Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 105 Cruel, ruthless!Blood makes glory

Chapter 105 Cruel, ruthless!Blood makes glory
eight pm!

dong... dong... dong...

In the underground boxing hall of Sun City Entertainment City, the drums of war sounded!

The drums of war are loud, shocking!

What surprised Chen Yang was that his life-and-death battle was not arranged ahead.

According to the scale of tonight's boxing match,
Dong Hai VS Amano Koji's boxing match should be the main match, it should be arranged later!

But the opposite is the case,

The first to fight was Dong Hai VS Amano Koji.

do not forget,
This is not a boxing arrangement for professional boxing, and there is no final battle.

There is also no padding game to adjust the atmosphere!
Chen Yang stood under the ring and looked up at the ring.

He had to wait until the first boxing match was over before entering the locker room to prepare.

At this time, he can only adjust his state in the corner near the ring.

When he felt the atmosphere of the boxing hall,

He only felt his blood boil, and his fighting spirit was bursting.

next moment,
I saw Dong Hai come out of the locker room with a cold face, wearing a red cloak!

He was cold and his eyes were cold.

It seems that the scars on Dong Hai's face give people an extremely ferocious feeling.

Due to tonight's life-and-death battle, it has a great impact on the underground boxing scene in South China.

Rich people gather!

In order to enhance the atmosphere of the boxing match.

According to the requirements of the boxing organizer, some ceremonies need to be added when the boxers from both sides appear!
When Dong Hai was wearing a cape, he walked into the octagonal cage.

He looked up and looked around.

A scene that made him feel long-lost appeared, and the audience stood up, cheered for him, and shouted and cheered!
After three years in prison, he was about to forget this atmosphere!

right now,

This feeling returned, making Dong Hai have the urge to cry.

"Dong Hai, come on! I support you!"

"Come on! Dong Hai, you can do it!"

"Dong Hai, kill the little devil...!"

The odds of this boxing match are one to two, and Dong Hai's win rate is much lower than that of Amano Koji!
no way,
Dong Hai was imprisoned for three years, how much has his strength recovered?
no one knows.

But even if Dong Hai is at his peak,
It is also very difficult for him to defeat Koji Amano, who is in full swing!

Although many audiences around are cheering for Dong Hai.

But it is undeniable,

Many boxing fans and spectators bet on Amano Koji!

The battle of life and death was originally a gamble!
It can be seen from the odds that Amano Koji has an absolute advantage.

"Gentlemen and ladies, this is the Portland Sun Casino!"

"Tonight will be a sleepless night, here, there are two peak duels soon!"

"Four top Asian martial arts masters will bring us a visual feast!"

"A battle of life and death, blood creates glory!"

"The one standing on the ring is the winner of the title of Sanda King of the Kings from Shuangqing in the southwest, Dong Hai!"

"Dong Hai has achieved brilliant achievements in the domestic martial arts world. His boxing style is extremely tough, and he is loved by the majority of boxing fans...!"

"In the next time, let's welcome another boxer!"

"The king of fighting from Hishima, Koji Amano!"

"Amano Koji's popularity in the Asian martial arts world, I believe I don't need to introduce it, right?"


The voice of the on-site commentator soon sounded in the underground boxing hall.

I saw the lights in the boxing hall, and suddenly focused on the door of another locker room.

A tall and mighty young man walked slowly to the octagonal cage ring.

His face was expressionless, and his eyes exuded a fierce murderous aura.

Amano Koji!

The king of top fighting in the Japanese martial arts altar.

One of the true disciples of Yoshijin Kimura, the owner of the Shenshi Kyokarate branch.

around the octagonal cage,

And on the passage to the lounge, there was a row of strong men in black vests!

have to say,

The Portuguese gate of the casino city and the underground boxing stadium of the Sun Entertainment City, the safety measures are in place!
In order to prevent accidents during the boxing match, dozens of security personnel were specially arranged to be responsible for the order at the scene.

Amano Koji is tall and mighty!

At first glance, he doesn't look like a top fighting king, but a bit like a porter on the dock.

However, the aura he exuded made no one dare to underestimate him.

