Chapter 1023 With a sword of mind, Jiang Yuyan is furious (unified)

"who are you?"

Yuan Luoshen's expression was gloomy. The opponent's kick could shatter his mind with a single sword. His strength is definitely not simple.

"For people like you who are dying, there is no need to leave a name!"

Ou Jinghao said in a cold voice, with disdain in his eyes.

Yuan Luoshen's Mind Sword is very strange, but it has no effect on him.


Hearing Ou Jinghao's words, Yuan Luoshen's expression was extremely gloomy.

He was so underestimated.

"Divine Power: Mind, Spirit, Primordial Shadow!"

Yuan Luo let out a low cry, and a black aura filled his body.

These black breaths merged with his mental fluctuations, and turned into a black long sword in the blink of an eye.

The long sword radiated bright black light, and the surrounding space seemed to be enveloped by black light for an instant.


Yuan Luo gave a deep drink.

The black sword light cut out instantly.

The long sword was slashed out, and the black light shone brightly, covering the entire carriage where Ou Jinghao and Su Chen were in.

Inside the carriage, the scene around Su Chen changed, and he entered a sea of ​​black swords in a blink of an eye, and his mind was shocked.

"What a weird sword!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

The surrounding scene may not have changed, but the real perceived change may be his mind.

At the same time, Ou Jinghao's expression did not change at all, and he said softly: "It affects the mind, it is useful for ordinary people, but it has no effect on me!"

Ou Jinghao's Heavenly Remnant Divine Art was running, and an invisible energy erupted from him. This energy was very negative. Once it appeared, it was like a tidal wave, dissipating this mental energy.

And in this moment.

The black sword shadow has fallen.

Ou Jinghao raised his foot.

Step out!

Huge footprints appeared, emitting dazzling light, and the aura shook the world,

The black sword shadows collided with each other.

The sword shadow suddenly shattered.

But at the moment when the sword shadow shattered, Na Yuan Luoshen's eyes did not change at all.

Turning it over in his hand, a small jet-black sword appeared. This small sword was only about half a foot long, with a dark body and an evil black aura.

This aura is extremely cold, filled with an indescribable aura, but when people take a look at it, they will have a feeling of dizziness and vomiting, as if their mind has entered a vortex and is constantly spinning.

Seeing this sword, Ou Jinghao's eyes narrowed slightly.

This dagger is somewhat unusual.


Yuan Luo let out a low cry, raised the dagger in his hand, and shot it out instantly.

call out!
A strange black light flashed past, approaching the extreme.

Ou Jinghao has been paying attention to the other party, and the other party controls the short sword to fly towards him, and the breath on his body soars.

Horror power gathered on his right leg.

Step out.

"you are wrong!"

At this moment, Na Yuan Luo Shen let out a sneer from the corner of his mouth.

The small mind sword turned in an instant and headed towards Su Chen's carriage.

"you wanna die!"

Ou Jinghao became furious at this moment, the strength in his body soared, and he wanted to retreat, and went to rescue Su Chen.

"Do not bother me!"

At this time, Su Chen's voice rang in his ears.

Ou Jinghao's figure, which was about to retreat, suddenly changed, and he looked at Yuan Luochen fiercely.

Tian Canjiao rises again.


He kicked towards Yuan Luochen's body.

The energy in his body was pushed to the extreme.

The blasted right leg shone brightly, and turned into a huge footprint to attack and kill the opponent.

Yuan Luo's eyes narrowed.

He was plotting against Su Chen this time, but he also thought about it. When Su Chen was in danger, the other party should turn around to save Su Chen.

But he didn't expect that the other party didn't go back to rescue Su Chen at all, but came towards him to attack and kill him.

At this time, above the carriage, there was a flash of light in Su Chen's eyes.

A violent breath emanated from his body, his hands clenched into fists, and he punched out.

A golden light shone above the fist, and it collided with the attacking little mind sword.

When the little sword collided with the fist.

A terrifying mental power erupted from the small sword and swept towards Su Chen's mind.


A terrifying power of mind erupted from Su Chen's body, and the power formed a fist and collided with that power of mind.

The small sword that collided with the fist fell to the ground, and then turned into powder.

The mind sword was shattered.

Na Yuan Luoshen was stunned, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Su Chen who punched with a little horror in his eyes.

How could Su Chen's strength be so strong?

The moment he was surprised.

Ou Jinghao's broken foot had already appeared in front of him.

He wanted to take a shot to resist, but before the fist was released, the feet had already appeared on the chest,

The whole body was directly attacked by this kick and flew upside down.

Yuan Luochen let out a scream, and his entire chest was directly blasted by this kick.

The broken body fell to the ground.

He looked at Ou Jinghao, and then at Su Chen.

"Su Chen, how can you be so strong!"

His surprise just now was because he didn't want to use his physical strength for Su Chen, and killed Su Chen with a sword from his mind.

