Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 197 Liu Nian's telegram

Chapter 197 Liu Nian's Phone

Feng Lin answered the phone and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"Are you back?"

"came back."

"Come to the villa, I have something to discuss with you here." Xu Ruoying said in a deep voice.

Feng Lin stretched his back, it must be the Wang family's business.

He bid farewell to the two of them and rushed to Xu Ruoying's villa.

Sure enough, in front of her villa, a Porsche was parked, and Xu Chuan and Wang Qin were also here.

After Feng Lin walked in, he saw their family of three sitting here.

"What happened?"

Feng Lin sat on the sofa and asked plainly.

"Feng Lin, Mr. Wang spoke to me and asked my daughter to leave you. They only gave us three days."

Xu Chuan lowered his head and clenched his fists, "Hey, I really didn't expect that good fortune can trick people."

"I didn't say that, I'm not interested in Wang Linger." Feng Lin rubbed his temples, blaming the dead old man, and took the time to scold him.

"It's useless, disagreeing with Wang Ling'er is a matter of the future. Now they only want Xiaoying to break up with you."

Xu Chuan took out a Zhonghua from his pocket, lit it, and took a few breaths.

"Now that our company has enough capital, they can suppress our business at most. Our company has strength, and we are not afraid of them!"

Xu Ruoying gritted her teeth, what she liked, no one else would be able to take away.

Not to mention the man you fancy.

"Don't worry, leave this to me."

Feng Lin already had a plan in his mind. The Wang family's intention was to treat Wang Linger's illness.

It was a big deal Feng Lin asked the other party to come over and give her a period of recuperation.

"Hey, we can't do anything right now."

Wang Qin sighed deeply, she really didn't expect that the man she didn't like at first would be favored by the Wang family.

Xu Ruoying sent Xu Chuan and Wang Qin away, and she also bid farewell to Feng Lin to see the progress of the new company.

Recently, their fame has been played out, and they must pursue the victory.

Feng Lin was just lying on the sofa, about to order a takeaway, when he found that his father was calling.

He immediately connected, "Hey! Old man, I've been waiting for you for a few days, why are you calling now?"

"Didn't I tell you before? I've been busy lately, what's the matter?"

Feng Chen asked over there.

"A lot, first of all, who is that Lu Yao?" Feng Lin asked.

"Lu Yao, your fiancee."

Feng Chen answered without hesitation.

"Not in the photo!"

"This is my new order, and you and I are almost destined to be a couple. The figure and background are also very good, so you can marry and go home." Feng Chen said.

Feng Lin rolled his eyes and continued, "I have met Wang Ling'er these days."

"Wang Ling'er, she has a good talent, and you know that she is weak at first. It's good to marry her and go home for half a year." Feng Chen said.

"Can we not find a fiancée for me? It's all troubled me now. Don't you know that several fiancées are going to fight."

Feng Lin sighed helplessly, he is a person who likes quietness.

Feng Chen looked startled, "Fuck! So cool?"

"Cool? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Think about it. In order to get my son, a few women are intriguing and intriguing, and they stage a palace drama. From now on, I won't watch TV, just watch you."

Speaking of which, Feng Chen suddenly asked, "Boy, is it enough? I still have quite a few lists here, but after calculation, the characters don't match."

"Stop! I'm in a hurry here, you can do it first."

Feng Lin immediately hung up the phone, laying on the sofa and exhaling.

This kind of father, who wants to take it away quickly.

He was really speechless.

At this moment, Feng Lin's cell phone rang again, and he sighed helplessly, "What's wrong?"

"Boss, it seems that my call is not at the right time."

A woman's voice came over.

It was very familiar, so familiar that Feng Lin's nerves trembled.

He immediately picked up the phone and observed the number. The call reminder was a string of garbled characters.

The address above is also unknown.

Liu Nian!

Feng Lin immediately sat up on the sofa with a low voice, "Why are you calling me?"

"Of course I miss you. It took me a long time to learn your new number."

Liu Nian's voice is very intellectual and makes people feel very comfortable.

"Liu Nian! I will definitely kill you and avenge the sixth!"

Feng Lin's voice was cold and biting.

Liu Nian giggled, "Hey, I like to see the boss look incompetent and furious. If he has the ability to follow the signal and hit me, my ass is all set."

"I have nothing to say to you."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he was about to hang up.

"What about the boss's woman?"

Liu Nian's voice was a few decibels higher.

Hearing this, Feng Lin put the phone to his ear again.

"Ten seconds after you got on the phone, I already found your location, the provincial capital of Jiangbei, Yunshi." Liu Nian said with a smile, "The boss's previous performance in the Ye family was quite good."

"What are you doing?" Feng Lin asked.

"Not many people have been found so far, Ye Xin, Xu Ruoying, I want to use the lives of these two people for two fire lotus seeds."

Liu Nian stated her purpose.

"Haha, this is embarrassing, there are too many friends, and the division is over." Feng Lin laughed.

"I don't care about that. When I catch them and the boss can't show them, I'll kill them."

Liu Nian smiled lightly.

"You can come!" Feng Lin snorted coldly.

"Boss, you really hurt me this time. I've been thinking about this plan for a long time. It was obviously a surefire plan, but it was destroyed by you."

When Liu Nian said this, he paused, "But it's normal. No matter how I think about it, I can't think of the boss meeting and the same month."

Feng Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, it seems that Liu Nian also guessed it.

This time, it was the same month to help Feng Lin provide convenience.

"Okay, that's it for today. Now that you know the boss's phone number, there will be time to communicate in the future."

After Liu Nian finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Feng Lin sat on the sofa and did not move for a long time. Now that Liu Nian said it, he would definitely move.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to Yan Yibai. At the moment, she can only temporarily protect Xu Ruoying.

"Hey, I suddenly feel that it's not bad to have a bunch of subordinates."

Feng Lin took out his phone and flipped through the contacts above. He was going to borrow some experts.

It will also be convenient to use in the future, and all my dead nights are BOSS-level characters.

Used to protect people, it's too talented.

At this moment, a message came from Feng Lin's WeChat, which was sent by Zhao Qingqing.

"Feng Lin, are you busy now? I want to have a meal with you."

Feng Lin glanced at the time, it was getting late now, and he agreed to come down just because he didn't eat.

Zhao Qingqing told Feng Lin the address, and he drove over in his Wuling Hongguang.

Arriving at the designated location, Zhao Qingqing, wearing a simple dress, trotted a few steps and sat in the co-pilot.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Feng Lin glanced at Zhao Qingqing with a smile. With her character, if she hadn't asked herself for something, she would definitely not ask herself out.

"I now also meet Fu who has distant relatives in the mountains. My relatives know that now I am the management of a large company and want me to put someone in the company."

Zhao Qingqing lowered her head and said, "They were in a restaurant in the distance, and they said they wanted to invite me to dinner. I couldn't handle such a thing, so I thought of you."

Feng Lin couldn't help laughing, "Are you going to help?"

(End of this chapter)

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