Chapter 185 Wang Linger

Feng Lin squatted on the ground and flipped through the details of the other party.

Aged 22 years old, the little princess of the royal family.

A genius, at the age of eight, he became an ancient martial artist and mastered Qi.

Because he never leaves home, his current cultivation base is unknown.

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be."

Feng Lin put away the phone and muttered.

With so many surnames Wang, it must be a mistake.

Otherwise, it's really embarrassing.

Feng Lin went to the Wang family to break off the marriage, and then told them that he and Xu Ruoying were getting along.

Where is the face of the Wang family?

Although he was denying it in his heart, Feng Lin whispered in Wang Qin's ear, "Auntie, is there someone in the Wang family called Wang Linger?"

"Ling'er? Yes, it's Wang Kai's sister, why are you asking this?" Wang Qin asked strangely.

"What am I..."

Feng Lin almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

His mind was spinning quickly, this dear.

How should I go back?

"Hehe! Dude, my father invited you over there!"

Wang Kai hung up the phone and walked over to speak from a distance.


Feng Lin involuntarily glanced at Xu Ruoying.

The reason why he was entangled was because he was worried about Xu Ruoying.

If it was before, who was still struggling with this, just go directly to the Wang's house and retire the relatives.

He sighed deeply, maybe he really liked her.

Obviously he likes gentle women.

"it is good."

Feng Lin still decided to make things clear, since he was not familiar with the Wang family anyway.

"Great, I just happened to go see my mother."

Wang Qin glanced at Feng Lin slightly, and was very excited.

It's his daughter's eyes that are vicious. He didn't expect that the village where Feng Lin is located, there are still experts.

When Wang Kai's father invited Feng Lin, he must have wanted Feng Lin to introduce the expert.

"Then let's go together, my aunt hasn't been back for a long time."

Wang Kai smiled at Wang Qin, this is just a scene, he has no feelings for Wang Qin.

"it is good!"

Under the leadership of Wang Kai, Wang Qin and others went to the Wang family's home.

Here Wang Dahai and Wang Weiyi looked at each other, and finally chose to follow to see the situation.

Wang family home.

Situated on a big hill outside the suburbs.

But they are different from the wealthy families in Yun City, who build very exaggerated villas on the mountains.

But on the mountain here, all I see are very ordinary houses.

If you let a normal person take a look, then two words must come to mind.

mountain village.

This is the so-called hidden family. In the eyes of outsiders, they are very ordinary, but they have extremely powerful power.

When I came to the mountain village halfway up the mountain, I found that every house here is very large.

There is also a garage where you can see a lot of luxury cars.

"Auntie, I'm going to take this Mr. Feng Lin to see my father, so I won't disturb you."

Wang Kai said to Wang Qin with a smile.

"it is good."

Wang Qin nodded, and he took Xu Chuan and Xu Ruoying to the top of the mountain together.

Wang Kai took Feng Lin to the huge family courtyard not far away.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Wang Kai."

Along the way, Wang Kai glanced at Feng Lin with a smile.

"My name is Feng Lin."

"Are you Xiaoying's fiance?" Wang Kai asked.


Feng Lin thought about it carefully. Regarding the divorce, he should talk to Wang Linger first.

I hope to break off the marriage with her and be as happy as Wen Renxi.

"This is my home."

Wang Kai took Feng Lin into a huge family courtyard with three floors.

"Brother, you are back."

In the corner of the yard, stood a slim woman in her twenties.

She looked sick and very pale.

But even so, she couldn't hide her appearance.

Feng Lin recognized this person at a glance, and it really was his fiancee.

Strength has entered the peak of dark strength.

In such a low-level hidden family, it is indeed a genius to be able to produce such a character.

Wang Linger held a carrot in one hand and was feeding the little rabbit next to her.

She just said hello and didn't speak again.

"came back."

As soon as Wang Kai's voice fell, a middle-aged man with half-white hair jumped down from the third-floor building.

Wearing ordinary white short sleeves, he walked over with a smile, "Wang Kai, you can go."

"it is good."

Wang Kai nodded to Feng Lin and turned to leave.

"My name is Wang De, I heard that you know the realm of the divine aperture?" Wang De motioned to Feng Lin to sit on the small bench in the courtyard.

"I'm not very clear either." Feng Lin shook his head.

"The essence you said before, how did the expert do it?"

Wang De asked calmly.

"He squeezed it out with his hand," Feng Lin explained.


Wang De's eyes widened in shock, this was directly using Qi to extract the essence, "Can you find him?"

"No, he has a very weird temper. He will only go back during Chinese New Year."

"Okay! Before the New Year, take me to your village!"

Wang De's expression is serious, this person is likely to be a super expert, and he must find a way to get acquainted.

Feng Lin nodded, believing that the other party might not let him take him back to the village after listening to his next sentence.

"That, uncle, my name is Feng Lin."

Feng Lin reminded him first to see if the other party recognized him.

"Well, you can go. I'll let you know when the Chinese New Year is approaching."

Wang De nodded flatly, turned and walked into the room.

"Are you sure you haven't heard the name Feng Lin?"

Feng Lin reminded him once.

"What? Are you famous?" Wang De stopped.

"That's great. Actually, my dad gave me a photo and said that this person's name is Wang Linger, my fiancee."

Feng Lin found Wang Linger's photo from his pocket and put it on the table, "It seems that he must have lied to me and surprised me."


Wang Linger, who was feeding the rabbit in the distance, immediately turned her head, looked at Feng Lin, and burst out laughing.

People these days really like to dream.

Wang De's expression changed, he turned around immediately, and grabbed the photo in Feng Lin's hand.

"Wait when I get home and scold my dad."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets, he suddenly felt that this was fine, not to mention the straightforwardness of breaking off the marriage.

It's also a good idea to end directly in joke mode.

Feng Lin waved at Wang De and walked towards the gate.


Wang De suddenly shouted, and he said blankly, "Although I don't remember the name, I have the impression that my daughter does have a fiance."

Wang Linger, who originally thought it was a joke, suddenly widened her eyes.

"It's definitely not me. Even if it were me, there would be no chance. I love Xu Ruoying very much."

Feng Lin smiled and explained.

Wang De's eyes narrowed slightly. He took out his mobile phone and made a call. During the period, he did not forget to look at Feng Lin, "Sit down first and wait for me to make a call."

Feng Lin nodded, hoping for a peaceful solution.

"He's called Feng Lin! He's still holding Ling'er's photo!" Wang De, who was next to him, said into his phone, "Okay! Okay! I'll take him there right away!"

Hanging up the phone, Wang De looked at Feng Lin solemnly, "Come with me, you should be Ling'er's fiance."

After listening to Wang Linger in the distance, she walked over with an expressionless face.

(End of this chapter)

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