The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 1061 Zhou Emperor's First Spear, Hai Wufeng, Destroyed

Chapter 1061 Zhou Emperor's First Spear, Hai Wufeng, Destroyed (One Chapter)
"Some of my father's subordinates are gathering in the capital recently. It seems that father is going to take them away with him!"

"Before, I thought that he summoned these people to deal with the people from the Bulaotang and the devil in the capital, but I didn't expect it to be like this!"

Murong Qingchen said with a sigh.

"Your father should have chosen you to become the Great Zhou Empress very early on."

Su Chen looked at Murong Qingchen and said.

"Yes! But I'm not very interested in the throne, I really want to know how many women you have!"

"And you are going to step into the gate of heaven, us your women, how are you going to arrange them."

Murong Qingchen looked at Su Chen with bright eyes.

Just now Su Chen wanted to step into the gate of heaven.


Hearing this, Su Chen frowned slightly, he really didn't think about it.

As for Tianmen, when his strength is reached, of course he will step on Tianmen.

"It seems that you haven't considered it, but I have considered it for you. I have invited them all to the capital!"

Murong Qingchen said.

"You invited them all to the capital?"

Su Chen was slightly taken aback.

"I become the Empress, and these people will be led by me!"

Murong Qingchen didn't give Su Chen a chance to refute, so he turned and left Tianjiansi.

Su Chen looked at Yuan Suiyun who was standing not far away.

"My lord, there are not many people. I have told His Highness Qingchen about all the people who have contact with you!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"Let Mr. Zhuge check it out, and recently check out the ancient books in the palace to see how the passage can be realized."

Su Chen said.

It would be good if this world could become his rear stronghold.

next day
Emperor Zhou issued an edict announcing that Princess Qingchen would inherit the throne fifteen days later and become the Great Zhou Empress.

Under this edict, the whole world was shocked.

The recent changes in the imperial city, the first is that Su Chen, the head of the young dragon of the [Blue Dragon Club], became the husband-in-law of Princess Qingchen, and the second is that Princess Qingchen became the empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Is this the basis for the cooperation between the royal family and [Blue Dragon Club]?
Everyone knows that before the Great Zhou Jiulong seized the throne, but they did not expect that after a while, the princes would lose the chance to compete for the throne.

Relying on the current influence of the [Blue Dragon Society], Princess Qingchen is about to become the Empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

at this time
One place in the capital

In the dark underground space.

within the space
The oil lamp is flickering with a faint orange-yellow light, on and off indefinitely

The four figures below are sitting cross-legged quietly, with a layer of aura surrounding them, giving people a sense of misty aura that is hard to see through
"What does Emperor Zhou mean? At this time, he actually let a girl ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. What is he trying to do?"

"Could it be that the [Azure Dragon Society] has set conditions as rumored by the outside world! Could it be that he is not afraid that the [Azure Dragon Society] will use this to swallow up his Great Zhou Dynasty!"

One of the figures spoke.

The voice is indifferent, wearing a blue robe, about fifty years old, although the voice is indifferent, but full of energy.

This person turned out to be Zhongwuhou among the four great warlords,

"Emperor Zhou should have realized his own situation, that's why he combined with [Blue Dragon Society]."

"Now the [Blue Dragon Club] is so powerful that only [Tianya Pavilion] can compete with him, but Emperor Zhou is too desperate, he wants to rely on the [Blue Dragon Club] to keep the foundation of this big week."

"He thought well, but the hall master has gone down the mountain, destroyed the Zhenwu Taoist temple, devoured the blood of the thousand-year-old spirit turtle, and his strength has gone further!"

"We will be able to reach the South China Sea in a few days. At that time, the hall master will take action and take down the madman Yan in [Tianya Pavilion]. My reputation of the Immortal Hall will overshadow [Qinglonghui] and [Tianya Pavilion]. Your face will be very ugly!"

The person who spoke was a little fat, and he was wearing a robe outside the staff.

It was Zhuang Qiyuan, the owner of a manor outside the capital city, who was charitable in the eyes of outsiders. He was very famous in the east of the city and had many warriors in captivity.

