Chapter 145 Killed!Jump too high, die fast
Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang took a few steps back after bursting out the Baji Killing Cannon!

He kicked back with his feet, and instantly stabilized his backward figure!
At this point, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

I just felt a strong anti-shock force, uploaded from Wu Yingnong's elbow!
The shock-like force exploded, and the shaking person's arm went numb!

Chen Yang threw his fist to relieve the soreness and numbness in his arm...

"This guy's ultimate power is very ferocious!"

Chen Yang's attention was highly concentrated, and his spiritual sense was exerted to the limit.

this moment,
He didn't dare to be careless, his center of gravity sank, and his body bowed.

At the same time, he took a half-step across his feet, his fists clenched like iron.

Baji offensive and defensive style!
Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

At this time, Chen Yang's body was leaning forward, and the defense was leaking.

Ding Ding Deng

After an ultimate move, Wu Yingnong's body kept retreating.

He stumbled under his feet and nearly fell to the ground.

The powerful anti-shock force almost made him collapse.

Wu Yingnong's face changed completely when he saw Wu Yingnong's body leaning against the iron net of the octagonal cage.

However, Wu Yingnong is worthy of being the first master of Myanmar and Yunnan.

He has fought many boxing matches in South Vietnam and has a lot of experience in fighting!

After his body leaned against the iron net, he continuously used the lateral movement of his body to roll and unload!
The strong impact made the iron net shake.

Wu Yingnong only felt a pain like a bone fracture coming from his elbow.

His back was soaked with cold sweat.

"Damn... what kind of punch is this?"

"What a terrifying explosive force, he actually blocked my heavy elbow with a heavy punch!"

"how can that be?"

Wu Yingnong was taken aback and felt extremely shocked inside.

To know,
Just now, when Chen Yang broke out the Baji ultimate move, he used a heavy punch to fight the opponent's heavy elbow.

The ultimate move is reckless, Chen Yang is faster than Wu Yingnong, and his fist is harder!
Brake statically, first come first!
This heavy punch gave a very strong impact!
at this time,

Wu Yingnong felt a little flustered in his heart.

He didn't dare to underestimate any enemy and raised his spiritual sense to the peak.

at this time,

Neither side dared to relax in the slightest.

As long as there is a flaw in the defense, it will pay a terrible price.

"Oh my God... What's going on? After the Chinese and Wu Yingnong fought recklessly, they actually gained the upper hand?"

"Did you make a mistake? Elbow with fists!?"

"The heavy punches of the Chinese people are so explosive that they can actually shake elbows!"

"Damn, how did I bet on Wu Yingnong? Mistake... I should bet on Huaxia talent!"

"If we keep fighting like this, Wu Yingnong is likely to lose!"

"I bet 1000 million Wu Yingnong to win, damn it...something is wrong!"

"Okay! Wonderful... The elbow punch with a hard punch, it's unbelievable!"

"The heavy punches of the Chinese people are terrible! Such terrifying punches are rarely seen in the whole of Southeast Asia!"

"Haha... I bet on the Chinese to win. Today's boxing match is too intense!"

"Wu Yingnong, come on... come on...!"


Many spectators at the scene stood up at this moment.

Especially the boxing fans who bet on Wu Yingnong, when they see that Wu Yingnong is at a disadvantage.

They couldn't help screaming and shouting to cheer for Wu Yingnong.

A reckless fight with a killer move,

Although neither of them was injured, the rhythm of the ring has been firmly controlled by Chen Yang.

It is clear,
His speed and explosiveness, as well as the hardness of his fist bones, surpass Wu Yingnong!

All-round suppression!
this moment,
Some boxing fans were surprised to find that Wu Yingnong's state began to decline.

After his elbow was recklessly punched by Chen Yang,

The elbows were rebounded by a violent force, and the state declined significantly.

Wu Yingnong exerted strength under his feet and quickly took a few steps back to widen the distance between them.


At this time, he only felt unbearable pain in his elbow, and his face changed completely!

The explosive force of Chen Yang's ground-penetrating cannon is terrifying, like a bomb falling to the ground!

If it wasn't for Wu Yingnong's very sensitive telepathy, his elbows would be used to defend at the last moment.

Then this eight-pole ultimate move can smash Wu Yingnong's arm in one move!
Fierce eight poles, like a broken bamboo!

Among the various boxing methods of Chinese martial arts, the most terrifying part of Bajiquan is its powerful explosive power!


Chen Yang's physical talent has been permanently increased by 20.00%.

Therefore, the hardness of his bones exceeds that of Wu Yingnong!

With this ultimate move, he crushed Wu Yingnong!
"damn it……!"

Wu Yingnong couldn't help taking a deep breath.
His inner fear grew stronger.

Chen Yang's punch is too strong, too hard, too explosive...