But I didn't expect Su Chen to smash himself with his fist, and erupted with a sword of mind.

"Nothing is impossible, I can only say that you know too little about me!"

Su Chen snorted coldly.

At this moment, Ou Jinghao's foot crushed the opponent's head.

Pfft, blood sprayed.

the other side.

Seeing this, the two people who were fighting Black and White Xuanjian and Yuan Suiyun changed their expressions and became terrified.

In an instant, he backed up, thinking about evacuating.

The two of them came here to hold back Yuan Suiyun and Black and White Xuanjian, and let Yuan Luoshen kill Su Chen.

But I didn't expect that there were masters beside Su Chen, and Yuan Luochen missed it.

Now they have no choice but to flee.

Among them, the fastest speed belongs to Yan Jingchen who fought against Yuan Suiyun, and he has the fastest figure.

It's just that he is fast, but Ou Jinghao is faster.

"Come on, don't even think about leaving!"

On top of his head, Tiancan's feet fell instantly
Yan Jingchen punched out hastily.

The whole body was shaken and fell to the ground.

When his body fell.

A jet of black light hit his dantian instantly, and his dantian was instantly pierced.

A mouthful of blood spewed out. He was hit by a slash, but energy poured into his body. At this moment, there was no strength in his body to resist the force, and suddenly there was a dull sound from all over his body, and blood and flesh spattered.

His body swayed, his face was pale, he turned his head suddenly, and looked at Ou Jinghao who was beside him.

"The location of the devil's head?"

Ou Jinghao looked at Yan Jingchen and said.

"The master will avenge us, and you will all die then!"

Yan Jingchen looked at Ou Jinghao with ferocious eyes.

Hearing this, Ou Jinghao's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand, and punched the opponent's body.

The opponent's body turned into a mass of flesh and blood.

On the other side, the burly Tu Wanping, who took a step slower, turned around, and a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The long sword in his hand penetrated the opponent's body.

Then the two long swords separated instantly, splitting the opponent's body in two.

In the competition between masters, there must be no mistakes.

"My lord, judging from the situation, the three of them should know about the demon chief!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

After all, Yan Jingchen called the devil the master just now.

"When I arrive in the capital, I need to know where the devil head and his monsters are!"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.

【Qinglonghui】As soon as he made a move against the demon leader, the demon leader started to fight back. The demon leader's power in the dark is extraordinary.


Yuan Suiyun nodded.

"Tianjian Division should still have the devil's head, otherwise no one should know that we are going to the capital, send a message to Murong Qingchen, and ask her to give me an explanation!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

Only Murong Qingchen knew about his going to the capital.

These people must know his whereabouts from Murong Qingchen, so Murong Qingchen wants to give him an explanation.

"Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Su Chen returned to the carriage and continued on his way.

On the way to the South China Sea area.

Jiang Yuyan looked at the secret letter in her hand with a gloomy expression.

This is the news that Yuan Suiyun sent her. The three guardians of the Demon Sect attacked and killed Su Chen.

Pushing open the door, she headed towards Tianfei's room.

Inside the house, Concubine Tian was contemplating where the devil head would go.

The door was opened.

Before Concubine Shen Si could react, a figure appeared in front of her, grabbing Concubine Tian's throat with her palm.

"Tell me, where are your magic masters distributed?"

Jiang Yuyan's expression was cold, her eyes filled with murderous intent,

"Cough! Cough!"

Concubine Tian couldn't help coughing after being strangled.

"The head of the devil is the head of the devil, and the other people in the devil's sect are other people. If you want to get news from me about the other people in the devil's sect, and subdue them, I can't tell you!"

After Tianfei coughed, she said hoarsely.

"Hmph, idiot! I didn't expect that a smart person like you would be tricked into the applause!"

Jiang Yuyan said in a cold voice.

"What did you say?"

"What did I say, the three guardians of the Demon Sect attacked the young dragon's head!"

"What do you mean? It means that those people from the Devil's Gate are not under your control at all. They are all under the control of the Devil's Head. Your so-called control is nothing more than a fake, and you are just a puppet on the surface."

Jiang Yuyan snorted coldly.

"What, the three guardians, they showed up, and even attacked and killed Su Chen!"

Hearing this, Concubine Tian's eyes showed incomparable surprise.

"Su Chen, are you okay!"

She couldn't help but said worriedly.

Hearing that Concubine Tian was worried, Jiang Yuyan put down her palm.

"Kill the head of the young dragon. In this world, no one can do it. Tell me the whereabouts of the disciples of the Demon Sect, and I will kill them all!"

Jiang Yuyan's eyes were full of killing intent.

Anyone who dares to attack Su Chen, as long as they are related to him, will be killed.

"I didn't find out the whereabouts of the three guardians before, but I only found out the left envoy Yang Bairen."

"Others are under my command!"

"Commander, I think it's impossible for you to find them now. If you don't believe me, you can contact someone to have a look!"

