Chapter 1021 Conspiracy of the True Martial Taoist Temple
Judging from his expression, Lord Wolf is very jealous of the vice-master of the Immortal Hall in front of him.

"What happened?"

In the hall, the old man known as the deputy hall master uttered an old voice, and looked at Lord Wolf with deep and cold eyes.

Under this gaze, the surrounding temperature began to drop.

If someone is here and sees this gaze, he must think that he is being stared at by an unknown beast.

Even standing at the door at this moment, Master Wolf instinctively bristles all over his body.

"According to the existing information, Venerable Heitian should have died at the hands of [Tianya Pavilion] Yan Kuangtu, and the person who traded with Yan Kuangtu should be Dugu Weiwei."

Lord Wolf stabilized his mind and said.

"[Tianya Pavilion] Crazy Yan, it is rumored that he is very powerful? I really want to meet him when I have time!"

Although the old man's voice was flat, it revealed an endless killing intent.

"Deputy hall master, Dugu has the idea of ​​delaying the action because of me, I am afraid that he will shirk it, and dare not launch it."

Lord Wolf said.

"His ambition is bigger than you think. He is not ready for the back, so he didn't move!"

"Dugu is thinking of a way for me to obtain the Black Turtle Shield of the True Martial Daoist Temple!"

"He wants to use the Black Tortoise Shield to resist Zhou Emperor's attack, so you tell him to prepare, and he will move when he gets the Black Tortoise Shield!"

"Master Wolf, we are different from Dugu for me. What we want is blood, not this world. As long as we have enough blood to evolve the divine blood in our body, then this world will become our blood food place in the future. .”

The old man said in a deep voice.

"My subordinate understands!"

"However, the Shield of the Black Tortoise is a treasure of the True Martial Dao Temple. It may be very difficult for Dugu Wei to get the Shield of the Black Tortoise for me!"

Lord Wolf frowned slightly.

"Normally, it's a bit difficult, but they have already contacted Yang Xu, and they want to use Yang Xu's hand to get the Shield of the Black Turtle. Yang Xu sent me a letter, thinking that this is our chance."

The vice headmaster of Bulao Hall looked at Lang Zun and said.

"Vice hall master, Venerable Yang Xu wants to take advantage of this."

Lord Wolf's expression changed and he said.

From the words of Venerable Wolf, it can be known that Yang Xu, the master of Zhenwu Garden, is one of the Venerables of Bulaotang.

"Yes, he thinks this is an opportunity for us to obtain the thousand-year-old tortoise from the Zhenwu Dao Temple. The blood of the thousand-year-old tortoise greatly improves the blood of the gods. We cannot miss this opportunity."

The deputy hall master of Bulao Tang said.

"There are quite a few strong men in the Taoist Temple of True Martial Arts. The Millennium Spirit Turtle has an unusual status in the Taoist Temple of True Martial Arts. Even with Yang Xu as the internal support, we may not necessarily be able to get the Millennium Spirit Turtle."

Lord Wolf said in a deep voice.

"This is an opportunity, so I am going to go there personally and secretly take down the Millennium Spirit Turtle."

The old man spoke at this time.

"Deputy hall master, are you going to do it yourself? What about the matter here?"

Hearing this, the Wolf Lord was stunned.

"Are you talking about the madman Yan? Don't worry about this matter. [Tianya Pavilion] is obviously here to get a share of the pie. Now that Dugu didn't get the shield of the black turtle for me, he probably won't discuss it with us. Alliance matters."

"So at this point in time, I can definitely go to Zhenwu Daoist Temple and take this opportunity to get the Millennium Spirit Turtle. Now it's up to Dugu to do it for me. If his movement is too small, maybe I will help him increase his momentum .”

The old hall master and the deputy hall master said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Lord Wolf stopped talking.

He can't intervene in what the deputy hall master decides!

A figure came in from outside the hall. The person who came was pale, without a trace of blood. She was dressed in white and looked like a ghostly woman.

After the woman came in, she bowed to the old man,

"Master, there is a secret message!"

Hold a secret letter in your hand with both hands.

The old man raised his hand, and he held the secret letter in his hand, opened it, and his eyes froze.

