The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1022 The 3 Great Protectors of the Demon Sect, Ou Jinghao, Tian Cangao

Chapter 1022 The Three Great Protectors of the Demon Sect, Ou Jinghao, Tian Canjiao (One Chapter)
A carriage to the capital.

"My lord, Jiang Yuyan and Concubine Tian have already gone to the South China Sea area, but Concubine Tian said earlier that the demon head is going to Qiongyun Island in the South China Sea, but this Qiongyun Island was not found by Rushen."

"I don't know if it's the hidden island, or if the demon leader's goal is not this Qiongyun Island at all, but other places."

The original follow the cloud.

"According to the information obtained, Concubine Tian doesn't know about the demon head, so Qiongyun Island may not exist, but the direction of the past is the South China Sea area, so the demon head and the body should be in the South China Sea area."

Having said that, Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Today's South China Sea is not peaceful, and the devil heads to the South China Sea area at this time.

It shows that the demon body of the demon head is in the South China Sea, and that the demon head's going to the South China Sea may have something to do with Dugu Weiwei.

"Let Jiang Yuyan and Concubine Tian investigate the people who appeared in the Demon Sect. Among those people, I believe there must be someone who knows the plan of the Demon Chief!"

Su Chen said,

Suddenly, Su Chen and his carriage stopped, their eyes fixed.

"My lord, it seems that someone has ideas about us!"

Yuan Suiyun, who was beside Su Chen, sensed the atmosphere outside, and said in a deep voice.


The black and white Xuan Jian on the carriage looked at the three figures appearing in front of the carriage with sharp eyes.

Three figures were standing in front of the carriage.

The three of them looked at Su Chen and their carriage with fierce eyes.

And three invisible breaths diffused out, covering Su Chen's carriage.

The person is not good!
The atmosphere became tense for a while.

"Who are you?"

Yuan Suiyun stepped out of the carriage, looked at the three men in black and said in a cold voice.

"We are here to ask Su Shaolong to come out, I wonder if Su Shaolong would like to come with us!"

One of them spoke up.

"You are not worthy to invite us to be a young dragon head."

Hearing what the visitor said, Yuan Suiyun snorted coldly.

"It seems that Su Shaolong is asking for trouble, so don't blame us!"

When the leader heard Yuan Suiyun's words, his eyes flickered with coldness.

Being intercepted, this Su Chen didn't come out to see him, but sent Yuan Suiyun here, which was completely disrespectful to them.


"Just the three of you!"

Yuan Suiyun snorted coldly.

Although the three of them were all concentrating in the sea like him, judging from their auras, the strength of these three was vaguely stronger than he seemed to be.

Of course, no matter how strong they are, in Yuan Suiyun's eyes, these three people are destined to become dead.

Now Su Chen is surrounded by experts like a cloud.

"Very confident, let me see where your confidence is!"

One of the burly men spoke.

When he was speaking, he slowly pulled out his hands behind his back, and held a thick ax in his right hand.

The ax was huge, and there were layers of black airflow above it, giving off a vaguely violent aura.

He walked with a huge ax in hand, and a terrifying aura swept towards Su Chen and their carriage.

"Tu Wanping, one of the three guardians of the Demon Sect!"

Looking at the figure of the other party, Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

After knowing the situation of the Demon Sect, he paid attention to the characters in the Demon Sect many years ago.

The three guardians and the two envoys on the left and right in the Demon Sect didn't move towards Concubine Tian because of Concubine Tian's appearance.

Among them, the only one whose identity is known is Zuo Envoy, Yang Bairen who is now under the alias of Jin Beiwang in the Jiangnan Waters Alliance.

The other four never showed up.

Although these people never showed up, Yuan Suiyun paid attention to these four people.

I didn't guess who the three were before, but when I saw the opponent's weapon, I thought of the identity of the opponent.

He looked towards the other two.

The other person was wearing a black brocade robe, with the appearance of a middle-aged man, and a stream of black aura emerged from his body, and this aura kept pouring into his palm.

Yan Jingchen, one of the three guardians, practiced a boxing technique called Hei Mi Tian Fist.

The last person was wearing a green shirt, and he was an old man. The old man's face was elegant, and he had the feeling of a literati.

But the sword light flickered in the eyes.

Yuan Luoshen, one of the three great protectors, practices a kind of spiritual swordsmanship, which is very strange.

As Tu Wanping stepped forward, the breath of the other two fluctuated slightly, and waves of energy poured into Tu Wanping's body from them, causing the blood on Tu Wanping's body to rise into the sky like wolf smoke.

this moment

In this area, there is only Tu Wanping.

"I didn't expect you to be able to recognize us. You [Blue Dragon Society] dared to ambush the devil's head. I will kill your [Blue Dragon Society] young dragon head today. I will give you a little warning!"

Tu Wanping looked at Yuan Suiyun and said coldly.

"Kill the young dragon head!"


"you wanna die!"

At this moment, Black and White Xuanjian erupted with a terrifying look, and a black curtain appeared above the bloody smoke.

Two broad long swords appeared in his hands.

The figure jumped out of the carriage.

Not a burly body, but there is an intimidating force on his body.

