took it out and looked at it, only to find that it was Lan He.

So he also answered the phone and walked aside, "Is something wrong?"

"Didn't you ask me to investigate a woman before? I have already investigated."

Lan He said over there.

"Really? Then send it directly."

Feng Lin nodded with a smile, in this way, he can happily break off the marriage, and let Feng Lin take a special look at the woman Lan He was looking for.

The figure is the same as Zhao Qingqing, who is flat, so this kind of person will not be considered.

"it is good!"

After Lan He finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The next moment, a message came from him.

Feng Lin opened it, and the more he looked at it, the more wrong it became. Suddenly, his eyes widened.

In Jiangbeiyang City, the royal family of the hidden family, Wang Linger!
(End of this chapter)

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