He raised his hand and flew towards the Wolf Lord.

Master Wolf took the letter, opened it, his eyes fixed.

"Deputy hall master, this Dugu is really calculating for me. Let us help him obtain the shield of the black turtle. Is he treating us as thugs?"

Lord Wolf said sharply.

He looked at the old man sitting in the hall.

The old man looked pensive.

"Since he wants us to take action, then we will take this opportunity to destroy the Zhenwu Dao Temple."

The pensive old man suddenly spoke.

Hearing the old man's words, Lord Wolf was stunned, and destroyed the Zhenwu Taoist Temple.

The True Martial Daoist Temple is not as simple as imagined. If it were simple, they would have rushed into the True Martial Daoist Temple and obtained the Millennium Spirit Turtle.

"Deputy hall master, you said to deal with Zhenwu Taoist temple?"

Lord Wolf asked in a low voice,

"Yes, this is an opportunity. Now in the South China Sea area, not only us and Dugu Weiwei, but also the Hundred Islands League, Heiliu Sea Area, Tianya Pavilion, the three major forces,"

"If we cooperate with the five parties, plus Yang Xu, there should be no problem in winning the Zhenwu Taoist Temple."

"Besides, Zhenwu Daoist Temple has the strongest background among the Taoist holy places, and there are many good things in it. I believe that if they join forces, they will all be interested!"

"This matter, you go to do it!"

The old man ordered.

"Yes! Vice Hall Master!"

Lord Wolf nodded.

The five parties join forces to win the Zhenwu Dao Temple, and there is a lot to do.

After saluting to the old man, he turned and left the hall,

When he walked out, the door that was originally open closed automatically, and the room became pitch black again.

at this time
Another place.

In a remote mountain forest.

Concubine Tian looked at Jiang Yuyan coldly, just now in the inn, Jiang Yuyan sent her a voice transmission, asking her to come and talk.

"I don't know why Jiang Longshou asked me to come here?"

Concubine Tian doesn't want to deal with [Qinglonghui] for the time being because of Su Chen's affairs.

"Tianfei, I'm here this time to ask you to join my [Blue Dragon Club]."

Jiang Yuyan looked at Tianfei and said.

On the one hand, she came here to test Concubine Tian, ​​and on the other hand, she wanted to take this opportunity to take down the magic gate led by Concubine Tian.

"Jiang Longshou, I am the Heavenly Concubine of the Demon Sect, you want me to join your [Blue Dragon Club]?"

Concubine Tian's eyes turned cold, and there was a hint of anger in her eyes.

She had dealt with Jiang Yuyan before.

Jiang Yuyan has always been domineering when interacting with her.

When he asked her to join the [Blue Dragon Club] just now, his tone was affirmative, and he didn't give her a choice at all.

"Your demon sect is weak now, and the strength of the demon leader has not recovered. My [Blue Dragon Club] is now powerful in the world. You should be honored to join my [Blue Dragon Club]."

"Of course, if it wasn't for your relationship with Su Shaolong, you wouldn't be able to enter the [Blue Dragon Club] at all, and you could only become my subordinate!"

Jiang Yuyan looked at Tianfei and said in a cold voice.


Hearing Jiang Yuyan's words, Concubine Tian stared blankly.

She didn't expect Su Chen to tell Jiang Yuyan about this.

"My devil's head will return soon. As soon as the devil returns, our devil's door is bound to rise. How could we join your [Blue Dragon Club]? It's wishful thinking!"

Tianfei said in a cold voice.

"The devil, secretly occupying Xue Pingsheng and stirring up the world, even if he appears, he will be besieged!"

"What I just said didn't give you a choice, you have two options now, one is to join my [Blue Dragon Club], the other is to be severely wounded and abolished by me and serve as a tea-serving maid next to Su Shaolong's head. "

When Jiang Yuyan was speaking.

A terrifying aura erupted from Jiang Yuyan's body, and this aura enveloped Concubine Tian.

"You are trying to threaten me!"

Concubine Tian stared.

"That is, your strength is not my opponent, you can't escape under my hands, by the way, you have the magic rosary of the demon head on your body, hand it over to me!"

