The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1024 Dugu devours the evil eye for me, Yan Kuangzi, the substitute is not worthy of talking

Chapter 1024 Dugu devours the evil Tianmu for me, Yan Kuangzi, the double is not worthy of talking to me (unified)

Outside Nanhai City,

On a huge body of water.

In a huge building ship.

Two figures are sitting in it.

An old man, a middle-aged man.

The old man was wearing a dark golden gown, and his skin was as if made of bronze metal. The old man had beards on his lips and chin. The beards were like steel needles. When his eyes opened and closed, they shone like two dark golden steel balls. Captivating luster.

It was Xie Tianmu, the leader of the Hundred Islands League.

Behind him, stood two women in tulle.

The woman is as beautiful as a flower, with a slender body, wearing thin clothes, and her eyes are like peach blossoms, emitting a seductive light. With the thin clothes, people can't help but feel excited.

The middle-aged man sitting opposite the old man was dressed in black, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Evil Island Master, you invited me here late at night, are you planning to give me the two cauldrons behind you!"

The man in black looked at the two behind the old man meaningfully.

"Brother Quicksand, if you want them, you can take them away anytime!"

The old man in the dark golden gown said.

This old man is Xie Tianmu, the leader of the Hundred Islands League, and opposite him is the black quicksand in the Heiliu sea area.

"Then I would like to thank the evil island master!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Hei Liusha's face.

"Ming people don't speak dark words. There are some changes in the South China Sea area. Do you know the cause of the death of Venerable Heitian in Bulaotang!"

Xie Tianmu said.

"It is rumored that he died at the hands of Yan Kuangzhe. Could it be that the master of the evil island wants to avenge the people of Bulaotang?"

"I see Evil Island Master, you probably don't have such a heart!"

Hei Liusha looked at Xie Tianmu and said.

"What does the death of Bulaotang have anything to do with me? But this madman Yan did not come here with kindness. The situation in the South China Sea has changed!"

"I'll just say it clearly. I want you and me to form an alliance and advance and retreat together in the next actions. Only in this way can we guarantee our interests!"

Xie Tianmu said.

"Evil Island Master, you are right, we really want to advance and retreat together, and now Duguwei wants to unite us to deal with Zhenwu Daoist Temple."

"Zhenwu Daoist Temple is one of the holy places of Taoism. It is powerful. If you really make a move, you may lose a lot,"

"How do you say we should do it?"

Black Quicksand said in a deep voice.

"Play by ear! Zhenwu Daoist Temple is a holy land of Taoism, and there are many treasures there. If Dugu Weiwei and Bulaotang can severely damage Zhenwu Daoist Temple, we will do our best to snatch things."

Xie Tianmu said.

"Evil Island Master thinks the same as me!"

"This matter is settled like that, I will take them and leave first!"

Hei Liusha looked at the two behind Xie Tianmu and said.

"it is good!"

Xie Tianmu nodded, and the two tulle women behind him walked out slowly and came to the front of Hei Liusha.

A smile appeared on the black quicksand face.

Grabbing one person in one hand, he jumped out of the building, his body disappeared into the moonlight,

The Xie Tianmu looked silent, looking at the departing black quicksand, his eyes were silent, motionless, as if he was thinking about something?
After a moment.

That Xie Tianmu murmured, "Come here!"

It's just that after his voice fell, there was no response.

Xie Tianmu frowned, and instantly sensed that something was wrong, and suddenly said, "Who is coming out!"

But there was silence in response to him.

His face changed, and his body suddenly rushed out of the boat.

As soon as he left the room, his pupils shrank, and at this moment a tall figure in a gray robe and a black mask appeared on the deck.

The eyes on the mask of the figure were looking at him coldly.

Almost as soon as his body rushed out, a layer of invisible terrifying power spread out from the opponent's body in an instant, sealing off the space, imprisoning the world, and directly crushing towards Xie Tianmu's body.

For a time, the surrounding space was locked.

Xie Tianmu's expression suddenly changed,

The visitor was not kind, and the other party came to deal with him.

With a low shout, a terrifying power erupted from his body, and the power rushed towards the masked person like a tide.

In an attempt to break through this suppression of power.

But the force that rushed out was useless, unable to shake this suppression.

Xie Tianmu was startled,

He didn't expect that the power he erupted could not break through the suppression of the opponent's power.

He was shocked, knowing that the opponent's strength might be higher than his.

In this case, one cannot sit still and wait for death. If he continues to suppress, he will undoubtedly die.

The eyes are ferocious, and the strength in the body is not reserved at all!

A layer of black energy emerges, this force is full of killing and evil spirits!

"It really is!"

When this force appears.

The masked person spoke.

And the previous suppressive force, when the man in black opened his mouth.

dissipate directly.

The moment the suppression dissipated, Xie Tianmu let out a low cry, and a divine force appeared behind him.