The most terrifying part is that indestructible explosive force, which makes people dread!

For a boxer, the arm almost represents life!

Any ferocious and domineering attack must be carried out through the arms.

If the arm is severely hit and affects the force, the combat power will plummet!

Continue to fight, extremely disadvantageous!

" arm bone, hurt!"

"Although there is no bone fracture, it affects my strength!"

"This kid's strength is too strong, how to fight...?"

Wu Yingnong's brain is buzzing.

His mood was chaotic at this moment.

"Keep fighting, I will definitely lose!"

"What's next? What should I do now...?"

at this time,

A fearful thought appeared in Wu Yingnong's heart.

Lose... the word finally appeared in his mind.

of course,

As a top fighter, he couldn't concede defeat.

Not to mention the underground boxing circle in Southeast Asia, it is not allowed to admit defeat.

Even if the boxer was allowed to admit defeat, Wu Yingnong could not give up.

The glory and dignity of a boxer is only when you die in the ring, and you must never admit defeat!

Once you get into the ring, you have to fight to the end!
This is the cruel way of martial arts!
Chen Yang took a few steps back, and his body bowed to unload!

At this moment, his center of gravity sank, his muscles tensed, and his eyes stern.

Just now with the ultimate move, he was also subjected to a violent anti-shock force, which made him very uncomfortable.


While he was attacking, his arm just formed a buffer and unloading force.

Therefore, with Wu Yingnong's reckless fight, more than half of the anti-shock force he received was unloaded, and the impact was much less.

But even so, he felt his fists go numb.

There is no fancy action for this kind of ultimate move.

To put it simply, it is a lose-lose style of play.

Generally speaking, in the boxing ring, very few people will choose this kind of reckless fight unless they have to.

Injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injuring eight hundred!
"Hey... It seems that you have to be more careful in the future, and you can't easily fight with your opponents!"

"Once you meet a top expert, the price of reckless fighting is very high!"

"This way of playing, it's too easy to hurt yourself!"

"These top masters in the underground boxing world in Southeast Asia have all experienced the most brutal training!"

"Although I am confident that I can fight them recklessly, it is difficult to guarantee that I will not be injured due to the powerful anti-shock force!"

this moment,
Chen Yang was secretly vigilant in his heart.

at this time,

The boxing time is almost 3 minutes!
Chen Yang took a deep breath.

He has a bottom line on Wu Yingnong's play and style!
this moment,
He didn't want to keep stalling for time.

Knowing the opponent's style of play and offensive and defensive characteristics, there is no need to continue to consume it.

"Huaxia people, I admit that I underestimated your strength!"

"At first, I thought it would be easy to snipe you, and I will easily get the 5000 million reward!"

"But now I find that your strength is beyond my imagination!"

"In this boxing match, only one of us is destined to survive!"

"Come on, show all your strength and let me see how strong the mysterious Chinese Kung Fu is...?"

Wu Yingnong took a deep breath and snorted coldly.

At this time, his arm was so painful that he could not exert force!

Not only did his fighting spirit not decrease, but instead reached its peak at this moment.

Life and death duel, never die!
Cold, ruthless, vicious, brutal...

this moment,
Wu Yingnong interprets the law of life and death in the underground boxing world vividly.

He is not a rookie in boxing, nor is it the first time he has participated in a life-and-death battle!
In the underground boxing arena in South Vietnam, he killed many people.

He is very clear, that is, in the boxing ring, the momentum must not be weaker than the opponent!

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

At any time, we must not lose the will to fight, nor the will to fight.

Especially the most peak life and death battle, the momentum must not be weak!
Although Wu Yingnong's state was declining at the moment, there was even a sense of fear in his heart.

He even felt the breath of death!

But he knows that at this time he must not be discouraged or lose his fighting spirit!

As long as the momentum is weakened, it will be doomed!
Wu Yingnong took a deep breath and raised his fighting spirit to the peak!

at this time,

He forgot about life and death, and let go of everything!
"Ah... bastard, you forced me...!"

bang, bang, bang...

Wu Yingnong let out a stern roar and kicked his feet abruptly.

He swept his legs and whizzed away at Chen Yang, launching the most vicious counterattack!

His arms were down, fists clenched like iron.

The center of gravity of the whole person sank, and his eyes slanted upward, staring at Chen Yang's neck and neck!
this moment,
In this way, if Chen Yang's defense is negligent, Wu Yingnong will break out his deadliest move!
The fierce battle on the ring has reached a fever pitch.

Cut the leaves!
Deadly scissor legs!
Double kill!

Without any hesitation, Wu Yingnong completely broke out his ultimate move.

It's like a domineering African lion, fighting the most ferociously against its prey!

