Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 106: Strong Attack Flow!decide the outcome, divide life and death

Chapter 106: Strong Attack Flow!decide the outcome, divide life and death

The cruel survival law of underground boxing!
Victory and defeat, but also life and death!

This is not a competitive sport, and there are no key protection rules for professional boxing!

No matter how glorious you have been.

As long as you don't quit, you can't stop!

a boxing match,
Enough to change a person's life!
Want to make yourself invincible, go further than others!


Only more ruthless, fiercer, fiercer, stronger than others...!
As long as you step into the underground boxing arena, you can't be soft-hearted.

Don't admit defeat here!

Cruel, ruthless, cold-blooded, brutal...!
This is the real martial arts!
Chen Yang took a deep breath and looked up at Dong Hai who was being carried on a stretcher and taken to the hospital!
At this moment, he was filled with emotion and thoughts.

"Haha... Yossi!"

On the ring, Amano Koji laughed wildly.

He turned his head to look at the auditorium, facing the other Huaxia Sanda kings, and swiped his finger on his neck!

This is provocation, contempt!
In the audience, Sanda Wang Zhong, Wang Yuanjie, Fang Bian and others,
When they saw Amano Koji's provocative actions, their faces became ashen.

"You are riding a horse...!"

Fang Bian's temper was very irritable, and he couldn't help but scolded.

However, he knew very well that it was not easy for him to defeat Amano Koji.

of course,

Fang Bian is now at its peak.

It is impossible for Amano Koji to defeat him so easily.

If the two have a life-and-death confrontation, it must be a peak collision of equal strength.

And this is a life-and-death battle in the underground boxing arena,

In general, it is difficult for the two to confront each other.

Yuan Jie narrowed his eyes, but did not make any move.

However, from Yuan Jie's body, he could feel a terrifying killing intent.

The first life and death duel is over!
Many viewers who bet on Dong Hai felt uncomfortable.

"Dong Hai lost! I lost 200 million... Sigh, Dong Hai has been in prison for three years, and his strength has dropped too obviously!"

"Yeah... I didn't hold on for 3 minutes, and I was knocked down by one trick, and my life and death are uncertain!"

"Amano Koji is a hairy man. His strength is too strong. There are only a handful of people in the country who can defeat him!"

"Fang Bian's style of play is very similar to Amano Koji. If the two fight, the outcome is unpredictable. Perhaps only Yuan Jie can be confident!"

"Let's not talk about it... Several Sanda Kings have already achieved fame and won't fight to the death!"

"I have to say, this is the gap between the domestic martial arts altar and the Rishima martial arts altar. Even if they become the king of fighting, they will continue to challenge themselves and hone their kung fu!"

"After all, it's not that there is a lack of competition in the domestic martial arts world!"

"Once you become famous in the domestic martial arts world, all you think about is how to make money, and you never think about improving yourself!"

"Sometimes I have to admire Tainan and Ridao Martial Arts. Their boxers and any honors they have won in Martial Arts cannot be used for commercial purposes!"

"No way, they are a global martial arts power, and the development concept is indeed very different from our domestic martial arts!"

"Wait, there is another game, the odds are [-] to [-], and the difference in strength is even greater. How to bet?"

"It seems that you can't be too lucky. It's not easy to beat the odds."

"That's right, bet on the little devil. Although you earn less, it is more secure!"

"Riding on a horse...Dong Hai is my idol, so he was almost killed in the boxing ring, I feel very uncomfortable!"

"Dong Hai is completely useless. Even if he can be rescued, his arms and legs are broken, and he can only quit the martial arts in the future...!"


Many boxing fans who supported Dong Hai at the scene felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

no way,
Life and death battle, fair, just!
He was severely injured, maimed, or even killed on the ring, and he could only blame himself for not being strong enough.

at this time,

Jiang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the front row of the audience, and a grim old man beside him.

The faces of the two of them became extremely ugly!
lost heavily!

To know,
This life-and-death battle for Dong Hai was paid by Jiang Tian and the old man to invite him to fight.

Now that he lost, Dong Hai was seriously injured on the spot, and the old man lost a lot.

The foundation he has worked so hard to build is just given to the people of Nishima.

It is conceivable, how could his heart be reconciled?

"Jiuye...!" Jiang Tian took a deep breath and whispered.

The old man shook his head and sighed:

"Okay, stop talking!"

"Traveling on horses, Dong Hai is such a waste, I wasted my 200 million settling expenses!"

"I didn't hold on for 3 minutes. This kind of strength really disappointed me!"

"The king of Sanda is still riding a horse, I bah... After three years in prison, everyone is a waste!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​let someone take a look at the hospital!"

"You can save it if you can, forget it if you can't, don't bother wasting money on him!"

"Even if you're rescued, riding a horse is a cripple!"