His eyes were very sharp, like a ferocious beast.

That ferocious aura is terrifying!

Arrogant, cold, cruel, domineering...

There are no accurate words to describe the top fighting king of Hijima.

The crazy fighting spirit exuded from him is moving!

this moment,
The entire hall of the underground boxing match in the Sun City of Portugal was completely crazy.

Many fans screamed, shouted, raised their arms and shouted.

Even many female boxing fans jumped up and down in a frenzy.

bloody battle,
It made many live audiences feel their blood boiled, and the endocrine was seriously out of control...!
at this time,

The atmosphere of the boxing hall reached its peak.

"Koji Amano, come on, kill him...!"

"Come on, Amano Koji, kill him!"

"Amano-kun, let them take a good look at what is the king of fighting!"

"Koji Amano, kick his head with your leg!"

"Koji Amano, I bet you 500 million, you must win...!"


this moment,
The cries of the spectators on the scene were deafening.


Chen Yang, who was under the ring, couldn't help but scolded when he heard the shouts around him.

There are so many audiences at the scene, cheering for the Japanese people, really riding a horse...!
But yes,

This is the Portuguese gate of the casino city, and the audience comes from all over Asia.

It is not surprising that they support the King of Hijima Fighting, Koji Amano.


Amano Koji seemed to be unaffected by the surrounding audience at all.

The big mountain collapsed in front of him, but his face did not change!
His mental quality is very strong, and there is no expression on his face, as if he did not hear the cheers and cheers around him.

next moment,
I saw Amano Koji tore off his black shirt.

His muscles were instantly congested, and the muscles were like exploding, full of power!
It's just his terrifying explosive muscles and his tall and mighty physique.

In front of him, Dong Hai's aura was a little weaker.

Although in height, Dong Hai is not much shorter than Amano Koji.

But Amano Koji seemed stronger and more impactful.

There is no referee on the field in the battle of life and death, and there is no vital protection mechanism!

When the iron door of the octagonal cage is closed, the iron door will only be opened when one side falls down!

This may be the charm of life and death battles!
It is rejected by the professional boxing circle, but it exudes vitality all the time!

Cruel, cold-blooded, brutal, intense...

As long as you step into the ring, you are allowed to use all means of killing the enemy.

There is only one target, crippling or killing the opponent!
In the octagonal cage ring, you only need to be brutal, ruthless, bloodthirsty and domineering!

You are the strong one, and you can get applause from all the boxing fans on the spot.

In their hearts, you are the real hero!
Kindness, tolerance, mercy, etc. These are the actions of the weak.

No one here sympathizes with the weak!
To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself!
If you don't want to die, then you have to be more cold-blooded.

When you step into the arena of life-and-death battle, all you bring to all the audience is the morbid scream and the madness when you kill your opponent!

The struggle of life and death is just a few minutes on the ring!
If you feel empty inside, life is boring, life is too dull!

come here……!
The bloody fight in the underground boxing circle will make your hormones explode completely, and make you completely relax and vent!
For boxers,

When you step into the ring, you can't lose!

There are destined two people on the ring tonight, unable to get off the ring!
The night of the Portuguese Gate in the casino is very beautiful.

The neon lights flicker like a city that never sleeps!

Tonight's Sun City is destined to be a sleepless night.


The boxing bell rings, and the battle of life and death officially begins!
Dong Hai stepped back two steps and opened the distance!

He is very cautious, his mind is calm, and he did not take the lead in attacking!

When you don't know the opponent's style of play, it's best not to attack rashly.

The safest way to play is to keep your distance.

Fighting tactics, waiting for an opportunity!

Although the fighting tactics appear to be very negative, not strong enough, domineering, and exciting!

But now is not the time to be fancy.

Surviving the ring is more important than anything else.


To everyone's surprise.

Amano Koji, like Dong Hai, did not take the lead in attacking.

At this moment, he looked up at Dong Hai with a disdainful smile on his face.


Amano Koji has studied Dong Hai's boxing style and is familiar with the opponent's style of play.

"Dong Hai, you are not my opponent!"

"Even if you haven't been in prison for three years, you can't be my opponent!"