"Yan Kuangtu is rumored to be very crazy, and he is even more domineering in the South China Sea area. If such a person is not powerful, he would have died long ago! Don't underestimate him!"

Another person spoke up.

The one who spoke was Lou Bai, the general of the army. Lou Bai looked young, his eyes were sharp, and his whole body was like a long knife.

"What we want is that he is strong. Only when he is strong can the hall master kill him to be shocking."

The one who made the sound was a woman, wearing a long skirt, she was beautiful without saying a word, and her voice was light and melodious.

It is Meng Xinchen, the master of Tailefang in the capital.

"If he's weak, it's useless to the hall master!"

"However, Grand Master Pang's death has hindered our plan. If the hall master goes to the South China Sea area, Dugu will send troops for me."

"At that time, if we can't respond in the capital, I think the hall master will blame us. We can't bear the consequences!"

Meng Xinchen then said,

"Although Emperor Zhou hasn't intervened in the affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty in recent years, many people in the court are still loyal to him!"

"Originally Grand Master Pang was a breakthrough, but I didn't expect him to be exposed!"

"If we want to move, I'm afraid we need to think of other ways."

Lou Bai opened his mouth and said.

"Isn't that Murong Qingchen going to ascend the throne now? You said that those princes vying for the throne will be an opportunity."

"They are all over the place now!"

"Provoke them, do you think they will move?"

The fat Zhuang Qiyuan spoke.

"Tell me what you think?"

"I have some contacts with the Twelve Princes who are in the south of the Yangtze River. I can contact him to see if I can get him to unite with other princes to oppose and suppress the [Qinglong Society]. As long as something happens to the [Qinglong Society], Murong It is not so easy for Qingchen to ascend the throne."

Zhuang Qiyuan said.

Hearing Zhuang Qiyuan's words, the other three thought deeply.

"No matter what, try it first!"

Lou Bai said.

"Why not just let the princes rebel against Murong Qingchen?"

At this time, a voice sounded in the palace.


Hearing this voice, the expressions of the four people present changed, and among them, Lou Bai said sharply.

The eyes are looking at one place coldly,

A figure came in from outside.

The breath of the four of them instantly enveloped the person who came.

The person who came was wearing black clothes and a black hat, and his face was unclear, but from the voice just now, it could be known that the person who came was a woman.

"Magic door!"

The woman just said,

"Demon Gate? What do you want to do?"

When Lou Bai and the others heard the words, their expressions were serious, they didn't expect that the other party was from the Demon Sect.

"Of course I came here to cooperate with you guys. Let me tell you guys a piece of news, that is, Emperor Zhou's body of evil dragon has been completed, and he will step into the gate of heaven and leave soon!"

"You said if the world, or the princes know the news, what will happen!"

The visitor spoke.

"What, you said Emperor Zhou will step into the Heavenly Gate and leave after a while!"

Hearing the news, all four of them showed surprise on their faces.

"Then Emperor Zhou sent the princes to various places a while ago, this is to prepare for Murong Qingchen's ascension to the throne!"

"Emperor Zhou chose Murong Qingchen a long time ago. Could it be that Murong Qingchen activated Emperor Zhou's blood!"

Lou Bai's expression froze.

Then he seemed to think of something, and his face showed ecstasy.

If he could swallow the blood on Murong Qingchen's body, then the divine blood in his body would definitely go further.

The others seemed to have thought of this as well, with the same joy on their faces.

"Why are you telling us this?"

Although Lou Bai looked happy, he was very calm, looked at the other party, and said in a cold voice.

This news is not simple, but Momen got it and told them, I am afraid they have some calculations.

"For the time being, mutual assistance and mutual benefit are good for both parties. As for the future, it depends on who is stronger!"

After the visitor finished speaking, he turned around and left quickly.

The meaning of the words is that they can cooperate now, but there may be a battle between the two sides in the future, so it depends on who is stronger.

"What do you think?"

"The Demon Sect will also be our confidant enemy in the future, but now this news is in our favor."

"We can use this news to get in touch with the princes!"

Zhuang Qiyuan said.

