The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1057 Demonstrating Dao with Blood, Traces of Sword Dao, Sky Casting Technique

Chapter 1057 Demonstrating Dao with Blood, Traces of Sword Dao, Sky Casting Technique
"Thank you for the reminder, but martial arts practice sometimes means fighting for destiny and proving the way with blood!"

After Ren Qianxing made up his mind, he spoke.

To be famous, to become famous, to become the pride of heaven is his current goal.

Hear what Ren Qianxing said.

Wu Qingzi was taken aback, he didn't expect Ren Qianxing to say such a thing.

Prove with blood.

"Brother Ren, you don't really want to forge a sharp sword here, do you?"

Wu Qingzi looked at Ren Qianxing and thought that this person was crazy.

But he felt a bloody look in Ren Qianxing's eyes, and there was an extra momentum on his body that a strong swordsman possessed, going forward and breaking everything with one sword.

"This is a ruthless person, if this Ren Qianxing grows up, he will definitely be a swordsman.

Wu Qingzi thought to himself.

"Yes, I am ready to temper my sword again!"

"Whoever snatches it, when the time comes, just use their blood to sacrifice my sword!"

While Ren Qianxing was speaking, he stepped forward.

This time, he did not use his own strength, and prepared to use his physical body to resist this fiery force.

This is also a kind of practice.

As the body moved forward, blazing heat swept over, and a force appeared in the bloody mist in the sky.

This force was not blazing hot, but swept towards him with a sinister chill.

There is a feeling of ice and fire.

Seeing Ren Qianxing walking forward, Wu Qingzi stepped forward immediately.

Such a swordsman with a strong heart, if he does not fall, will be an absolute strong in the future.

And the other party dared to temper their sharp sword here, I am afraid it was not on a whim, maybe they had a trump card.

So he wanted to make friends with each other and show his affection!
The two moved forward, not very fast.

after a while.

The two came to the former site of the Sword Forging School.

The stone steps were originally a kind of practice for the disciples of the sword casting party who went up the mountain.

Forging swords is tempered with fire, so the stone platforms on the mountain path are full of blazing heat, and the bloody mist in the sky is left by the demons who destroyed the Sword Forging School back then.

Looking at Ren Qianxing, Wu Qingzi was extremely surprised.

Ren Qianxing didn't use his own true energy at all along the way, but based on his own comprehension of the power of some domains, he induced the two forces to balance and walked into the former site of the Sword Forging School.

At a glance.

Palaces and pavilions collapsed on the ruins.

"This Sword Forging Sect was also brilliant back then, when all major forces withdrew from Duxian Mountain, this Sword Forging Sect is now refining a half-step emperor-level sword embryo!"

"It's a pity that the refining was not successful in the end, and it was broken by the monsters!"

"However, the half-step emperor-level sword embryo disappeared, and the venerable demon clan who shot the sword didn't find the sword embryo either!"

Wu Qingzi looked at the ruins and said.

"Half-step emperor-level sword fetus!"

Ren Qianxing was startled when he heard the words,

This side of the world weapon level
Ordinary-artifact-level-spiritual-level-treasure-level-Tao level-emperor-level-immortal level.

A sword embryo that is close to the emperor level, it can be seen that it is extraordinary.

"Brother Wu, I'll go to smelt my sword first, and we'll leave here!"

Ren Qianxing said.

"Brother Ren, you can go to the Sword Forging School to leave traces of the swordsman, and after comprehending it, you can temper the sword!"

"Although the Sword Forging School is famous for forging swords, some masters in this school back then were also very strong in swordsmanship!"

Wu Qingzi said.

Hearing this, Ren Qianxing pondered for a moment and then said: "Okay, let's go meet first, this master of the Sword Forging School has left traces of the way of the sword!"

There is no shortage of time to smelt the sword, you can go to see the traces left by the strong swordsman.

If you fight other people at that time, you won't have time to look at the traces left by these strong swordsmen.

