The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1046 The Zhenwu Taoist Temple was attacked, the old hall master appeared, the mountain, rive

Chapter 1046 The Zhenwu Taoist Temple was attacked, the old hall master appeared, the mountain, river, sun and moon knife
Zhenwu Taoism,

A Taoist temple that has existed for tens of thousands of years is a Taoist temple established after a disciple from the Zhenwu Temple above the Tianmen came to this world.

The person who founded the Taoist Temple is also very important in the Zhenwu Temple above the Tianmen, so the Zhenwu Taoist Temple has always been connected with the Tianmen.

In the Zhenwu Taoist Temple, as long as someone can reach that level, they will enter the Tianmen.

Of course, in order to keep the inheritance of the True Martial Daoist Temple immortal, the master of the temple cannot enter the Tianmen until a new temple master is cultivated.

Zhenwu Taoist Temple, one of the holy places of Taoism.

In the Taoist temples in various places, some disciples are sent here every year, so the Taoist temples are very large.

But now this huge Taoist temple is full of blood.

A dazzling blood-colored light bloomed in the sky.

The bloody light is the sword light, a dazzling and domineering sword light.

"Sword blood pierces the nine heavens!"

Amidst the dazzling sword light, a deep voice burst out.

With this bloody sword light erupting.

Several figures were pierced by the sword light, and the figures pierced by the sword light, with human heads and animal bodies, fell to the ground.

I twitched a few times and lost my breath.

The entrance of the main hall of Zhenwu Taoist Temple.

The Lord of True Martial Taoism.

Holding a long sword and wearing a robe, his whole body exudes endless majesty, and the sword energy on his body reaches nine heavens.

With sharp eyes, he looked towards dozens of figures in black robes in front of him.

These black robes exude a terrifying ferocity.

"Bulaotang, you have been completely turned into beasts, you should die!"

The Master of the True Martial Taoism said sharply.

While speaking, murderous aura surged from his body, as if it was real, it enveloped the man in black robe.

"Master Tianjing!"

"Today your true martial arts will be destroyed!"

One of the dozens of figures spoke.

"Who are you, why don't you dare to show up and let the poor know who you are?"

The Master of True Martial Taoism, Venerable Tianjing looked at each other and said.

"Destined to be destroyed, why do you need to know who we are waiting for?"

The visitor spoke.

"Then kill you first!"

Venerable Tian Jing pointed the long sword in his hand, and the surging sword energy went towards the opponent.

Perceiving this sword energy, the exposed eyes of the person who shot the shot changed, and a black thunder awn appeared on his body, bursting out, his body was raised an inch under the black thunder awn, and circles of black thunder patterns appeared on his chest , and a huge fierce aura erupted from his body.

He holds a long black stick in his hand
On the long stick, a circle of black lightning also appeared,

The energy in this person's body was constantly circulating rapidly. He understood the gap between himself and the Master of the True Martial Taoist Temple, so he exerted all his strength.

"You guys shoot with me!"

He said to the people around him.

When his voice fell, the aura of the people beside him also rose steadily.

"You help others to go and continue to kill other disciples of Zhenwu Daoist Temple!"

"In the Zhenwu Taoist Temple, don't leave anyone alive!"

One of them even spoke to dozens of figures behind him.

Dozens of figures behind him left quickly.

"You are courting death!"

Behind Venerable Tian Jing, several people in Taoist robes changed their expressions and shot out.


"True Martial Nine Swords, Jian Tianyun!"

Master Tianjing's eyes were fixed, and he let out a low drink. The fluctuation of the sword energy in his figure exploded to the extreme, and he shot out violently.

Gun Gun moved towards those figures.

A huge sword shadow descended with a terrifying sword aura.

Those figures looked serious.

The few of them roared, and behind them appeared several figures of ferocious beasts, and the person holding the long stick appeared a violent ape.

A few other people, a huge lizard, a crocodile, a bloody leopard, etc.,

They growled.

Simultaneously attack.

Several forces erupted together and collided with the falling sword energy.

Huge fluctuations and ripples can be seen with the naked eye, rippling.

The space was distorted by the shock.

The sword energy dissipated, and the several figures were shaken and flew upside down, spitting out blood from their mouths.

There were cracks in the robes on their bodies, revealing their huge hair-like bodies.

Master Tianjing, the Master of the True Martial Daoist Temple who brought out the sword, stood standing with a long sword in his hand, and his aura did not decrease at all.

And a terrifying sword energy that could shake the world condensed on him.


Perceived this terrifying sword intent.

The several figures roared and sucked in a big mouthful, and the bloody aura from the previous killings enveloped their bodies.

His face began to change, and he really turned into a beast.

"Since you give up your human life, I will send you on your way!"

Terrifying sword energy erupted from Master Tianjing.

The sword energy reverberated in the Nine Heavens.

The huge sword energy broke through the sky.

"Swords are like blood, blood swords test the world!"

