Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 144 The fist is like a cannon, the cannon is like a fist, the cannon on the ground

Chapter 144 The fist is like a cannon, the cannon is like a fist, the cannon on the ground

Whirlwind leg sweep, chain style!

Like a storm, it attacked both sides of Chen Yang's body fiercely!
Leg sweep chain style!
Using the twisting force of the waist, when the body is in the air.

The feet form a left and right sweep, like a rotating propeller, in a continuous manner!

This series of whirlwind sweeps the legs, the action is sudden, and the difficulty is very high!

What's even more terrifying is that it uses the body's air, and its lethality is very terrifying!
Gravity accelerates, making it hard to prevent!

Fast, fierce, domineering, invincible!

this moment,
Wu Yingnong burst out with the most terrifying fighting intent, and the ultimate move came out in a row!
The target of the attack is directly at the heart of Chen Yang's head.

It seems that he wants to completely kill Chen Yang on the ring under this whirlwind leg sweep.

bang, bang, bang...

on the ring,
The constant burst of dull collision sounds makes people horrified!
"Fast attack! You know my speed is fast, but you want to compete with Lao Tzu...!?"

Chen Yang snorted coldly and took a half step back.

"Today, I will show you what is the ultimate move of Chinese martial arts!"

Subduing the dragon, subduing the tiger, supporting the hammer, splitting the mountain...

bang, bang...

next moment,
Chen Yang broke out the eight-pole eight-style chain of eight-pole boxing!
The most powerful Bajiquan energy burst out from Chen Yang's body like a burst.

The incomparably powerful aura made people stunned and stunned.

This is the most domineering boxing technique in Chinese martial arts.
Every Vajra Eight-style strength contains powerful lethality.

The speed is fast, the force is short, and the moves are unpredictable, making it inevitable!
Punch like the wind, fast without shadow!

at this time,

After Chen Yang broke out the eight-pole eight-style chain of eight-pole boxing, he immediately controlled the rhythm of the boxing ring.

Wu Yingnong's momentum was quickly suppressed by Chen Yang.


Wu Yingnong is worthy of being the number one master in the Burmese and Yunnan martial arts, and he has extremely rich experience in combat.

His legs are sharp, his boxing is fierce and domineering, and his style of play is extremely sturdy!
And he's well-rounded, with few weaknesses.

Although Chen Yang's Bajiquan is very lethal, it has not yet broken through to the micro-level!

If you want to use your strength to kill the opponent with one move, you need better timing!

Judging from the power of the eight ultimate moves of Bajiquan,

Every killer move can be called a nirvana.

But at this time, Wu Yingnong's state has reached its peak, and the momentum is like a rainbow, and the crisis sensing ability has reached the limit!
at this time,

It is very difficult to hit the opponent with an eight-pole ultimate move.

bang, bang, bang...

The two people on the boxing ring broke out in the fiercest battle at this moment!

Head to head!
Wu Yingnong's leg work has no reservations at this moment.

Side kicks, kicks, kicks, kicks, heavy legs, heavy elbows...

His offensive rhythm is lightning fast, making it impossible to guard against.


Chen Yang's brain became extremely calm, seeing tricks and dismantling tricks.

With his powerful telepathy, blocking the opponent's strong attack does not seem difficult!

It seemed that Chen Yang was very relaxed in the face of Wu Yingnong's attack.

After Wu Yingnong attacked for a while, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

this moment,
There was murderous intent in his eyes.

The explosive power of Bajiquan is divergent, to break the surface and form explosive power!


Wu Yingnong couldn't help taking a deep breath, clenching his teeth.

He only felt unbearable pain in his legs.

at this time,

The boxing match is almost 1 minute long.

"Damn... This guy hasn't used his strength yet, he still retains his strength!"

"How could this be...? It's impossible!"

Wu Yingnong looked up at Chen Yang, who was facing him.

at this time,

He felt a trace of indifference from Chen Yang's body.

He couldn't help taking a breath.

To know,
He didn't have any reservations about the storm just now.

However, Chen Yang seemed so relaxed, and even retained his combat power.

How could Wu Yingnong not feel frightened?

"Bastard...! I must let you die today...!"

I saw his foot kick, and then his body vacated again.

With a loud roar, his legs erupted into a chain of kicks.

Slashing heavy legs, sweeping kicks, kicking kicks, kicking kicks...

After all, Wu Yingnong has played many boxing matches in the underground boxing circle of South Vietnam and killed many top players.

His sense of crisis is very sensitive, and his spiritual sense has already manifested!
Compared with ordinary boxers, he can feel the crisis in advance and make predictions!
at this time,

When he faced Chen Yang, he broke out with an extremely fast attack for more than a minute.

