Chapter 196 I Have Fragments Too

Feng Lin immediately turned around when he heard the voice.

It was found that the middle-aged woman was pointing at the tip of Chi Qiaoqiao's nose and reprimanded loudly.

He came over immediately and stood in front of Chi Qiaoqiao, he was not worried about Chi Qiaoqiao.

He was worried about the two people on the opposite side.

"Are you the parent of this child? How did you discipline your child? You see my grandson was made to cry by her."

The middle-aged woman roared when she found Feng Lin coming.

"It was he who touched me first!"

Chi Qiaoqiao confronted her, her face getting colder and colder.

Although Feng Lin didn't notice it before, he knew that Chi Qiaoqiao didn't lie.

It is very abnormal for such a big man to take the initiative to bully a little kid.

"Woo! Grandma!"

The little boy was sitting on the ground, hugging the woman's leg and crying loudly.

"Apologize to my grandson immediately, or we'll never finish!" The woman pointed at Feng Lin and said.

Seeing that the ice cream over there was ready, Feng Lin walked over to take the ice cream and handed it to Chi Qiaoqiao.

Chi Qiaoqiao took the ice cream. Although she was unhappy, she still took a big mouthful.

"I'm talking to you, apologize immediately!"

The woman noticed that there were many people around, and reminded loudly, "Everyone, come and see, this dead girl bullied my grandson, and the parents also helped Zhou and refused to apologize."

"Everyone, my girls never bully others, it's this little brat who bullies my kids first."

Feng Lin picked up Chi Qiaoqiao and whispered in her ear, "Cry."

"I'm not crying."

What kind of identity is Chi Qiaoqiao?

If it spreads out, how will others see her?

"I'm full of ice cream."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Chi Qiaoqiao immediately put her head on Feng Lin's shoulder and shouted.

"Hey! Stop crying, it took a long time to coax him." Feng Lin helplessly slapped Chi Qiaoqiao on the back and looked around, "Everyone commented, how could a child like me bully others."

"Fuck! Lao Tzu's Lolita soul! Don't cry, little fairy, this kid must be bullying people!"

"Made! The wicked sue first. Your child is so strong that she will be beaten to tears by such a cute girl? It must be fake!"

"I know this kid, he bullied my little granddaughter yesterday!"


All of a sudden, the people around were pointing at middle-aged women and little kids and attacking them.

"Shut up all of you! Do you know who my son is? Believe it or not, kill you all!"

The middle-aged woman was scolded by these people and her face was red, and she fought back loudly.

"Wow! You are going to kill us. It seems that your son is also a scumbag. This little brat is his own."

Feng Lin sneered yin and yang.

"Stinky boy, wait for me."

The middle-aged woman didn't have the face to stay here, grabbed the little boy, and ran away quickly.

After those people left, many people gathered around.

This little girl looks so cute.

Many women also took photos with Chi Qiao.

In the end, Feng Lin left with Chi Qiaoqiao in his arms, so let's keep a low profile.

"Feng Lin, what about the ice cream you promised me?"

Chi Qiaoqiao found that Feng Lin had left, and immediately asked with a puffed mouth.

"Don't worry, I'm happy today and take you to taste something better."

Feng Lin was going to the milk tea shop. Compared with ice cream, this kind of thing was more popular with women.

Chi Qiaoqiao's big eyes suddenly lit up, "Is there anything better than ice cream?"

"You don't only know about ice cream, do you?"

"Yeah, but the master won't let me eat this kind of thing." Chi Qiaoqiao whispered.

"Your master still restricts this?"

Feng Lin asked strangely.

"Yes! The master is the most strict with me. The other witches are all smart phones, and they can play games when they have nothing to do. Only I am Nokia."

Chi Qiaoqiao took out her mobile phone and shook it gently.

"You are still young, and now is the time to grow your body, so restricting you is also for your own good."

Feng Lin found a milk tea shop in the distance, so he walked in with Chi Qiaoqiao.

As soon as the two of them sat in, a beautiful waiter greeted them. She smiled and looked at Chi Qiaoqiao, "It's so cute."

"Small cup, come with five different flavors first." Feng Lin smiled at the waiter.


The waiter nodded.

Feng Lin sat opposite Chi Qiaoqiao, holding his chin in thought.

Chi Qiaoqiao was looking around, she had never been to this kind of shop before.

"Girl, will you take me to your headquarters?" Feng Lin asked.

"What are you going to do first?"

Chi Qiaoqiao looked at Feng Lin indifferently.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. First of all, I want to inquire about a person named Hou Tianxue."

Feng Lin observed Chi Qiaoqiao's eyes.

"The day after tomorrow snow? I don't know."

Chi Qiaoqiao shook his head.

Feng Lin shook his head slightly, it was normal for her not to know, her status was noble, but she was only seven or eight years old.

She must not know what happened more than ten years ago.

At this moment, the waiter brought a few cups of milk tea and put it in front of Chi Qiaoqiao.

"Drink and taste."

Feng Lin said with a smile.

Chi Qiaoqiao looked around just now, she had already learned how to drink, she picked up the straw, and stabbed it in.

She just took a sip, her eyes suddenly widened, "This taste..."

In a few breaths, Chi Qiaoqiao finished the cup.

"Feng Lin, this is delicious!"

Chi Qiaoqiao said excitedly.


Feng Lin said two words, simply seeing this girl is not a bad person.

After a full five cups, Chi Qiaoqiao's small belly has been propped up.

She patted her stomach viciously, "Damn, there are still several flavors I haven't tasted, I really can't drink it."

"Continue drinking next time." Feng Lin smiled.

"I don't know if I can come out next time."

Chi Qiaoqiao sighed helplessly and left with Feng Lin.

"You Huangquan are very mysterious, even I don't know, what are you playing in private, are you considered good people?" Feng Lin asked suddenly.

"Of course, we Huang Quan have carried a lot of black pots, and there are not many Gu Xiu originally, so many evil Gu Xiu will use our Huang Quan's name to do evil."

Chi Qiaoqiao said viciously.

Feng Lin raised his brows, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"By the way, those who oppose the master are bad people, but relatively speaking, most of us are good people." Chi Qiaoqiao explained.

Feng Lin thought for a moment, if this is the case, there is no need to kill him for the time being.

"Qiaoqiao, I also have the fragments of the general's cemetery." Feng Lin smiled.

"What? Is it true or false?" Chi Qiaoqiao asked in surprise.

"Really, but I won't give it to you. When you go back, tell your master that the fragments are in the hands of a man named Feng Lin."

Feng Lin took out his mobile phone and exchanged contact information with Chi Qiaoqiao.

After that, he took a taxi and took Chi Qiaoqiao to the suburbs.

After sending her away, Feng Lin also prepared to return to Yun City.

At present, I am waiting for the Lord of Yellow Springs to call me, hoping to find the whereabouts of my mother.


Cloud City.

After Feng Lin came here, it was already dusk.

He first went to the Narcissus Club and came to the top floor.

Meng Changsheng and Ye Dan are playing chess.

Ye Xin was busy in front of the laptop.

"Sir, I asked Miss Xu to find a company land these days, and we have already discussed it."

Ye Xin smiled at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin nodded, "You don't need to notify me, you decide."

He watched chess here for a while, then went to Sikong's room.

Sikong Jin was playing games in front of the computer.

As for Yan Yibai, he painted by the window.

Feng Lin was lying on the sofa, chatting with a few people, and learned that there is nothing else to do in the past few days.

At this moment, Feng Lin's cell phone rang. He glanced at the call to remind him that it was Xu Ruoying's call.

(End of this chapter)

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