Jiang Yuyan's eyes became extremely cold and heartless at this moment.

And while speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed Tianfei's body.

That is the place where the demon head magic prayer beads are stored.

"you dare!"

Concubine Tian drank softly, her eyes glowed with light, her body moved and turned into an afterimage, the magic beads must not fall into Jiang Yuyan's hands.

It's just that when she moved, she found that she didn't move out of the coverage of the opponent's palm at all.

The shadow erupting from the opponent's palm was like a dark cloud covering the sky.

Seeing this, she paused and could only slap out with one palm.

The two palms collided.

Concubine Tian's body was shaken so that she stepped back dozens of steps, spewing out a mouthful of blood.

"Not an opponent, she is much stronger than me."

Tianfei turned around and wanted to leave.

But suddenly a suction force appeared around her, and the power in her body was heading towards Jiang Yuyan'er like a tide.

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be fined. If you have a chance, don't blame me for being rude!"

In the palm of Jiang Yuyan's right hand, she increased the suction force, while with her left hand, she raised her hand to grab it. Jiang Yuyan grabbed the brocade box on Tianfei's body that contained the magic prayer beads of the demon head.


Seeing this, Tianfei's complexion changed.


She spat out a mouthful of blood again, and when she spit out the blood, the aura on her body began to change, and the black devilish energy condensed on her body like light rain.

"Phaseless True Demon Sword!"

Concubine Tian let out a low snort.

The raindrops of demonic energy erupting from those bodies quickly condensed into a black long sword, which appeared, and the sword moved towards Jiang Yuyan's body.

When the sword light erupted.

A strange energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the brocade box in Jiang Yuyan's hand.

Then the brocade box exploded, and a black bead fled away in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Yuyan raised her hand to grab the flying bead,

But at this moment, Tianfei's Wuxiangzhen Demon Sword had already struck, Jiang Yuyan couldn't chase the fleeing magic bead, so she could only raise her hand and slash towards the Wuxiangzhen Demon Sword.

The two forces collided, and the condensed true energy condensed from the Formless True Demon Sword exploded loudly, turning into a sky-filled air current.

Immediately following Jiang Yuyan's body movement, the figure appeared in front of Tianfei in an instant.

He raised his palm and patted Tianfei's chest.

Concubine Tian was shaken by this palm and flew backwards.

However, the eyes of Concubine Tian who flew upside down were fixed, because when the force in Jiang Yuyan's palm hit her, there was only an external force that shook her body back.

She was not seriously injured as before.

"What do you mean by that?"

Concubine Tian stabilized her figure, looked at Jiang Yuyan and said.

"You are Su Shaolong's leader, so of course we can't really hurt you too much."

Jiang Yuyan looked at Tianfei and said.

"You are too deceiving!"

Hearing this concubine was even more annoyed, her aura erupted, terrifying demonic aura soared into the sky, and the power of divine power also erupted.

With a movement of his body, the whole person moved towards Jiang Yuyan,

It's just that when she got close to Jiang Yuyan, there was a bang, an incomparably terrifying pressure enveloped her, blocking her figure, and an incomparably terrifying killing intent shot out of the sky, enveloping Tianfei's aura.

The concubine's aura instantly shattered under the powerful killing intent.


Not far away was a black magic bead floating, sensing the terrifying killing intent erupting from Jiang Yuyan's body.

"How can someone be so murderous!"

There was a look of surprise on the magic bead, and then quickly fled towards the distance,

Concubine Tian's complexion changed drastically when she shot here, and she couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood again.

Her aura is vulnerable to Jiang Yuyan, and Jiang Yuyan's strength is stronger than she imagined.

"In front of me, you have absolutely no chance of winning!"

"You should be thankful that you are the woman with the head of the little dragon. Otherwise, if you hang out with the monsters, you will die a long time ago. Tell me where the monsters go first!"

Jiang Yuyan looked at Tianfei and said.

"The devil head? What nonsense are you talking about? How can you confuse the devil head with the devil?"

Hearing Jiang Yuyan's words, Concubine Tian was taken aback, and said coldly.