The phantom of the spirit is red, exuding a scarlet aura, and finally a phantom of an unknown creature appears, with a pair of black fleshy wings in the phantom.

As soon as this aura appears,

A layer of terrifying blood fluctuations appeared around, and the blood fluctuations were full of killing, blood, and filth.

Especially the pair of eyes in the phantom of the divine power are icy cold and terrifying, full of killing intent.

Let the surrounding space be distorted.

"I didn't expect the divine power to be like this!"

He looked at the divine power that appeared behind Xie Tianmu.

The eyes of the masked person showed a bright light, looking at Xie Tianmu's expression, he was a little excited.

"who are you?"

Xie Tianmu looked at the masked person.

He didn't perceive any breath fluctuations from the opponent.

The figure of the man in black moved, and the palm of his hand shot out directly.

With one palm shot, a palm shadow condensed out between the sky and the earth, arousing the surrounding momentum and falling down instantly.

For a time, dark clouds covered the sky and the earth.

"Kill! Evil Sky Poison Palm!"

Seeing this, the Xie Tianmu also let out a low shout, and his figure also flew up, and slapped out with a palm,

The other party is not good.

He has to give it his all now.

The palm of the shot collided with the opponent's palm.

With all his strength, the palm of the man in black was shattered.

This made Xie Tianmu's expression condense, he didn't expect that he could shatter the opponent's palm shadow with one palm.

One hit.

He shot violently and appeared in front of the other party in a blink of an eye.

The palm of the hand was extremely fast, and it slapped the opponent's chest.

The other party didn't seem to react, and let the other party's palm slap on his chest.

The moment the palm slapped on the opponent's chest.

A ferocious look erupted in Xie Tianmu's eyes, and the divine force behind him erupted, cooperating with the strength of the fist, and all poured into the opponent's body.

He wanted to smash the opponent's body with one punch.

But when he punched his opponent with all his strength, the opponent's body only stirred for a moment.

After a brief agitation of the body, he recovered quickly, without being blasted by his punch.

His palm was firmly sucked by a huge suction force.

I couldn't come back for a while.

And the power in one's own body is uncontrollable, generally rushing towards the opponent's body.

Xie Tianmu wanted to mobilize the power in his body, but he couldn't mobilize it at all.

"What's the situation, how can you absorb my power!"

Xie Tianmu's face changed drastically.

"These powers belong to me, and it's normal to absorb them back!"

The masked figure had a low voice.

"My power is yours, how is it possible?"

Xie Tianmu shouted in a low voice, but then his expression changed.

"Impossible, my strength is!"

"Your power comes from my body, now I just take it back!"

"However, it's a pity that you didn't cultivate other powers, but purely increased the power you got from my body!"

The masked person spoke.

The voice was cold.

"What, you are that corpse, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Xie Tianmu's face was horrified, and he raised his head to see the other party clearly.



Amidst the low rumbling sound, a huge palm fell and instantly hit the top of the head.

Xie Tianmu's entire body was smashed into pieces by a palm in an instant, the sound was miserable, pieces of stumped limbs were broken, and they flew into the air.

The man in the black robe wearing the mask can directly raise his palm.

A vortex emanated from the center of the opponent's palm, quickly wrapping the severed limbs, turning them into a cloud of blood mist, and blending them into the opponent's body.

Silence, for a moment, the whole space seemed silent.

The man in black glanced at the place where Xie Tianmu's figure was standing just now, his eyes were silent,

He didn't expect to solve this evil third eye so easily.

The power of the opponent seems to exist exclusively for him.

Not only did it not cause any harm to him, but it was also completely able to integrate with itself.

The whole person became contemplative, as if thinking about something.

A moment later, the whole body of the man in black turned into a black shadow and disappeared on the deck.

The Palace of the Great General.

Inside a secret room.

A black shadow wearing a mask appeared in the secret room.

"General, it's done."

Elder Wu who was waiting in the secret room stepped forward and said.

"Yes! The matter has been done, and I have devoured Xie Tianmu."

Dugu said in a deep voice for me.

"General, the matter is done, why do you still have something on your mind? Could it be that something unexpected happened?"

Old Wu said.

"Things went too smoothly. I feel uneasy." Dugu said in a deep voice for me.

"You go down first, I want to be quiet."

Dugu waved his hand for me and told Mr. Wu to go down first.

"Yes, General"

Mr. Wu bowed and exited the secret room,

After Mr. Wu exited the secret room.

Dugu sat cross-legged on the futon for me, and began to use the power in his body.

The newly gained energy was working in his body.

He wanted to feel the difference in this energy, but he didn't find anything, and his brows were furrowed.

Outside the secret room.

Old Wu rolled his eyes.

"Could it be that Dugu discovered something for me?"

"But the devil head will arrive tomorrow, so what if he finds you?"

"Dugu for me, you are just a substitute in the devil's first choice, you should feel honored to be the devil's first choice!"