Venerable Tianjing drank in a low voice, and the burst of sword energy turned blood red in an instant.

The bloody sword energy descended and slashed towards those figures.

Those several figures roared lowly, their eyes radiating terror.

The body leaps into the air and attacks towards Jianguang.

The huge blood-colored sword light pierced through these figures in an instant.

Several bodies fell to the ground in an instant, blood was rolling, the whole body twitched a few times, and there was no breath.

At this time, a clapping sound appeared.

Three figures came out from one place.

The leader was a man wearing a black robe with purple and gold borders embroidered on the side.

With a burly figure, there are blood-colored ripples all over his body. These ripples look like seas of blood to the naked eye.

As soon as this person appeared, the terrifying blood on the ground continued to gather towards the other person, and in the blink of an eye, the blood that was permeating before disappeared.

"What delicious blood!"

"Master Tianjing, long time no see!"

The other party looked at Master Tian Jing with a cold light in his eyes.

"Hall Master Immortal, Sikong Immortal, your body!"

Looking at the person who appeared, his expression was startled, and he said in a deep voice.

"The power of the divine blood, I deciphered the power of the divine blood, and connected with the great Beast God Sect above the Tianmen."

"That's why I have this youthful body."

The man known as Sikong Bulong opened his mouth and said.

"You betrayed the human race!"

Venerable Tianjing said sharply.

"I didn't betray the human race. I just want to keep getting stronger."

"I came here in person this time for the thousand-year-old spirit turtle of your True Martial Dao Temple. I believe that if you devour his blood, my divine blood can evolve again, and I can also achieve that strength!"

"You are not afraid of the thunder and lightning from the Heavenly Gate!"

Venerable Tian Jing said.

"As long as I don't show too much physical strength, Tianmen Thunder and Lightning will not come to me."

"What's more, when I devour the blood of the thousand-year-old tortoise, my strength will be further improved. At that time, Emperor Zhou will not be my opponent."

"I will break everything with my strength!"

"When everything is broken, I will sacrifice the human race on this continent! Let them have the power of the opponent's Tianmen thunder and lightning for a short time!"

"I can take my people into the gate of heaven and leave!"

"When the time comes, this place will be just an abandoned world!"

"The longer the time of abandonment, the power of Thunder Emperor here will disappear. At that time, I will rule here again and make it my captive place!"

Sikong Bulao said loudly.

"You actually want to raise humans in captivity here, you are courting death!"

When Venerable Tianjing heard Sikong Bulao's words, a sharp and cold light appeared on his face.

"Today, I will kill you, true martial arts swordsmanship, the sword penetrates the netherworld."

Master Tianjing slashed out with the long sword in his hand.

The sword energy turned into a black ocean, sweeping across the world, and every drop of seawater in the ocean was like the Nether Netherworld.

Fierce and domineering, piercing through everything.

Swept towards Sikong Bulao.

Seeing Master Tianjing making a move, that Sikong Bulao snorted coldly, raised his palm, and punched out,

The fist was like a heavy mountain, and a huge mountain and river appeared between the sky and the earth, hitting the falling sea water.

Two forces collided.

The heavy mountains divided the black sea water and headed towards Master Jing that day.

The sword energy erupted in the sea water, piercing through the mountains continuously.

It's just that Chong Shan was too domineering and rushed in front of Venerable Tian Jing.

Venerable Tian Jing rushed out, the long sword in his hand slashed directly on the heavy mountain.

The mountain was divided into two.

"Sikong Bulao, even if you come here in person and try to destroy my True Martial Dao Temple, that is impossible!"

After Master Tianjing made one strike, he did not make a second strike.

Sikong Bulao's strength was not weaker than him back then.

Now that his body started to change, it was a bit difficult to kill him.

"Master Tianjing, I, Sikong is not old. Since I made the move, I must be somewhat sure. Don't you feel any change in the strength in your own body?"

Sikong Bulao looked at Tianjing and said to humanity.


Hearing Sikong Bulao's words, Venerable Tianjing's expression changed, and when he sensed the true energy in his body, his expression changed immediately.

"The zhenqi in my body is restricted and can no longer rise!"

"Just now you used so many people to weaken the power in my body, making the power in my body drop and cannot be recovered, but when did I get poisoned by your immortal hall!"

Venerable Tianjing looked at each other seriously!

"It's okay to tell you!"

"Don't do it yet!"

Sikong Bulao let out a low voice.

Suddenly, Yang Xu, who was standing in the hall, shot out violently, and the energy flow in his hand transformed into a long spear, piercing towards Master Tianjing.

call out!
The speed was so fast that it appeared behind Venerable Tianjing in the blink of an eye.

Venerable Tianjing sensed danger physically, and a burst of vigor emerged from behind him.

The spear collided with zhenqi.

Master Tian Jing who was defending was knocked down and flew out.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

He looked at Yang Xu who was shooting at him.

"Yang Xu, you!"

