Chapter 195 Whose Child Are You?

A trace of joy flashed across Miao Kang's face, and he raised his head excitedly, "I still want to thank the Lord of Yellow Springs for his protection."

"You can go. I'll report to the master right now. You're still in Yangshi. I think I should come back."

Chi Qiaoqiao put the copper sheet in his pocket and turned to leave.

Miao Kang was overjoyed and would come back again, proving that he wanted to reward himself.

It depends on whether Feng Lin can stop her this time.


Feng Lin hid on the mountain in the distance, frowning slightly. He searched for a while and found that there was no one else around.

He quietly followed behind Chi Qiaoqiao, unable to detect the Qi on her body.

However, in his opinion, what kind of power can such a child have?
Someone should be picking her up somewhere.

Feng Lin hesitated for a moment, but decided to follow, as long as she was always in sight.

Just follow along, maybe you can meet Huang Quan's big man.

Chi Qiaoqiao walked to the top of the mountain and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"I sent you the address, you can come and pick me up now, I'm at the top of the mountain."

Chi Qiaoqiao smiled at the phone.

After the call, she put away her phone and sat on a rock.

Feng Lin didn't move, he kept waiting, but it wasn't a master who was waiting, it was a helicopter in the sky.

"Grandma's, let me waste so much time in vain."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and appeared in front of Chi Qiaoqiao in the blink of an eye.

"who are you?"

Chi Qiaoqiao stood up and asked in a childish tone.

Feng Lin left without saying a word, carrying this little loli on his back.

His figure shuttled through the mountains and forests, and finally stopped by a pool under a small waterfall.

He put Chi Qiaoqiao on the ground and looked at her calmly.

"What are you going to do?"

Chi Qiaoqiao's tender face was a little dignified, Feng Lin was holding her very fast just now, obviously a master.

"Are you the witch of Huang Quan?"

Feng Lin scratched his head, facing this little girl, he didn't know how to start.

As long as it's not a child, even if it's an adult woman, Feng Lin's coercive interrogation has no psychological pressure.

But to use this kind of oppression on seven or eight-year-old children, he always felt uncomfortable.

"Humph! That's right! Since you know my identity, don't kneel down yet."

Chi Qiaoqiao crossed her hips and looked up at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin held his forehead and leaned against the big tree beside him, thinking about how to deal with her.

"Little sister, since you are organized by Huang Quan, can you tell me where your base camp is? Tell my brother, he will let you eat lollipops."

Feng Lin said with a smile.

"Who wants to eat lollipops, do you take me as a kid?" Chi Qiaoqiao put her hands on her hips and snorted coldly, "I want to eat ice cream!"


Feng Lin walked over with a smile, squatted beside Chi Qiaoqiao, grabbed her little hand, "Okay, I'll take you..."

Suddenly, Feng Lin's expression changed suddenly, and he abruptly withdrew.

How can it be?

The realm of resonance!

Seven or eight-year-old light and dark resonance!

It's a shame to let those who have been practicing hard for a lifetime and can't reach the realm of masters.

"Little sister, since you are a witch, are you powerful?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"Humph! Of course, I am the proudest maid of the master, and I have obtained the true biography of the master."

Chi Qiaoqiao raised her head with pride in her eyes.

"Then how old are you this year?" Feng Lin asked.

"I'm... eight years old this year."

Chi Qiaoqiao answered with her fingers crossed. She raised her head and looked at Feng Lin, "Aren't you going to take me to eat ice cream?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy and kidnap you?"

Feng Lin asked strangely.

"Humph! The bad guys who dared to attack me all died miserably."

Chi Qiaoqiao took out his mobile phone from the small pocket on the side of his skirt, and took out a small Nokia mobile phone, "Hey, I have something to do here, you go and rest first."

After she finished speaking, she put the phone in her small pocket and walked towards Feng Lin.