A sharp light flashed in Old Wu's eyes.

Another place.

In a large house.

Yan Kuangtu sat in the middle of the hall.

"Deputy Pavilion Master, Dugu killed Xie Tianmu for me today."

"The shot is very strange, those evil third eyes are completely powerless to parry, and all the energy in the body is swallowed up by Dugu for me."

Liao Rushen said solemnly.

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect Duguwei to be able to devour the energy of the owner of Baimeng Island!"

"This Dugu hides it deep enough for me."

There was a hint of interest in Yan Kuangtu's eyes.

"Any other discoveries?"

Yan Kuanglu asked.

"They mentioned the corpse, the energy of Xie Tianmu comes from that corpse, and that corpse has something to do with Dugu Weiwei."

He opened his mouth like a god.


Yan Kuangtu frowned slightly.

"Is the demon head's demon body in the South China Sea area? You said that the corpse they mentioned is the demon body?"

Hear what Yan Kuangzhang said.

Liao Rushen was taken aback.

"Thank you for the reminder from the deputy pavilion master. I'm afraid the corpse they are talking about is the demon body of the demon head. The subordinates will investigate the situation of the corpse in detail."

After thinking for a moment like a god, he said.

"It's enough to investigate Dugu for me, and the wolf master of the old hall, have you found his whereabouts?"

Yan Kuanglu opened his mouth and said.

"The subordinates have already found out, but there is someone behind the wolf master, and the subordinates guessed that the other party may be the deputy hall master of the old hall."

He opened his mouth like a god.

"It is rumored that the affairs of the Bulaotang are all presided over by the deputy head?"

"I want to meet someone like this."

Yan Kuanglu opened his mouth and said.

Suddenly, Yan Kuangtu's eyes changed, and his figure flew out of the hall in an instant, landing on the hall in the courtyard.

"Who, get out for me?"

Yan Kuangtu's voice was cold, his eyes were cold, and he looked towards one place.

Within the moonset, the night was quiet and dim, and all directions seemed extremely silent, as if no one was there at all.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you as soon as I arrived, Yan Kuangfu, you are indeed extraordinary."

A cloud of black mist emerged, covering the entire courtyard. Under the black mist, a figure appeared in the courtyard, looking at Kuangfu Yan with cold eyes.

"Yan Kuangtu, Yuan Huayi, the deputy head of the Immortal Hall, you killed Venerable Heitian of the Immortal Hall!"

A figure appeared with a cold voice.

"I killed him. Someone paid for it. It's normal to kill him. Why do you want to avenge him?"

"I really want to see what the strength of the vice-master of the Bulaotang is?"

Yan Kuangtu said in a cold voice.

The other party didn't care at all.

"Kangfu Yan, as his name suggests, is indeed arrogant, but it is normal for the weak to die at the hands of the strong. I am here this time because I want to cooperate with Your Excellency!"

Yuan Hua, the deputy head of Bulao Hall, spoke.


Yan Kuangtu's expression moved slightly, and he said, "I don't know what we want to cooperate with?"

"I should have told you Duguwei about the Zhenwu Daoist Temple, but you haven't replied yet, so I came to find you in person."

Yuan Hua, the deputy head of Bulao Hall, spoke.

"The Taoist Temple of True Martial Arts, one of the sacred places of Taoism, is very extraordinary. What can I get from Tianya Pavilion just by taking down the Taoist Temple of True Martial Arts?"

Yan Kuanglu opened his mouth and said.

"We don't want anything else as long as the millennium spirit turtle from Zhenwu Dao Temple is what we want, we can give it to you!"

The deputy hall master of Bulao Tang said.

"The thousand-year-old tortoise, you guys have a good idea. It is a treasure of the True Martial Daoist Temple. You are going to take the thousand-year-old tortoise lightly!"

"It's fantastic!"

Yan Kuangtu said in a cold voice.

"Could it be that Deputy Pavilion Master Yan also wants the thousand-year-old tortoise?"

Sombra's voice became a little colder.


With a bang, the surrounding space froze, and a terrifying force erupted from Kuangtu Yan, and the black mist that originally surrounded the deputy hall master of the Bulao Hall instantly dissipated.

"If you want to talk to me, show yourself!"

"The substitute is not worthy of talking to me at all!"

Yan Kuangtu raised his palm!
Slap your palm on the opponent's body,

The whole body exploded like a bomb.

"If you want to talk about cooperation, show yourself!"

Yan Kuangtu's face was indifferent, and his voice rang out,

Judging from the information obtained, Dugu is for me, and Bulaotang should have arranged a manpower in the Zhenwu Daoist Temple, otherwise he would not have the idea of ​​the Zhenwu Daoist Temple.

Of course Yan Kuangtu wanted a piece of the action.

It's just how much of this cup of soup to share, Yan Kuangtu doesn't want leftovers.

(End of this chapter)

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