Feng Lin and Ye Yourong looked at each other and didn't know what to say. They felt that the news was beyond their imagination.

"Master, let me ask, for example, if I become a divine slave and Liu Nian's aura comes from the roots I absorbed, can I kill her at any time?"

Feng Lin waited for a long time before he asked.

"That's right, but it's not about killing her, but about absorbing her and continuing to strengthen your sacred tree aura."

Feng Juedi nodded slightly.

"If this is the case, we must not only find the root where Liu Nian is, but also not let others find it. If others absorb the root, Liu Nian's life will be his."

Feng Lin's eyes were gloomy and he found that things were getting less and less optimistic.

"Grandpa, didn't you just say there was a way? What is it?" Ye Yourong asked from the side.

"The way is to let one of you become the divine slave of Liu Nian's roots."

Feng Juedi looked at Feng Lin and said, "For example, let Liu Nian become a divine slave. In this way, she can stop it when the divine tree absorbs it."


Ye Yourong took a breath of cold air.

"What will happen in the future if she becomes a divine slave?"

Feng Lin asked.

"As I said just now, no one knows what will happen in the future. The only advantage of this method is that when the sacred tree absorbs the power, she will not die first."

"Of course, this is also a multiple-choice question. Maybe she is lucky. The sacred tree is interested in her physique and will not let her die first."

Feng Jedi poured himself another cup of tea.

"No, I can't gamble with Liu Nian's life."

Feng Lin shook his head vigorously, "Besides this method, is there any other method?"

"Yes, for example, I become a divine slave, or you become a divine slave. In this case, we will definitely not absorb Liu Nian, and she can survive temporarily."

Feng Juedi took a deep breath, "Is it difficult? But I can only come up with this method. The sacred tree is the root of all things. How can we, floating around, get rid of it easily?"

Feng Lin collapsed on the sofa, his mind running wildly.

After a long time, he asked: "Master, do you know how to absorb the roots?"

"I know a little bit, but I don't know much. I think Xu Fu must know."

When Feng Jue said this, he couldn't help but laugh, "Do you dare to ask?"

"I really don't dare at the moment, but I am only one battle away from you. When I reach the ninth level, I will dare to go and ask."

Feng Lin clenched his fists with a touch of confidence on his face.

"You're right, the main purpose now is to advance."

Feng Jue smiled and said, "When the sacred tree wakes up, you will find that those legendary masters will appear."

"What? You mean, there are many hidden masters?"

Feng Lin asked in disbelief.

"Yes, this world is actually very interesting. Many masters are obviously around you, but you never thought about it."

After Feng Jue said this, he took out a ring and said, "For example, this small space ring contains a huge secret."

"What secret?"

Feng Lin asked in shock.

"You will know when the time comes. Now you can consider Liu Nian's affairs first, whether you want her to become a divine slave or not."

Feng Juedi said, "I have told you before that the formation above our country is established by connecting roots. In other words, I know the location of many roots."

"is it?"

Feng Lin's eyes lit up, "In other words, one of the roots is the source of Liu Nian's aura?"

"Don't have too much hope, no one can say for sure."

Feng Jedi didn't say too much.

"I understand, I will consider it."

Feng Lin nodded, "I'm going to go to the island country and talk to Liu Nian in person to see what her plans are."


Feng Jue nodded.

"Master, I'll leave first. I'll give you the answer then."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he pulled Ye Yourong away together. Feng Jedi stood up again and picked up the brush beside him.


After Feng Lin and Ye Yourong left the village, they stopped.

He looked at Ye Yourong and said, "After hearing the news just now, tell me what you think after reading it."

"What can I say after reading this? This is beyond my comprehension."

Ye Yourong said helplessly, "I'm still in a daze right now. If Liu Nian becomes a divine slave, won't he become an enemy in the future?"

"Yes, that's what I'm worried about. I saved Liu Nian temporarily, but in the future Liu Nian will still fulfill the will of the sacred tree, and there is a high probability that he will become my enemy."

Feng Lin was really confused. He felt like his head was getting big.

How to choose this.

If he is not saved, he will die early.

If you save them, they may become enemies in the future, and it will be even more difficult to deal with them then.

"Forget it, let's go to the island country first and talk to Liu Nian."

Feng Lin was just about to take Ye Yourong into the sky when his cell phone rang.

He took it out and looked at it, and found that it was Sikong Jin's phone number.

"The fourth child is back! He may have some good news!"

Feng Lin's hands were shaking with excitement and he immediately answered the phone.

"Boss, this is really troublesome. I came to Yanjing specially to get through your cell phone."

Sikong Jin's voice came from over there.

"Where are you? I'll go over now."

Feng Lin said excitedly.

"It's near the First Academy of Yanjing." Sikong Jinzheng said, and suddenly said, "Besides me, there are other Yin-Yang Crusaders nearby. I'll die first."

"Okay, I'll go over now and we'll talk then."

Feng Lin immediately grabbed Ye Yourong and flew into the sky.



After Feng Lin arrived here, he stood on the formation in the sky. He lowered his head and looked around, and finally landed on the top of a tall building.

After arriving here, he sent a text message to Sikong Jin, telling him that he was waiting here.

Not long after, a man in black robe fell from a height.


Sikong Jin's voice came over, "I didn't expect that in just one or two years, our place would become like this."

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it."

Feng Lin sat on the pipe next to the rooftop and motioned for Sikong Jin to sit down as well, "The two of us can have a good chat today."


Sikong Jin nodded.

"What is the mission you were sent here for this time?"

Feng Lin asked.

"Enter the sublimation realm, and then kill the masters, including not only alien beasts, but also people of other races."

Sikong Jin explained.

"What is the purpose? Did you say it?"

Feng Lin asked.

"Bai Di said that in order to make our Yin Yang Crusade famous and shock the world, but I know it is a lie."

Sikong Jin paused for a moment, "Luo Shendong said it was to revive the sacred tree, but he didn't tell me exactly how to revive it."

"Hey, everyone has their own agenda."

Feng Lin sighed, "Want to know? I can tell you."

"I actually don't want to know." Sikong Jin looked at Feng Lin and said. (End of chapter)

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