The aura emanating from him gave people a very strong spiritual impact!

at this time,

Wu Yingnong put aside his fear of death and made a desperate attempt, the whole person's momentum reached the limit.

Domineering, brutal, ruthless...!
The most terrifying thing is his speed, and the offensive rhythm is unavoidable!
Just like bows and arrows that are off the string, the force is like a broken bamboo, and the lethality is multiplied!


The scene on the ring shocked everyone.

Wu Yingnong completely broke out his ultimate move, and the rhythm of the attack was even more terrifying.

Under normal circumstances,
At this moment, Chen Yang should avoid his edge, not only retreat, but dodge...


The actual situation on the ring is just the opposite.

Fight fast, fight hard...

Chen Yang didn't dodge any more at this moment, but adopted the roughest style of play.

"Oh... God, how did the speed of the Chinese people become so fast all of a sudden?"

"It's such a fierce counterattack, my eyes are dying, it's too fast!"

"Damn it... the Huaxia people have always been reserved. It's been 3 minutes. It's unbelievable that he can still explode at such a terrifying speed!"

this moment,
Chen Yang will increase the speed of Zai to the peak,
Use static braking, see tricks and dismantling tricks!
Although Wu Yingnong's offensive rhythm was fast, under the inspiration of Chen Yang's full burst,

He can accurately judge the direction of Wu Yingnong's attack.

Chen Yang didn't think so.

However, after all the audience under the ring saw this scene, their scalps felt numb.

Just like all of Wu Yingnong's attacks were completely controlled by Chen Yang!
This scene surprised everyone in the audience!
Yes, it is control!

Every move of Wu Yingnong is in Chen Yang's prediction!

Unconsciously, Chen Yang found that his entire mind seemed to become empty.

Wu Yingnong's heart felt fear again at this time!
This sense of fear cannot be suppressed...!
"Ah... bastard, go to hell...!"

Wu Yingnong couldn't bear this sense of fear, he couldn't help roaring, and the whole person fell into madness!
He wants to completely wipe out this fear in his heart.

bang, bang, bang...

at this time,

Wu Yingnong stomped his feet and his body rose into the air.

He slashed down at Chen Yang's head with a leaf slash!

this moment,
This ultimate move of his smashing his legs, it doesn't look like he's moving fast!

The humming sound of breaking through the air spread all around.

Obviously, at this time Wu Yingnong went all out without any reservations.

The speed of his fallen leaf slash broke through the limit, giving people the illusion that the speed changed from fast to slow!

on the ring,
Only a shadow of a leg could be seen, whistling away towards Chen Yang.

This slashing of leaves in the air is Wu Yingnong's last trump card!

The action is rough, simple, and without any superfluous movement!
It is clear,
At this time, Wu Yingnong began to fight for his life!
If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!
At this moment, between life and death.

He had no way out, he could only fight for his life.

"Hmph! I want to fight for my life... it's too late!"

"The strength is strong and the spare strength is insufficient, the jump is too high, and the death is fast!"

"Remember, if there is an afterlife, don't jump too fast...!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly.

When the body vacates the ultimate move, there is gravity to accelerate, so the lethality is much stronger.


Once the body is vacated, it cannot focus, and defense is very difficult!

Chen Yang stomped and punched forward, hitting Wu Yingnong's midline.

Eight poles split mountains, golden bell cover iron fist!

Double strength in one!

A powerful explosive force condensed in his fist!
at this time,

Chen Yang's telepathy ability reached the limit in actual combat, and his attention was highly concentrated.

When Wu Yingnong stepped on his feet and his body was in the air,

Chen Yang had already judged the opponent's attacking position.

Between the light and the flint, Chen Yang broke out a double-in-one killer move!

Wu Yingnong was taken aback and wanted to land on defense.

He never thought that Chen Yang's telepathy ability would be so powerful.

His body was just vacated, and there was a momentary flaw in the defense!
But it was this flaw that caused Chen Yang to unleash the most terrifying killer move.

this moment,
He was in the air, unable to focus, unable to defend effectively.

This killer move hit Wu Yingnong's leg with extreme precision!

The harsh sound of broken bones spread throughout the underground boxing arena.

Next, Wu Yingnong fell heavily to the ground.

His leg bone was directly smashed by Chen Yang's slashing force.

Chen Yang took a half step forward, exuding an icy aura!

After Chen Yang hit the opponent with a punch, his killing intent reached its peak.

A terrifying aura filled the entire ring.

Eight poles, the force is like a landslide, and it is invincible!
His body exudes an invincible domineering, shocking.

on the ring,
I saw Wu Yingnong's body leaning against the surrounding iron net.

He covered his broken leg with one hand, his face was ashen, and he didn't make any sound!

have to say,

He is worthy of being one of the top fighters in Southeast Asia.

Even though his leg bones were shattered by Chen Yang's move, he was able to hold back the pain and not let out a scream.