"I don't know why you have the courage to accept a life-and-death battle with me!"

"But... since you want to die, I will fulfill you...!"

Amano Koji shook his head and said calmly.

Although his Chinese is awkward, he can understand it.

Dong Hai took a deep breath and his eyes became sharp.

this moment,
Dong Hai's momentum began to increase sharply, and he snorted coldly:

"Whether it's your opponent, you won't know until you fight!"

Hearing the words, Amano Koji laughed wildly: "Very good... This is like the master of Sanda King Zhongwang in Huaxia Wutan!"

"If you have no fighting spirit, even if I kill you, I won't have the slightest sense of excitement!"

"Today, I'll show you what the Great Sun Island Empire Martial Arts is!"

As soon as the words fell, Amano Hiroji kicked, and the attack broke out instantly!

His body sprinted forward, breaking the speed limit.

With one kick, he kicked at Dong Hai's chest!
Rushing and kicking, the force is like a broken bamboo, and the lethality is terrifying!

The most terrifying thing is that this kick is very sudden, and the force is sudden, making people hard to guard against!

Ruthless, fierce, arrogant, domineering, and powerful!

At the moment when the attack broke out,

Amano Koji's aura changed completely, as if he had become a lone wolf, exuding a beast-like aura all over his body!
" is the speed of this feathered leg work so fast?"

Dong Hai's mind buzzed and he quickly retreated.

When he fought in the Asian martial arts world three years ago, he fought a fierce boxing match with the top fighting king of Hishima.

He is familiar with Hishima's extreme karate style.

But now he felt,

Amano Koji's strength is stronger than the top fighting king of Hijima extreme karate he met before!

of course,

More because, at this time, it is not a professional boxing match, but a life-and-death showdown in the underground boxing arena!
Neither side was wearing boxing gloves, and there were no key protection rules.

Only in this case can you feel the horror of extreme karate!
Amano Koji's boxing style is brutal, domineering, and brave!

Once the attack is launched, it is like turning into a beast!
The storm-like storm makes the opponent unavoidable!

To know,
Amano Koji is at his peak, and his fame in Asian martial arts is also booming!
His ultimate moves are endless, and his leg skills are a mess.

A nirvana nirvana nirvana that is extremely famous!
Crack the sky!
It is to smash the heavy legs in the air!

In Asian martial arts, this nirvana of extreme karate is very famous!

Like Countercurrent Slash, it is a secret that is not passed down in extreme karate.

Any extreme karate fighter, as long as he can comprehend the essence of nirvana.

Then they usually have the strength to compete for the title of King of Fighters!

From the name, it can be seen how ferocious and terrifying the Sky Splitting Slash is!

Amano Koji's favorite style of play is to use a destructive attack to completely suppress the opponent!
on the ring,
As long as he burst out his leg skills with all his strength, he suppressed the opponent.

It is difficult for the opponent to reverse the situation and form a counterattack until it is completely beaten and collapsed.

In addition,

The most ferocious part of extreme karate is its attack speed and attack angle.

It has the variability of Sanda and the fierceness of Muay Thai!

Compared with extreme karatetsu, Sanda Kung Fu lacks the essence of strength, and more importantly, lacks that ruthless strength!

That's right,

Not only must you be ruthless towards your opponents, but you must also be ruthless towards yourself!
Not cruel or talented!
Many of the disciples of the extreme karate gymnastics use the ninja extreme training method to train hard.

They practiced their physical strength to the extreme!
Just like steel, it is indestructible, and any part of the body can form the most deadly weapon!
Dong Hai adopted the fighting tactics and wanted to wait for an opportunity.

This tactical arrangement is of little use to Amano Koji.

The area of ​​the octagonal cage ring is only so big.

How long can the back dodge last?
bang, bang, bang...

Amano Koji burst out with extremely powerful leg skills, his momentum was heavy, and his speed was as fast as lightning!

Sweep all the way...!
Boxers like Amano Koji want to block his attack,

The best way is to disrupt his offensive rhythm in advance.

Once he breaks out completely, it will be very difficult to reverse the situation!


Amano Koji's fighting ability is very strong.