Wu Qingzi was somewhat familiar with this place, and brought Ren Qianxing to a palace.

Half of the palace has collapsed.

Judging from the location, it should be the main hall of the Sword Forging Sect.

Outside the main hall, there is also a collapsed stone statue. The stone statue is a Taoist. Although he is a Taoist, his body is extremely burly and he holds a huge long sword in his hand.

"Is this the place where the strong swordsmen left their traces?"

Ren Qianxing frowned slightly.

"Brother Ren, don't worry, follow me in, and you can see it!"

Wu Qingzi looked at the collapsed main hall.

"In that main hall?"

Ren Qianxing couldn't help it.


While Wu Qingzi was speaking, he moved into the half-collapsed palace.

Ren Qianxing followed,

Inside the palace, there are leftovers and broken tiles.

Looking at the broken walls, there are some incomplete images carved on them. These images are long swords.

Although it looks broken, it reveals a different sword intent.


When Ren Qianxing saw these portraits, his complexion changed,

Although the images of these swords have been damaged, each of the swords in the paintings has an unusual sword intent.

"It is rumored that the swords can be drawn, and those left on this wall are all masters of swords, and they all have their own swordsmanship."

Wu Qingzi said.

Ren Qianxing's eyes were fixed, judging from the traces of swordsmanship on the wall, he was probably not an ordinary master.

Such forces can disappear, which shows how strong the demon that destroyed the Sword Forging Sect was at that time.

"However, there are too many traces of kendo, and you need to find the traces that suit your own kendo, otherwise, your own kendo is mixed with some other kendo!"

"In that case, my sword will become impure and its power will be halved."

Wu Qingzi spoke very seriously.

Ren Qianxing only took a look at these traces of kendo, although it can be seen that these people's strength is extraordinary.

But Ren Qianxing knew that he would definitely surpass these people.

So these sword intents didn't affect him too much.

The main reason is that the time is too long, and the sword intent has dissipated a lot. If it is still the same as before, I am afraid that many people will watch here.

His eyes fell on an incomplete portrait in the center of the hall.

There was only half of his face, and his body was a little broken, but judging from the traces, the other party should be a person wearing a Taoist robe.

This person carries an ancient sword on his back and a golden ribbon around his waist.

Just when Ren Qianxing looked at the broken portrait.

Suddenly, only half of the face of the person in the portrait was left, and the upper eyes suddenly emitted a ray of light.

When this ray of light appeared, Ren Qianxing subconsciously burst out his innate qi to resist the ray of light.

But this ray of light penetrated his innate qi and appeared in his mind.


A method of tempering a sword appeared in Ren Qianxing's mind.

It was the Tiancasting technique mentioned by Wu Qingzi earlier.

"The sword box behind you and the long sword inside are extraordinary, and you have a destiny with my sect, so I will pass on this day's casting technique to you!"

"The Sky Casting Technique is the core skill of my Sword Casting School. I hope you can carry it forward and prevent it from disappearing into the long river!"

The voice appeared in Ren Qianxing's mind.

But he knew that the voice should be from the person in Taoist robe in the portrait in front of him.

Ren Qianxing's eyes froze, he didn't expect that he got the Sky Casting Technique.

I'm thinking about learning about today's casting technique.

The Heavenly Casting Technique is the core of the Sword Forging School, and it is a forging technique. He may be able to use this Skycasting Technique when tempering the Lingshuang Sword.

Just then.

Two figures came from not far away.

A man and a woman, the man is tall and tall, wearing a green robe like jade, revealing a feeling of being outstanding.

Behind him is a man wearing a strong suit, fully showing his uneven figure, but the aura exuding from his body is not beautiful, but full of ferocity and murderousness.

The eyes are scarlet, as if staring at prey.

"Your Excellency, what kind of inheritance should have been obtained just now, why not tell it and let us all listen to it!"

That outstanding man looked at Ren Qianxing.

The tone was very flat.

(End of this chapter)

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