The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1045 Yin Ji in the water, domineering and unparalleled

Chapter 1045 Yin Ji in the water, domineering and unparalleled

Horror spirit pressure permeated the air.

"Your strength is very suitable for this seat. This seat will bring you back to the Black Sea Basin, and slowly use your strength to improve this seat's strength!"

The voice of the black quicksand was rampant.

among the boats
Some guards quickly appeared.

"Take down my future wife!"

Hei Liusha's aura was extraordinary, but he didn't do it himself, but asked his subordinates to test the jellyfish Yinji first.

Jellyfish Yin Ji dared to come in person, presumably she had some tricks.

He can't be careless.

Several of his subordinates attacked the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Among these people was a burly man who was one of the strongest subordinates he had brought, and stepped into the sea to concentrate for a while.

get orders.

Immediately burst into divine power, with a roar, all the strength in his body was mobilized.

Pieces of ferocious muscles protruded violently, and strips of blue and black tendons emerged like earthworms, and instantly covered all areas of his body, like a demon god.

The body violently shot towards the jellyfish Yin Ji, and punched out, locking the space around the jellyfish Yin Ji with terrifying vigor.

His face was ferocious.

Jellyfish Yin Ji snorted coldly

She is born with divine power, and her own strength is extremely powerful.

I didn't expect to meet someone who wanted to deal with her with strength,

The Tianshui Divine Art in his body was running directly, without using any divine power at all, he slapped it out with a single palm.

Palms collide with fists.

The martial artist with the body of a demon god suddenly felt that his fist strength was shattered.

Then a terrifying force poured into his arm from the opponent's palm.

The arm exploded directly.

The shooter let out a scream.

The expression of the people who followed him changed when they heard the voice.

The figure couldn't help but pause.

But the moment they paused, terror swept over them.

Under the force of this palm, several figures were instantly blown away, crashing through the building and heading towards the waters.

in a while.

Above the waters, gurgling blood continued to flow out.

The screaming martial artist was holding his arm, looking at the jellyfish Yin Ji in horror.

His boxing strength is unparalleled, but in front of this woman, he is not a one-shot enemy.

"Your strength is beyond my expectation!"

Hei Liusha looked at the jellyfish Yin Ji with serious eyes.

Just at the moment of shooting.

A terrifying force erupted from the opponent.

Although the body shape has not changed, the power is terrifying and abnormal, as if it comes from the body.

"You are not an opponent, I will do it myself!"

Hei Liusha looked at the jellyfish Yin Ji.

He has now seen that the opponent's hole card should be this terrifying and unparalleled vigor.

He doesn't care about being strong.

He was born on an island, and he was practicing the method of spirit and soul, as well as a kind of water flow technique.

It's called Hei Ming Liu Shui, a method of imprisoning other people with water.

Hei Liusha is also very talented.

The divine power is completely different from the exercises he practiced.

But he was successfully cultivated.

"Hei Ming Liu Shui Palm!"

Hei Quicksand made a move, raised his palm, and a burst of energy burst out of his palm like flowing water, enveloping the jellyfish Yin Ji.

There is also a wave in this water flow, which is fierce and vigorous.

This vigor is the phantom of the ax erupting from his aura, cooperating with his own soul power.

Under this momentum, it can make people's soul tremble.

It's as if a huge ax is suspended above the head.


Sensing the three forces enveloping him, the jellyfish Yin Ji's face remained unchanged.

The strength in his body exploded, shattering the water flow that enveloped him, and he raised his hand and slapped it out.

The palms of both sides collided.

Terrifying power erupted from their palms.

The plank of the building boat under the jellyfish Yinji's feet began to collapse, and the whole person was pressed down towards the building boat.

The black quicksand who made the shot showed joy on his face.

That's what he wants.

Drive the jellyfish Yin Ji into the bottom of the water.

Under the water, Hei Liusha can use his own advantage to capture Yin Ji, the jellyfish.

After all, in a head-to-head confrontation, he was afraid that he would not be able to take down the jellyfish Yinji, and then let the jellyfish Yinji escape.

As for the title of Jellyfish Yin Ji.

He didn't pay much attention because he didn't believe anyone was better than him underwater.

With vigor.

The jellyfish Yin Ji and Hei Liusha rushed to the bottom of the river in an instant,

"When you get underwater, you will be powerless to resist me. Let's go underwater for a double cultivation first!"

The lustful and evil light in Hei Liusha's eyes flourished.

The two fell into the bottom of the water.

"You are looking for death!"

"That can't be left to others!"

The jellyfish Yin Ji said in a cold voice the moment her figure fell to the bottom of the water.

When the two fell to the bottom of the water, a terrifying vortex appeared in the water area, with them as the center, the building was quickly swallowed by this vortex.

The injured man quickly retreated, fled from the waters here, and headed towards the shore.

The eyes are staring at the bottom of the whirlpool lake.

Among the bottom of the lake.

The two were fighting, and a river basin was formed in the palm of the black quicksand to suppress the jellyfish Yin Ji.

However, when these water streams approached the jellyfish Yin Ji, they turned into her power, and the palms slapped out, and the water dragon burst out, sweeping towards the opponent.

The black quicksand slapped the palm under the opponent's palm and collapsed instantly.

"how can that be?"

Hei Liusha didn't believe it at all.

The other party's control over the water is superior to his, and the strength is also terrifying.

Just now, the remnants of Qi made his arms a little numb.

"I am stronger in the water, so you can only die!"

The jellyfish Yin Ji had murderous intent in her eyes, and she would not let anyone who insulted her live.

Divine power, the ax of black water.

Hei Liusha sensed the killing intent of the jellyfish Yin Ji, and his body exploded.

The black ax appears,

"Hei Ming, Quicksand, Battle Axe!"

Hei Liusha let out a low cry, turned into a battle axe, and instantly moved towards the jellyfish Yin Ji.

The jellyfish Yin Ji's eyes froze.

The power of the body exploded.

Her aura is a white phantom, a white phantom, sitting on a seven-treasure glazed lotus platform, her dharma is so solemn that people dare not look up.

The divine power appeared, and the surrounding water flow followed her.

Raise the palm of your hand and shoot it out with one palm.

The palm of the huge handprint appeared and slapped the tomahawk.

The tomahawk shattered.


The moment the battle ax shattered, a stream of blood spurted out from the mouth of the black quicksand.

"Let me go, I am willing to serve Tianya Pavilion."

Blood spurted out of Hei Liusha's mouth, begging for mercy.


The jellyfish Yin Ji sneered, turned her palm, and a vortex appeared at the bottom of the lake, swallowing the black quicksand, and then blood gushed out from it.

Flesh and bones were also sandwiched in the blood.

Dark on.

The burly man watched as blood sprang from the lake.

"Lord, this is a ruthless hand!"

It was only when he finished speaking that a column of water suddenly rose into the sky on the lake, and after rising three feet, it splashed out in all directions. On the top of this column of water, there was a man in white sitting cross-legged.

The stars are shining brightly, and the water column is shining brightly.

The big man's expression changed.

Because the man in white is the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Jellyfish Yin Ji is fine, so their domain masters are fine, and they turned around to flee.

But the jellyfish Yin Ji flashed and landed in front of him.

"Take me to the Black Sea Basin, and spare you!"

The jellyfish Yin Ji's voice rang in the big man's ears.


The big man knelt directly on the ground.

"Swear allegiance to the Lord!"

At this time, I can only surrender and show my loyalty!

(End of this chapter)

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