"I, Cao Laojiu, want useful people, useless waste, let him fend for himself!"

"However...I have to admit that there is still a lot of gap between the strength of these domestic martial arts masters compared to the top fighting kings of Ridao!"

"Even Yuan Jie, the head of the eight great kings of martial arts in China, has passed his peak and his strength has declined significantly!"

"Hishima's extreme karate, the combat power is indeed terrible!"

"Ferocious, vicious, domineering, brave, indestructible...!"

"Extreme Karate is known as one of the most ferocious fighting skills in martial arts in the world, and it is indeed very difficult to deal with!"

"It seems... I have to talk to Ke Zhihua!"

"Perhaps... Only by inviting the Muay Thai King of Tainan to fight can we get back a round...!"

Chen Yang stood under the ring and looked up at Amano Koji on the ring!

When I saw Amano Koji facing the audience, making a provocation with his fingers scratching his neck.

For some reason, Chen Yang felt his anger skyrocket!

His fists were clenched like iron, and his heart became cold!
He was not familiar with Dong Hai and could not talk about any friendship.

But the brutal scene in the battle of life and death completely changed his state of mind!
he knows,
In the next life-and-death battle tonight, if you are not strong enough,

Then his ending will be the same as Dong Hai, lying down to the hospital, or even going directly to the hospital mortuary!
He can't lose this boxing match!
Can't afford to lose...!

The first battle of life and death is over!

at last,

It's the second life-and-death battle, Chen Yang VS Fujita Sora!
"Gentlemen and girls, let us applaud warmly to congratulate Hijima Fighting King Amano Koji for winning the boxing match!"

"Also thank him for bringing us a wonderful visual feast!"

"The next life-and-death battle will be between Chen Yang from Buddha City VS Hishima extreme karate master Fujita Sora!"

"In the domestic martial arts world, Chen Yang's reputation is not high, and he has never won a dazzling honor!"

"However, he is very young and has strong combat power!"

"In the professional boxing world, Chen Yang qualified for the finals of the Sanda King Contest. His style of play is very fierce, which makes people look forward to...!"

"Here, I would like to highlight Chen Yang's achievements in the underground boxing arena."

"He killed Cai Kun, a well-known boxer in Zhuhai, on the gambling boat, and killed Ichiro Ono, the top master of Hishima, in a gambling battle more than a month ago!"

"I believe that in the next life-and-death battle, Chen Yang will definitely bring surprises to everyone!"

"Next, let me introduce you to Hijima's extreme karate master Sora Fujita!"

"In Asian martial arts, Sora Fujita is not very famous. He has no brilliant record, and he has never fought in professional boxing!"

"However, he is the true disciple of Kimura Yoshizhen, the first-generation master of the Hishima Martial Arts...!"

As the broadcast in the boxing hall sounded,
The on-site commentator began to introduce the two fighters in the next boxing match.

at this time,

After listening to the introduction, many audience members at the scene began to discuss in a low voice!
To know,
Since Chen Yang defeated Zhao Feilong and Wang Yanhuo in the Sanda King Contest and the preliminaries in South China,
In the South China Wutan, Chen Yang's popularity has become very high.

A little-known young boxer suddenly appeared.

And successively defeated Wang Yanhuo, one of the six rookies in the national martial arts altar, and Zhao Feilong, a long-established martial artist in South China.

With such strength, it is difficult not to attract the attention of South China boxing fans.

To be honest, although Chen Yang has not achieved any honors in the domestic martial arts world.

But many boxing fans have made comprehensive comparisons.

Everyone thinks that Chen Yang is very hopeful to win the championship of this Sanda King Competition.


Following is one thing, betting is another!

The money you bet is real money, not the wind!

Most people finally bet on Sora Fujita.

no way……

The deterrent power of the King of Fighters of Hishima is too great!
"Fuck, it's really Chen Yang!"

"Didn't Chen Yang just qualify for the finals of the Sanda King Contest? At this time, why would he come to fight to the death?"

"I really didn't expect that Chen Yang would come to fight this life-and-death battle. I hope to see him break out strongly!"

"It broke out, and even Dong Hai was almost beaten to death in the ring by the little devil. Chen Yang is simply courting death!"

"I really don't know what this Mao Mao is thinking. I want to make money and I want to go crazy!"

"Nima... I originally thought that Chen Yang would have the opportunity to win the championship of this Sanda King Competition and get the title of Sanda King. Now it seems that I think too much!"

"The final of the Sanda King Contest, it seems that the battle will start next week, right?"


Many spectators around were talking about it.

of course,

More boxing fans from other places have never heard of Chen Yang at all.

South China preliminaries, after all, the scope is too small.

Inside the Octagon...

Fujita Sora looked up at Chen Yang, and said with a deep expression:

"Yo Xi... boy, I've waited more than a month to fight this boxing match with you!"