Not only did he not hit the opponent once, but the powerful anti-shock force caused his leg bones to burst with pain.

This made him unacceptable and extremely depressed.

Kick chain style, fierce explosion!

at this time,

Wu Yingnong increased his combat power to [-]% in a short period of time!

this moment,
This eight-faced Buddha is known as the first master of Myanmar and Yunnan.

He combined Burmese martial arts with Muay Thai and performed superbly.

The force is smooth and free, and the speed is very fast!
Attack with extreme speed and completely destroy the opponent's defense!

Once the opponent's defense is messed up, then next, he will break out the most terrifying ultimate move!
This destructive attack style is Wu Yingnong's boxing style!

It is also one of the reasons why he is extremely popular in the underground boxing circle in Southeast Asia.

Any boxing fan will love this strong style of play.

Ferocious as a tiger, imposing endless, life-threatening storm!

On the octagonal cage ring,

At this moment, a shocking fierce confrontation broke out!
bang, bang, bang...

Wu Yingnong's state has reached its peak at this moment, which is shocking.

His speed was [-]% faster than usual, and his explosive power even exceeded the peak.

Especially after he broke out with a series of kicking attacks, he desperately started to take his life!
That's right,

He didn't want to continue delaying time, but started to attack with his life!
He combines the cunning and weirdness of Burmese martial arts with the fierce and domineering Muay Thai.

If you want to describe his current state,
It looks like an angry Tyrannosaurus Rex!
"Come on! Wu Yingnong, kill him...!"

"It's great, haha... Wu Yingnong, come on!"

"Kick him in the chest, kill him with one move, use your killer move!"

"Wu Yingnong, use your leg skills to kick him to death...!"

Many spectators at the scene bet on Wu Yingnong to win.

So when Wu Yingnong started to attack completely, he couldn't help but stand up and let out a scream!
Wonderful, domineering, shocking...!
Although many boxing fans do not know any fighting skills,

But at this moment, Wu Yingnong's combat power seemed extremely powerful.

I saw in the ring,
Wu Yingnong's legs were like two tomahawks, rampaging!
And his fists and elbows are like the front claws of a praying mantis.

Fierce leg skills, sharp punches and elbow strikes.

Wu Yingnong showed an extremely terrifying strong attack!

This scene,
It gives people a strong visual impact, which is shocking!
The fierce battle on the ring shocked many boxers who were watching the fight under the ring.

Especially after knowing that the 'boxing sniper order' was issued, many boxers were eager to get the reward.

They were a little dissatisfied with Wu Yingnong taking the lead in attacking the Chinese people!

Wu Yingnong took such a good opportunity to make money, of course they were not happy.

But now,

When they saw Wu Yingnong playing so hard, they felt fortunate inwardly.

"It's terrifying. I didn't expect the strength of the Chinese people to be so terrifying!"

"Damn, I underestimated the strength of the Huaxia people. It seems that it is very difficult to get that reward!"

"Wu Yingnong's strength seems to be stronger than expected, his leg skills are too fast!"

"Yes, Wu Yingnong can become famous in the underground boxing circle of Nanyue, and his strength should not be underestimated!"

"Just kidding, Wu Yingnong is called the number one expert in Myanmar and Yunnan, do you think he is self-proclaimed?"

"This time Wu Yingnong returned to Myanmar and Yunnan to fight for hegemony, and the goal is to get into the second round!"

"The strength of the Huaxia people is too strong, no wonder Mr. Sancha will offer a reward of 5000 million US dollars and issue a 'boxing sniper order'!"

"Wu Yingnong's attack is so fierce that it can't pose any threat to the Chinese people, it's incredible!"

"It's hard to fight, Wu Yingnong doesn't have any advantage...!"


Many boxers watching the fight,
They all knew the strength of the Eight-faced Buddha Wu Yingnong.

Some boxers even watched Wu Yingnong's boxing match before.


At this time, when everyone saw Wu Yingnong's strength again, they couldn't help but stunned.

too strong……!
It is clear,
Many people underestimated Wu Yingnong's terrifying combat power.

This young man, who is known as the first master of Myanmar and Yunnan, is a complete mess, which is shocking!

Whether it is his offensive ability or his defensive ability, they have reached the top level in Southeast Asia.

This is the top combat power in Southeast Asia's martial arts!
bang, bang, bang...

The fierce confrontation on the ring, both of them were angry at the moment!

Unknowingly, the time of the boxing match was close to 2 minutes.

Evenly matched!

Neither gained any advantage.

