Feng Jue placed the brush on the inkstone and turned to look at the slate on the table, "The Divine Seal, that is indeed very long ago."

"What a benefit, you actually know the divine seal."

Feng Lin couldn't help but be shocked. He heard Ye Yourong and Qi Nanzhu say before that this was a text in Shenxiang.

"Researched a little bit."

Feng Juedi walked over and looked down at the words on the stone slabs, "Guixu? Where do these stone slabs come from?"

"What Qi Nanzhu's parents left behind is the founder of Epitaph. He was a Yin Yang Crusader, but he broke with the Black Ancestor and the White Ancestor."

Feng Lin told the general story.

Hearing this, Feng Juedi nodded slightly, "I probably understand, this person has some tricks."

Having said this, Feng Jedi looked at other slates.

There are three locations in total, one of which is confirmed and the other two addresses are suspected.

"Master, what's going on? Do you know these locations?"

Feng Lin asked when he saw Feng Jue put down the stone slab.

"I know where two of the three addresses above are, and they have been taken away."

Feng Juedi explained, "There is also the last address, Guixu. I don't know where it is."

"Guixu? Is that the suspected address?" Ye Yourong asked.

"Yes, but I feel that there must be a treasure in Guixu, but it's a pity that I can't find the place."

Feng Juedi shook his head slightly.

"Master, do you know where it is?"

Feng Lin didn't want to give up, even if it was suspicious, he planned to go and have a look.

"Guixu is in the East China Sea, a bottomless abyss."

Feng Juedi pointed to the east, "Currently I can only confirm that it is in the ocean to the east of us, but I don't know exactly where it is."

"Hey, in the end, I didn't get a single treasure from three addresses."

Feng Lin sighed, originally thinking that at least a few more elemental remains could be added.

"We have a lot of capable people here. Besides, this is our territory. News about the Yin Yang Crusaders usually lags behind."

Feng Jedi explained with a smile, "What's more, with this kind of written record, it's normal for treasures to be taken away after I don't know how many years have passed."

"makes sense."

Feng Lin leaned on the sofa helplessly, "By the way, has anything important happened recently?"

"We are relatively safe here. As for other places, the fighting has become increasingly fierce. Now not only the Yin-Yang Crusaders, but also other races in the alien land, such as the Sun Tribe, the Light Tribe, etc., have joined the ranks of killing the alien beasts."

When Feng Jue said this, his eyes gradually became serious, "If nothing else happens, the awakening of the sacred tree is a certainty."

"Hey, I don't know what will happen then."

Feng Lin crossed his legs and looked up at the ceiling, "I got another news recently. Master, do you know what a divine slave is?"

When Feng Juedi heard this, he immediately glanced at Feng Lin, "Who told you?"

"Qi Nanzhu, like Cen Caixuan, she is from the Jiuyou clan. However, her lineage once produced a saint, and she knows more secrets."

Feng Lin explained.

"This kind of thing has been around for too long, and I have only heard about it briefly. If you ask me what it is specifically, I can't tell you."

Feng Juedi sat on a chair nearby and poured himself a cup of tea.

"I've heard a lot of information now, and I'm not sure if you know it, but I definitely have to tell you that at the critical moment, I still need you to help me make up my mind."

Feng Lin told the truth exactly what he had learned from Qi Nanzhu.

Among them, the Eyes of the Divine Palace on different roots are different. Although they all belong to the Divine Tree, when the Divine Tree is not completely awakened, only the roots where the Eye of the Divine Tower is located can absorb it.

Therefore, the last time Xu Fu used his ability to absorb, it did not affect Liu Nian.

Feng Juedi listened to Feng Lin's story without disturbing him, but kept sipping tea.

After a long time, he asked: "If you find the root that can control Liu Nian, what will you do?"

"As long as I destroy it, Liu Nian will be fine, right?" Feng Lin asked.

"Let's not talk about whether it can be destroyed. Even if it is really destroyed, we can only say that Liu Nian is fine for the time being. In the future, when the sacred tree wakes up, her life can still be extracted."

Feng Juedi explained, "The power of the sacred tree in her body will not disappear just because the roots disappear."


When Feng Lin heard this, he punched the sofa with his fist, "Is there really nothing we can do?"

Feng Jue remained silent and continued to sip tea.

"Master, it's already this time. Can you stop hiding it? The sacred tree is about to wake up. I don't want Liu Nian to become someone else's nourishment."

Feng Lin looked at Feng Juedi and his voice was a little louder.

"I talked with Feng Chen about this before. We are both too small to deal with the power of the sacred tree, so there is no perfect method."

Feng Jedi placed the tea cup in his hand on the table.

"There is no perfect way? Then there must be an imperfect way, right?"

Feng Lin caught the word and asked immediately.

"Yes, I don't know how things will develop next, but this is indeed a method."

Feng Juedi took a deep breath, "Originally I planned for Feng Chen to tell you, but since you asked me, there's no harm in me telling you."

Not only Feng Lin, but also Ye Yourong pricked up his ears.

Compared to Feng Lin, Ye Yourong knew better about Feng Juedi's unusualness. This man must know a huge secret.

"According to the records of our ancestors, after the sacred tree wakes up, the first thing it does is to take back the unconscious power of separation."

Feng Juedi paused, "In layman's terms, it's the chopped rhizomes and roots."

"What does unconscious mean?" Feng Lin asked with a frown.

"You have grasped the key point. Unconsciously, roots are still roots. To put it more bluntly, they are roots that have not been absorbed."

Feng Jedi explained.

"Not absorbed? How many people can absorb the roots? Doesn't that mean that most of the roots will be absorbed?"

Feng Lin heard this and asked hurriedly.

"That's right, the root has no consciousness, only instinct. When the sacred tree absorbed it, it certainly didn't want to die, so it frantically absorbed the power of the sacred tree it branched off, which is the power of the Eye of the Divine Palace related to it. "

Feng Juedi continued, "One thing will happen when the time comes. People who have the aura of the sacred tree will begin to die, and the roots that have no source of power will be completely absorbed and become the nutrients of the sacred tree."

"How many people will die then."

Ye Yourong looked solemn.

"I don't know." Feng Juedi shook his head.

"Master, you just said unconscious, what if the roots are conscious? What will happen if Xu Fu absorbs the roots?"

Feng Lin continued to ask.

"After absorbing the roots, it means that the roots have consciousness and can avoid being absorbed by the sacred tree."

Feng Juedi said, "Although in the end, I will inherit the will of the sacred tree and become a slave of the gods, but at least I have my own thinking." (End of this chapter)

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