"Things, I'm afraid it's not that simple. The Demon Sect can do this matter. Why did you tell us?"

Meng Xinchen said in a deep voice.

"What's more, the other party told us that this heart is probably not on the prince, but on Murong Qingchen."

At this time, Zhong Wuhou said.

Hearing this, several people were startled.

"I just got the news, I did immediately think of Murong Qingchen's blood circulation, and I wanted to devour her blood."

Lou Bai said in a low voice.

"She wants to use us to deal with Murong Qingchen!"

Meng Xinchen said.

"I'm afraid that's the case. There is a bottleneck in the divine blood in our body. If we want to go further, we can only absorb higher-level blood to promote the evolution of the divine blood in our body!"

"Actually, compared to contacting the princes, it is better to say that solving Murong Qingchen will put the Great Zhou Dynasty in trouble."

"Murong Qingchen is the next emperor personally appointed by Emperor Zhou. If she dies, the other princes will definitely move."

"The magic gate is really a big deal!"

Zhong Wuhou said in a deep voice.

"I don't know if they have a good plan, but if you dare to plot against the emperor here, you will die!"

Just when Zhong Wuhou's voice fell.

A harsh voice resounded in the palace,

"Hai Wufeng."

Hearing the voice, Lou Bai and Zhong Wuhou's expressions changed drastically.

They heard who it was.

The Zhou Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty has always followed two people, one is Xue Pingsheng and the other is Hai Wufeng. If Xue Pingsheng is a shield, then Hai Wufeng is the spear in the hands of His Majesty Zhou Emperor.

Hearing Hai Wufeng's voice at this moment, Lou Bai and Zhong Wuhou, how could they not be shocked.

Looking towards the gate of the palace,

Four figures appeared at the door.

"Your Majesty, Su Chen!"

Seeing the two people who came in first, Lou Bai and Zhong Wuhou both spoke out at the same time, showing horror.


When the other two heard the words of Lou Bai and Zhong Wuhou, their hearts were filled with waves.

Emperor Zhou is here.

They can't help being nervous.

Although they were discussing Emperor Zhou just now, they were still terrified when they actually faced Emperor Zhou.

Behind Emperor Zhou followed a middle-aged man with sharp eyes, wearing a gray robe and restrained breath.

But I don't know why, as long as people see him for the first time, they will feel that an extremely terrifying sharpness will suddenly erupt from him.

Behind Su Chen is Yuan Suiyun.

Today Emperor Zhou appeared at Su Chen's mansion, asked Su Chen, told him to do something, and invited him to come and see.

But I didn't expect Mrs. Mo Beichen to leave Mo's house and come here, so I plan to deal with these people first!


Emperor Zhou didn't say much, watching the four of them just said one word to kill.

Hai Wufeng behind him showed a bloodthirsty movement at the corner of his mouth.

His figure flashed in an instant, and he appeared in the center of the hall in a blink of an eye. Looking at Zhuang Qiyuan, he pointed out his fingers instantly, and his eyes were cold.

"The stars have no front, point to the sky!"

The entire giant hall seemed to tremble at this moment, and a terrifying light burst out, pierced through the sky, and bombarded Zhuang Qiyuan's head with an indescribably terrifying force.

Before Zhuang Qiyuan could react, his head was shattered by a huge force.

The headless body fell to the ground.

Blood gushed from the severed neck.


The eyes of the other three people changed.

The Zhongwuhou moved, and shouted in a low voice: "If you work hard, you will have a chance, if you don't fight, you will die!"

Neither Hai Wufeng nor Zhou Emperor could deal with them.

So Zhong Wuhou had to do his best, he put his hands together, and formed a rather ancient and peculiar seal, and when the seal was formed, black thunder light was beating quietly at his fingertips.

"Marquis Zhongwu, if you dare to jump out, you were planning to kill you at the end, if you want to die, I will kill you!"

Hai Wufeng watched this scene and sneered.

Marquis Zhongwu is quite strong, but it is simply not enough to see in front of him.


However, at this time.

In the giant hall, there was a low thunderclap suddenly, and there was a pitch-black dark force in the thunderclap.