"From the day you killed Ono-kun, your fate has been doomed!"

"I won't let you go off the ring, I must kill you today!"

"Don't think that if you kill Ono-kun, you dare to underestimate the martial arts of our Great Sun Island Empire!"

"In my eyes, your Chinese Kung Fu is all about embroidering your legs, and you are simply vulnerable!"

"You also saw the last boxing match. The so-called Sanda King in the Chinese martial arts world was just hyped by your media!"

"In front of the martial arts of our Great Sun Island Empire, your Chinese Kung Fu is the biggest joke!"

"I came here from Hokkaido, Hishima, not only to kill you, but also to let everyone know the strength of the martial arts of our Great Hishima Empire!"

The expression on Fujita Sora's face was somewhat intriguing.


Chen Yang couldn't understand Fujita Sora's half-baked Chinese.

"Have you said enough? You've been screeching on horseback for a long time, what did you say?"

Chen Yang snorted coldly:

"You're paralyzed... Except for the sentence 'Yo Xi', I understand, and the others don't even know what you are calling?"

Chen Yang never learned the Japanese language at all.

Except what island country movie 'Yama Butterfly', he has heard.

Others, he can understand what the other party is saying.


Chen Yang took a half-step backwards and started a Sanda fighting attack and defense style.

The boxing bell rang.

Fujita Sora suddenly exerted force under his feet and kicked back.

Then, a leg sweep whistled towards Chen Yang.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

Fujita Sora is the first to attack!
The sweeping legs broke out, the momentum was like a broken bamboo, and the heavy elbows followed!

Destructive attack!
It has to be said that the favorite style of play used by any top player is the attack flow!

Even Chen Yang likes to use this style of play.

The most notable feature of the storm flow is that the attack has a fast rhythm, and it can explode its own strength in the shortest possible time.

at this time,

I saw that Fujita Sora's legs were very fast, like a cheetah, and his legs were invisible!

His offensive rhythm is smooth and free, fierce and brutal!

Sweep, kick, kick chain!
The combined ultimate move of leg work is continuous, and the speed is shocking!

It seems that at this moment, the air is enveloped by his legs, making a humming sound!
In the ring, Fujita Sora is not afraid of any strong enemy.

As long as he breaks out the attack, the aura of seeing death at home will make all opponents feel fear!

He went crazy, and he couldn't even control his own rhythm.

Under the door of Yoshizhen Kimura, the first-generation master of the Nishima Martial Art Temple,

Although Fujita Sora's strength is not the strongest, he can definitely be called one of the most terrifying boxers!

The boxing match has just started.
Fujita Sora gave up everything and broke out the most terrifying attack!

It is clear,
He wanted to completely suppress Chen Yang in the shortest possible time with the momentum of thunder.

Finally, Chen Yang was killed in the ring.

In this life-and-death battle, he not only wants revenge.

At the same time, it is also to prove to his mentor Kimura Yoshizhen that his strength is not weaker than other brothers and sisters.

This kid in front of him dared to kill Ichiro Ono, and dared to disrespect the martial arts of the Great Sun Island Empire!

I, Fujita Sora, will make you pay with your life!

Chinese martial arts genius?
What I, Fujita Sora is most passionate about doing, is killing geniuses!

A genius who is killed can never be called a genius!
bang, bang bang...

Fujita Sora thought so in his heart, he kept his feet and broke out in a series of leg sweeps.

Like a storm, it is fierce and invincible, and the moves are endless!

Chen Yang scolded angrily, stepped back with his feet, and at the same time moved the iron cloth shirt vigorously throughout his body.

Block, unload, retreat, dodge...

"It's a destructive attack style again!? I want to suppress me from the beginning...!"

"I will break your strong attack today!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly and bowed his feet.

He stomped on his feet, speeding up to the limit.

Then, the strength of the iron leg skills condensed, swept across with one foot, and started a head-to-head duel with Fujita Sora!

Kicks like knives, arms like springs!
The strength of Tiejigong resists Fujita Sora's attack while forming unloading force!

Chen Yang stomped his feet, his fists were clenched like iron, and he punched hard, instantly exerting force!

I slammed my shoulders into the sky and stomped my feet to shake Kyushu!
Eight extremes fierce, fierce eight extremes!
Subduing Dragon Strength and Iron Fist Strength are combined together!
This record of eight poles descends the dragon's strength, and the speed breaks through the limit!

Fujita Sora suddenly stopped at his feet, then moved his body sideways for half a step, avoiding Chen Yang's eight-pole punch with extreme precision!
His speed is very fast, and his ability to predict is shocking!

After avoiding Chen Yang's eight poles to subdue the dragon's strength, I saw Fujita Sora's center of gravity suddenly sink!
His foot kicked, and he approached Chen Yang in an instant!