Feng Lin didn't know what medicine she sold in the gourd, but he didn't believe it, he couldn't play a little girl.

"Then let's go now?"

Feng Lin asked with a smile.


Chi Qiaoqiao nodded.

After the two walked for a while, Chi Qiaoqiao suddenly jumped on Feng Lin's back.

Feng Lin instinctively turned around and hugged Chi Qiaoqiao's soft and boneless waist.

"what are you doing?"

Feng Lin asked, he is very sensitive to everything behind him.

This is human instinct.

Not to mention him, even ordinary people can sometimes sense that someone is looking at him from behind.

"Brace me, it's too bumpy here, I don't want to get my shoes dirty." Chi Qiaoqiao said.

"I'd better hold you, I don't like a strong man like you, behind me."

Feng Lin hugged Chi Qiaoqiao with one hand and let her butt sit on Feng Lin's arm.

"Ah! No, it's uncomfortable."

Chi Qiaoqiao followed Feng Lin's shoulders and finally rode on Feng Lin's neck, "Hey, this is much more comfortable."

"Little girl, there are not many women riding on my neck."

Feng Lin didn't care, after all, he was a little kid.

He once did the rescue of hostages in the dead of night, and he also let the little girl ride like this.

He is a veteran cadre of the dead night, and he is obviously the boss. He often does this kind of tiring work.

The second man has bad legs and feet, the third and fifth are sisters, and the fourth has a cleanliness addiction.

But it used to be okay, and I could leave the dirty work to the sixth.

"Cut! If it wasn't for my Gu who liked you, you wouldn't be qualified." Chi Qiaoqiao looked down at Feng Lin, "My name is Chi Qiaoqiao, what's your name?"

"Feng Lin."

"What are you going to do at our headquarters? Do you want to join us, or to grab the baby?"

Chi Qiaoqiao asked strangely.

"I want to meet your boss and talk about something."

Feng Lin quickened his pace and finally came to the suburban road.

Luckily for them, they just showed up just in time to see a taxi entering the city.

Feng Lin carried Chi Qiaoqiao down, and the two sat in the back row together.

A few minutes later, the two came to the city.

After Feng Lin gave the money, he took Chi Qiaoqiao to go shopping, and finally found a store that sold ice cream and bought one for her.

"Hey, it seems that you are a good person and didn't lie to me."

Chi Qiaoqiao took the ice cream and ate half of it in one bite. She exclaimed, "It's delicious!"

Feng Lin stood beside him and watched, from this perspective, he was completely a child.

Who would have thought that this little brat turned out to be a master realm.

What Feng Lin can be sure of at the moment is that she is by no means the same as ordinary people, making progress little by little.

There must be other shortcuts, otherwise it's really horrible.

"Feng Lin! Buy me another one."

Chi Qiaoqiao finished eating in the blink of an eye, pulling Feng Lin's clothes.

Feng Lin nodded and bought another one for Chi Qiaoqiao.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman also came over with a seven- or eight-year-old boy.

"Grandma, I want to eat ice cream." The little boy pointed to the booth and said.

"Okay! Grandma bought it for you."

The woman smiled and nodded, squeezed directly in front of Feng Lin, and gave the clerk the money.

Although Feng Lin was a little unhappy, he still took a step back.

Anyway, what the clerk does now is his own.

The little boy was idle and bored, and suddenly found Chi Qiaoqiao next to him.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the bow on Chi Qiaoqiao's head.

Chi Qiaoqiao slapped him on the hand and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

"Wow! Woohoo!"

The little boy covered his hand and burst into tears.

"Child, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman here immediately ran over to comfort her.

"Grandma! She hit me!" The little boy pointed at Chi Qiaoqiao.

"Why do you beat my grandson? Whose child are you?" the middle-aged woman pointed at Chi Qiaoqiao and shouted.

PS: Brothers, I have been busy these days. I have more chapters every day. Please support me.

(End of this chapter)

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