"The devil's evil thoughts occupy the human body and become the head of the demon sect. You have followed the head of the devil for so many years, don't tell me, you don't know."

Jiang Yuyan said in a cold voice.

"The devil's head is a matter of demons. I didn't even know that the devil's head became the devil's head after being inherited by the first generation of my demon sect!"

"My ancestor who founded the Tianmomen is under the Demon Lord, so I, the Tianmomen, are loyal to the Demon Lord!"

Tianfei said in a low voice.

In his mind, he recalled the situation of the devil.

She didn't realize that the demon head was a demon.

"What evidence do you have to prove that the demon leader is a demon!"

Concubine Tian looked at Jiang Yuyan and said.

"Evidence, I don't pay much attention to evidence when I do things [Blue Dragon Club]. He is a monster and he will always show up. It doesn't matter to me [Blue Dragon Club] if he is not a monster!"

"However, the place you are going to now should be the place where the devil left his cards. Tell me, where are you going?"

"I can look at Shaolongshou's face and go with you. I also really want to see what the monster looks like!"

Jiang Yuyan said.

"Young Dragon Head, Jiang Yuyan, you are the new Four Dragon Heads of the Azure Dragon Society, why do you care about Su Chen?"

Tianfei was a little curious.

Jiang Yuyan has a decisive killing intent, so she should be a very decisive person.

But he didn't hit her hard.

"Shaolongshou is just one of them. You just need to know that Shaolongshou has a noble status. You are lucky to be the woman of Shaolongshou!"

Jiang Yuyan glanced at Tianfei and said.


Hearing Jiang Yuyan's words, Concubine Tian's eyes froze.

Concubine Tian is a very smart person, she knew from Jiang Yuyan's words that Su Chen's status is unusual.

"The target of the devil is Qiongyun Island in the South China Sea."

"That demon corpse is on Qiongyun Island in the South China Sea?"

Hearing Tianfei's words, Jiang Yuyan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Emperor Zhou mentioned that the demon was sleeping in his real body, and he was also afraid that the real body would wake up, so he didn't extinguish the demon head's magic thoughts. This is why Jiang Yuyan didn't chase the magic rosary just now.

Now there is only one demonic thought left, the place where the demon chief goes must be the place where the demon corpse is,

"Monster corpse!"

Hearing Jiang Yuyan's words, Concubine Tian's expression changed.

"You and I head to the South China Sea together!"

Jiang Yuyan said.

She was going to look for an opportunity, so she sent a message to Rushen to investigate this Qiongyun Island.

Now Liao Rushen is collecting intelligence in the South China Sea area, and knows a lot about the things in the South China Sea area,

the other side

The devil head's mana bead, stop!

A moment later, a figure appeared in front of the magic bead, the figure was Ying Wuxie, the master of the Shadow Demon Sect,

"I have seen the master!"

Ying Wuxie bowed towards the magic bead.

"[Blue Dragon Club] Jiang Yuyan appears, I am afraid that Concubine Tian will not be able to send me to South China Sea, you take me to South China Sea City!"

"How's the plan going in South Sea City?"

The voice of the demon head came from the magic bead.

"Dugu has absorbed half of the energy of the master's body for me, and now I am going to devour the evil third eye cultivated by the evil thoughts of the master's body!"

"As long as Dugu devours Xie Tianmu for me, I will have some immortality, and then the master can take away his body!"

Ying Wuxie said.

"What about other situations?"

The devil asked in a deep voice.

"For me, Dugu is sending Venerable Wu to contact Bulaotang, hoping that they will take action against Zhenwu Taoist Temple."

"However, Bulaotang hopes that the five major forces will take action against Zhenwu Daoist Temple together."

"Wu Venerable will drag the master to the South China Sea to discuss this matter. At that time, the master will take away Dugu as me, and come to the world as Dugu as me."

no evil
"Is that so? Then let's rush to Nanhai City as soon as possible, and order someone to investigate the situation of Concubine Tian!"

The voice of the demon head came out, and then the magic bead fell into Ying Wuxing's hands.

After Ying Wuxie took the order, she quickly left with the magic beads.
It takes too much time to type more than 4000 words with one hand, hey!

(End of this chapter)

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