Close attack, give up all defenses, and fight for your life!


Chen Yang was taken aback.

Chen Yang is not the first to encounter this kind of life-threatening play.


Fujita Sora's close-quarters attacking method is completely different from others.

The explosive force is too fierce, the speed is too fast!

A stormy attack, a ferocious mess!
Chen Yang took a deep breath, frowned, and kept retreating.

To be honest, he was very fortunate that he did not activate the [Critical Strike] status boost just now.

Otherwise, it will definitely not be able to effectively hit Fujita Sora!
The other party's sixth sense of crisis is too strong and can predict danger in advance.

this moment,
Chen Yang's heart became more and more vigilant, and he did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Chen Yang is not afraid of playing hard!
With his small iron shirt, his fighting ability far exceeds that of ordinary boxers.

On the ring, he dared to fight with anyone!
Even the king of fighting and muay thai, he has nothing to fear.


Fujita Sora's attack is just too terrifying, this guy's style of play looks fierce, domineering, and powerful!
But between the moves, it is extremely vicious and vicious.

The attack target of every move seems to be the fatal point of the human body!

Throat, temple, heart, inseam...

These parts, but riding a horse are the key points of the iron cloth shirt's 'cover door'!
In the face of Fujita Sora's strong attack, he must not fight recklessly!

Sora Fujita burst out with a 20-second extreme attack, which was very terrifying!
At the moment when Chen Yang kept blocking the unloading force and opened up the distance,

Sora Fujita seizes a chance to hit hard!

His center of gravity sank, and taking advantage of the moment when he swept his legs, he hit Chen Yang's abdomen with a heavy elbow!
The elbow is ferocious and the lethality is terrifying!

"My day...!"

There was a buzzing sound in Chen Yang's mind.

The moment Fujita Sora broke out with his elbow, Chen Yang felt a deadly threat!
His reflexes are fast and his physical agility is very high!


When he wanted to step back and avoid the opponent's elbow.

Sora Fujita's heavy elbow had already hit Chen Yang's abdomen fiercely!

Fortunately, at the last moment, Chen Yang's arm blocked downwards, and at the same time his abdomen contracted to form unloading force!

His iron cloth shirt is powerful, running his whole body, raising his fighting ability to the limit!
Ding Ding Deng

Even so, Chen Yang was hit by this elbow, took five or six steps back, staggered, and almost fell to the ground!
"Riding on a horse...what's going on?"

"Why is this guy's elbow so fierce?"

"Elbow strikes change, Sun...!"

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Chen Yang's forehead, and he was shocked.

at this time,

He was highly focused and did not dare to take anything lightly.

The rhythm of Fujita Sora's attack is too fast, and the explosive force is ferocious.

The most terrifying thing is that his moves are unpredictable, making it impossible to judge his attack direction!
For top players,

Must have strong explosive power and superhuman speed!

Extreme speed!

This is the core of becoming a Sanda King or a Fighting King, as well as a Muay Thai King!

Why is the underground bank of the boxing organizer not optimistic that Chen Yang can win?

The most important reason is the evaluation of limit speed and explosive power.

For a fighter of the King of Fighters level,

His speed and explosiveness are far beyond any ordinary boxer.

In other words, the two are not the same level at all!
"Break the defense... It really hurts to ride a horse!"

"Two more times, I'm going to be beaten to the point of internal bleeding today!"

Chen Yang took two steps back and took a deep breath.

Although his golden bell hood has broken through to the realm of small success, it can resist ordinary heavy blows!


Fujita Sora's elbow strike is too lethal and has a powerful explosive force!
Chen Yang only felt that his internal organs were severely impacted, and the pain made him almost collapse!

"It seems that I underestimated the strength of the King of Fighters of Hijima. This guy's strength is too terrifying!"

"No wonder Dong Hai was almost killed by Amano Koji on the spot!"

"The Sanda king-level master in the domestic martial arts world, with the unlimited rules of the underground boxing world, is not the opponent of the top fighting king of the island at all!"

"King of Fighting... This horse is the true strength of the top Fighting King of Hishima!?"

Chen Yang exhaled.

this moment,
There was a fierce fighting intent in his eyes.

He is angry!

The momentum is bursting, and the muscles are congested and swelled.

From when he activated the [Critical Strike] system, until now.

to be frank,
He had never been hit so terribly hard before.

This was the first time he had endured such unbearable violence.

The iron shirt was broken!

This suffocating feeling is really uncomfortable!
Chen Yang's anger was ignited at this moment...!
"Want to kill me...!"

"Nima's... don't say that you didn't get the title of King of Fighting, even if you are the real King of Fighting!"

"Today, I am seriously injured, and I must kill you!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath to relieve the pain in his abdomen.

at this time,

His eyes turned red....

(End of this chapter)

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