"Brother, don't blame me, I also want to increase my strength and step into the gate of heaven!"

"The power of divine blood is so fascinating!"

Yang Xu said in a cold voice.

"Senior brother, you have been poisoned. Now the Zhenwu Dao Temple and everyone else are also poisoned. Their strength is limited, and it is impossible to preserve the Zhenwu Dao Temple."

"Today, the True Martial Dao Temple will disappear in this world."

Yang Xu stepped forward, looked at Tian Jing and spoke humanely.

The zhenqi on his body boiled, and a terrifying and fierce qi emerged from him, and the mixture of zhenqi and fierce qi pressed towards Master Tianjing.

"In order to increase your strength, you betrayed Zhenwu Daoist, you!"

"Aren't you ready to step into the gate of heaven, why are you still obsessed with the power of that beast blood!"

Tianjing is humane.

"So what if I step into the Heavenly Gate? With my aptitude, if I enter the Heavenly Gate and join the Zhenwu Temple, I will at most become an ordinary disciple!"

"Even if I have the protection of the sect, I will just do nothing. This is not what I, Yang Xu, want!"

"What's more, Mu Qingxuan, she killed my son, does she think I don't know?"

"I want her dead!"

"No, I want to swallow her blood. She has the power of blood. If I swallow her blood, I will be stronger."

Yang Xu said.

"Mu Qingxuan, you can't move!"

Hearing Yang Xu's words, Master Tianjing's eyes froze.

"You still protect her until now. Her status is unusual, but that's not the reason why you protect her so much."

"Brother, you actually protect her so much, then I will kill her right in front of you!"

"By the way, Senior Brother, when I poisoned you, I not only poisoned the first level of Bulaotang, but also poisoned the Jiuyou Heavenly Poison. When your strength drops, the Jiuyou Heavenly Poison will also slowly attack!"

"Hope you can take that pain!"

Yang Xu continued.

"Yang Xu, you!"

At this time, an elder of the Zhenwu Dao Temple snapped.

The long sword in his hand exploded and slashed out.

The sound of breaking the sky resounded.

A torrent of sword energy swept across the sky like a long river, attacking Yang Xu.

"If you want to die, I can give you a ride first!"

Yang Xu's eyes turned cold, his figure turned around,

The palms turned into claws, and sword energy swept towards it with one claw.

Grasping the Changhe Sword Qi with his palm, he shattered it all.

Then the body turned into light and shadow.Appeared in front of the Daoist.

The palm fell mercilessly.

Grab on the opponent's head.

The head of the person who made the shot was directly grabbed by him, and blood shot out.

And the burst of blood was caught by him, and it went towards his mouth.

"It's really delicious blood, I feel that my strength has increased a lot!"

Yang Xu's eyes were ferocious.

"Yang Xu, you!"

At this time, the remaining three figures in the hall rushed out.

They watched Yang Xu's eyes filled with murderous intent and gritted their teeth.

They also perceive that the power in their body is affected.

"I'll block them, you go to Thousand Turtle Pond first, use the power of the spirit turtle to detoxify, and escort Qingxuan away through the gate of heaven!"

At this time, Venerable Tianjing shouted in a low voice.

The body stopped in front of Yang Xu.

"Betray the master! The old man will kill you even if he dies"

"You can't even use the power beyond the concentration of the sea, how can you kill me!"

There was madness in Yang Xu's ferocious eyes.

Amidst the madness, the power in his body began to explode.

Even though he said that, he was still very afraid of Master Tianjing.

A spear appeared in his hand, and the bloody aura condensed on the spear.

"You are not his opponent. Aren't you going to kill Mu Qingxuan? You go and deal with her, Master Tianjing will leave it to me."

At this time, Sikong Bulao stepped forward and said.

"Master Tianjing, you are also a great master of the generation. I will let you die with dignity. If you die in my hands, you will not have any regrets!"

Sikong Bulao said in a cold voice.

When he was speaking, a black long knife appeared in his hand, and the knife aura above the long knife spread towards the surroundings with a fierce aura.

Cracks continued to appear in the surrounding air under this force.

There was also a saber intent on his body, the saber intent was like the sun and the moon, shaking the world when it came out.

"I didn't expect you to be infatuated with beast blood, but your saber intent is so overbearing!"

Seeing the saber intent emanating from Sikong Bulao's body, Master Tianjing's expression froze.

"The blood of the gods is the blood of the gods, and the way of martial arts is the way of martial arts."

"I, Sikong Bulao, don't just count on divine blood. Master Tianjing, you underestimate me!"

"Sun Moon River, I will cut it with a single blow!"

"Mountain River Sun Moon Knife!"

That Sikong Bulao let out a low cry, and cut out the long knife in his hand.

The next moment, the sky and the earth became pitch black, and in the pitch darkness, a cold and heartless full moon turned into a black blade curtain and appeared, cutting through mountains and rivers, cutting through the sun and the moon, and heading towards Venerable Tian Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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