But from the scene, Chen Yang looks very relaxed and handy!

to be frank,
At this moment, Chen Yang was a little surprised at the first master of Myanmar and Yunnan!
He did not expect that the Burmese and Yunnan people were so powerful!

This guy is a real master!

Just relying on his strong attack for 2 minutes in a row, and his play style is changeable, and his defense is impenetrable.

His strength is stronger than the Diwa he met in the last boxing match.

of course,

Not much stronger.

At least under Chen Yang's strong defense, he couldn't threaten Chen Yang.

Wu Yingnong's style of play is very comprehensive,

While he is attacking, he attaches great importance to defense.

So if you want to counterattack, is it big?

Perhaps only the top Muay Thai king in Southeast Asia can beat him head-on and beat him!

Wu Yingnong kicked his feet, and then his body quickly took a few steps back.

He took a deep breath and opened the distance between him and Chen Yang.

He couldn't attack for a long time, which made him feel a little impatient!

His fighting spirit reached its peak, his eyes became red, and his state seemed a little crazy.

The key is,
But his mood became extremely calm and cautious.

"Huaxia, I didn't expect you to be so difficult, it seems that I underestimated your strength!"

"Damn it...the 5000 million reward is really hard to get!"

"Songba and Diva, two guys, lose to your hands, it's not wrong!"

After Wu Yingnong finished speaking, he exhaled.

He narrowed his eyes and said solemnly:

"But no matter how strong your talent is, you must die today...!"

I saw Wu Yingnong stomping on his feet, sprinting forward, and soaring into the air!

He slashed with one kick, targeting Chen Yang's chest.

And his other leg swept across Chen Yang's neck!
Deadly scissor legs!
This is the most terrifying ultimate move in Burmese martial arts, a martial art handed down from fighting with wild beasts!
This scissor leg contains the essence of Myanmar-Yunnan martial arts.
The speed is fast, the attack angle is tricky, and the lethality is extremely terrifying!
to be frank,
The influence of the global martial arts of Myanmar-Yunnan martial arts is very low,

Hardly any fame!

The main reason is that it is too poor here.

Therefore, Burmese-Dian martial arts are almost restricted to the territory of Burma and Yunnan, and it is difficult to go out!
More importantly, Myanmar and Yunnan have been subject to long-term economic sanctions.

The lack of economy, coupled with the impact of Muay Thai, has led to the true inheritance of Burmese and Yunnan martial arts, which has been lost a lot.

But as long as one can comprehend the essence of Myanmar-Yunnan martial arts, the power is terrifying!
Wu Yingnong's deadly scissor leg is one of his trump card killer moves!

Use your feet to force your body into the air.

The feet are like scissors, forming a cross cut and attacking the opponent's neck!

False and real, it is hard to guard against!
This killer move is fast and has many changes, which is extremely terrifying!
"Damn! What kind of leg work is this? Why is the attack angle so weird?"

"So fast...!"

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang took a few steps back, suddenly shocked.

He lowered his center of gravity, raised his arms, twisted his waist, blocked the unloading force, and avoided the opponent's ultimate attack!
this moment,
Without any reservations, Chen Yang raised his speed to the peak.

His brain is empty, his spiritual sense is stretched to the limit, and he does not dare to relax!
The top powerhouses in the underground boxing world usually have their own ultimate cards!
If the opponent breaks out the strongest trump card,
It is best not to fight recklessly at this time, otherwise it is easy to lose both!
The key is,
Chen Yang now knows that he has been targeted, and that he has been issued a 'boxing sniper order'!
He must not be seriously injured!

of course,

If Chen Yang's state at this time, with the invincible strength of the golden bell,
He has the confidence to fight recklessly with anyone!

But the power is mutual, and the powerful anti-shock force cannot be tolerated by anyone!

Therefore, the safest tactical play at this time is to avoid its edge.

Just as Chen Yang quickly backed away, he opened the distance from the opponent for a split second.

Wu Yingnong stomped his feet and rushed forward, hitting Chen Yang's chest with an elbow strike!
at the same time,

His knee rammed into Chen Yang's lower body!

From the deadly scissor leg ultimate move to the ground, followed by a hard elbow, and at the same time hit Chen Yang's lower body with a knee-high lore!
A series of changing moves are like a broken bamboo, and the move changes are smooth and free, without any obstacles!

The change is endless, and the lethality is terrifying!

Fake and real.

Whether it's his leg sweep or the timing of his elbow attack.

At this time, the combat power Wu Yingnong showed was beyond imagination.

There are no rules for critical protection in the underground boxing scene in Southeast Asia.

As long as you step into the ring, all goals are for one, and that is to kill your opponent!
at this time,

The comparison is who is faster, more ruthless, fiercer, and more ruthless!