His muscles exploded in general, and ordinary heavy blows could not break defenses at all.

As the top fighting king of Hijima, Amano Koji has a lot of experience in fighting.

He has fought in underground boxing in Southeast Asia, and as long as there is any chance, he will never give up attacking!
In any way,

Amano Koji can be regarded as one of the most terrifying characters, extremely dangerous!
"The's too fierce, I can't stop it!"

Dong Hai continuously blocked, unloaded, and retreated...

at this time,

When he felt the ferocity of Amano Koji's offensive, his face turned pale.

at this time,

The unease in his heart became more and more intense.

The chances of you wanting to win are very low!
Although Dong Hai is proficient in Sanda, Muay Thai, and even practiced extreme karate.

But for Amano Koji,

Dong Hai, who is no longer at his peak, and whose strength has declined significantly, cannot pose a threat to him at all.

How to do……?
Can't beat it!
Dong Hai's brain was buzzing.

Although he is very reluctant to admit it, he is very clear in his heart that he is not an opponent!
to be frank,
After three years in prison, he was released for a few months, although he resumed training.

But the strength is not at its peak for a long time.

At this time, in the face of Amano Koji's strong attack, he couldn't stop it at all.

Dong Hai stomped his feet, and his body quickly retreated to the edge of the ring.

It has to be said that Dong Hai's battle experience is still very rich.

The edge of the ring rests against the iron mesh.

If Amano Koji wanted to attack, he would definitely have some scruples.

Because, if he goes all out and doesn't pull back.

Even if he can suppress Dong Hai, he can easily hit the surrounding iron nets.

Once you use too much force and are bound by the iron net, it is very dangerous.


Obviously Dong Hai underestimated the strength of Amano Koji.

Just as he approached the iron net on the edge of the ring, Amano Koji's leg work completely exploded.

I saw his feet stomped violently, and his body vacated, like a wild goose!

He slashed down at Dong Hai.

Like a tomahawk, it fell from the sky!

Slash the air!
One hit kill!

This hacking and killing heavy leg slashed down at Dong Hai's midline chest.

"not good……!"

Dong Hai was taken aback, his mind roared!

At this time, he didn't have time to think about it, he could only block his arms, trying to form an unloading force.


The splitting slash was extremely vicious on Dong Hai's arm.

A powerful impact slashed his arm directly.

Splitting the sky and cutting the heavy leg kicked on his right leg, which was erected at the same time, kicking Dong Hai away.

His body slammed into the iron net around the octagonal iron cage, causing the iron net to shake violently!

next moment,
I saw Dong Haidong's iron net fall on the ring, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

The blood instantly stained the ground...

Fortunately, at the last moment, even if he sacrificed his own leg, he still set up the next split to block the opponent's leg power.

This heavy-legged hack will directly hit his chest.

on the ring,
All I could see was Dong Hai's body shaking constantly, and blood gushing out of his mouth.

His eyes widened and he cried out in pain!
Arm bone shattered, right leg comminuted fracture!
The powerful air-splitting impact destroyed his combat power and completely broke his legs.

this moment,
He couldn't hold on any longer, struggled for a moment, and passed out completely.

Two minutes and 30 seconds!
Dong Hai, the king of Sanda kings, was completely defeated by the top fighting king of Hishima, Amano Koji!
Severely injured and fainted, life and death unknown.

Blood creates glory!

The iron gate opened, and the staff of Sun City Portugal ran in with a stretcher.

A medical staff wearing a white coat checked Dong Hai's pupils and body with a flashlight.

He sighed and shook his head.

Seriously injured!Legs are broken.

Whether he can survive depends on his life, is it hard enough...? !

this moment,
In the entire Sun City underground boxing hall, there was silence!

Everyone was stunned by Amano Koji's outburst of power.

That ferocious and domineering murderous aura makes people shudder!

Under the ring, Chen Yang looked up at what was happening on the ring.

At this time, his heart has undergone an amazing change!
He had no sympathy, no pity, no emotional fluctuations.


Only he himself knew that at this moment, his belief in martial arts had undergone earth-shaking changes.

(End of this chapter)

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