In this dark force, Zhong Wuhou's body changed.

The body bent, and a layer of black hair appeared on the body. Slowly, the body turned into a cheetah-like beast, the murderer's claws were exposed, and the eyes were scarlet.

A low growl came out, and the palm was directly stretched out, and the thunder and lightning in his palm were like lightning, heading towards Zhong Wuhou.


When the opponent moved, Hai Wufeng's figure also moved, and disappeared in the same place instantly. He clenched his palm into a fist and blasted out

The fist shattered Zhong Wuhou's attack.

The fist landed on the opponent's body.

"You go first, and I will send them to you later!"

The moment Hai Wufeng spoke, a wave of terrifying power erupted above his fist, and with a bang, Marquis Zhongwu instantly burst under his fist, turning into a cloud of blood mist.



After watching Zhong Wuhou being beheaded by Hai Wufeng with one blow.

Na Loubai's expression changed, Hai Wufeng killed two people with two strikes, this was completely beyond his expectation.

"Go on your way too, don't keep others waiting!"

Hai Wufeng looked at Lou Bai and said.

"Divine power, a mirage!"

Lou Bai let out a low snort, and a mysterious shadow appeared behind him, the shadow seemed to be a scene, and it seemed to be a real thing, hazy and indistinct.

But it makes people's minds can't help being attracted.

"Shadows outside the sky! Mirage fist!"

One punch.

The scene in the palace changed.

Multiple building shadows erupted above his fist and enveloped Hai Wufeng

"Tips for carving insects!"

"Divine power: the vault of the sky and the sea!"


Behind Hai Wufeng, a shadow of a sea connecting to the sky appeared, breaking through the opponent's momentum in an instant, and then pointed out with his finger.

Finger light is like a sword, extremely sharp,

piercing through the surrounding fist shadow,

The shadow of the fist disappeared, a smear of blood flowed out,

Lou Bai's palm was pierced, and his face was horrified.

"Hai Wufeng, how can you be so strong?"

Looking at Hai Wufeng, Lou Bai sternly said.

Hai Wufeng is from the same period as them, there was a gap between them before, but it won't be so big.

But now, he was actually pointed out by Hai Wufeng,

"The strength of this Hai Wufeng is not simple!"

Su Chen's heart moved slightly.

Killing the two of them lightly, piercing Lou Bai's palm with one finger.

His eyes couldn't help looking at Emperor Zhou,

"I also have strong people under me!"

Emperor Zhou seemed to sense Su Chen's gaze, and said.

"Your Majesty ascended the throne, you people have forgotten the original intention of martial arts, so you will only become weaker and weaker!"

Hai Wufeng stepped forward.

"You! If you don't have the heart of martial arts, you think we will be corroded by the blood of the gods. We joined the Bulaotang just because we want to be stronger. How dare you say that we don't have the heart of martial arts."

Lou Bai growled.

When he growled.

A ray of light deeper and darker than the night emerged from Lou Bai's body.

Indistinctly, there seemed to be a ferocious and surly neighing sound from Lou Pei's body.


Lou Bai's body and head began to change, becoming a double-headed giant eagle,

With a flick of the huge wings on his body, countless sword qi condensed on his feathers,


It's just that when the sword energy appeared, Hai Wufeng's figure had disappeared, and he appeared in front of Lou Bai

"sucker Punch!"

The two vigor in the palm exploded, turned into two spears, and shot out instantly.

Two rays of light flashed.

Lou Bai's pair of heads were instantly pierced and exploded.

In the blink of an eye, Hai Wufeng wiped out these enemies as easily as harvesting leeks.

In the end, only Meng Xinchen was left.

Her cold pretty face was pale and transparent, and the corners of her brows and eyes were full of fear and anxiety, and she was no longer as indifferent as before.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to be loyal to Your Majesty, and I am willing to hand over the names of Bulaotang's strongholds and personnel in various places to Your Majesty!"

Meng Xinchen immediately knelt down and said.

"Well! How do you have strongholds and personnel names?"

"I, I am Yang Xu's person, and Yang Xu is one of the three venerables of Bulaotang."

Meng Xinchen said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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