Jiang Yuyan said in a deep voice.

Hearing Jiang Yuyan's words, Concubine Tian's expression became gloomy. For the messages she sent these days, only Tianmomen sent a reply, and there was no other information.

"In this way, do you still hesitate and protect the people of the Demon Sect?"

"You are just a puppet placed in front of the devil!"

Seeing Tianfei's expression, Jiang Yuyan said coldly.

"The devil's door is the devil's door, and the head of the devil is the head of the devil. Your killing intent is too strong. If you let you kill, I'm afraid that you will kill all the people in the devil's door."

Concubine Tian looked at Jiang Yuyan and said.

During the past few days of contact, she discovered that Jiang Yuyan's murderous intent was stronger than she had imagined.

The more contact the more terrifying.

She still doesn't know why Jiang Yuyan has such a strong killing intent.

"The Demon Sect made a move against Shaolongshou, so a price must be paid. If you don't tell me, I will let you pay a heavy price."

"Recently, when you sent a message, only the people from Tianmomen replied to you, and the others did not reply. I couldn't check the people who didn't reply to your message, but Tianmomen replied, so I found their information. Location!"

"If you don't tell me the addresses of other people, then I will destroy your Heavenly Demon Sect!"

Jiang Yuyan looked at Concubine Tian with cold eyes.


Concubine Tian's expression changed, she didn't expect Jiang Yuyan to say that.

But his eyes moved, and he said in a deep voice: "From your tone and what you said earlier, Su Chen's status in [Qinglonghui] is not ordinary, aren't you afraid that I will retaliate against you!"

"Then you also have that ability!"

"Although you become a woman with the head of a young dragon, sometimes you are just a woman!"

Jiang Yuyan said in a cold voice.

"Since you have made your choice, I will destroy your Heavenly Demon Sect first!"

Jiang Yuyan turned around.

Watching Jiang Yuyan turn around, Concubine Tian's expression changed.

"I'll help you find other people. Ying Wuxie has been in contact with me before. Since the devil head left, he has disappeared. He should be helping the devil head with his work. You can kill the Shadow Demon Sect first!"

"I believe that after the Shadow Demon Sect is destroyed, Ying Wuxie will show up. At that time, we may be able to find out where the demon head is headed to?"

Tianfei said.

"Tianfei, I think our cooperation will be very good!"

"I hope you can really become Mrs. Shaolongshou!"

"Tell me, where is Yingwumen? I will go there myself!"

Jiang Yuyan's eyes were cold.

"Just as we headed to the South China Sea to go to Xieying Mountain!"

Tianfei said.

another place

In a ruined temple.

A figure was sitting cross-legged in the center of the ruined temple.

There was also a brocade box in front of him, and the magic rosary in the brocade box was shining with light, continuously pouring into the body sitting cross-legged.

Sitting cross-legged, demonic energy is constantly gushing out from his body, but his eyes are dark and lifeless, as if he has lost consciousness.


A figure swept in from outside the hall, it was Tianfei and the others who mentioned Ying Wuxie,

As soon as he entered, he saluted towards the brocade box.

"Meet the devil!"

"Su Chen was captured by us!"

The voice of the demon head came from the magic rosary.

"The head of the devil, the three guardians have fallen, and a master appears beside Su Chen, whose strength is probably at the broken level."

Ying Wuxie said in a deep voice.

"Broken level? A broken level follows Su Chen. This [Qinglonghui] has a few dragon heads."

"About Su Chen's news, collect it again, don't miss any news, and must find out, the purpose of Murong Qingchen's sudden invitation to Su Chen to go to the capital,"

The devil said in a deep voice.

"The subordinate understands, and the subordinate will investigate again!"

"Master, Jiang Yuyan and Tianfei suddenly disappeared two days ago, should we find them and kill them?"

Ying Wuxie said.

"You don't need to look for them. Jiang Yuyan is very strong. Even if you find them, you are no match. I believe we will meet them in the South China Sea."

"You inform Yang Bairen to win the Jiangnan Waters Alliance as soon as possible, and cooperate with me quickly after I occupy Dugu as my body!"

The devil said in a deep voice.

"The subordinates will notify Envoy Yang Zuo, and there is news from Venerable Wu that Duguwei and I have agreed to Bulaotang to deal with Zhenwu Daoist Temple together!"

"He is contacting Tianya Pavilion and other forces."

Ying Wuxie continued.

"Is it so fast? Let Venerable Wu drag us to the South China Sea, speed up the journey, and strive to reach South China Sea City within three days!"

"And get him ready, I'll do it as soon as I arrive!"

The devil's voice disappeared, and the brocade box was slowly closed.

The body that was originally sitting cross-legged stood up, put the brocade box into his arms, and the light in his eyes flickered.


What came out of his mouth was the voice of the devil.
My palm recovers a bit, I guess the day after tomorrow, I will be able to make more!
(End of this chapter)

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