He is not only ruthless to the enemy, but even more ruthless to himself!
I saw Wu Yingnong take a deep breath and adjust his state after leaning on the iron net.

He braced his arm, and then flicked hard.

With the help of the elasticity of the surrounding iron net, his body rushed towards Chen Yang.

That's right,

His leg was broken and he couldn't sprint.

At this time, only with the help of the rebounding power of the iron net can the final sprint to Chen Yang be launched.

Even in death, he must die with dignity!

this moment,
He already knew he had lost!
He was unwilling to fail like this, and he had to give it a shot at the end!
To put it simply,
At this moment, Wu Yingnong is no different from sending him to death!
With the help of the rebounding power of the iron net, he clenched his fists like iron, and slammed into Chen Yang.

At this moment, a fierce wind whistled towards him!

The air seems to be torn apart, which is shocking!
"I lost! I didn't expect that I didn't die in the Nanyue underground boxing ring, but died in Yangon!"

"I shouldn't be greedy for the reward of 5000 million dollars, and I shouldn't come to attack this Chinese man!"

this moment,
In Wu Yingnong's mind, all thoughts were despairing!

A terrifying breath of death enveloped him, unavoidable!

Iron Fist!
The Eight Extremes Ultimate Move - Hades' Three Hands!

Hades told you to die in the third watch, who would dare to keep someone to the fifth watch!
Bajiquan Jin and Iron Fist are completely integrated, and the ultimate power is explosive!
This killer move hit Wu Yingnong's chest extremely fiercely!

Fast, precise, ruthless, fierce and domineering!

From exerting force to hitting the opponent at the end, it is completed in an instant!

Although Wu Yingnong has been baptized in bloody battles, he has incomparably rich experience in battles, is very agile, and possesses powerful telepathy abilities.

He wanted to avoid this fatal move.

But now that his leg is broken and his state is completely lost, how can he avoid it?

Eight extreme ultimate move, two strengths in one!

This is the strongest nirvana that Chen Yang can currently burst out!

Whether it is the control of the rhythm of the boxing ring or the grasp of the timing, they have reached a state of perfection!
One hit kill!

At this time, Chen Yang's mind was full of fighting spirit.

At this moment, his spiritual sense seemed to have reached an unimaginable state!

Any retreat of Wu Yingnong was shrouded in his ultimate move!

Not to mention that Wu Yingnong's serious injury cannot be avoided, even if he is not seriously injured, it is very difficult to avoid this killer move!



A dull voice spread throughout the boxing arena.

Wu Yingnong was like a garbage bag and was smashed into the air by Chen Yang.

His body hit the iron net, and then the iron net rebounded, causing him to fall heavily in the middle of the ring!
Wu Yingnong lay on the ground, blood gushing out, and the ground was quickly dyed red.

After his body twitched for a moment, he kicked abruptly and didn't move quickly...!
His fighting ability is extremely good, and he has a lot of experience in combat.

Moreover, his telepathy ability is very strong, and his leg skills are superb.


After his leg was smashed by Chen Yang's heavy punch, his chest suffered another heavy blow.

With Chen Yang's all-out Baji ultimate move, Yan Wang's three-point hand,

How could Wu Yingnong be able to stop the moment he gave up his defense?
This heavy-hitting killing move formed a terrifying explosive force.

Wu Yingnong's chest was shattered on the spot by this killer move.

His ribs were broken, and his internal organs were hit by a powerful force.

At the same time, his heart was shattered by a punch!
The strength of Yama's three-pointed hand and Iron Fist, when combined, doubles the lethality!

Not to mention that Wu Yingnong's leg was injured, he had already given up his defense when he used the rebound force of the iron net.

to be frank,
Even if he performs defensive unloading,

With his current state, he couldn't stop Chen Yang's punching move!
Three minutes and 35 seconds!

Chen Yang shot Wu Yingnong to death on the spot, winning the first round of points battle and the eighth victory!


Chen Yang took a deep breath, looked up at the attic high in the boxing arena, and let out a roar!

A powerful sixth sense, let him know clearly,

At this time, in the attic of the boxing arena, someone was staring at him, exuding strong hostility.

He has never met Sang Cha, the head of the Southeast Asian Myanmar and Yunnan Division.

But at this moment, he could feel that Mr. Sang Cha was in the attic...

Want to snipe Lao Tzu!


A reward of 5000 million US dollars is offered, and the Southeast Asian underground boxing "sniper order" is issued!
bring it on……!
I would like to see if there is anyone else in the Southeast Asian underground boxing area in the Burma and Yunnan Division.

Standing in the middle of the ring, Chen Yang exuded a terrifying aura!

The fight is over,

At this moment, the entire underground boxing stadium is completely boiling...

(End of this chapter)

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