"The momentum is good, but it's useless, I will kill you with one axe!"

Tu Wanping let out bursts of wild and gigantic laughter, echoing in the area.

A stream of black air permeated his body, and his whole body was like an unrivaled madman, with muscles emerging all over his body, his eyes were powerful, and his eyes were sharp and captivating.

When he was laughing wildly.

The power behind him erupted, and the black aura permeated behind him, and finally condensed into the figure of a black giant axe.

He raised his hand, and the breath in his palm flowed into the giant axe.

The giant ax merged with the shadow of the ax behind him.

"You [Qinglonghui] are too arrogant, dare to attack the devil leader, let you know today, the price of attacking the devil leader!"

Tu Wanping made a cold voice.


Heihei Xuanjian let out a low cry, moved his footsteps, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and swept towards the opponent.

The divine power appeared.

A force of gravity pressed on Black and White Xuanjian.

"Break the sky with one blow!"

At this time, the huge ax in Tu Wanping's hand instantly slashed out.


At this moment, the world suddenly changed, and the black mist that was originally shrouded was directly split by this giant ax figure.

A light curtain emerged from the black mist.

When the divine power is cut, the black curtain is like broken glass, with stars appearing.

dissipate in the air

The divine power disappeared, but Black and White Xuanjian had already appeared in front of the opponent, and the two swords in his hands instantly slashed towards the opponent.

The sword cut towards the opponent like a stream of light.

Tu Wanping's eyes froze.

"Blood Fiend!"

He let out a low cry, a blood-colored glass-like light appeared on his body, and there was a crackling sound, and the space was solidified by the blood evil spirit for a while, forming a blood evil space.

The black and white Xuanjian swords slashed in the bloody space, and the speed seemed to slow down suddenly.

Black and white Xuanjian stared.

And at this moment.

Earlier, when the giant ax in Tu Wanping's hand fell, Black and White Xuanjian's body was split into two.


Seeing this situation, Tu Wanping's eyes froze.

Because the black and white Xuan Jian, which was split into two by his axe, turned into a cloud of black mist.

Be careful!

At this moment, the old man in Tsing Yi behind him spoke.


At this time, the black and white swords in Xuanjian's hands merged instantly, and he chopped off with one blow.

Tu Wanping, who had a bad sense, slashed out with the giant ax in his hand.

The two forces collided together, and the black and white Xuanjian figure disappeared again, and appeared in front of Tu Wanping in the blink of an eye.


Tu Wanping growled.

The blood-colored true energy permeates the surroundings, merging with the bloody kingdom before, to find black and white Xuanjian.

After Black and White Xuanjian obtained the inner alchemy of the shadow demon, he has already obtained some abilities of the shadow demon.

The two figures fought fiercely, and the rays of light surged.

Waves of unspeakable auras appeared on the road, and the momentum was earth-shattering, making it difficult for outsiders to approach.

The two fought, and their figures gradually left the carriage.

"There is another you, Yuan Suiyun!"

Among the remaining two, the man in black stepped forward, and a fist appeared on his body.

Fist intent enveloped Yuan Suiyun,

They had followed Su Chen's carriage for a while, and they knew that there were only two people beside Su Chen.

"Yan Jingchen is one of the three great protectors. It is rumored that you are also one of the disciples of the demon leader Lu Junsheng. What a pity!"

Yuan Suiyun looked at Yan Jingchen with a sigh in his mouth.

The figure also appeared not far from Yan Jingchen in a single leap.

"What a pity?"

Hearing Yuan Suiyun's words, Yan Jingchen's eyes froze.

"It's a pity that I will die here today!"

"Of course not only you, but also them all will die!"

Yuan Suiyun said in a cold voice.

"you wanna die!"

When Yan Jingchen heard Yuan Suiyun's words, his expression became furious.

"You [Blue Dragon Club] are so crazy. In this situation, how dare you ignore us like this!"

The light in the eyes was shining brightly, and with a movement of the body, as if without the slightest weight, several figures were replaced, and they appeared in front of Yuan Suiyun in a blink of an eye.

One punch!
The shadow of the fist accompanied the figure, and Yuan Suiyun's figure was under the shadow of the fist for a while.

The surrounding space also froze instantly, making him feel an extremely strong pressure.

"You are worse than speed!"

Yuan Suiyun's expression turned cold, under the dense fist shadows, his body moved, and those falling fist shadows did not touch him at all.


Seeing this, Yan Jingchen paused.

"You are so fast, and you can also foresee where my fist will land,"

Yan Jingchen said in a deep voice.

After Yuan Suiyun got the bat blood, in addition to the speed increase, his perception was also raised to another level.

That's why he dodged Yan Jingchen's fist so easily.

It's just that he spoke, but Yuan Suiyun didn't.

Yuan Suiyun's footsteps moved, and his figure appeared in an instant, appearing in front of Yan Jingchen in the blink of an eye, and slapped several palms in an instant.

The palms gathered to form a terrifying force, and they slapped the opponent's chest.

Right at this moment.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yan Jingchen's mouth.


The ground shook.

