Chapter 1058 Fist like King Kong, kill with one punch
Hearing this, Ren Qianxing's eyes turned cold and flickered with coldness.

How could he tell others what Ren Qianxing got.

"Why should I tell you what I got?"

Ren Qianxing looked at the other party with a cold tone.

"Chu Xiuyun from the Chu family in Leizhou, there are countless traces of the way of the sword here, you should feel the traces of the way of the sword that suit you."

Wu Qingzi looked at Chu Xiuyun and said in a cold voice.

He was very open-minded, he only had some envy for what Ren Qianxing got, but he had no other thoughts.

And while speaking, he informed Ren Qianxing of the other party's identity.

"Wu Qingzi, you are from the Celestial Palace, but he doesn't know it!"

"When I talk to him, I already give him a chance for your sake."

When speaking, he looked at Ren Qianxing.

"Many times in this world, there is no need to pay for life!"

"Knowing the current affairs is a hero!"

When speaking, Chu Xiuyun said very seriously: "To be honest, I am still very kind. If I am not kind, I will not let you speak out."

"Someone has already captured you and forced you to get what you got."

Hearing what Chu Xiuyun said.

A coldness appeared on Ren Qianxing's face.

"I want to see how you take me down!"

Ren Qianxing said in a cold voice.


"You are crazy!"

Chu Xiuxing's eyes became cloudy, and the extraordinary aura on his body disappeared completely.

"Destroy his dantian, break his limbs!"

His voice was deep and cold.

Beside him, the woman in a strong suit had a change of breath, and her eyes looked at Ren Qianxing like a cheetah.

"Chu Xiuyun, you!"

Seeing this, Wu Qingzi's expression changed, and he spoke.

"Don't talk nonsense here, or you will be killed together. This is Duxian Mountain, and many disciples of Tianqiong Xiangong have died here!"

It's just that before he finished speaking, Chu Xiuyun said sharply.

It can be seen from the words that he didn't take Wu Qingzi seriously at all.

Although this Wu Qingzi was a disciple of Tianjian Peak in the Celestial Palace of the Firmament, he was just an ordinary disciple.

Such a disciple will die if he dies in Duxian Mountain.


Hearing Chu Xiuyun's words, Wu Qingzi's face turned pale, and a sword energy appeared on his body.

"If you want to make a move, if you make a move, you will definitely die!"

Chu Xiuyun didn't take Wu Qingzi seriously at all.

Wu Qingzi didn't expect Chu Xiuyun to look down on him so much. He is a swordsman, how can he bear it.

Sword practice is better than bending.

With a slap of the palm, the long sword behind him unsheathed and fell into his hand.

"Chu Xiuyun, bully me too much!"

Wu Qingzi's sword energy poured into the long sword in his hand, and the true energy in his body surged.

"The sword is moving, Tianhe is here!"

Raising the palm of the hand, a sword cut out,

The sword was like a river of heaven, and it went towards Chu Xiuyun with a bang.

The well-dressed woman beside him moved, wanting to make a move.

"You go and deal with him, Wu Qingzi, I'll deal with it, it's just a good time to exercise your muscles and bones!"

Chu Xiuyun looked at Chu Xiuyun who was coming with the sword with cold eyes.

The palm is raised, like white jade.

"If you don't know yourself, you have to pay the price!"

Chu Xiuyun let out a low cry, and a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the palm of his hand. Looking carefully, it seemed that there was a gauze like starlight detached from his palm, and it turned into a starlight that diffused, icy cold There is a fierceness in the middle.

The palm moved towards the falling long sword.

The long sword collided with the opponent's palm, the light of the sword was shattered, and there was a counter-shock force on the long sword.

The hand holding the long sword moved slightly and almost fell out of the palm.

At the tiger's mouth, a bloodstain appeared.


Wu Qingzi didn't expect his sword to be blocked so easily by the opponent.

Also injured his wrist.

"With your strength, you still dare to meddle in your own business."

Chu Xiuyun stepped forward, staring at Wu Qingzi with extremely cold eyes, slowly clenched his palms, and in his hoarse voice, there was an unconcealable killing intent: "Next, I will let you see it with your own eyes. Just see how big the gap is between you and me!"

"In your next life, remember to be aware of current affairs, and don't struggle in front of the strong."

Chu Xiuyun's eyes were filled with bloodshot murderous intent.

With a movement of his body, the real energy in his body exploded completely, and the power of this burst of real energy made Wu Qingzi's face change extremely.

And when that terrifying true essence erupted, Chu Xiuyun's cold voice resounded word by word.

"Tianyu Star Palm!"

When Chu Xiuyun's cold voice appeared, there was an indescribable surge of real energy.

At this time, like a volcano, it swept out from Chu Xiuyun's body, and the hurricane caused by the fluctuation of true essence was blowing crazily in this space.

The palms are clapped like stars.

The sword light shattered instantly under the palm of his hand.

The palm that shattered Jian Guang didn't stop, and directly patted Wu Qingzi's body.

Wu Qingzi's body was sent flying by this palm, and his body hit the broken wall.

The wall collapsed in one place.


Wu Qingzi spurted out a mouthful of blood, supporting himself with the long sword in his hand, not letting himself fall down.

But at this moment, the woman in the strong suit flew towards Ren Qianxing, her eyes were ferocious, and the palm of her hand glowed red, turning into sharp claws, and grabbed Ren Qianxing's body.

When this claw grabbed past, an invisible force enveloped Ren Qianxing.

Ren Qianxing felt his body as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

"Touched the domain!"

The corner of Ren Qianxing's mouth sneered, a sword intent appeared on his body, and the sword intent also carried the power of Yu.

Cut this invisible pressure to pieces.


Ren Qianxing raised his hand, and the innate qi condensed on his fist.

Turn his fist into gold.

A punch was thrown towards the other party. Although this woman has touched Yu, it is not worth his sword to save her life. She doesn't even need the Four Elephants of Heaven's Will.

You can finish him with your own fist.

The fist turned into gold, like the hardest god iron vibrating, blasted out, and made a piercing tremolo at too high a speed.

This fist is powerful, and the golden color is gorgeous, like a round of scorching sun.


This violent and heavy golden fist collided heavily with the palm of the woman in the costume.

The woman in the strong outfit only felt a terrifying force sweeping towards her.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.


The woman in the strong suit screamed, her hair flew up in disorder, her roots stood on end, the power of her true energy surged up, and it fluctuated terrifyingly like a vast ocean, trying to reverse the disadvantage.

Exploding with his strongest strength, he clenched his fist and walked towards Ren Qianxing.

But it didn't work at all.

Ren Qianxing's fists carried innate qi, and they were extremely violent, and they swept across directly. Women who pretend to be strong come and go quickly.

The whole body was blown away with a punch.

Flying upside down, the arm that shot it exploded, and the chest was bumpy, showing that the chest and ribs were all broken.


The woman tried to struggle to stand up, but her chest exploded and she vomited blood and died.

The eyes are not closed, and the opponent has solved himself with a single punch.

Wu Qingzi, who supported his body with his sword, was dumbfounded and stunned.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiuyun, who had just injured Wu Qingzi with his palm, changed greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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