Especially at the peak of the match,

The real top powerhouse, the attack can not be fixed, they have the ability to change moves at any time!
When attacking, their brains are running at high speed.

Constantly calculate and deduce the opponent's follow-up dodging moves, and how to make your move next!

As long as the opponent makes any mistakes, there will be a fatal blow.

at this time,

Wu Yingnong's elbow strike and knee top combined ultimate move, targeting Chen Yang's chest and lower body!
Needless to say, the vital part of the chest, if this place is hit by an elbow, it will be more inauspicious!

Especially if the heart is critical, if the elbow hits, it can kill the opponent in one move!
The lower body is more deadly!
If the knee-top lore hits the vital point of the lower body, even if he doesn't die, the rest of his life will be completely useless.

have to say,

Wu Yingnong's grasp of the timing of the move is superb!
His life-threatening scissor legs just landed, and Chen Yang was just at the point of defense switching.

"Okay! Wu Yingnong, come on...!"

"Awesome, ultimate move, Wu Yingnong finally started to break out his combination ultimate move!"

"The combination of elbow and knee lore is Wu Yingnong's unique skill!"

"I once saw Wu Yingnong break out this killer move, killing his opponent on the spot!"

"Haha... I'm going to win! The Chinese people are about to lose!"

"Wonderful! Wu Yingnong's double-kill combined attack cannot be cracked at all!"

"I bet $500 million on Wu Yingnong, I'm so nervous... Haha... I'm going to make money soon!"


In the underground boxing hall,
At this moment, after all the audience stood up, they screamed and screamed!
They were very excited and very excited.

When they saw that Wu Yingnong began to break out in a double play.

The atmosphere of the audience in the entire underground boxing stadium completely exploded at this moment.

Especially many boxing fans who bet on Wu Yingnong seem to see hope of victory!

The combination of Wu Yingnong's knee-top lore and elbow strike,

The extremely cruel fight for life in the Southeast Asian underground boxing world is vividly and vividly interpreted.

This is the underground boxing world in Southeast Asia!
You want to knock your opponent down and lose the ability to counterattack.

The best way is to cripple the opponent, or even kill the opponent.

The lethality of this killer move is terrifying!

Ruthless, fast, crazy, invincible!
If anyone is hit by Wu Yingnong's double-kill combined attack.


The chest will definitely be sunken, the ribs will be shattered, and the lower body will be smashed by a knee!

The explosive power of the elbow strike breaks the limit that humans can bear!

Chen Yang quickly stepped back.

The powerful telepathy made him feel a fatal threat!
Chen Yang took a deep breath and clenched his fists like iron!
to be frank,
At this time, with his telepathy ability, he was confident to avoid this double-kill attack from the opponent!

With his agility, after the distance is drawn, the opponent's ultimate move naturally loses its power!


Wu Yingnong's attack speed is too fast and his explosive power is too fierce!

His momentum has come up!
If you avoid the opponent's double-kill combined attack at this time.

Then, the rhythm of the ring will be controlled by Wu Yingnong!

For top players,

The rhythm of the ring is very important and can often play the key to determining the outcome.

Once Wu Yingnong controls the rhythm of the boxing ring, no one can guarantee what ultimate move the other party will break out next.

Chen Yang stomped his feet, his center of gravity down!
Immediately afterwards, he twisted his waist, clenched his fists, and punched the top.

This punch is aimed at Wu Yingnong's chin!
The Eight Extremes Ultimate Move - The Cannon!
The fist is like a cannon, the cannon is like a fist!
The boxing meaning of this ultimate move is similar to the five-element artillery boxing of the shape and meaning.

Like a cannon shot, the lethality is endless!

The fist speed surpassed the human limit at this moment, and it seemed that the air was blasted by this eight extreme ultimate move!


The roar makes people shudder!

Simple, direct, fierce, domineering... Invincible!
This is the essence of Bajiquan's ultimate move - the ground-reaching cannon!

Without any extra action, it is invincible, and a punch suddenly erupts.

In the shortest time and the fastest speed, the most ferocious fist burst out, making people unavoidable!

This Baji ultimate move did not hit Wu Yingnong's chin, but collided with his elbow.

The sound like an explosion spread throughout the underground boxing arena.

This is the ultimate move of Chinese national martial arts Bajiquan, which collides with the peak of Burmese-Yunnan martial arts and Muay Thai.

Fierce and domineering, like a broken bamboo!
This ultimate move of the two men fought recklessly, and a powerful force burst out.

Centered on two people,

Like a shock wave, it spreads around...!
(End of this chapter)

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