A terrifying force appeared on his body, forming a wave of air to press against the opponent, and a divine power condensed out, with a world-shattering punch in the divine power.

This kind of boxing intention is a bit domineering, but it is somewhat different from Li Chenzhou's boxing intention.

Because in Yan Jingchen's domineering fist, there is a ruthless,

Li Chenzhou's fist was unparalleled in domineering and fierce, while Yan Jingchen's fist was ruthless, ferocious and wanton.

Fist blows out.

Horror punches gushed out from the fist. Although it didn't hit Yuan Suiyun head-on, the force from the fist swept the surrounding space, but it shook Yuan Suiyun's figure back a few steps.

"Your speed is good, but your strength is worse than mine!"

Yan Jingchen looked at the shocked Yuan Suiyun, his eyes became sharper.

Although Yuan Suiyun's figure was shaken back, his expression did not change at all.

From before the fight, he could feel that the opponent's true energy was stronger than him, so he didn't plan to confront the opponent head-on.

Although he was knocked back by the opponent's punch just now, it was because he didn't want to collide head-on with the opponent, so he used his strength to knock his body back.

"Your fist is strong, but you can't kill me!"

"And as long as you give me a chance, I will have a chance to kill you with one blow!"

Yuan Suiyun said in a cold voice.

"But I won't give you a chance!"

"What's more, don't you worry about your little dragon head, Su Chen?"

Yan Jingchen looked at Yuan Suiyun and said.

"Don't you all know that Shaolongshou has physical strength? One Yuan Luochen can deal with Shaolongshou!"

Yuan Suiyun said with cold eyes.

"Since we dare to stop you, there must be a means!"

A cold light flashed in Yan Jingchen's eyes.

Yuan Suiyun's eyes froze, but his mind couldn't help but stare at Yuan Luo.

"You should take care of yourself first!"

"Extreme Fist Knife!"

The moment Yan Jingchen finished speaking, his fist swept towards Yuan Suiyun like a knife.

Boom boom boom!
In an instant, around Yuan Suiyun, fists appeared, forming sword glows.

These blade lights block the surrounding area.

Then Yan Jingchen shot out violently, raised his fist,

"Hei Mi Tian Fist!"

When the fist is released, the surrounding world becomes pitch black, and the invisible air current fluctuates in the fist, covering Xiangyuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun was very fast, Yan Jingchen used Su Chen to attract Yuan Suiyun's attention, and then used his fist strength to turn it into a knife light to seal off the surrounding area.

Finally punch.

The strength of the fist is unparalleled.

It's just that he guessed wrong, Yuan Suiyun knew Su Chen's strength.

Although Su Chen is only Concentration in the Sea, even if he is a top Concentration in the Sea, it is impossible to deal with Su Chen.

Of course, in addition to his own strength, Su Chen also has masters beside him.

As long as that Yuan sinks his hand, he will die,

The flame in the palm of the left hand exploded, and the knife was cut out, forming a knife glow.

The sword light dissipated.

But at the moment when the sword light dissipated.

Yuan Suiyun touched his waist with his right hand, and suddenly a white light flashed, very fast.

Yan Jingchen's eyes froze, he punched again and retracted his palm, heading towards the sword light.

But the sword light, like a spirit snake, passed through the shadow of the fist and swept towards Yan Jingchen's chest.

Yan Jingchen stepped back hastily.

For a moment, the offensive momentum created by Yan Jingchen collapsed.

Yan Jingchen's eyes were fixed, he bullied himself, and violently bombarded Yuan Suiyun with his fist.

For a moment, Fist Shadow exploded with endless vigor,

at this time.

Su Chen was still sitting in the carriage.

The blue-clothed old man Yuan Luoshen's expression was gloomy.

"Su Shaolong's head is really good at concentrating, and now he can still sit firmly in the carriage!"

Yuan Luo looked at Su Chen's carriageway.

"You want to meet me!"

Su Chen opened the curtain of the carriage.

"This is the time!"

Seeing Su Chen untie the curtain of the carriage, a light flashed in Yuan Luo's eyes.

"The mind and the mind are separated from the body, and the mind is cut with one sword!"

Yuan Luo let out a low cry, and an invisible sword intent shot out from the opponent, heading towards Su Chen.

Called Su Chen, he just wanted to make sure if the person in the carriage was Su Chen.

Already seen.

He directly cast his sword of mind.

sword cut mind
"court death!"

Just then.

Suddenly a huge foot shadow appeared, and the foot shadow appeared, and the surrounding space and time seemed to freeze instantly under this foot.

The mind sword was also affected by the foot shadows and shattered directly.


Yuan Luoshen was startled, he didn't expect his sword to be blocked by a foot shadow.

He looked towards Su Chen.

In front of Su Chen, a white figure appeared.

He was handsome, and should have been personable, but there was a gloomy and cold look.

This coldness, when people perceive it, makes people feel that their minds are being corroded.

It was Ou Jinghao.

He practiced the Cheats of Heavenly Disability, this kind of cultivation method is quick, but it is also an extremely evil cultivation method, it will affect people's spirit, energy and spirit, so Ou Jinghao has this kind of feeling of corrosiveness to people's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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